Why does uploading data from Pi block UART Communication? - python

I have a waveshare TOF Laser Range Sensor (B) that I am using with my Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+. My main goal is to receive distance from the sensor and upload that data to ThingSpeak cloud platform. The first part of the code works well: I am receiving the distance and timestamp, along with signal status and data check from the sensor. However, when I try to upload the timestamp and distance values to the cloud platform, the sensor's data is is incorrect and will be values that have only 5-7 cm of variation, even though the object is very close to it. I have tried using async requests using the aiohhtp and ayncio libraries, to no avail.
Here is the demo code from the manufacturers of the sensor that I have modified to send async requests.
#coding: UTF-8
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import serial
import time
import chardet
import sys
import aiohttp
import asyncio
#ThingSpeak Cloud Write Definitions:
channel_id = "1853890"
write_api_key = "G22BQASFVWJT6T"
TOF_length = 16
TOF_system_time = 0
TOF_distance = 0
TOF_status = 0
TOF_signal = 0
TOF_check = 0
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/serial0',921600)
#Async Function to upload Data
async def upload(timer, dist):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
upload_url = "https://api.thingspeak.com/update?api_key=G22BQASFVWJT6TOH&field1=" + str(timer) + "&field2=" + str(dist)
async with session.get(upload_url) as res:
def verifyCheckSum(data, len):
TOF_check = 0
for k in range(0,len-1):
TOF_check += data[k]
if(TOF_check == data[len-1]):
print("TOF data is ok!")
return 1
print("TOF data is error!")
return 0
while True:
if ser.inWaiting() >=32:
for i in range(0,16):
for j in range(0,16):
if( (TOF_data[j]==TOF_header[0] and TOF_data[j+1]==TOF_header[1] and TOF_data[j+2]==TOF_header[2]) and (verifyCheckSum(TOF_data[j:TOF_length],TOF_length))):
if(((TOF_data[j+12]) | (TOF_data[j+13]<<8) )==0):
print("Out of range!")
else :
print("TOF id is: "+ str(TOF_data[j+3]))
TOF_system_time = TOF_data[j+4] | TOF_data[j+5]<<8 | TOF_data[j+6]<<16 | TOF_data[j+7]<<24
print("TOF system time is: "+str(TOF_system_time)+'ms')
timer = TOF_system_time
TOF_distance = (TOF_data[j+8]) | (TOF_data[j+9]<<8) | (TOF_data[j+10]<<16)
print("TOF distance is: "+str(TOF_distance)+'mm')
TOF_status = TOF_data[j+11]
print("TOF status is: "+str(TOF_status))
TOF_signal = TOF_data[j+12] | TOF_data[j+13]<<8
print("TOF signal is: "+str(TOF_signal))
#Calling async function to upload data:
asyncio.run(upload(timer, dist))
Here is the output when calling upload method:
Here is the output when not calling the upload method:
Can someone please explain what I am doing wrong and correct me?


I want build a alert for ema indicator crypto in a special list

First one:
### configuration details
TELEGRAM_TOKEN = '' # telegram bot token
TELEGRAM_CHANNEL ='' # channel id
INTERVAL = '1m' # binance time interval
SHORT_EMA = 7 # short interval for ema
LONG_EMA = 21 # long interval for ema
Here is my second code:
import requests
import talib
import time
import numpy as np
import websocket
def streamKline(currency, interval):
socket = f'wss://stream.binance.com:9443/ws/{currency}#kline_{interval}'
ws = websocket.WebSocketApp(socket)
#sending alerts to telegram
def send_message(message):
url = "https://api.telegram.org/bot{}/sendMessage?chat_id={}&text={}&parse_mode=markdown".format(TELEGRAM_TOKEN,TELEGRAM_CHANNEL,message)
res = requests.get(url);print(url);
return res
# getting klines data to process
def streamKline(symbol):
data = socket.streamKline(symbol=symbol,interval=INTERVAL,limit=300) # more data means more precision but at the trade off between speed and time
return_data = []
# taking closing data for each kline
for each in data:
return_data.append(float(each[4])) # 4 is the index of the closing data in each kline
return np.array(return_data) # returning as numpy array for better precision and performance
def main():
# making a infinite loop that keeps checking for condition
while True:
#looping through each coin
for each in SYMBOLS:
data = streamKline(each)
ema_short = talib.EMA(data,int(SHORT_EMA))
ema_long = talib.EMA(data,int(LONG_EMA))
last_ema_short = ema_short[-2]
last_ema_long = ema_long[-2]
ema_short = ema_short[-1]
ema_long = ema_long[-1]
# conditions for alerts
if(ema_short > ema_long and last_ema_short < last_ema_long):
message = each + "bullcoming "+ str(SHORT_EMA) + " over "+str(LONG_EMA);print(each ,"alert came");
# calling the function
if __name__ == "__main__":
The part of config is all settle done, just second for the kline data, the error mention lot like this.
data = socket.streamKline(symbol=symbol,interval=INTERVAL,limit=300) # more data means more precision but at the
trade off between speed and time
NameError: name 'socket' is not defined
I just don't know how to do it, I want build a ema alert that can give me a message when I am not watching chart, through this way seems not work, I have tried many times, and also find many video but still, I am just an beginner, nothing improving at all.

How to implement synchronization in multi threading with python and ROS Services?

Im trying to implement multi threading (parallel processing) with python and using mutex threading. I have first process that check the Pressure Value and the modem update(in the code implemented with odom_callback and callback_modem functions), and second process that calls ROS SERVICES ( in the code implemented with ros_serice_server server and imu_client client functions). Here is the implementation code in python
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from __future__ import print_function
import rospy
import numpy as np
from os import system
import time
import threading
import Microcontroller_Manager_Serial as Serial
import IMU_Functions as IMU
import Motors_Functions as Motor
import Pressure_Functions as Pressure
from geometry_msgs.msg import Vector3
import Modem_Functions as Modem
import threading
import time
import serial
import serial.tools.list_ports
from time import sleep
from std_msgs.msg import Float32
from std_msgs.msg import String
from demo_teleop.srv import ImuValue,ImuValueResponse
P0 = 1.01325 #Default Pressure
mutex = threading.Lock()
Communication_Mode_ = 0
pub_pressure = rospy.Publisher('depth',Vector3,queue_size=1)
pub_modem = rospy.Publisher('modem_data',Float32,queue_size=1)
def handle_ros_services(req):
print("Server Read Data:")
global T0
data_received = Pressure.Pressure_Get_Final_Values(1,1)
#print("Server Read Data:")
T0 = (np.int16((data_received[6]<<24) | (data_received[7]<<16) | (data_received[8]<<8) | (data_received[9])))/10000
temperature = T
current_x_orientation_s = temperature
print("Returning Service Temperature Data", current_x_orientation_s)
return ImuValueResponse(current_x_orientation_s, True)
def ros_serice_server():
s = rospy.Service('imu_value', ImuValue, handle_ros_services)
print("Ready to get_value")
def odom_callback():
# reentrang processing
# work serial port here, e.g. send msg to serial port
global P0
data_received = Pressure.Pressure_Get_Final_Values(1,1)
#P1 = (np.int16((data_received_pressure[6]<<24) | (data_received_pressure[7]<<16) | (data_received_pressure[8]<<8) | (data_received_pressure[9])))/10000
P1 = (np.int16((data_received[6]<<24) | (data_received[7]<<16) | (data_received[8]<<8) | (data_received[9])))/10000
#P0 = (np.int16((data_received_pressure[6]<<24) | (data_received_pressure[7]<<16) | (data_received_pressure[8]<<8) | (data_received_pressure[9])))/10000
P0 = (np.int16((data_received[6]<<24) | (data_received[7]<<16) | (data_received[8]<<8) | (data_received[9])))/10000
P = P0 # Relative Measured Pressure
feedback =Vector3()
feedback.x = 0 #Angular Velocity
feedback.y = 0
feedback.z = P/9.81 #Depth
pressure = feedback.z
print("Pressure : ", pressure)
# reentrant processing
def callback_modem(event):
# reentrant processing
# work serial port here, e.g. check for incoming data
event = Serial.Serial_Port_Receive_Data(20,0.2)
if (event == 1): # Received data from acoustic modem
modem_data= event
print("received ")
print("not received...... ")
if __name__ == '__main__':
# initialize serial port here
rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1), callback_modem)
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
And the client node
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from __future__ import print_function
import rospy
import sys
import numpy as np
from os import system
import threading
import Microcontroller_Manager_Serial as Serial
import IMU_Functions as IMU
import Motors_Functions as Motor
import Pressure_Functions as Pressure
from geometry_msgs.msg import Vector3
import Modem_Functions as Modem
import time
import serial
import serial.tools.list_ports
from time import sleep
from std_msgs.msg import Float32
from std_msgs.msg import String
from demo_teleop.srv import *
mutex = threading.Lock()
Communication_Mode_ = 0
pub_modem = rospy.Publisher('modem_data',Float32,queue_size=1)
def imu_client():
imu_value = rospy.ServiceProxy('imu_value', ImuValue)
print("Request call send")
resp1 = imu_value(0.05)
return resp1.current_x_orientation_s
if __name__ == "__main__":
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
print("entering client")
value = imu_client()
So the output is following. The output of the first process with the ROS Services Server is
Pressure : 0.10602446483180428
Server Read Data:
Returning Service Temperature Data 1.0401
And then after calling the client I got
entering client
Request call send
entering client
The problem is that after calling the ROS SERVICE client node the process stop so doesn't continue with the first process (Pressure value and modem update) . The ROS SERVICES process should be call only on demand and should HALT the first process (Pressure and modem) and then is should resume with the work. So, do I need to implement SEMAPHORES for the ROS SERVICES call ? If yes how it should be in the code. So I do need kind of synchronization , right?Please any help?
Your problem is:
def handle_ros_services(req):
return ImuValueResponse(current_x_orientation_s, True)
Because of the return statement, the release is never executed.
You need at the end:
value = ImValueResponse(...)
return value
Even better would be to use your mutex as part of a with statement:
with mutex:
do anything you want, knowing that the lock will be released
at the end, even if you return or throw an exception.

Amending Apogee sensor open-source Python 2 code to operate on Raspberry pi 4 through USB port

Working on a project to connect several sensors to Raspberry Pi 4 Model B and stream collected data to Google Cloud Platform for storage/reporting/analysis
I have an Apogee sq520 PAR sensor which connects through USB and is designed to operate on Windows and Mac (but not Linux) with an accompanying GUI to view the data. I've connected the sensor to the Raspberry PI through the USB port (since IO pins are out of the picture) and now need to write a program for the Pi to read it. After reaching out to the Apogee support team, they've shared with me the source-code (below). However, as I am a complete beginner I am having a hard time amending the code to be read by the Raspberry Pi. Need all the help and support I can get.
Code utilizes Pyserial library
Code is written on Python 2.7 (according to website). - I am using Python 3
When compiling the code as-is I receive a lot of syntax errors, regardless whether compiling in Python 2 or 3
Sensor connects through 5V USB
More info on sensor: https://www.apogeeinstruments.com/sq-520-full-spectrum-smart-quantum-sensor-usb/#product-tab-description
from serial import Serial
from time import sleep
import struct
GET_VOLT = '\x55!'
SET_CALIBRATION = '\x84%s%s!'
GET_LOGGED_ENTRY = '\xf2%s!'
class Quantum(object):
def __init__(self):
"""Initializes class variables, and attempts to connect to device"""
self.quantum = None
self.offset = 0.0
self.multiplier = 0.0
def connect_to_device(self):
"""This function creates a Serial connection with the defined comport
and attempts to read the calibration values"""
port = 'COM1' # you'll have to check your device manager and put the actual com port here
self.quantum = Serial(port, 115200, timeout=0.5)
multiplier = self.quantum.read(5)[1:]
offset = self.quantum.read(4)
self.multiplier = struct.unpack('<f', multiplier)[0]
self.offset = struct.unpack('<f', offset)[0]
except (IOError, struct.Error), data:
print data
self.quantum = None
def get_micromoles(self):
"""This function converts the voltage to micromoles"""
voltage = self.read_voltage()
if voltage == 9999:
# you could raise some sort of Exception here if you wanted to
# this next line converts volts to micromoles
micromoles = (voltage - self.offset) * self.multiplier * 1000
if micromoles < 0:
micromoles = 0
return micromoles
def read_voltage(self):
"""This function averages 5 readings over 1 second and returns
the result."""
if self.quantum == None:
except IOError:
# you can raise some sort of exception here if you need to
# store the responses to average
response_list = []
# change to average more or less samples over the given time period
number_to_average = 5
# change to shorten or extend the time duration for each measurement
# be sure to leave as floating point to avoid truncation
number_of_seconds = 1.0
for i in range(number_to_average):
response = self.quantum.read(5)[1:]
except IOError, data:
print data
# dummy value to know something went wrong. could raise an
# exception here alternatively
return 9999
if not response:
# if the response is not 4 bytes long, this line will raise
# an exception
voltage = struct.unpack('<f', response)[0]
if response_list:
return sum(response_list)/len(response_list)
return 0.0

How to run 2 differents loops in 2 differents threads?

I'm doing a telemetry application using Azure IoT Hub, Azure IoT SDK in Python and a raspberry pi with temperature and humidity sensors.
Humidity + Temperature sensors => Rasperry Pi => Azure IoT Hub
In my first implementation thanks azure examples, I used one loop that collect data from the temperature sensor and the humidity sensor, and send them to Azure IoT Hub in the same time every 60 second.
>>> 1 Loop every 60s = Collect data & send data of temperature and humidity
Now I would like to send them with different frequencies, I mean :
One loop will collect the data of the temperature sensor and send it to Azure IoT Hub every 60 seconds;
Whereas a second loop will collect the data of the humidity sensor and send it to Azure IoT Hub every 600 seconds.
>>> 1 Loop every 60s= Collect data & send data of temperature
>>> 2 Loop every 600s= Collect data & send data of humidity
I think the tool I need is multi-threading, but I don't understand which library or structure I have to implement in my case.
Here is the code provided by Azure, including one loop that handles temperature and humidity at the same time. Reading the data and sending to Azure every 60 seconds.
import random
import time
import sys
# Using the Python Device SDK for IoT Hub:
from iothub_client import IoTHubClient, IoTHubClientError,
IoTHubTransportProvider, IoTHubClientResult
from iothub_client import IoTHubMessage, IoTHubMessageDispositionResult,
IoTHubError, DeviceMethodReturnValue
# The device connection string to authenticate the device with your IoT hub.
CONNECTION_STRING = "{Your IoT hub device connection string}"
# Using the MQTT protocol.
PROTOCOL = IoTHubTransportProvider.MQTT
# Define the JSON message to send to IoT Hub.
MSG_TXT = "{\"temperature\": %.2f,\"humidity\": %.2f}"
def send_confirmation_callback(message, result, user_context):
print ( "IoT Hub responded to message with status: %s" % (result) )
def iothub_client_init():
# Create an IoT Hub client
return client
def iothub_client_telemetry_sample_run():
client = iothub_client_init()
print ( "IoT Hub device sending periodic messages, press Ctrl-C to exit" )
while True:
# Build the message with simulated telemetry values.
temperature = TEMPERATURE + (random.random() * 15)
humidity = HUMIDITY + (random.random() * 20)
msg_txt_formatted = MSG_TXT % (temperature, humidity)
message = IoTHubMessage(msg_txt_formatted)
# Send the message.
print( "Sending message: %s" % message.get_string() )
client.send_event_async(message, send_confirmation_callback, None)
except IoTHubError as iothub_error:
print ( "Unexpected error %s from IoTHub" % iothub_error )
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print ( "IoTHubClient sample stopped" )
if __name__ == '__main__':
print ( "IoT Hub Quickstart #1 - Simulated device" )
print ( "Press Ctrl-C to exit" )
I would like to use the same structure of functions, including two loops that handles temperature and humidity, one every 60s and one every 600s.
while True:
# Build the message with simulated telemetry values.
temperature = TEMPERATURE + (random.random() * 15)
msg_txt_formatted1 = MSG_TXT1 % (temperature)
message1 = IoTHubMessage(msg_txt_formatted1)
# Send the message.
print( "Sending message: %s" % message1.get_string() )
client.send_event_async(message1, send_confirmation_callback, None)
while True:
# Build the message with simulated telemetry values.
humidity = HUMIDITY + (random.random() * 20)
msg_txt_formatted2 = MSG_TXT2 % (humidity)
message2 = IoTHubMessage(msg_txt_formatted2)
# Send the message.
print( "Sending message: %s" % message2.get_string() )
client.send_event_async(message2, send_confirmation_callback, None)
How can I do that? How to call those loops with multi-threading or another method?
It may be simpler to do something like
while True:
for _ in range(10):
or even
while True:
now = time.time()
if now % 60 == 0:
if now % 600 == 0:
But if you really want to use threads, then:
import threading
class LoopAThread(threading.Thread):
def run(self):
class LoopBThread(threading.Thread):
def run(self):
thread_a = LoopAThread()
thread_b = LoopBThread()
Here are two competing approaches to consider
Don't bother with threads at all. Just have one loop that sleeps every 60 seconds like you have now. Keep track of the last time you sent humidity data. If 600 seconds has passed, then send it. Otherwise, skip it and go to sleep for 60 seconds. Something like this:
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
def iothub_client_telemetry_sample_run():
last_humidity_run = None
humidity_period = timedelta(seconds=600)
client = iothub_client_init()
while True:
now = datetime.now()
if not last_humidity_run or now - last_humidity_run >= humidity_period:
last_humidity_run = now
Rename iothub_client_telemetry_sample_run to temperature_thread_func or something like it. Create a separate function that looks just like it for humidity. Spawn two threads from the main function of your program. Set them to daemon mode so they shutdown when the user exits
from threading import Thread
def temperature_thread_func():
client = iothub_client_init()
while True:
def humidity_thread_func():
client = iothub_client_init()
while True:
if __name__ == '__main__':
temp_thread = Thread(target=temperature_thread_func)
temp_thread.daemon = True
humidity_thread = Thread(target=humidity_thread_func)
humidity_thread.daemon = True
input('Polling for data. Press a key to exit')
If you decide to use threads, consider using an
to terminate them cleanly.
time.sleep is not a precise way to keep
time. You might need a different timing mechanism if the samples need
to be taken at precise moments.

Redis: # of channels degrading latency. How to prevent degradation?

import redis
import datetime
import time
import json
import sys
import threading
import gevent
from gevent import monkey
def main(chan):
redis_host = ''
r = redis.client.StrictRedis(host=redis_host, port=6379)
while True:
def getpkg():
package = {'time': time.time(),
'signature' : 'content'
return package
#test 2: complex data
now = json.dumps(getpkg())
# send it
r.publish(chan, now)
print 'Sending {0}'.format(now)
print 'data type is %s' % type(now)
def zerg_rush(n):
for x in range(n):
t = threading.Thread(target=main, args=(x,))
if __name__ == '__main__':
num_of_chan = 10
cnt = 0
stop_cnt = 21
while True:
print 'Waiting'
cnt += 1
if cnt == stop_cnt:
import redis
import threading
import time
import json
import gevent
from gevent import monkey
def callback(ind):
redis_host = ''
r = redis.client.StrictRedis(host=redis_host, port=6379)
sub = r.pubsub()
start = False
avg = 0
tot = 0
sum = 0
while True:
for m in sub.listen():
if not start:
start = True
got_time = time.time()
decoded = json.loads(m['data'])
sent_time = float(decoded['time'])
dur = got_time - sent_time
tot += 1
sum += dur
avg = sum / tot
print decoded #'Recieved: {0}'.format(m['data'])
file_name = 'logs/sub_%s' % ind
f = open(file_name, 'a')
f.write('processing no. %s' % tot)
f.write('it took %s' % dur)
f.write('current avg: %s\n' % avg)
def zerg_rush(n):
for x in range(n):
t = threading.Thread(target=callback, args=(x,))
def main():
num_of_chan = 10
while True:
print 'Waiting'
if __name__ == '__main__':
I am testing redis pubsub to replace the use of rsh to communicate with remote boxes.
One of the things I have tested for was the number of channels affecting latency of publish and pubsub.listen().
Test: One publisher and one subscriber per channel (publisher publish every one second). Incremented the number of channels from and observed the latency (The duration from the moment publisher publish a message to the moment subscriber got the message via listen)
num of chan--------------avg latency in seconds
Note: tested on 2 CPU + 4GB RAM + 1 NICsĀ RHEL6.4 VM.
What can I do to maintain low latency with high number of channels?
Redis is single-threaded so increasing more cpus wont help. maybe more RAM? if so, how much more?
Anything I can do code-wise or bottleneck is in Redis itself?
Maybe the limitation comes from the way my test codes are written with threading?
Redis Cluster vs ZeroMQ in Pub/Sub, for horizontally scaled distributed systems
Accepted answer says "You want to minimize latency, I guess. The number of channels is irrelevant. The key factors are the number of publishers and number of subscribers, message size, number of messages per second per publisher, number of messages received by each subscriber, roughly. ZeroMQ can do several million small messages per second from one node to another; your bottleneck will be the network long before it's the software. Most high-volume pubsub architectures therefore use something like PGM multicast, which ZeroMQ supports."
From my testings, i dont know if this is true. (The claim that the number of channels is irrelevant)
For example, i did a testing.
1) One channel. 100 publishers publishing to a channel with 1 subscriber listening. Publisher publishing one second at a time. latency was 0.00965 seconds
2) Same testing except 1000 publishers. latency was 0.00808 seconds
Now during my channel testing:
300 channels with 1 pub - 1 sub resulted in 0.0621 and this is only 600 connections which is less than above testing yet significantly slow in latency
