Error: PySerial Communication with MKS647C Mass Flow Controller on Linux - python

I'm trying to communicate with the 647C Gas Delivery with PySerial and Linux. The manual is this.
Here's the code that I'm running:
import io
import time
SerialObj=serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', parity='O') #Odd parity
SerialObj.baudrate = 9600 # set Baud rate to 9600
SerialObj.bytesize = 8 # Number of data bits = 8
SerialObj.stopbits = 1 # Number of Stop bits = 1
if SerialObj.isOpen(): # make sure port is open
print("CONNECTED! :)")
However, I'm encountering the following error: "E2" which indicates according to the manual that Only one character has been sent instead of the expected 2 byte command.
Any ideas what might be causing this?


PySerial: writing to microcontroller using a while loop adds 100ms to the loop time

I'm trying to do actuator control with values calculated from Python. I am at a point where I want to send the calculated data to a microcontroller in an infinite loop. It seems like ser.write() adds 100ms (total loop execution time of 120ms)
Right now I'm sending the value obtained by my Python code to a microcontroller using PySerial.
Python's data processing side isn't the problem because I checked that the data was being calculated every 20ms.
Below is the code I am using.
import serial as ser
COM = 'COM4'
brate = 115200
ser = ser.Serial()
ser.port = COM
##Data Calculation Code###
send = bytearray([int(calculated_data)])
if(i !=0):
Thank you for your time
I just figured it out after searching a little bit more.
Seems like the serial port doesn't have to be opened and closed everytime.
from serial import Serial
ser = ser.Serial(COM, brate)
Did the trick.

Python Serial not outputting full string

I have the following code running on one computer, and another computer with RS232 DataLogger by Eltima Software reading the serial connection.
When I run the python file on the one computer, only a few characters show up on the other computer, not the full "hellobob"
I have the monitoring computer set at 9600 baud rate, 8 data bits, no parity, one stop bit.
The monitoring computer only picks up "he". I have monitored lots of other devices with the same software, so I know that is working.
This is the python code.
import serial
import io
from time import sleep
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/tty.usbserial-A505VSLL')
sio = io.TextIOWrapper(io.BufferedRWPair(ser, ser))
It may be encoding issue. You may simply try following without io module:
import serial
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/tty.usbserial-A505VSLL')
ser.write(b"hellobob\n") # send bytes

Handling time-out for Python-script with RS485 & minimalmodbus

Presently have a read-out on an RS485-bus of 1 (one) RS485 kWh-meter, type DDS238-1ZN by means of a Python-script 'assisted' by module minimalmodbus.
Adding more kWh-meters means that (prior or during installation) the Slave-Adress of the added kWh-meter has to be shifted from the initial '1'.
Such shift-action starts with scanning the RS485-bus to determine where kWh-meter(s) are actually located.
First step is the following simple Python-script
import serial
import minimalmodbus
# Check address 00 = broadcast
instrument = minimalmodbus.Instrument('/dev/ttyAMA0',0) # port name, slave address
instrument.serial.baudrate = 9600
instrument.serial.timeout = 0.5
instrument.debug = True
print instrument
print instrument.read_register(21,0) # registernumber, number of decimals
# Check address 01 = slave 01
instrument = minimalmodbus.Instrument('/dev/ttyAMA0',1) # port name, slave address
print instrument
print instrument.read_register(21,0) # registernumber, number of decimals
# Check address 02 = slave02
instrument = minimalmodbus.Instrument('/dev/ttyAMA0',2) # port name, slave address
print instrument
print instrument.read_register(21,0) # registernumber, number of decimals
The check on Slave-addresses 00 and 01 produces the result (257) as expected, but (due to absence of a device) obviously response on Slave-adress 02 is failing with a time-out.
For further problem-description see
From test runs, I can see that a time-out occurs.
A time-out-signal could be trigger to step-over to check for next slave-address, if I knew the layout of such time-out-signal for a Python-script with minimalmodbus ....
Searching the internet for an alternative, I see all kind of 'wonderful &elaborate' solutions to trap a time-out, but in the perspective of my simple script I am looking for something very basic (preferably a 'one-liner') to enable stepping out of the time-out to check the next slave-address 3, etc.
Looking at those solutions mentioned above, could perhaps the following setup with semi-code be a simple/basic solution? [for which I have been looking in direction of the C-function fread() ]
start of loop
start time-counter
read register from slave address x
N = number of characters received
if time-counter at value t, then
look if N > 0
if N == 0 then
x = x + 1
jump to start of loop
Any hint for a script using Python or MinimalModbus to perform the semi-code, compatible with the first script?
No working solution found/received in this Forum, but a pragmatic, simple remedy has been developed, tested and put in action, as described at
Due to the characteristics of it's data-protocol, the remedy is specific for kWh-meter type DDS238-1ZN, but the idea can possibly be applied for other, comparable kWh-meters with RS485-interface.

Python - multithreading with sockets gives random results

I am really confused about my problem right now. I want to discover an open port over a list of hosts (or subnet).
So first let's show what I've done so far..
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool
from netaddr import IPNetwork as getAddrList
import socket, sys
this = sys.modules[__name__]
def threading(ip):
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
failCode = 0
if sock.connect_ex((str(ip), this.port)) == 0:
#port open
this.count += 1
#port closed/filtered
failCode = 1
except Exception:
#host unreachable
failCode = 2
#set thread num
threads = 64
#set socket timeout
this.timeout = 1
#set ip list
ipList = getAddrList('')
#set port
this.port = 53
#set count
this.count = 0
Pool = ThreadPool(threads)
Pool.map_async(threading, ipList).get(9999999)
print str(this.count)
The Script works fine without any error. But I'm struggling about what it prints out..
So if I want to scan for example the subnet and discover port 53. I know the only server that has an open dns port is (google-dns).
But when I run my script serveral times the print str(this.count) will randomly (as it seems to me..) return 0 or 1.
What I also know:
Scan only prints always 1
Use only 1 thread for /24 prints always 1
Use 256 threads for /24 prints randomly 0 and 1
changing the timeout doesn't help
So it seems like it has to do with the threading option that causes lags on my computer. But note that my CPU usage is <10% and the network usage is <50%!
But there is also another thing I don't understand..
If print str(this.count) returns 0 I would normally think it is because the threads are in conflict with each other and the socket doesn't get a connection.. but that isn't true because if this.count equals 0, the failCode is set to 1 (on! Which means the port is closed.. but that must be also a bug of my script. I cannot think that this is caused by a lag of the server.. it's google there are no lags..
So additionally we know:
output of 0 is because the server respond that the port is closed
and we are sure the port is definitely open
So I also think about that if I have many threads that run if sock.connect_ex((str(ip), this.port)) == 0: at the same time maybe the host looks in the wrong answer value. Maybe it struggles and look in the response of ..hope you know what I mean.
**max_socket_connections is set to 512 on my linux distribution
Anybody experienced with socket threading and can explain me the situation or give me an answer how to prevent this?
.. look at the answer ..
The first mistake was:
But note that my CPU usage is <10% and the
network usage is <50%!
Actually it was a 400 % network usage. I expected bits instead of bytes.
Very embrassing..
And the second mistake was:
and we are sure the port is definitely open
Google does actually block the port after ~5 attempts in a short period of time. They release the restriction after a few seconds or minutes.

Pyserial can't read device

I'm trying to read data off of a sensor that I bought, using a conversion module (SSI to RS232). I have the module plugged into my Windows laptop via USB/serial converter.
When I use Putty in Serial mode, I can send the command $2RD and receive the appropriate response from the sensor unit. When I run a script to try to do the same thing, the unit returns: ''
Here is the code I am using:
import sys
import serial
import time
ser = serial.Serial(
while True:
s =
print s
A few other notes:
I've tried some variations using flushInput, flushOutput, sleeping, waiting, etc...nothing seems to help.
I know I have the COM ports right/the hardware all works in Putty, so pretty sure this is something with my code.
I've also tries 13,400 BAUD with no difference in outcome.
If I connect the TX and RX lines from the USB, I can read the command I'm it should be at least getting to the RS232/SSI conversion device.
s = should probably be since it takes keyword argument and not positional argument.
Also, you can try to set a timeout to see what was sent after a specific time because otherwise the function can block if 26 bytes aren't sent as specified in the read docs of pyserial :
Read size bytes from the serial port. If a timeout is set it may return less characters as requested. With no timeout it will block until the requested number of bytes is read.
