I've two dataframes, one with text information and another with regex and patterns, what I need to do is to map a column from the second dataframe using regex
edit: What I need to do is to apply each regex on all df['text'] rows, and if there is a match, add the Pattern into a new column
Sample data
text_dict = {'text':['customer and increased repair and remodel activity as well as from other sales',
'sales for the overseas customers',
'marketing approach is driving strong play from top tier customers',
'employees in India have been the continuance of remote work will impact productivity',
'sales due to higher customer']}
regex_dict = {'Pattern':['Sales + customer', 'Marketing + customer', 'Employee * Productivity'],
'regex': ['(?:sales\\w*)(?:[^,.?])*(?:customer\\w*)|(?:customer\\w*)(?:[^,.?])*(?:sales\\w*)',
0 customer and increased repair and remodel acti...
1 sales for the overseas customers
2 marketing approach is driving strong play from...
3 employees in India have been the continuance o...
4 sales due to higher customer
Pattern regex
0 Sales + customer (?:sales\w*)(?:[^,.?])*(?:customer\w*)|(?:cust...
1 Marketing + customer (?:marketing\w*)(?:[^,.?])*(?:customer\w*)|(?:...
2 Employee * Productivity (?:employee\w*)(?:[^\n])*(?:productivity\w*)|(...
Desired output
text Pattern
0 customer and increased repair and remodel acti... Sales + customer
1 sales for the overseas customers Sales + customer
2 marketing approach is driving strong play from... Marketing + customer
3 employees in India have been the continuance o... Employee * Productivity
4 sales due to higher customer Sales + customer
tried the following, created a function that returns the Pattern in case there is a match, then I iterate over all the columns in the regex dataframe
def finding_keywords(regex, match, keyword):
if re.search(regex, match):
return keyword
for index, row in regex.iterrows():
df['Pattern'] = df['text'].apply(lambda x: finding_keywords(regex['Regex'][index], x, regex['Pattern'][index]))
the problem with this is that in every iteration, it erases the previous mappings, as you can see below. As I'm foo foo was the last iteration, is the only one remaining with a pattern
text Pattern
0 foo None
1 bar None
2 foo foo I'm foo foo
3 foo bar None
4 bar bar None
One solution could be to run the iteration over regex dataframe, and then iterate over df, this way I avoid loosing information, but I'm looking for a fastest solution
You can loop through the unique values of the regex dataframe and apply to the text of the df frame and return the pattern in a new regex column. Then, merge in the Pattern column and drop the regex column.
The key to my approach was to first create the column as NaN and then fillna with each iteration so the columns didn't get overwritten.
import re
import numpy as np
srs = regex['regex'].unique()
df['regex'] = np.nan
for reg in srs:
df['regex'] = df['regex'].fillna(df['text'].apply(lambda x: reg
if re.search(reg, x) else np.NaN))
df = pd.merge(df, regex, how='left', on='regex').drop('regex', axis=1)
text Pattern
0 customer and increased repair and remodel acti... Sales + customer
1 sales for the overseas customers Sales + customer
2 marketing approach is driving strong play from... Marketing + customer
3 employees in India have been the continuance o... Employee * Productivity
4 sales due to higher customer Sales + customer
I'm working on a naive multinomial bayes classifier for articles in Pandas and have run into a bit of an issue with performance. My repo is here if you want the full code and the dataset I'm using: https://github.com/kingcodefish/multinomial-bayesian-classification/blob/master/main.ipynb
Here's my current setup with two dataframes: df for the articles with lists of tokenized words and word_freq to store precomputed frequency and P(word | category) values.
for category in df['category'].unique():
category_filter = word_freq.loc[word_freq['category'] == category]
cat_articles = df.loc[df['category'] == category].shape[0] # The number of categorized articles
p_cat = cat_articles / df.shape[0] # P(Cat) = # of articles per category / # of articles
df[category] = df['content'].apply(lambda x: category_filter[category_filter['word'].isin(x)]['p_given_cat'].prod()) * p_cat
Example data:
category content
0 QUEER VOICES [online, dating, thoughts, first, date, grew, ...
1 COLLEGE [wishes, class, believe, generation, better, j...
2 RELIGION [six, inspiring, architectural, projects, revi...
3 WELLNESS [ultramarathon, runner, micah, true, died, hea...
4 ENTERTAINMENT [miley, cyrus, ball, debuts, album, art, cyrus...
category word freq p_given_cat
46883 MEDIA seat 1.0 0.333333
14187 CRIME ends 1.0 0.333333
81317 WORLD NEWS seat 1.0 0.333333
12463 COMEDY living 1.0 0.200000
20868 EDUCATION director 1.0 0.500000
Please note that the word_freq table is a cross product of the categories x words, so every word appears once and only once in each category, so the table does contain duplicates. Also, the freq column has been increased by 1 to avoid zero values (Laplace smoothed).
After running the above, I do this to find the max category P (each category's P is stored in a column after its name) and get the following:
df['predicted_category'] = df[df.columns.difference(['category', 'content'])].idxmax(axis=1)
df = df.drop(df.columns.difference(['category', 'content', 'predicted_category']), axis=1).reset_index(drop = True)
category content \
0 POLITICS [bernie, sanders, campaign, split, whether, fi...
1 COMEDY [bill, maher, compares, police, unions, cathol...
2 WELLNESS [busiest, people, earth, find, time, relax, th...
3 ENTERTAINMENT [lamar, odom, gets, standing, ovation, first, ...
4 GREEN [lead, longer, life, go, gut]
This method seems to work well, but it is unfortunately really slow. I am using a large dataset of 200,000 articles with short descriptions and operating on only 1% of this is taking almost a minute. I know it's because I am looping through the categories instead of relying on vectorization, but I am very very new to Pandas and trying to formulate this in a groupby succinctly escapes me (especially with the two data tables, also might be unnecessary), so I'm looking for suggestions here.
Just in case someone happens to come across this later...
Instead of representing my categories x words as a cross product of every possible word of every category, which inflated to over 3 million rows in my data set, I decided to reduce them to only the necessary ones per category and provide a default value for ones that did not exist, which ended up being about 600k rows.
But the biggest speedup came from changing to the following:
for category in df['category'].unique():
# Calculate P(Category)
category_filter = word_freq.loc[word_freq['category'] == category]
cat_articles = df.loc[df['category'] == category].shape[0]
p_cat = cat_articles / df.shape[0]
# Create a word->P(word | category) dictionary for quick lookups
category_dict = category_filter.set_index('word').to_dict()['p_given_cat']
# For every article, find the product of P(word | category) values of the words, then multiply by P(category) to get bayes.
df[category] = df['content'].apply(lambda x: np.prod([category_dict.get(y, 0.001 / (cat_articles + 0.001)) for y in x])) * p_cat
I created a dictionary from the two columns word and the P(word | category) as the key-value respectively. This reduced the problem to a quick dictionary lookup for each element of each list and computing that product.
This ended up being about 100x faster, parsing the whole dataset in ~40 seconds.
I have a dataframe (df1) that looks like this;
Biocryst ($BCRX) continues to remain undervalued
2021-01-28 21:32:10
...and then continues with 44000 something more rows. I have another dataframe (df2) that looks like this;
Company name
BioCryst Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Apple Inc.
...containing all nasdaq and NYSE listed stocks. What I want to do now however, is to add the symbol of the stock to the column "Stock_name" in df1. In order to do this, I want to match the df1[title] with the df2[Symbol] and then based on what symbol has a match in the title, add the corresponding stock name (df2[Company name]) to the df1[Stock_name] column. If there is more than one stock name in the title, I want to use the first one mentioned.
Is there any easy way to do this?
I tried with this little dataset and it's working, let me know if you have some problems
df1 = pd.DataFrame({"title" : ["Biocryst ($BCRX) continues to remain undervalued", "AAPL is good, buy it"], 'score' : [120,420] , 'Stock_name' : ["",""] })
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'Company name' : ['BioCryst Pharmaceuticals, Inc.','GameStop','Apple Inc.'], 'Symbol' : ["BCRX","GME","AAPL"]})
title score Stock_name
0 Biocryst ($BCRX) continues to remain undervalued 120
1 AAPL is good, buy it 420
Company name Symbol
0 BioCryst Pharmaceuticals, Inc. BCRX
1 GameStop GME
2 Apple Inc. AAPL
for j in range(0,len(df2)):
for i in range(0,len(df1)):
if df2['Symbol'][j] in df1['title'][i]:
df1['Stock_name'][i] = df2['Symbol'][j]
title score Stock_name
0 Biocryst ($BCRX) continues to remain undervalued 120 BCRX
1 AAPL is good, buy it 420 AAPL
First, I think you should create a dictionary based on df2.
symbol_lookup = dict(zip(df2['Symbol'],df2['Company name']))
Then you need a function that will parse the title column. If you can rely on stock symbols being preceded by a dollar sign, you can use the following:
def find_name(input_string):
for symbol in input_string.split('$'):
#if the first four characters form
#a stock symbol, return the name
if symbol_lookup.get(symbol[:4]):
return symbol_lookup.get(symbol[:4])
#otherwise check the first three characters
if symbol_lookup.get(symbol[:3]):
return symbol_lookup.get(symbol[:3])
You could also write a function based on expecting the symbols to be in parentheses. If you can't rely on either, it would be more complicated.
Finally, you can apply your function to the title column:
df1['Stock_name'] = df1['title'].apply(find_name)
I have a Dataframe column that has some string that store values from 2 other Dataframes as shown below:
Sample view of df whose column col has the below string.
Highest Sales was for Mobile Scott
Lowest Returns was for Mobile Phone Steve
Low Returns was for Paul
I am trying to extract the value from the above Dataframe such that I create a new column that has the product name (as obtained from prod_df) and rep name (as obtained from sales_rep_df)
Data in prod_df Dataframe
Mobile Phone
Data in sales_rep_df Dataframe
Expected output
col, prod, rep
Highest Sales was for Mobile Scott, Mobile
Lowest Returns was for Mobile Phone Steve, Mobile Phone, Steve
Low Returns was for Paul,,Paul
I believe you need Series.str.extract for get first amtched value from list:
pat1 = '|'.join(r"\b{}\b".format(x) for x in prod_df['col'])
pat2 = '|'.join(r"\b{}\b".format(x) for x in sales_rep_df['col'])
df['prod'] = df['col'].str.extract('('+ pat1 + ')', expand=False)
df['rep'] = df['col'].str.extract('('+ pat2 + ')', expand=False)
Or Series.str.findall with Series.str.join for all matches:
df['prod'] = df['col'].str.findall(pat1).str.join(',')
df['rep'] = df['col'].str.findall(pat2).str.join(',')
i have the following table in SQL and want to use Fuzzy Wuzzy to compare all the records in the table for any potential duplicates which in this instance line 1 is a duplicate of line 2 (or vice versa). can someone explain how i can add two additional columns to this table (Highest Score and Record Line Num) using Fuzzy Wuzzy and pandas? thanks.
Vendor Doc Date Invoice Date Invoice Ref Num Invoice Amount
ABC 5/12/2019 5/10/2019 ABCDE56. 56
ABC 5/13/2019 5/10/2019 ABCDE56 56
TIM 4/15/2019 4/10/2019 RTET5SDF 100
Desired Output:
Vendor Doc Date Invoice Date Invoice Ref Num Invoice Amount Highest Score Record Line Num
ABC 5/12/2019 5/10/2019 ABCDE56. 56 96 2
ABC 5/13/2019 5/10/2019 ABCDE56 56 96 1
TIM 4/15/2019 4/10/2019 RTET5SDF 100 0 N/A
Since you are looking for duplicates, you should filter your data frame first using the vendor name. This is to ensure it doesn't match with invoices of other vendors and reduce the processing time. However, since you didn't mention anything about it, you can skip it.
Decide on a threshold for duplicates based on the length of your invoice references. For example if the average is 5 chars, make the threshould 80%. Then, use fuzzywuzzy to get the best match.
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz, process
# Assuming no NaNs in invoices references
inv_list = df['Invoice Ref'].to_list()
for i, inv in enumerate(inv_list)
result = process.extractOne(inv, inv_list, scorer=fuzz.token_sort_ratio)
if result[1] >= your_threshould:
df.loc[i, 'Highest Score'] = result[1]
df.loc[i, 'Record Line Num'] = inv_list.index(result[0])
I have 2 csv files with different sequence of columns. For e.g. the first file starts with 10 digits mobile numbers while that column is at number 4 in the second file.
I need to merge all the customer data into a single csv file. The order of the columns should be as follows:
mobile pincode model Name Address Location pincode date
mobile Name Address Model Location pincode Date
9845299999 Raj Shah nagar No 22 Rivi Building 7Th Main I Crz Mumbai 17/02/2011
9880877777 Managing Partner M/S Aitas # 1010, 124Th Main, Bk Stage. - Bmw 320 D Hyderabad 560070 30-Dec-11
Name Address Location mobile pincode Date Model
Asvi Developers pvt Ltd fantry Road Nariman Point, 1St Floor, No. 150 Chennai 9844066666 13/11/2011 Crz
L R Shiva Gaikwad & Sudha Gaikwad # 42, Suvarna Mansion, 1St Cross, 17Th Main, Banjara Hill, B S K Stage,- Bangalore 9844233333 560085 40859 Mercedes_E 350 Cdi
Second task and that may be slightly difficult is that the new files expected may have a totally different column sequence. In that case I need to extract 10 digits mobile number and 6 digits pincode column. I need to write the code that will guess the city column if it matches with any of the given city list. The new files are expected to have relevant column headings but the column heading may be slightly different. for e.g. "customer address" instead of "address". How do I handle such data?
sed 's/.*\([0-9]\{10\}\).*/\1,&/' input
I have been suggested to use sed to rearrange the 10 digits column at the beginning. But I do also need to rearrange the text columns. For e.g. if a column matches the entries in the following list then it is undoubtedly model column.
['Crz', 'Bmw 320 D', 'Benz', 'Mercedes_E 350 Cdi', 'Toyota_Corolla He 1.8']
If any column matches 10% of the entries with the above list then it is a "model" column and should be at number 3 followed by mobile and pincode.
For your first question, I suggest using pandas to load both files and then concat. After that you can rearrange your columns.
import pandas as pd
dataframe1 = pd.read_csv('file1.csv')
dataframe2 = pd.read_csv('file2.csv')
combined = pd.concat([dataframe1, dataframe2]) #the columns will be ordered alphabetically
To get desired order,
result_df = combined[['mobile', 'pincode', 'model', 'Name', 'Address', 'Location', 'pincode', 'date']]
and then result_df.to_csv('oupput.csv', index=False) to export to csv file.
For the second one, you can do something like this (assuming you have loaded a csv file into df like above)
match_model = lambda m: m in ['Crz', 'Bmw 320 D', 'Benz', 'Mercedes_E 350 Cdi', 'Toyota_Corolla He 1.8']
for c in df:
if df[c].map(match_model).sum()/len(df) > 0.1:
print "Column %s is 'Model'"% c
df.rename(columns={c:'Model'}, inplace=True)
You can modify the matching function match_model to use regex instead if you want.