Don't understand these RuntimeWarnings during k-means clustering vector quantization - python

I am trying to implement a K-Means clustering algorithm, however more often than not I get the following error
RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice.
out=out, **kwargs)
RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
ret = ret.dtype.type(ret / rcount)
I traced the problem to the part of my code that tries to find the new centroid by taking the average value. 'Points' will turn an empty array causing me to get stuck in my while loop. I can't understand why.
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
def compute_euclidean_distance(vec1,vec2,ax):
return np.linalg.norm(vec1 - vec2, axis = ax)
def initalise_centroids(dataset, k):
rand_x = np.random.randint(np.min(dataset),np.max(dataset), size =k)
rand_y = np.random.randint(np.min(dataset),np.max(dataset), size =k)
centroids = np.array(list(zip(rand_x,rand_y)), dtype=np.float32)
return centroids
def kmeans(dataset, k):
err = 0
cent = initalise_centroids(dataset,k)
cOld = np.zeros(cent.shape)
clusters = np.zeros(len(dataset))
err = compute_euclidean_distance(cent, cOld, None)
count = 0
while err !=0:
for i in range(len(dataset)):
dist = compute_euclidean_distance(dataset[i], cent, 1)
cluster = np.argmin(dist)
clusters[i] = cluster
cOld= deepcopy(cent)
for i in range(k):
points = [dataset[j] for j in range(len(dataset)) if clusters [j] == i ]
cent[i] = np.mean(points,axis =0)
err = compute_euclidean_distance(cent, cOld, None)
count +=1
return cent,clusters,err

I noticed two things:
your loop while err != 0 will most likely never be reached. Usually the user will set a error threshold such that when the actual error is below that value, the loop will exit. In Sklearn's Kmeans documentation, you can see this in the tol parameter.
Your second for loop assumes that each cluster will have some points assigned to it. This may not be the case. For example, I ran your code with the following input [(1,100),(1,100),(100,100)], 2. You would think that the algorithm would converge into two clusters of the first two points, and the last point.
But when the algorithm first initialized random cluster centers, it assigned [[29,78],[62,25]]. In this case, all my points got assigned into cluster 0 at first.
So, when your second loop went through all the values of range(k), there was no points for cluster 1, which is why you might see the nan values in your output.
You may want to look at other cluster center initialization algorithms like k-means++
hope that helps!


Is there a way to find polygons in given points?

I'm currently working on a way to find rectangles/polygons in up to 15 given points (Image below).
Given Points
My goal is it to find polygons in that point array, like I marked in the image below. The polygons are rectangles in the real world but they are distorted a bit that's the reason why they can look like polygons or other shapes. I must find the best rectangle/polygon.
My idea was to check all connections between the points but the total amount of that is to big to run in and it took.
Does anyone has an idea how to solve that, I researched in the web and found the k-Nearest algorithm in sklearn for python but I don't have experience with that if this is the right way to solve it and how to do that. Maybe I'll also need a method to filter out some of the outliers to make it even easier for the algorithm to find the right corner points of the polygon.
The code snippet below splits the given point string into separate arrays, the array coordinatesOnly contains just the x and y values of the points.
Many thanks for you help.
Polygon in Given Points
import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
millis = round(int(time.time())) / 1000
####input String
print("2D to 3D convert")
resultString = "0,487.50,399.46,176.84,99.99;1,485.93,423.43,-4.01,95.43;2,380.53,433.28,1.52,94.90;3,454.47,397.68,177.07,90.63;4,490.20,404.10,-6.17,89.90;5,623.56,430.52,-176.09,89.00;6,394.66,385.44,90.22,87.74;7,625.61,416.77,-177.95,87.02;8,597.21,591.66,-91.04,86.49;9,374.03,540.89,-11.20,85.77;10,600.51,552.91,178.29,85.52;11,605.29,530.78,-179.89,85.34;12,583.73,653.92,-82.39,84.42;13,483.56,449.58,-91.12,83.37;14,379.01,451.62,-6.21,81.51"
resultString = resultString.split(";")
resultStringSplitted = list()
coordinatesOnly = list()
for i in range(len(resultString)):
resultStringSplitted .append(resultString[i].split(","))
newList = ((float(resultString[i].split(",")[1]),float(resultString[i].split(",")[2])))
for j in range(len(resultStringSplitted[i])):
resultStringSplitted[i][j] = float(resultStringSplitted[i][j])
#Check if score is valid
validScoreList = list()
for i in range(len(resultStringSplitted)):
if resultStringSplitted[i][len(resultStringSplitted[i])-1] != 0:
resultStringSplitted = validScoreList
#Result String array contains all 2D results
# [Point Number, X Coordinate, Y Coordinate, Angle, Point Score]
for i in range(len(resultStringSplitted)):
Since you mentioned that you can have a maximum of 15 points, I suggest to check all possible combinations of 4 points and keep all rectangles that are close enough to perfect rectangles. For 15 points, it is "only" 15*14*13*12=32760 potential rectangles.
import math
import itertools
import numpy as np
coordinatesOnly = ((0,0),(0,1),(1,0),(1,1),(2,0),(2,1),(1,3)) # Test data
rectangles = []
# Returns True if l0 and l1 are within 10% deviation
def isValid(l0, l1):
if l0 == 0 or l1 == 0:
return False
return abs(max(l0,l1)/min(l0,l1) - 1) < 0.1
for p in itertools.combinations(np.array(coordinatesOnly),4):
for r in itertools.permutations(p,4):
l01 = np.linalg.norm(r[1]-r[0]) # Side
l12 = np.linalg.norm(r[2]-r[1]) # Side
l23 = np.linalg.norm(r[3]-r[2]) # Side
l30 = np.linalg.norm(r[0]-r[3]) # Side
l02 = np.linalg.norm(r[2]-r[0]) # Diagonal
l13 = np.linalg.norm(r[2]-r[0]) # Diagonal
areSidesEqual = isValid(l01,l23) and isValid(l12,l30)
isDiag1Valid = isValid(math.sqrt(l01*l01+l30*l30),l13) # Pythagore
isDiag2Valid = isValid(math.sqrt(l01*l01+l12*l12),l02) # Pythagore
if areSidesEqual and isDiag1Valid and isDiag2Valid:
It takes about 1 second to run on 15 points on my computer. It really depends on what are your requirements for computation time, i.e., real time, interactive time, "I just don't want to spend days waiting for the answer" time.

Bayesian fit of cosine wave taking longer than expected

In a recent homework, I was asked to perform a Bayesian fit over a set of data a and b using a Metropolis algorithm. The relationship between a and b is given:
e(t) = e_0*cos(w*t)
w = 2 * pi
The Metropolis algorithm is (it works fine with other fit):
def metropolis(logP, args, v0, Nsteps, stepSize):
vCur = v0
logPcur = logP(vCur, *args)
v = []
Nattempts = 0
for i in range(Nsteps):
#Propose step:
vNext = vCur + stepSize*np.random.randn(*vCur.shape)
logPnext = logP(vNext, *args)
Nattempts += 1
#Accept/reject step:
Pratio = (1. if logPnext>logPcur else np.exp(logPnext-logPcur))
if np.random.rand() < Pratio:
vCur = vNext
logPcur = logPnext
acceptRatio = Nsteps*(1./Nattempts)
return np.array(v), acceptRatio
I have tried to Bayesian fit the cosine wave and used the Metropolis algorithm above:
e_0 = -0.00155
def strain_t(e_0,t):
return e_0*np.cos(2*np.pi*t)
data = pd.read_csv('stressStrain.csv')
t = np.array(data['t'])
e = strain_t(e_0,t)
def logfitstrain_t(params,t,e):
e_0 = params[0]
sigmaR = params[1]
strainModel = strain_t(e_0,t)
return np.sum(-0.5*((e-strainModel)/sigmaR)**2 - np.log(sigmaR))
params0 = np.array([-0.00155,np.std(t)])
params, accRatio = metropolis(logfitstrain_t, (t,e), params0, 1000, 0.042)
print('Acceptance ratio:', accRatio)
e0 = np.mean(params[0])
e_t = e0*np.cos(2*np.pi*t)
sns.jointplot(t, e_t, kind='hex',color='purple')
The data in .csv looks like
There isn't any error message showing after I hit run, but it takes forever for python to give me an output. What did I do wrong here?
Why it might "take forever"
Your algorithm is designed to run until it accepts a given number of proposals (1000 in the example). Thus, if it's running for a long time, you're likely rejecting a bunch of proposals. This can happen when the step size is too large, leading new proposals to end up in distant, low probability regions of the likelihood space. Try reducing your step size. This may require you to also increase the number of samples to ensure the posterior space becomes adequately explored.
A more serious concern
Because you only append accepted proposals to the chain v, you haven't actually implemented the Metropolis algorithm, and instead obtain a biased set of samples that will tend to overrepresent less likely regions of the posterior space. A true Metropolis implementation re-appends the previous proposal whenever the new proposal is rejected. You can still enforce a minimum number of accepted proposals, but you really must append something every time.

Gap Statistics with Standard 1 error

I have implemented a Kmeans using Scikit Learn command and I have tried Elbow and Silhoutte Coefficient to find the optimal K. I am planning to use gap statistics to further verify my results.
def optimalK(data, nrefs=3, maxClusters=15):
gaps = np.zeros((len(range(1, maxClusters)),))
resultsdf = pd.DataFrame({'clusterCount':[], 'gap':[]})
for gap_index, k in enumerate(range(1, maxClusters)):
# Holder for reference dispersion results
refDisps = np.zeros(nrefs)
for i in range(nrefs):
# Create new random reference set
randomReference = np.random.random_sample(size=data.shape)
# Fit to it
km = KMeans(k)
refDisp = km.inertia_
refDisps[i] = refDisp
km = KMeans(k)
origDisp = km.inertia_
# Calculate gap statistic
gap = np.log(np.mean(refDisps)) - np.log(origDisp)
# Assign this loop's gap statistic to gaps
gaps[gap_index] = gap
resultsdf = resultsdf.append({'clusterCount':k, 'gap':gap}, ignore_index=True)
return (gaps.argmax() + 1, resultsdf)
However my plots for gap statistic is increasing therefore optimal number of clusters is always the end point for my range of clusters. Assume I am defining cluster range to be from 1 to 10 then optimal will be 10.
According to the internet websites and the original paper the workaround is to implement the standard 1 error in which
GAP(K)> GAP(K+1)- S(K+1)
Can anyone explain to me how to implement this in the above code? I do not know how to calculate the S(k+1) since it involves finding the standard deviation of the reference distribution.
s(k+1) = sd(k+1)*square_root(1+(1/B))
B is the number of copies of Monte Carlo Samples. I look at different websites but it seems they did not implement the gap statistics with standard 1 error.
def gap_stat(data,label):
k = len(np.unique(label))
n = data.shape[0]
p = data.shape[1]
D_r = []
C_r = []
for label_number in range(0,k):
this_label_index = np.where(label==label_number)[0]
temp_sum = 0
pairwise_distance_matrix =
W_r = np.sum(np.asarray(D_r)/(2*np.asarray(C_r)))
gap_stats = np.log(float(p*n)/12)-(2/float(p))*np.log(k)-

sklearn agglomerative clustering linkage matrix

I'm trying to draw a complete-link scipy.cluster.hierarchy.dendrogram, and I found that scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage is slower than sklearn.AgglomerativeClustering.
However, sklearn.AgglomerativeClustering doesn't return the distance between clusters and the number of original observations, which scipy.cluster.hierarchy.dendrogram needs. Is there a way to take them?
It's possible, but it isn't pretty. It requires (at a minimum) a small rewrite of (source). The difficulty is that the method requires a number of imports, so it ends up getting a bit nasty looking. To add in this feature:
Insert the following line after line 748:
kwargs['return_distance'] = True
Replace line 752 with:
self.children_, self.n_components_, self.n_leaves_, parents, self.distance = \
This will give you a new attribute, distance, that you can easily call.
A couple things to note:
When doing this, I ran into this issue about the check_array function on line 711. This can be fixed by using check_arrays (from sklearn.utils.validation import check_arrays). You can modify that line to become X = check_arrays(X)[0]. This appears to be a bug (I still have this issue on the most recent version of scikit-learn).
Depending on which version of sklearn.cluster.hierarchical.linkage_tree you have, you may also need to modify it to be the one provided in the source.
To make things easier for everyone, here is the full code that you will need to use:
from heapq import heapify, heappop, heappush, heappushpop
import warnings
import sys
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, ClusterMixin
from sklearn.externals.joblib import Memory
from sklearn.externals import six
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_arrays
from sklearn.utils.sparsetools import connected_components
from sklearn.cluster import _hierarchical
from sklearn.cluster.hierarchical import ward_tree
from sklearn.cluster._feature_agglomeration import AgglomerationTransform
from sklearn.utils.fast_dict import IntFloatDict
def _fix_connectivity(X, connectivity, n_components=None,
Fixes the connectivity matrix
- copies it
- makes it symmetric
- converts it to LIL if necessary
- completes it if necessary
n_samples = X.shape[0]
if (connectivity.shape[0] != n_samples or
connectivity.shape[1] != n_samples):
raise ValueError('Wrong shape for connectivity matrix: %s '
'when X is %s' % (connectivity.shape, X.shape))
# Make the connectivity matrix symmetric:
connectivity = connectivity + connectivity.T
# Convert connectivity matrix to LIL
if not sparse.isspmatrix_lil(connectivity):
if not sparse.isspmatrix(connectivity):
connectivity = sparse.lil_matrix(connectivity)
connectivity = connectivity.tolil()
# Compute the number of nodes
n_components, labels = connected_components(connectivity)
if n_components > 1:
warnings.warn("the number of connected components of the "
"connectivity matrix is %d > 1. Completing it to avoid "
"stopping the tree early." % n_components,
# XXX: Can we do without completing the matrix?
for i in xrange(n_components):
idx_i = np.where(labels == i)[0]
Xi = X[idx_i]
for j in xrange(i):
idx_j = np.where(labels == j)[0]
Xj = X[idx_j]
D = pairwise_distances(Xi, Xj, metric=affinity)
ii, jj = np.where(D == np.min(D))
ii = ii[0]
jj = jj[0]
connectivity[idx_i[ii], idx_j[jj]] = True
connectivity[idx_j[jj], idx_i[ii]] = True
return connectivity, n_components
# average and complete linkage
def linkage_tree(X, connectivity=None, n_components=None,
n_clusters=None, linkage='complete', affinity="euclidean",
"""Linkage agglomerative clustering based on a Feature matrix.
The inertia matrix uses a Heapq-based representation.
This is the structured version, that takes into account some topological
structure between samples.
X : array, shape (n_samples, n_features)
feature matrix representing n_samples samples to be clustered
connectivity : sparse matrix (optional).
connectivity matrix. Defines for each sample the neighboring samples
following a given structure of the data. The matrix is assumed to
be symmetric and only the upper triangular half is used.
Default is None, i.e, the Ward algorithm is unstructured.
n_components : int (optional)
Number of connected components. If None the number of connected
components is estimated from the connectivity matrix.
NOTE: This parameter is now directly determined directly
from the connectivity matrix and will be removed in 0.18
n_clusters : int (optional)
Stop early the construction of the tree at n_clusters. This is
useful to decrease computation time if the number of clusters is
not small compared to the number of samples. In this case, the
complete tree is not computed, thus the 'children' output is of
limited use, and the 'parents' output should rather be used.
This option is valid only when specifying a connectivity matrix.
linkage : {"average", "complete"}, optional, default: "complete"
Which linkage critera to use. The linkage criterion determines which
distance to use between sets of observation.
- average uses the average of the distances of each observation of
the two sets
- complete or maximum linkage uses the maximum distances between
all observations of the two sets.
affinity : string or callable, optional, default: "euclidean".
which metric to use. Can be "euclidean", "manhattan", or any
distance know to paired distance (see metric.pairwise)
return_distance : bool, default False
whether or not to return the distances between the clusters.
children : 2D array, shape (n_nodes-1, 2)
The children of each non-leaf node. Values less than `n_samples`
correspond to leaves of the tree which are the original samples.
A node `i` greater than or equal to `n_samples` is a non-leaf
node and has children `children_[i - n_samples]`. Alternatively
at the i-th iteration, children[i][0] and children[i][1]
are merged to form node `n_samples + i`
n_components : int
The number of connected components in the graph.
n_leaves : int
The number of leaves in the tree.
parents : 1D array, shape (n_nodes, ) or None
The parent of each node. Only returned when a connectivity matrix
is specified, elsewhere 'None' is returned.
distances : ndarray, shape (n_nodes-1,)
Returned when return_distance is set to True.
distances[i] refers to the distance between children[i][0] and
children[i][1] when they are merged.
See also
ward_tree : hierarchical clustering with ward linkage
X = np.asarray(X)
if X.ndim == 1:
X = np.reshape(X, (-1, 1))
n_samples, n_features = X.shape
linkage_choices = {'complete': _hierarchical.max_merge,
'average': _hierarchical.average_merge,
join_func = linkage_choices[linkage]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(
'Unknown linkage option, linkage should be one '
'of %s, but %s was given' % (linkage_choices.keys(), linkage))
if connectivity is None:
from scipy.cluster import hierarchy # imports PIL
if n_clusters is not None:
warnings.warn('Partial build of the tree is implemented '
'only for structured clustering (i.e. with '
'explicit connectivity). The algorithm '
'will build the full tree and only '
'retain the lower branches required '
'for the specified number of clusters',
if affinity == 'precomputed':
# for the linkage function of hierarchy to work on precomputed
# data, provide as first argument an ndarray of the shape returned
# by pdist: it is a flat array containing the upper triangular of
# the distance matrix.
i, j = np.triu_indices(X.shape[0], k=1)
X = X[i, j]
elif affinity == 'l2':
# Translate to something understood by scipy
affinity = 'euclidean'
elif affinity in ('l1', 'manhattan'):
affinity = 'cityblock'
elif callable(affinity):
X = affinity(X)
i, j = np.triu_indices(X.shape[0], k=1)
X = X[i, j]
out = hierarchy.linkage(X, method=linkage, metric=affinity)
children_ = out[:, :2].astype(
if return_distance:
distances = out[:, 2]
return children_, 1, n_samples, None, distances
return children_, 1, n_samples, None
if n_components is not None:
"n_components is now directly calculated from the connectivity "
"matrix and will be removed in 0.18",
connectivity, n_components = _fix_connectivity(X, connectivity)
connectivity = connectivity.tocoo()
# Put the diagonal to zero
diag_mask = (connectivity.row != connectivity.col)
connectivity.row = connectivity.row[diag_mask]
connectivity.col = connectivity.col[diag_mask] =[diag_mask]
del diag_mask
if affinity == 'precomputed':
distances = X[connectivity.row, connectivity.col]
# FIXME We compute all the distances, while we could have only computed
# the "interesting" distances
distances = paired_distances(X[connectivity.row],
metric=affinity) = distances
if n_clusters is None:
n_nodes = 2 * n_samples - 1
assert n_clusters <= n_samples
n_nodes = 2 * n_samples - n_clusters
if return_distance:
distances = np.empty(n_nodes - n_samples)
# create inertia heap and connection matrix
A = np.empty(n_nodes, dtype=object)
inertia = list()
# LIL seems to the best format to access the rows quickly,
# without the numpy overhead of slicing CSR indices and data.
connectivity = connectivity.tolil()
# We are storing the graph in a list of IntFloatDict
for ind, (data, row) in enumerate(zip(,
A[ind] = IntFloatDict(np.asarray(row, dtype=np.intp),
np.asarray(data, dtype=np.float64))
# We keep only the upper triangular for the heap
# Generator expressions are faster than arrays on the following
inertia.extend(_hierarchical.WeightedEdge(d, ind, r)
for r, d in zip(row, data) if r < ind)
del connectivity
# prepare the main fields
parent = np.arange(n_nodes, dtype=np.intp)
used_node = np.ones(n_nodes, dtype=np.intp)
children = []
# recursive merge loop
for k in xrange(n_samples, n_nodes):
# identify the merge
while True:
edge = heappop(inertia)
if used_node[edge.a] and used_node[edge.b]:
i = edge.a
j = edge.b
if return_distance:
# store distances
distances[k - n_samples] = edge.weight
parent[i] = parent[j] = k
children.append((i, j))
# Keep track of the number of elements per cluster
n_i = used_node[i]
n_j = used_node[j]
used_node[k] = n_i + n_j
used_node[i] = used_node[j] = False
# update the structure matrix A and the inertia matrix
# a clever 'min', or 'max' operation between A[i] and A[j]
coord_col = join_func(A[i], A[j], used_node, n_i, n_j)
for l, d in coord_col:
A[l].append(k, d)
# Here we use the information from coord_col (containing the
# distances) to update the heap
heappush(inertia, _hierarchical.WeightedEdge(d, k, l))
A[k] = coord_col
# Clear A[i] and A[j] to save memory
A[i] = A[j] = 0
# Separate leaves in children (empty lists up to now)
n_leaves = n_samples
# # return numpy array for efficient caching
children = np.array(children)[:, ::-1]
if return_distance:
return children, n_components, n_leaves, parent, distances
return children, n_components, n_leaves, parent
# Matching names to tree-building strategies
def _complete_linkage(*args, **kwargs):
kwargs['linkage'] = 'complete'
return linkage_tree(*args, **kwargs)
def _average_linkage(*args, **kwargs):
kwargs['linkage'] = 'average'
return linkage_tree(*args, **kwargs)
def _hc_cut(n_clusters, children, n_leaves):
"""Function cutting the ward tree for a given number of clusters.
n_clusters : int or ndarray
The number of clusters to form.
children : list of pairs. Length of n_nodes
The children of each non-leaf node. Values less than `n_samples` refer
to leaves of the tree. A greater value `i` indicates a node with
children `children[i - n_samples]`.
n_leaves : int
Number of leaves of the tree.
labels : array [n_samples]
cluster labels for each point
if n_clusters > n_leaves:
raise ValueError('Cannot extract more clusters than samples: '
'%s clusters where given for a tree with %s leaves.'
% (n_clusters, n_leaves))
# In this function, we store nodes as a heap to avoid recomputing
# the max of the nodes: the first element is always the smallest
# We use negated indices as heaps work on smallest elements, and we
# are interested in largest elements
# children[-1] is the root of the tree
nodes = [-(max(children[-1]) + 1)]
for i in xrange(n_clusters - 1):
# As we have a heap, nodes[0] is the smallest element
these_children = children[-nodes[0] - n_leaves]
# Insert the 2 children and remove the largest node
heappush(nodes, -these_children[0])
heappushpop(nodes, -these_children[1])
label = np.zeros(n_leaves, dtype=np.intp)
for i, node in enumerate(nodes):
label[_hierarchical._hc_get_descendent(-node, children, n_leaves)] = i
return label
class AgglomerativeClustering(BaseEstimator, ClusterMixin):
Agglomerative Clustering
Recursively merges the pair of clusters that minimally increases
a given linkage distance.
n_clusters : int, default=2
The number of clusters to find.
connectivity : array-like or callable, optional
Connectivity matrix. Defines for each sample the neighboring
samples following a given structure of the data.
This can be a connectivity matrix itself or a callable that transforms
the data into a connectivity matrix, such as derived from
kneighbors_graph. Default is None, i.e, the
hierarchical clustering algorithm is unstructured.
affinity : string or callable, default: "euclidean"
Metric used to compute the linkage. Can be "euclidean", "l1", "l2",
"manhattan", "cosine", or 'precomputed'.
If linkage is "ward", only "euclidean" is accepted.
memory : Instance of joblib.Memory or string (optional)
Used to cache the output of the computation of the tree.
By default, no caching is done. If a string is given, it is the
path to the caching directory.
n_components : int (optional)
Number of connected components. If None the number of connected
components is estimated from the connectivity matrix.
NOTE: This parameter is now directly determined from the connectivity
matrix and will be removed in 0.18
compute_full_tree : bool or 'auto' (optional)
Stop early the construction of the tree at n_clusters. This is
useful to decrease computation time if the number of clusters is
not small compared to the number of samples. This option is
useful only when specifying a connectivity matrix. Note also that
when varying the number of clusters and using caching, it may
be advantageous to compute the full tree.
linkage : {"ward", "complete", "average"}, optional, default: "ward"
Which linkage criterion to use. The linkage criterion determines which
distance to use between sets of observation. The algorithm will merge
the pairs of cluster that minimize this criterion.
- ward minimizes the variance of the clusters being merged.
- average uses the average of the distances of each observation of
the two sets.
- complete or maximum linkage uses the maximum distances between
all observations of the two sets.
pooling_func : callable, default=np.mean
This combines the values of agglomerated features into a single
value, and should accept an array of shape [M, N] and the keyword
argument ``axis=1``, and reduce it to an array of size [M].
labels_ : array [n_samples]
cluster labels for each point
n_leaves_ : int
Number of leaves in the hierarchical tree.
n_components_ : int
The estimated number of connected components in the graph.
children_ : array-like, shape (n_nodes-1, 2)
The children of each non-leaf node. Values less than `n_samples`
correspond to leaves of the tree which are the original samples.
A node `i` greater than or equal to `n_samples` is a non-leaf
node and has children `children_[i - n_samples]`. Alternatively
at the i-th iteration, children[i][0] and children[i][1]
are merged to form node `n_samples + i`
def __init__(self, n_clusters=2, affinity="euclidean",
memory=Memory(cachedir=None, verbose=0),
connectivity=None, n_components=None,
compute_full_tree='auto', linkage='ward',
self.n_clusters = n_clusters
self.memory = memory
self.n_components = n_components
self.connectivity = connectivity
self.compute_full_tree = compute_full_tree
self.linkage = linkage
self.affinity = affinity
self.pooling_func = pooling_func
def fit(self, X, y=None):
"""Fit the hierarchical clustering on the data
X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
The samples a.k.a. observations.
X = check_arrays(X)[0]
memory = self.memory
if isinstance(memory, six.string_types):
memory = Memory(cachedir=memory, verbose=0)
if self.linkage == "ward" and self.affinity != "euclidean":
raise ValueError("%s was provided as affinity. Ward can only "
"work with euclidean distances." %
(self.affinity, ))
if self.linkage not in _TREE_BUILDERS:
raise ValueError("Unknown linkage type %s."
"Valid options are %s" % (self.linkage,
tree_builder = _TREE_BUILDERS[self.linkage]
connectivity = self.connectivity
if self.connectivity is not None:
if callable(self.connectivity):
connectivity = self.connectivity(X)
connectivity = check_arrays(
connectivity, accept_sparse=['csr', 'coo', 'lil'])
n_samples = len(X)
compute_full_tree = self.compute_full_tree
if self.connectivity is None:
compute_full_tree = True
if compute_full_tree == 'auto':
# Early stopping is likely to give a speed up only for
# a large number of clusters. The actual threshold
# implemented here is heuristic
compute_full_tree = self.n_clusters < max(100, .02 * n_samples)
n_clusters = self.n_clusters
if compute_full_tree:
n_clusters = None
# Construct the tree
kwargs = {}
kwargs['return_distance'] = True
if self.linkage != 'ward':
kwargs['linkage'] = self.linkage
kwargs['affinity'] = self.affinity
self.children_, self.n_components_, self.n_leaves_, parents, \
self.distance = memory.cache(tree_builder)(X, connectivity,
# Cut the tree
if compute_full_tree:
self.labels_ = _hc_cut(self.n_clusters, self.children_,
labels = _hierarchical.hc_get_heads(parents, copy=False)
# copy to avoid holding a reference on the original array
labels = np.copy(labels[:n_samples])
# Reasign cluster numbers
self.labels_ = np.searchsorted(np.unique(labels), labels)
return self
Below is a simple example showing how to use the modified AgglomerativeClustering class:
import numpy as np
import AgglomerativeClustering # Make sure to use the new one!!!
d = np.array(
[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
[7, 8, 9]
clustering = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=2, compute_full_tree=True,
affinity='euclidean', linkage='complete')
print clustering.distance
That example has the following output:
[ 5.19615242 10.39230485]
This can then be compared to a scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage implementation:
import numpy as np
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import linkage
d = np.array(
[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
[7, 8, 9]
print linkage(d, 'complete')
[[ 1. 2. 5.19615242 2. ]
[ 0. 3. 10.39230485 3. ]]
Just for kicks I decided to follow up on your statement about performance:
import AgglomerativeClustering
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import linkage
import numpy as np
import time
l = 1000; iters = 50
d = [np.random.random(100) for _ in xrange(1000)]
t = time.time()
for _ in xrange(iters):
clustering = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=l-1,
affinity='euclidean', linkage='complete')
scikit_time = (time.time() - t) / iters
print 'scikit-learn Time: {0}s'.format(scikit_time)
t = time.time()
for _ in xrange(iters):
linkage(d, 'complete')
scipy_time = (time.time() - t) / iters
print 'SciPy Time: {0}s'.format(scipy_time)
print 'scikit-learn Speedup: {0}'.format(scipy_time / scikit_time)
This gave me the following results:
scikit-learn Time: 0.566560001373s
SciPy Time: 0.497740001678s
scikit-learn Speedup: 0.878530077083
According to this, the implementation from Scikit-Learn takes 0.88x the execution time of the SciPy implementation, i.e. SciPy's implementation is 1.14x faster. It should be noted that:
I modified the original scikit-learn implementation
I only did a small number of iterations
I only tested a small number of test cases (both cluster size as well as number of items per dimension should be tested)
I ran SciPy second, so it is had the advantage of obtaining more cache hits on the source data
The two methods don't exactly do the same thing.
With all of that in mind, you should really evaluate which method performs better for your specific application. There are also functional reasons to go with one implementation over the other.
I made a scipt to do it without modifying sklearn and without recursive functions. Before using note that:
Merge distance can sometimes decrease with respect to the children
merge distance. I added three ways to handle those cases: Take the
max, do nothing or increase with the l2 norm. The l2 norm logic has not been verified yet. Please check yourself what suits you best.
Import the packages:
from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import dendrogram
Function to compute weights and distances:
def get_distances(X,model,mode='l2'):
distances = []
weights = []
dims = (X.shape[1],1)
distCache = {}
weightCache = {}
for childs in children:
c1 = X[childs[0]].reshape(dims)
c2 = X[childs[1]].reshape(dims)
c1Dist = 0
c1W = 1
c2Dist = 0
c2W = 1
if childs[0] in distCache.keys():
c1Dist = distCache[childs[0]]
c1W = weightCache[childs[0]]
if childs[1] in distCache.keys():
c2Dist = distCache[childs[1]]
c2W = weightCache[childs[1]]
d = np.linalg.norm(c1-c2)
cc = ((c1W*c1)+(c2W*c2))/(c1W+c2W)
X = np.vstack((X,cc.T))
newChild_id = X.shape[0]-1
# How to deal with a higher level cluster merge with lower distance:
if mode=='l2': # Increase the higher level cluster size suing an l2 norm
added_dist = (c1Dist**2+c2Dist**2)**0.5
dNew = (d**2 + added_dist**2)**0.5
elif mode == 'max': # If the previrous clusters had higher distance, use that one
dNew = max(d,c1Dist,c2Dist)
elif mode == 'actual': # Plot the actual distance.
dNew = d
wNew = (c1W + c2W)
distCache[newChild_id] = dNew
weightCache[newChild_id] = wNew
weights.append( wNew)
return distances, weights
Make sample data of 2 clusters with 2 subclusters:
# Make 4 distributions, two of which form a bigger cluster
X1_1 = np.random.randn(25,2)+[8,1.5]
X1_2 = np.random.randn(25,2)+[8,-1.5]
X2_1 = np.random.randn(25,2)-[8,3]
X2_2 = np.random.randn(25,2)-[8,-3]
# Merge the four distributions
X = np.vstack([X1_1,X1_2,X2_1,X2_2])
# Plot the clusters
colors = ['r']*25 + ['b']*25 + ['g']*25 + ['y']*25
Sample data:
Fit the clustering model
model = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=2,linkage="ward")
Call the function to find the distances, and pass it to the dendogram
distance, weight = get_distances(X,model)
linkage_matrix = np.column_stack([model.children_, distance, weight]).astype(float)
Ouput dendogram:
Update: I recommend this solution -, if you found my attempt useful please examine Arjun's solution and re-examine your vote
You will need to generate a "linkage matrix" from children_ array
where every row in the linkage matrix has the format [idx1, idx2, distance, sample_count].
This is not meant to be a paste-and-run solution, I'm not keeping track of what I needed to import - but it should be pretty clear anyway.
Here is one way to generate the required structure Z and visualize the result
X is your n_samples x n_features input data
agg_cluster = sklearn.cluster.AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=n)
agg_labels = agg_cluster.fit_predict(X)
some empty data structures
Z = []
# should really call this cluster dict
node_dict = {}
n_samples = len(X)
write a recursive function to gather all leaf nodes associated with a given cluster, compute distances, and centroid positions
def get_all_children(k, verbose=False):
i,j = agg_cluster.children_[k]
if k in node_dict:
return node_dict[k]['children']
if i < leaf_count:
left = [i]
# read the AgglomerativeClustering doc. to see why I select i-n_samples
left = get_all_children(i-n_samples)
if j < leaf_count:
right = [j]
right = get_all_children(j-n_samples)
if verbose:
print k,i,j,left, right
left_pos = np.mean(map(lambda ii: X[ii], left),axis=0)
right_pos = np.mean(map(lambda ii: X[ii], right),axis=0)
# this assumes that agg_cluster used euclidean distances
dist = metrics.pairwise_distances([left_pos,right_pos],metric='euclidean')[0,1]
all_children = [x for y in [left,right] for x in y]
pos = np.mean(map(lambda ii: X[ii], all_children),axis=0)
# store the results to speed up any additional or recursive evaluations
node_dict[k] = {'top_child':[i,j],'children':all_children, 'pos':pos,'dist':dist, 'node_i':k + n_samples}
return all_children
#return node_di|ct
populate node_dict and generate Z - with distance and n_samples per node
for k,x in enumerate(agg_cluster.children_):
# Every row in the linkage matrix has the format [idx1, idx2, distance, sample_count].
Z = [[v['top_child'][0],v['top_child'][1],v['dist'],len(v['children'])] for k,v in node_dict.iteritems()]
# create a version with log scaled distances for easier visualization
Z_log =[[v['top_child'][0],v['top_child'][1],np.log(1.0+v['dist']),len(v['children'])] for k,v in node_dict.iteritems()]
plot it using scipy dendrogram
from scipy.cluster import hierarchy
dn = hierarchy.dendrogram(Z_log,p=4,truncate_mode='level')
be disappointed by how opaque this visualization is and wish you could interactively drill down into larger clusters and examine directional (not scalar) distances between centroids :( - maybe a bokeh solution exists?
I think the official example of sklearn on the AgglomerativeClustering would be helpful.
Plot Hierarchical Clustering Dendrogram:
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import dendrogram
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering
def plot_dendrogram(model, **kwargs):
# Create linkage matrix and then plot the dendrogram
# create the counts of samples under each node
counts = np.zeros(model.children_.shape[0])
n_samples = len(model.labels_)
for i, merge in enumerate(model.children_):
current_count = 0
for child_idx in merge:
if child_idx < n_samples:
current_count += 1 # leaf node
current_count += counts[child_idx - n_samples]
counts[i] = current_count
linkage_matrix = np.column_stack([model.children_, model.distances_,
# Plot the corresponding dendrogram
dendrogram(linkage_matrix, **kwargs)
iris = load_iris()
X =
# setting distance_threshold=0 ensures we compute the full tree.
model = AgglomerativeClustering(distance_threshold=0, n_clusters=None)
model =
plt.title('Hierarchical Clustering Dendrogram')
# plot the top three levels of the dendrogram
plot_dendrogram(model, truncate_mode='level', p=3)
plt.xlabel("Number of points in node (or index of point if no parenthesis).")
NB This solution relies on distances_ variable which only is set when calling AgglomerativeClustering with the distance_threshold parameter.
I ran into the same problem when setting n_clusters.
I think the problem is that if you set n_clusters, the distances don't get evaluated.
If you set n_clusters = None and set a distance_threshold, then it works with the code provided on sklearn.
I understand that this will probably not help in your situation but I hope a fix is underway.

Discretization of probability array in Python

I have a numpy array (actually imported from a GIS raster map) which contains
probability values of occurrence of a species like following example:
a = random.randint(1.0,20.0,1200).reshape(40,30)
b = (a*1.0)/sum(a)
Now I want to get a discrete version for that array again. Like if I have
e.g. 100 individuals which are located on the area of that array (1200 cells) how are they
distributed? Of course they should be distributed according to their probability,
meaning lower values indicated lower probability of occurrence. However, as everything is statistics there is still the chance that a individual is located at a low probability
cell. It should be possible that multiple individuals can occupy on cell...
It is like transforming a continuous distribution curve into a histogram again. Like many different histograms may result in a certain distribution curve it should also be the other way round. Accordingly applying the algorithm I am looking for will produce different discrete values each time. there any algorithm in python which can do that? As I am not that familiar with discretization maybe someone can help.
Use random.choice with bincount:
np.bincount(np.random.choice(b.size, 100, p=b.flat),
If you don't have NumPy 1.7, you can replace random.choice with:
np.searchsorted(np.cumsum(b), np.random.random(100))
np.bincount(np.searchsorted(np.cumsum(b), np.random.random(100)),
So far I think ecatmur's answer seems quite reasonable and simple.
I just want to add may a more "applied" example. Considering a dice
with 6 faces (6 numbers). Each number/result has a probability of 1/6.
Displaying the dice in form of an array could look like:
b = np.array([[1,1,1],[1,1,1]])/6.0
Thus rolling the dice 100 times (n=100) results in following simulation:
np.bincount(np.searchsorted(np.cumsum(b), np.random.random(n)),minlength=b.size).reshape(b.shape)
I think that can be an appropriate approach for such an application.
Thus thank you ecatmur for your help!
this is similar to my question i had earlier this month.
import random
def RandFloats(Size):
Scalar = 1.0
VectorSize = Size
RandomVector = [random.random() for i in range(VectorSize)]
RandomVectorSum = sum(RandomVector)
RandomVector = [Scalar*i/RandomVectorSum for i in RandomVector]
return RandomVector
from numpy.random import multinomial
import math
def RandIntVec(ListSize, ListSumValue, Distribution='Normal'):
ListSize = the size of the list to return
ListSumValue = The sum of list values
Distribution = can be 'uniform' for uniform distribution, 'normal' for a normal distribution ~ N(0,1) with +/- 5 sigma (default), or a list of size 'ListSize' or 'ListSize - 1' for an empirical (arbitrary) distribution. Probabilities of each of the p different outcomes. These should sum to 1 (however, the last element is always assumed to account for the remaining probability, as long as sum(pvals[:-1]) <= 1).
A list of random integers of length 'ListSize' whose sum is 'ListSumValue'.
if type(Distribution) == list:
DistributionSize = len(Distribution)
if ListSize == DistributionSize or (ListSize-1) == DistributionSize:
Values = multinomial(ListSumValue,Distribution,size=1)
OutputValue = Values[0]
elif Distribution.lower() == 'uniform': #I do not recommend this!!!! I see that it is not as random (at least on my computer) as I had hoped
UniformDistro = [1/ListSize for i in range(ListSize)]
Values = multinomial(ListSumValue,UniformDistro,size=1)
OutputValue = Values[0]
elif Distribution.lower() == 'normal':
Normal Distribution Construction....It's very flexible and hideous
Assume a +-3 sigma range. Warning, this may or may not be a suitable range for your implementation!
If one wishes to explore a different range, then changes the LowSigma and HighSigma values
LowSigma = -3#-3 sigma
HighSigma = 3#+3 sigma
StepSize = 1/(float(ListSize) - 1)
ZValues = [(LowSigma * (1-i*StepSize) +(i*StepSize)*HighSigma) for i in range(int(ListSize))]
#Construction parameters for N(Mean,Variance) - Default is N(0,1)
Mean = 0
Var = 1
#NormalDistro= [self.NormalDistributionFunction(Mean, Var, x) for x in ZValues]
NormalDistro= list()
for i in range(len(ZValues)):
if i==0:
ERFCVAL = 0.5 * math.erfc(-ZValues[i]/math.sqrt(2))
elif i == len(ZValues) - 1:
ERFCVAL = NormalDistro[0]
ERFCVAL1 = 0.5 * math.erfc(-ZValues[i]/math.sqrt(2))
ERFCVAL2 = 0.5 * math.erfc(-ZValues[i-1]/math.sqrt(2))
#print "Normal Distribution sum = %f"%sum(NormalDistro)
Values = multinomial(ListSumValue,NormalDistro,size=1)
OutputValue = Values[0]
raise ValueError ('Cannot create desired vector')
return OutputValue
raise ValueError ('Cannot create desired vector')
return OutputValue
ProbabilityDistibution = RandFloats(1200)#This is your probability distribution for your 1200 cell array
SizeDistribution = RandIntVec(1200,100,Distribution=ProbabilityDistribution)#for a 1200 cell array, whose sum is 100 with given probability distribution
The two main lines that are important are the last two lines in the code above
