How can I get each cognito user with their groups using boto3 - python

I need to list the users with each group that this has associated. I'm trying to do this:
client = boto3.client('cognito-idp')
response = client.list_users(
listUsers = response['Users']
for u in listUsers:
print u
But I am within their properties does not return the group. I'm using the boto3 python client. Thanks in advance.

ListUsers just returns user metadata but does not have group info. See the syntax of response from ListUsers API call here. To get a user's group info, you would need to make AdminListGroupsForUser API call. The corresponding boto3 call can be seen here.


How to send application/x-www-form-urlencoded to slack via python slackclient?

I am trying to use the api call users.profile.get to find a users profile picture. The problem is that the request requires not JSON, but URL encoded queries (I think?). I have the user id already, but I need to know how to send it to slack correctly, preferably with the api_call method.How would I go along doing this?
Here is the documention:
for users in collection.find():
start_date, end_date = users['start_date'], users['end_date']
user_data = client.api_call('users.profile.get',
"""What would I do here?""")
user_images[users['user_id']] = user_data['image_72']
f'from *{date_to_words(start_date[0], start_date[1], start_date[2])}* to *{date_to_words(end_date[0], end_date[1], end_date[2])}*'
'img', user_images[users['user_id']],
'_error displaying image_'
), ('text',
f'<!{users["user_id"]}>. _Contact them if you have any concerns_'
You can pass the parameters of the API as names arguments in your function call.
For users.get.profile you want to provide the user ID, e.g. "U1245678".
Then your call would look like this (with slackclient v1):
response = sc.api_call(
assert response["ok"]
user_data = response["profile"]
Or like this with slackclient v2:
response = sc.users_profile_get(user="U12345678")
assert response["ok"]
user_data = response["profile"]
To answer your question: You do not have to worry about how the API is called, since that is handled by library. But technically most of Slack's API endpoints accepts parameters both as URL endocded form and JSON.

Telegram API: how to get username from id (Python telepot)?

I save ids of all users of my bot in a database but how can I get their current username if I know id? I'm using Python 3 and Telepot framework.
Information about a user from user_id can be obtained by the getChat method in telepot.
bot = telepot.Bot(TOKEN)
info = bot.getChat(user_id)
you can get the inforamtion of an account by checking the entity.
You can try to get the entity with this method:
entity = client.get_entity(chat_id)
then Print the entity and try to get the name from there with something like name =

Need a Python script for Slack to deactivate a user [duplicate]

I have tried multiple approaches to this. Tried first getting the user without any user id - this returns me just my user, then tried getting user with other id's and it also retrieves data correctly. However, I can't seem to be able to set user attribute 'deleted'. i'm using this python approach.
slack_client.api_call('users.profile.set', deleted=True, user='U36D86MNK')
However I get the error message of:
{u'error': u'invalid_user', u'ok': False}
Maybe someone has already done this? It says in documentation that it's a paid service mentioning this message under a user property:
This argument may only be specified by team admins on paid teams.
But shouldn't it give me a 'paid service' response in that case then?
The users.profile.set apparently does not work for for setting each and every property of a user.
To set the deleted property there is another API method called users.admin.setInactive. Its an undocumented method and it will only work on paid teams.
Note: This requires a legacy token and doesn't work with App tokens - these are only available on paid plans and new legacy tokens can't be created anymore
in python you can do the following:
import requests
def del_slack_user(user_id): # the user_id can be found under get_slack_users()
key = 'TOKEN KEY' #replace token key with your actual token key
payload = {'token': key, 'user': user_id}
response = requests.delete('', params=payload)
def get_slack_users():
url = ''
response = requests.get(url=url)
response_data = response.json() # turns the query into a json object to search through`
You can use Slack's SCIM API to enable and disable a user. Note that, as with the undocumented API endpoint mentioned in other answers this requires a Plus/Enterprise account.

How to get information about groups liked by a user using Facebook Graph API

I am very new to the Graph API and a basically trying to write a python (v2.7) script which takes as input the userID of a Facebook user and returns names/IDs of all groups/pages that have been liked by the user.
I have managed to acquire an Access Token that uses the following permissions: user_likes and user_groups. Do I need anything else?
I have used the following code so far to get a JSON dump of all the output from this access token:
import urllib
import json
import sys
import os
userId = sys.argv[1]
# Read my likes as a json object
url=''+userId+'/feed?access_token='+accessToken +'&limit='+str(limit)
data = json.load(urllib.urlopen(url))
print str(data)
I did get some JSON data but I couldn't find any page/group related info in it neither did it seem to be the most recently updated data! Why is this?
Also, what are the field names that must be tracked to detect a page or a group in the likes data? Please help!
You are using the wrong API- /feed - this will fetch the feeds/posts of the user, not the pages/groups.
To get the groups he has joined:
API: /{user-id}/groups
Permissions req: user_groups
To get the pages he has liked:
API: /{user-id}/likes
Permissions req: user_likes

Issue using python-twitter

I'm using the python-twitter API
and whatever I pass to the below code as user, still returns my timeline and not the required user's. Is there something I'm doing wrong?
import twitter
api = twitter.Api(consumer_key=CONSUMER_KEY,
user = "#stackfeed"
statuses = api.GetUserTimeline(user)
print [s.text for s in statuses]
When I do not pass the required fields into twitter.Api, it gives me an authentication error.
You should use screen_name keyword argument, e.g.:
statuses = api.GetUserTimeline(screen_name="#gvanrossum")
