I'm trying to assign one of two classes (positive/nagative) to audio using CNN with Keras. My model should accept varied lengths of input (frames) in which each frame contains 41 features but I struggle with the input size. Bear in mind that I haven't acquired full dataset so I just mocked some meaningless data just to check if network works at all.
According to documentation https://keras.io/layers/convolutional/ and my best understanding Conv1D can tackle varied lengths if first element of input_shape tuple is None. Shape of variable containing input data X_train.shape is (4, 497, 41).
data = pd.read_csv('output_file.csv', sep=';')
featureCount = data.values.shape[1]
#mocks because full data is not available yet
Y_train = np.asarray([1, 0, 1, 0])
X_train = np.asarray(
[np.array(data.values, copy=True), np.array(data.values, copy=True), np.array(data.values, copy=True),
np.array(data.values, copy=True)])
# variable length with 41 features
model = keras.models.Sequential()
model.add(keras.layers.Conv1D(100, 5, activation='relu', input_shape=(None, featureCount)))
model.add(keras.layers.Dense(10, activation='relu'))
model.add(keras.layers.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))
model.fit(X_train, Y_train, epochs=10, verbose=False, validation_data=(np.array(data.values, copy=True), [1]))
This code produces error
ValueError: Error when checking input: expected conv1d_input to have 3 dimensions, but got array with shape (497, 41). So it appears like the first dimension was cut out as it contains training samples (it seems correct to me) what bothered me is the required dimensionality, why is it 3?
After searching for the answer I stumbled onto Dimension of shape in conv1D and followed it by adding last dimension (using X_train = np.expand_dims(X_train, axis=3)) that contains only single digit but I ended up with another, similar error:
ValueError: Error when checking input: expected conv1d_input to have 3 dimensions, but got array with shape (4, 497, 41, 1) now it seems that first dimension that previously was treated as sample "list" is now part of actual data.
I also tried fiddling with input_shape parameter but to no avail and using Reshape layer but ended up fighting with size the
What should I do to satisfy required shape? How to prepare data for processing?
My input is a array of 64 integers.
model = Sequential()
model.add( Input(shape=(68,), name="input"))
model.add(Conv1D(64, 2, activation="relu", padding="same", name="convLayer"))
I have 10,000 of these arrays in my training set. And I supposed to be specifying this in order for conv1D to work?
I am getting the dreaded
ValueError: Input 0 of layer convLayer is incompatible with the layer: : expected min_ndim=3, found ndim=2. Full shape received: [None, 68]
error and I really don't understand what I need to do.
Don't let the name confuse you. The layer tf.keras.layers.Conv1D needs the following shape: (time_steps, features). If your dataset is made of 10,000 samples with each sample having 64 values, then your data has the shape (10000, 64), which is not directly applicable to the tf.keras.layers.Conv1D layer. You are missing the time_steps dimension. What you can do is use the tf.keras.layers.RepeatVector, which repeats your array input n times, in the example 5. This way your Conv1D layer gets an input of the shape (5, 64). Check out the documentation for more information:
time_steps = 5
model = tf.keras.Sequential()
model.add(tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(64,), name="input"))
model.add(tf.keras.layers.Conv1D(64, 2, activation="relu", padding="same", name="convLayer"))
As a side note, you should ask yourself if using a tf.keras.layers.Conv1D layer is the right option for your use case. This layer is usually used for NLP and other time series tasks. For example, in sentence classification, each word in a sentence is usually mapped to a high-dimensional word vector representation, as seen in the image. This results in data with the shape (time_steps, features).
If you want to use character one hot encoded embeddings it would look something like this:
This is a simple example of one single sample with the shape (10, 10) --> 10 characters along the time series dimension and 10 features. It should help you understand the tutorial I mentioned a bit better.
The Conv1D layer does temporal convolution, that is, along the first dimension (not the batch dimension of course), so you should put something like this:
time_steps = 5
model = tf.keras.Sequential()
model.add(tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(time_steps, 64), name="input"))
model.add(tf.keras.layers.Conv1D(64, 2, activation="relu", padding="same", name="convLayer"))
You will need to slice your data into time_steps temporal slices to feed the network.
However, if your arrays don't have a temporal structure, then conv1D is not the layer you are looking for.
I want to create a neural network, that -easy speaking- creates an image out of an image (greyscale)
I have successfully created a dataset of 3200 examples of input and output (label) images.
(I know the dataset should be larger but that is not the problem right now)
The input [Xin] has the size (3200, 50, 30), since it is 50*30 pixels
The output [yout] has the size of (3200, 30, 20) since it is 30*20 pixels
I want to try out a fully connected network (later on a CNN)
The built of the fully connected model looks like that:
# 5 Create Model
model = tf.keras.models.Sequential()
model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(256, activation=tf.nn.relu))
model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(30*20, activation=tf.nn.relu))
#compile the model
# 6 Train the model
model.fit(Xin, yout, epochs=1) #train the model
After that I get the following error:
ValueError: Shape mismatch: The shape of labels (received (19200,)) should equal the shape of logits except for the last dimension (received (32, 600)).
I already tried to flatten yout:
youtflat = yout.transpose(1,0,2).reshape(-1,yout.shape[1]*yout.shape[2])
but this resulted in the same error
It appears you're flattening your labels (yout) completely, i.e., you're losing batch dimension. If your original yout has a shape of (3200, 30, 20) you should reshape it to have a shape of (3200, 30*20) which equals (3200, 600):
yout = numpy.reshape((3200, 600))
Then it should work
The suggested fix however only removes the error. I see many problems with your method though. For the task you're trying to perform (getting an image as output), you cannot use sparse_categorical_crossentropy as loss and accuracy as metrics. You should use 'mse' or 'mae' instead.
Following a paper, I'm using word embeddings as a feature vector for entity recognition.
I've attempted to architect the network using Keras but have run into a dimensionality problem I cannot seem to resolve.
Take the following example sentence:
["I went to the shop"]
The sentence has 5 words, and after computing the feature matrix, I am left with a matrix of dimension: (1, 120, 1000) == (#examples, sequence_length, embedding).
Note that sequence_length appends 0. padding when not complete. In this example, the actual sequence_length would be 5.
My network architecture is as follows:
enc = encode()
claims_input = Input(shape=(120, 1000), dtype='float32', name='claims')
x = Masking(mask_value=0., input_shape=(120, 1000))(claims_input)
x = Bidirectional(LSTM(units=512, return_sequences=True, recurrent_dropout=0.2, dropout=0.2))(x)
x = Bidirectional(LSTM(units=512, return_sequences=True, recurrent_dropout=0.2, dropout=0.2))(x)
out = TimeDistributed(Dense(8, activation="softmax"))(x)
model = Model(inputs=claims_input, output=out)
model.compile(loss="sparse_categorical_crossentropy", optimizer='adam', metrics=["accuracy"])
model.fit(enc, y)
The architecture is straight forward, I mask specific time steps, run two bidirectional LSTMs, followed by a softmax output. My y variable in this case, is a (9,8) one-hot-encoded matrix corresponding to the gold label of each word.
When trying to fit() this model, I am running into a dimensionality problem relating to the TimeDistributed() layer and I'm unsure how to resolve, or even begin to debug this.
Error: ValueError: Error when checking target: expected time_distributed_1 to have 3 dimensions, but got array with shape (9, 8)
Any help would be appreciated.
You are doing entity recognition. So each element in your input sequence will be assigned an entity (probably some of them as null). If your model takes an input sample of shape (120, n_features), then the output must also be a sequence of length of 120, i.e. one entity for each element. Therefore, the labels, i.e. y, you provide to the model must have a shape of (n_samples, 120, n_entities) (or (n_samples, 120, 1) if you are using sparse labeling).
Side note: There is no difference between TimeDistributed(Dense(...)) and Dense(...), as the Dense layer is applied on the last axis.
Trying to set up a Conv1D layer to be the input layer in keras.
The dataset is 1000 timesteps, and each timestep has 1 feature.
After reading a bunch of answers I reshaped my dataset to be in the following format of (n_samples, timesteps, features), which corresponds to the following in my case:
train_data = (78968, 1000, 1)
test_data = (19742, 1000, 1)
train_target = (78968,)
test_target = (19742,)
I later create and compile the code using the following lines
model = Sequential()
model.add(Conv1D(64, (4), input_shape = (1000,1) ))
optimizer = opt = Adam(decay = 1.000-0.999)
Then I try to fit, note, train_target and test_target are pandas series so i'm calling DataFrame.values to convert to numpy array, i suspect there might be an issue there?
training = model.fit(train_data,
validation_data=(test_data, test_target.values),
The model compiles but I get an error when I try to fit
Error when checking target: expected dense_4 to have 3 dimensions,
but got array with shape (78968, 1)
I've tried every combination of reshaping the data and can't get this to work.
I've used keras with dense layers only before for a different project where the input_dimension was specificied instead of the input_shape, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. I've read almost every stack overflow question about data shape issues and I'm afraid the problem is elsewhere, any help is appreciated, thank you.
Under the line model.add(MaxPooling1D(pool_size=2)), add one line model.add(Flatten()), your problem will be solved. Flatten function will help you convert your data into correct shape, please see this site for more information https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/keras/layers/Flatten
I'm building and training a CNN for a sequence, and have been using RNN's successfully, but am running into issues with CNN.
Here's the code, cnn1 is first (more complex model), tried getting a simpler one to fit and getting errors on both:
The shapes are as follows:
xtrain (5206, 19, 4)
ytrain (5206, 4)
xvalid (651, 19, 4)
yvalid (651, 4)
xtest (651, 19, 4)
ytest (651, 4)
I've tried just about every combination of kernel sizes and nodes I can think of, tried 2 different model builds.
model_cnn1.add(keras.layers.Conv1D(32, (4), activation='relu'))
model_cnn1.add(keras.layers.Conv1D(32, (4), activation='relu'))
model_cnn1.add(keras.layers.Conv1D(32, (4), activation='relu'))
model_cnn2 = keras.models.Sequential([
model_cnn2.compile(loss='mse',optimizer='adam',metrics= ['mse','accuracy'])
Output is 1/25 epochs, not entirely run, then on cnn1 I receive some variation of (final line):
ValueError: Negative dimension size caused by subtracting 4 from 1 for
'max_pooling1d_26/MaxPool' (op: 'MaxPool') with input shapes:
on cnn2 (simpler) I get error (final line):
InvalidArgumentError: Incompatible shapes: [32,4,4] vs. [32,4]
[[{{node metrics_6/mse/SquaredDifference}}]]
In general, is there some rule I should be following here for kernels/nodes/etc? I always seem to get these errors on the shape.
I'm hoping after I build a model of each type I'll understand the ins and outs--no pun intended--but it's driving me crazy!
I've tried every combination of
You can read up on the docs of the Conv1D and MaxPooling1D to read that these layers change the output shape depending on the value for strides. In your case you can keep the output shape for Conv1D equal by specifying a padding. MaxPooling1D changes the output shape by definition. With strides = 4, the output shape will be 4 times smaller in fact. I'd suggest carefully reading the docs to figure out exactly what happens and learning about the underlying theory of CNNs as to why this happens.