I have two threads (main thread and some background thread), and both have their own asyncio event loop.
Now consider I'm in the background thread and I want to execute something (func_for_main_thread) in the main thread. Doing that async, would be this:
However, how can I do that synced/blocking, i.e. wait until func_for_main_thread executed?
Related is this question, which asks the same question for Qt, and describes the same functionality of Apple GCD, which is basically:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ /* do sth */ });
dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ /* do sth */ });
If I understood what you want correctly, nothing stops you from passing Future to main thread to set it done once func_for_main_thread done. In background thread you can await for this future.
In other words:
import asyncio
from functools import partial
async def called_threadsafe(loop, func):
current_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
fut = asyncio.Future()
def call_and_set():
res = func()
except Exception as exc:
f = partial(fut.set_exception, exc)
f = partial(fut.set_result, res)
loop.call_soon_threadsafe(call_and_set) # submit to execute in other thread
return await fut # in current thread await other thread executed func and set future
Full code that demonstrates how it'll work:
import asyncio
from functools import partial
import threading
import time
async def called_threadsafe(loop, func):
current_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
fut = asyncio.Future()
def call_and_set():
res = func()
except Exception as exc:
f = partial(fut.set_exception, exc)
f = partial(fut.set_result, res)
return await fut
# helpers:
_l = threading.Lock()
def info(*args):
with _l:
print(*args, threading.get_ident(), flush=True)
def start_bg_loop():
bg_loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
def startup():
t = threading.Thread(target=startup)
t.daemon = True
return bg_loop
# main part:
def func_for_main_thread():
info('executed in fg thread')
return 'got result in bg thread'
async def bg_main(fg_loop):
info('bg_main started')
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
res = await called_threadsafe(fg_loop, func_for_main_thread)
info('bg_main finished')
async def fg_main(bg_loop):
info('fg_main started')
await asyncio.sleep(1)
info('fg_main finished')
fg_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
bg_loop = start_bg_loop()
asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(bg_main(fg_loop), bg_loop)
fg_main started 2252
bg_main started 5568
executed in fg thread 2252
got result in bg thread 5568
bg_main finished 5568
fg_main finished 2252
Below is (working) code for a generic websocket streamer.
It creates a daemon thread from which performs asyncio.run(...).
The asyncio code spawns 2 tasks, which never complete.
How to correctly destroy this object?
One of the tasks is executing a keepalive 'ping', so I can easily exit that loop using a flag. But the other is blocking on a message from the websocket.
import json
import aiohttp
import asyncio
import gzip
import asyncio
from threading import Thread
class WebSocket:
def __init__(self, url, on_connect, on_msg):
self.url = url
self.on_connect = on_connect
self.on_msg = on_msg
self.streams = {}
self.worker_thread = Thread(name='WebSocket', target=self.thread_func, daemon=True).start()
def thread_func(self):
async def aio_run(self):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
self.ws = await session.ws_connect(self.url)
await self.on_connect(self)
async def ping():
while True:
await self.ws.ping()
await asyncio.sleep(WebSocket.KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL_S)
async def main_loop():
async for msg in self.ws:
def extract_data(msg):
if msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.BINARY:
as_bytes = gzip.decompress(msg.data)
as_string = as_bytes.decode('utf8')
as_json = json.loads(as_string)
return as_json
elif msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.TEXT:
return json.loads(msg.data)
elif msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.ERROR:
print('⛔️ aiohttp.WSMsgType.ERROR')
return msg.data
data = extract_data(msg)
# May want this approach if we want to handle graceful shutdown
# W.task_ping = asyncio.create_task(ping())
# W.task_main_loop = asyncio.create_task(main_loop())
await asyncio.gather(
async def send_json(self, J):
await self.ws.send_json(J)
I'd suggest the use of asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe instead of asyncio.run. It returns a concurrent.futures.Future object which you can cancel:
def thread_func(self):
self.future = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(
# somewhere else
Another approach would be to make ping and main_loop a task, and cancel them when necessary:
# inside `aio_run`
self.task_ping = asyncio.create_task(ping())
self.main_loop_task = asyncio.create_task(main_loop())
await asyncio.gather(
# somewhere else
This doesn't change the fact that aio_run should also be called with asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe. asyncio.run should be used as a main entry point for asyncio programs and should be only called once.
I would like to suggest one more variation of the solution. When finishing coroutines (tasks), I prefer minimizing the use of cancel() (but not excluding), since sometimes it can make it difficult to debug business logic (keep in mind that asyncio.CancelledError does not inherit from an Exception).
In your case, the code might look like this(only changes):
class WebSocket:
def __init__(self, url, on_connect, on_msg):
# ...
self.worker_thread = Thread(name='WebSocket', target=self.thread_func)
async def aio_run(self):
self._loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# ...
self._ping_task = asyncio.create_task(ping())
self._main_task = asyncio.create_task(main_loop())
await asyncio.gather(
# ...
async def stop_ping(self):
await self._ping_task
except asyncio.CancelledError:
async def _stop(self):
# wait ping end before socket closing
await self.stop_ping()
# lead to correct exit from `async for msg in self.ws`
await self.ws.close()
def stop(self):
# wait stopping ping and closing socket
self._stop(), self._loop
self.worker_thread.join() # wait thread finish
I have written code for async pool below. in __aexit__ i'm cancelling the _worker tasks after the tasks get finished. But when i run the code, the worker tasks are not getting cancelled and the code is running forever. This what the task looks like: <Task pending coro=<AsyncPool._worker() running at \async_pool.py:17> wait_for=<Future cancelled>>. The asyncio.wait_for is getting cancelled but not the worker tasks.
class AsyncPool:
def __init__(self,coroutine,no_of_workers,timeout):
self._loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
self._queue = asyncio.Queue()
self._no_of_workers = no_of_workers
self._coroutine = coroutine
self._timeout = timeout
self._workers = None
async def _worker(self):
while True:
ret = False
queue_item = await self._queue.get()
ret = True
result = await asyncio.wait_for(self._coroutine(queue_item), timeout = self._timeout,loop= self._loop)
except Exception as e:
if ret:
async def push_to_queue(self,item):
async def __aenter__(self):
assert self._workers == None
self._workers = [asyncio.create_task(self._worker()) for _ in range(self._no_of_workers)]
return self
async def __aexit__(self,type,value,traceback):
await self._queue.join()
for worker in self._workers:
await asyncio.gather(*self._workers, loop=self._loop, return_exceptions =True)
To use the Asyncpool:
async def something(item):
print("got", item)
await asyncio.sleep(item)
async def main():
async with AsyncPool(something, 5, 2) as pool:
for i in range(10):
await pool.push_to_queue(i)
The Output in my terminal:
The problem is that your except Exception exception clause also catches cancellation, and ignores it. To add to the confusion, print(e) just prints an empty line in case of a CancelledError, which is where the empty lines in the output come from. (Changing it to print(type(e)) shows what's going on.)
To correct the issue, change except Exception to something more specific, like except asyncio.TimeoutError. This change is not needed in Python 3.8 where asyncio.CancelledError no longer derives from Exception, but from BaseException, so except Exception doesn't catch it.
When you have an asyncio task created and then cancelled, you still have the task alive that need to be "reclaimed". So you want to await worker for it. However, once you await such a cancelled task, as it will never give you back the expected return value, the asyncio.CancelledError will be raised and you need to catch it somewhere.
Because of this behavior, I don't think you should gather them but to await for each of the cancelled tasks, as they are supposed to return right away:
async def __aexit__(self,type,value,traceback):
await self._queue.join()
for worker in self._workers:
for worker in self._workers:
await worker
except asyncio.CancelledError:
print("worker cancelled:", worker)
This appears to work. The event is a counting timer and when it expires it cancels the tasks.
import asyncio
from datetime import datetime as dt
from datetime import timedelta as td
import random
import time
class Program:
def __init__(self):
self.duration_in_seconds = 20
self.program_start = dt.now()
self.event_has_expired = False
self.canceled_success = False
async def on_start(self):
print("On Start Event Start! Applying Overrides!!!")
await asyncio.sleep(random.randint(3, 9))
async def on_end(self):
print("On End Releasing All Overrides!")
await asyncio.sleep(random.randint(3, 9))
async def get_sensor_readings(self):
print("getting sensor readings!!!")
await asyncio.sleep(random.randint(3, 9))
async def evauluate_data(self):
print("checking data!!!")
await asyncio.sleep(random.randint(3, 9))
async def check_time(self):
if (dt.now() - self.program_start > td(seconds = self.duration_in_seconds)):
self.event_has_expired = True
print("Event is DONE!!!")
print("Event is not done! ",dt.now() - self.program_start)
async def main(self):
# script starts, do only once self.on_start()
await self.on_start()
print("On Start Done!")
while not self.canceled_success:
readings = asyncio.ensure_future(self.get_sensor_readings())
analysis = asyncio.ensure_future(self.evauluate_data())
checker = asyncio.ensure_future(self.check_time())
if not self.event_has_expired:
await readings
await analysis
await checker
# close other tasks before final shutdown
self.canceled_success = True
print("cancelled hit!")
# script ends, do only once self.on_end() when even is done
await self.on_end()
print('Done Deal!')
async def main():
program = Program()
await program.main()
In python, what's the idiomatic way to establish a one-way communication between two threading.Threads, call them thread a and thread b.
a is the producer, it continuously generates values for b to consume.
b is the consumer, it reads one value generated by a, process the value with a coroutine, and then reads the next value, and so on.
q = very_magic_queue.Queue()
def worker_of_a(q):
while True:
a = threading.Thread(worker_of_a, args=(q,))
async def loop(q):
while True:
# v must be processed in the same order as they are produced
v = await q.get()
async def foo():
async def b_main(q):
loop_fut = asyncio.ensure_future(loop(q))
foo_fut = asyncio.ensure_future(foo())
_ = await asyncio.wait([loop_fut, foo_fut], ...)
# blah blah blah
def worker_of_b(q):
b = threading.Thread(worker_of_b, args=(q,))
Of course the above code doesn't work, because queue.Queue.get cannot be awaitted, and asyncio.Queue cannot be used in another thread.
I also need a communication channel from b to a.
I would be great if the solution could also work with gevent.
Thanks :)
I had a similar problem -communicate data between a thread and asyncio. The solution I used is to create a sync Queue and add methods for async get and async put using asyncio.sleep to make it non-blocking.
Here is my queue class:
#class to provide queue (sync or asyc morph)
class queMorph(queue.Queue):
def __init__(self,qSize,qNM):
#Introduce methods for async awaitables morph of Q
async def aget(self):
while True:
return self.get_nowait()
except queue.Empty:
await asyncio.sleep(self.timeout)
except Exception as E:
async def aput(self,data):
while True:
return self.put_nowait(data)
except queue.Full:
print(f'{self.me} Queue full on put..')
await asyncio.sleep(self.timeout)
except Exception as E:
To put/get items from queue from the thread (synchronous), use the normal q.get() and q.put() blocking functions.
In the async loop, use q.aget() and q.aput() which do not block.
You can use a synchronized queue from the queue module and defer the wait to a ThreadPoolExecutor:
async def loop(q):
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) as executor:
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
while True:
# v must be processed in the same order as they are produced
v = await loop.run_in_executor(executor, q.get)
I've used Janus to solve this problem - it's a Python library that gives you a thread-safe queue that can be used to communicate between asyncio and a thread.
def threaded(sync_q):
for i in range(100):
async def async_code(async_q):
for i in range(100):
val = await async_q.get()
assert val == i
queue = janus.Queue()
fut = loop.run_in_executor(None, threaded, queue.sync_q)
await async_code(queue.async_q)
I am trying to set a timer that will interrupt the running process and call a coroutine when it fires. However, I'm not sure what the right way to accomplish this is. I've found AbstractEventLoop.call_later, along with threading.Timer but neither of these seem to work (or I'm using them incorrectly). The code is pretty basic and looks something like this:
def set_timer( time ):
self.timer = Timer( 10.0, timeout )
#self.timer = get_event_loop()
#self.timer.call_later( 10.0, timeout )
async def timeout():
await some_func()
What is the correct way to set a non-blocking timer, that will call a callback function after some number of seconds? Being able to cancel the timer would be a bonus but is not a requirement. The major things I need are: non-blocking and successfully calling the co-routine. Right now it returns an error that the object can't be await'd (if I toss an await in) or that some_func was never await'd, and the expected output never happens.
Creating Task using ensure_future is a common way to start some job executing without blocking your execution flow. You can also cancel tasks.
I wrote example implementation for you to have something to start from:
import asyncio
class Timer:
def __init__(self, timeout, callback):
self._timeout = timeout
self._callback = callback
self._task = asyncio.ensure_future(self._job())
async def _job(self):
await asyncio.sleep(self._timeout)
await self._callback()
def cancel(self):
async def timeout_callback():
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
async def main():
print('\nfirst example:')
timer = Timer(2, timeout_callback) # set timer for two seconds
await asyncio.sleep(2.5) # wait to see timer works
print('\nsecond example:')
timer = Timer(2, timeout_callback) # set timer for two seconds
await asyncio.sleep(1)
timer.cancel() # cancel it
await asyncio.sleep(1.5) # and wait to see it won't call callback
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
first example:
second example:
Thanks Mikhail Gerasimov for your answer, it was very useful. Here is an extension to Mikhail’s anwer. This is an interval timer with some twists. Perhaps it is useful for some users.
import asyncio
class Timer:
def __init__(self, interval, first_immediately, timer_name, context, callback):
self._interval = interval
self._first_immediately = first_immediately
self._name = timer_name
self._context = context
self._callback = callback
self._is_first_call = True
self._ok = True
self._task = asyncio.ensure_future(self._job())
print(timer_name + " init done")
async def _job(self):
while self._ok:
if not self._is_first_call or not self._first_immediately:
await asyncio.sleep(self._interval)
await self._callback(self._name, self._context, self)
self._is_first_call = False
except Exception as ex:
def cancel(self):
self._ok = False
async def some_callback(timer_name, context, timer):
context['count'] += 1
print('callback: ' + timer_name + ", count: " + str(context['count']))
if timer_name == 'Timer 2' and context['count'] == 3:
print(timer_name + ": goodbye and thanks for all the fish")
timer1 = Timer(interval=1, first_immediately=True, timer_name="Timer 1", context={'count': 0}, callback=some_callback)
timer2 = Timer(interval=5, first_immediately=False, timer_name="Timer 2", context={'count': 0}, callback=some_callback)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("clean up done")
The solution proposed by Mikhail has one drawback. Calling cancel() cancels both: the timer and the actual callback (if cancel() fired after timeout is passed, but actual job is still in progress). Canceling the job itself may be not the desired behavior.
An alternative approach is to use loop.call_later:
async def some_job():
print('Job started')
await asyncio.sleep(5)
print('Job is done')
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # or asyncio.get_running_loop()
timeout = 5
timer = loop.call_later(timeout, lambda: asyncio.ensure_future(some_job()))
timer.cancel() # cancels the timer, but not the job, if it's already started
I would like to do something like the following:
import asyncio
async def g():
print('called g')
return 'somevalue'
async def f():
x = g()
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
Where there is no output. Notice that I did not await the g(). This will generate a g was not awaited exception, but I'm looking for behaviour where g most definitely did not run.
This is useful for me where I have a long running operation with complex setup, but I only need its result in certain situations, so why bother running it when it is not needed. Kind of an 'on demand' situation.
How can I do this?
One option is to use simple flags to signal tasks:
import asyncio
import random
async def g(info):
print('> called g')
if not info['skip']:
print('* running g', info['id'])
await asyncio.sleep(random.uniform(1, 3))
print('- skiping g', info['id'])
print('< done g', info['id'])
return info['id']
async def main():
data = [{
'id': i,
'skip': False
} for i in range(10)]
# schedule 10 tasks to run later
tasks = [asyncio.ensure_future(g(info)) for info in data]
# tell some tasks to skip processing
data[2]['skip'] = True
data[5]['skip'] = True
data[6]['skip'] = True
# wait for all results
results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
A different option would be using task.cancel:
import asyncio
async def coro(x):
print('coro', x)
return x
async def main():
task1 = asyncio.ensure_future(coro(1))
task2 = asyncio.ensure_future(coro(2))
task3 = asyncio.ensure_future(coro(3))
for task in asyncio.as_completed([task1, task2, task3]):
result = await task
print("success", result)
except asyncio.CancelledError as e:
print("cancelled", e)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()