Keeping global state in Flask Application [duplicate] - python

This question already has answers here:
Are global variables thread-safe in Flask? How do I share data between requests?
(4 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
This seems like a pretty obvious question, but a lot of the document around this is very confusing, and warn me not to keep a global state instead of telling me how to.
For example, if I need to have a database connection pool (I'm not using SQLAlchemy), or a pool of object instances (both of which need to be global pools, centrally managed), how do I do that?
If I use flask.g, that's not shared between threads, and if I use a python global, that's not shared between multiple processes of the same application (which, as I understand, can be spawned in the case of large production flask servers). Do I use flask.current_app? Do I make the pool a separate process itself? Something else?

The warnings about "not keeping a per-process global state" in a web backend app (you'll have the very same issue with Django or any wsgi app) only applies to state that you expect to be shared between requests AND processes.
If it's ok for you to have per-process state (for example db connection is typically a per-process state) then it's not an issue. wrt/ connections pooling, you could (or not) decide that having distinct pools per server process is ok.
For anything else - any state that needs to be shared amongst processes -, this is usually handled by some using some external database or cache process, so if you want to have one single connection pool for all your Flask processes you will have to use a distinct server process for maintaining the pool indeed.
Also note that:
multiple processes of the same application (which, as I understand, can be spawned in the case of large production flask servers)
Actually this has nothing to do with being "large". With a traditional "blocking" server, you can only handle concurrent requests by using either multithreading or multiprocessing. The unix philosophy traditionnally favors multiprocessing ("prefork" model) for various reasons, and Python's multithreading is bordering on useless anyway (at least in this context) so you don't have much choice if you hope to serve one more one single request at a time.
To make a long story short, consider that just any production setup for a wsgi app will run multiple processes in the background, period.


Share state between threads in bottle

In my Bottle app running on pythonanywhere, I want objects to be persisted between requests.
If I write something like this:
X = {'count': 0}
def count():
X['count'] += 1
tpl = SimpleTemplate('Hello {{count}}!')
return tpl.render(count=X['count'])
The count increments, meaning that X persists between requests.
I am currently running this on pythonanywhere, which is a managed service where I have no control over the web server (nginx I presume?) threading, load balancing (if any) etc...
My question is, is this coincidence because it's only using one thread while on minimal load from me doing my tests?
More generally, at which point will this stop working? E.g. I have more than one thread/socket/instance/load-balanced server etc...?
Beyond that, what is my best options to make something like this work (sticking to Bottle) even if I have to move to a barebones server.
Here's what Bottle docs have to say about their request object:
A thread-safe instance of LocalRequest. If accessed from within a request callback, this instance always refers to the current request (even on a multi-threaded server).
But I don't fully understand what that means, or where global variables like the one I used stand with regards to multi-threading.
TL;DR: You'll probably want to use an external database to store your state.
If your application is tiny, and you're planning to always have exactly one server process running, then your current approach can work; "all" you need to do is acquire a lock around every (!) access to the shared state (the dict X in your sample code). (I put "all" in scare quotes there because it's likely to become more complicated than it sounds at first.)
But, since you're asking about multithreading, I'll assume that your application is more than a toy, meaning that you plan to receive substantial traffic and/or want to handle multiple requests concurrently. In this case, you'll want multiple processes, which means that your approach--storing state in memory--cannot work. Memory is not shared across processes. The (general) way to share state across processes is to store the state externally, e.g. in a database.
Are you familiar with Redis? That'd be on my short list of candidates.
I go the answers by contacting PythonAnywhere support, who had this to say:
When you run a website on a free PythonAnywhere account, just
one process handles all of your requests -- so a global variable like
the one you use there will be fine. But as soon as you want to scale
up, and get (say) a hacker account, then you'll have multiple processes
(not, not threads) -- and of course each one will have its own global
variables, so things will go wrong.
So that part deals with the PythonAnywhere specifics on why it works, and when it would stop working on there.
The answer to the second part, about how to share variables between multiple Bottle processes, I also got from their support (most helpful!) once they understood that a database would not work well in this situation.
Different processes cannot of course share variables, and the most viable solution would be to:
write your own kind of caching server to handle keeping stuff in memory [...] You'd have one process that ran all of the time, and web API requests would access it somehow (an internal REST API?). It could maintain stuff in memory [...]
Ps: I didn't expect other replies to tell me to store state in a database, I figured that the fact I'm asking this means I have a good reason not to use a database, apologies for time wasted!

Django Threading Structure

First of all to begin with 'Yes' i checked and googled this topic but can't find anything that gives me a clear answer to my question? I am a beginner in Djagno and studying its documentation where i read about the Thread Safety Considerations for render method of nodes for Templates Tags. Here is the link to the documentation Link. My question lies where it states that Once the node is parsed the render method for that node might be called multiple times i am confused whether it is talking about the use of the template tag in the same document at different places for the same user at the single instance level of the user on the server or the use of the template tag for multiple request coming from users all around the world sharing the same django instance in memory? If its the latter one does't django create a new instance at the server level for every new user request and have separate resources for every user in the memory or am i wrong about this?
It's the latter.
A WSGI server usually runs a number of persistent processes, and in each process it runs a number of threads. While some automatic scaling can be applied, the number of processes and threads is more or less constant, and determines how many concurrent requests Django can handle. The days where each request would create a new CGI process are long gone, and in most cases persistent processes are much more efficient.
Each process has its own memory, and the communication between processes is usually handled by the database, the cache etc. They can't communicate directly through memory.
Each thread within a process shares the same memory. That means that any object that is not locally scoped (e.g. only defined inside a function), is accessible from the other threads. The cached template loader parses each template once per process, and each thread uses the same parsed nodes. That also means that if you set e.g. = 'bar' in one thread, each thread will then read 'bar' when accessing Since multiple threads run at the same time, this can quickly become a huge mess that's impossible to debug, which is why thread safety is so important.
As the documentation says, as long as you don't store data on self, but put it into context.render_context, you should be fine.

Tornado multi-process mode: how can I send users to the same process?

I have a stateful concept Tornado application which enables users (a small user base) to do some CPU bound tasks with potentially large in-memory objects. This poses a problem in a single-threaded configuration, because one user can impact the experience of another.
I could use multiprocessing to ship the task to another process, but this would require repeated copying of this large data and would not be ideal.
I found that Tornado can be configured to be multi-process. I thought this would resolve my issue for the time being; different users get different processes. However what I've found is that references to objects would go missing when interacting with the web application. I assume it's because Tornado sends me to a potentially different process per API invocation, and the object I interacted previously with did not exist in the current process.
Thus my question: Can I configure Tornado to a client/user to the same process repeatedly?
You can't do this with Tornado's multi-process mode, or any solution that involves multiple processes all listening on a single port. Instead, you need to run your Tornado processes independently on different ports, and use a separate load balancer that can distribute requests to them intelligently (for example, nginx with the ip_hash option)

Memory model for apache/modwsgi application in python?

In a regular application (like on Windows), when objects/variables are created on a global level it is available to the entire program during the entire duration the program is running.
In a web application written in PHP for instance, all variables/objects are destroyed at the end of the script so everything has to be written to the database.
a) So what about python running under apache/modwsgi? How does that work in regards to the memory?
b) How do you create objects that persist between web page requests and how do you ensure there isn't threading issues in apache/modwsgi?
Go read the following from the official mod_wsgi documentation:
It explains the various modes things can be run in and gives some general guidelines about data scope and sharing.
All Python globals are created when the module is imported. When module is re-imported the same globals are used.
Python web servers do not do threading, but pre-forked processes. Thus there is no threading issues with Apache.
The lifecycle of Python processes under Apache depends. Apache has settings how many child processes are spawned, keep in reserve and killed. This means that you can use globals in Python processes for caching (in-process cache), but the process may terminate after any request so you cannot put any persistent data in the globals. But the process does not necessarily need to terminate and in this regard Python is much more efficient than PHP (the source code is not parsed for every request - but you need to have the server in reload mode to read source code changes during the development).
Since globals are per-process and there can be N processes, the processes share "web server global" state using mechanisms like memcached.
Usually Python globals only contain
Setting variables set during the process initialization
Cached data (session/user neutral)

how to process long-running requests in python workers?

I have a python (well, it's php now but we're rewriting) function that takes some parameters (A and B) and compute some results (finds best path from A to B in a graph, graph is read-only), in typical scenario one call takes 0.1s to 0.9s to complete. This function is accessed by users as a simple REST web-service (GET bestpath.php?from=A&to=B). Current implementation is quite stupid - it's a simple php script+apache+mod_php+APC, every requests needs to load all the data (over 12MB in php arrays), create all structures, compute a path and exit. I want to change it.
I want a setup with N independent workers (X per server with Y servers), each worker is a python app running in a loop (getting request -> processing -> sending reply -> getting req...), each worker can process one request at a time. I need something that will act as a frontend: get requests from users, manage queue of requests (with configurable timeout) and feed my workers with one request at a time.
how to approach this? can you propose some setup? nginx + fcgi or wsgi or something else? haproxy? as you can see i'am a newbie in python, reverse-proxy, etc. i just need a starting point about architecture (and data flow)
btw. workers are using read-only data so there is no need to maintain locking and communication between them
The typical way to handle this sort of arrangement using threads in Python is to use the standard library module Queue. An example of using the Queue module for managing workers can be found here: Queue Example
Looks like you need the "workers" to be separate processes (at least some of them, and therefore might as well make them all separate processes rather than bunches of threads divided into several processes). The multiprocessing module in Python 2.6 and later's standard library offers good facilities to spawn a pool of processes and communicate with them via FIFO "queues"; if for some reason you're stuck with Python 2.5 or even earlier there are versions of multiprocessing on the PyPi repository that you can download and use with those older versions of Python.
The "frontend" can and should be pretty easily made to run with WSGI (with either Apache or Nginx), and it can deal with all communications to/from worker processes via multiprocessing, without the need to use HTTP, proxying, etc, for that part of the system; only the frontend would be a web app per se, the workers just receive, process and respond to units of work as requested by the frontend. This seems the soundest, simplest architecture to me.
There are other distributed processing approaches available in third party packages for Python, but multiprocessing is quite decent and has the advantage of being part of the standard library, so, absent other peculiar restrictions or constraints, multiprocessing is what I'd suggest you go for.
There are many FastCGI modules with preforked mode and WSGI interface for python around, the most known is flup. My personal preference for such task is superfcgi with nginx. Both will launch several processes and will dispatch requests to them. 12Mb is not as much to load them separately in each process, but if you'd like to share data among workers you need threads, not processes. Note, that heavy math in python with single process and many threads won't use several CPU/cores efficiently due to GIL. Probably the best approach is to use several processes (as much as cores you have) each running several threads (default mode in superfcgi).
The most simple solution in this case is to use the webserver to do all the heavy lifting. Why should you handle threads and/or processes when the webserver will do all that for you?
The standard arrangement in deployments of Python is:
The webserver start a number of processes each running a complete python interpreter and loading all your data into memory.
HTTP request comes in and gets dispatched off to some process
Process does your calculation and returns the result directly to the webserver and user
When you need to change your code or the graph data, you restart the webserver and go back to step 1.
This is the architecture used Django and other popular web frameworks.
I think you can configure modwsgi/Apache so it will have several "hot" Python interpreters
in separate processes ready to go at all times and also reuse them for new accesses
(and spawn a new one if they are all busy).
In this case you could load all the preprocessed data as module globals and they would
only get loaded once per process and get reused for each new access. In fact I'm not sure this isn't the default configuration
for modwsgi/Apache.
The main problem here is that you might end up consuming
a lot of "core" memory (but that may not be a problem either).
I think you can also configure modwsgi for single process/multiple
thread -- but in that case you may only be using one CPU because
of the Python Global Interpreter Lock (the infamous GIL), I think.
Don't be afraid to ask at the modwsgi mailing list -- they are very
responsive and friendly.
You could use nginx load balancer to proxy to PythonPaste paster (which serves WSGI, for example Pylons), that launches each request as separate thread anyway.
Another option is a queue table in the database.
The worker processes run in a loop or off cron and poll the queue table for new jobs.
