Python recursive function not recursing - python

I'm trying to solve a puzzle, which is to reverse engineer this code, to get a list of possible passwords, and from those there should be one that 'stands out', and should work
function checkPass(password) {
var total = 0;
var charlist = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
for (var i = 0; i < password.length; i++) {
var countone = password.charAt(i);
var counttwo = (charlist.indexOf(countone));
total *= 17;
total += counttwo;
if (total == 248410397744610) {
} else {...
I wrote something in python that I think should work, I reverse engineered the order of which it adds and multiplies, and has it try every character to see if it properly divides into an even number.
from random import shuffle
def shuffle_string(word):
word = list(word)
return ''.join(word)
charlist = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
total = 248410397744610
temp = total
password = ''
runtime = 20
def runlist():
global charlist
global total
global temp
global password
global runtime
for i in range(25):
if (temp - (i+1)) % 17 == 0:
password += charlist[i]
temp -= i+1
temp = temp /17
if temp == 0:
print password
password = ''
temp = total
runtime += 1
charlist = shuffle_string(charlist)
if runtime < 21:
But when I try to run it I only get
Process finished with exit code 0
I'm wondering why my function isn't recursing properly, because it looks like it should from what I see. try and run it yourself, and see what happens.
There should be multiple solutions for this puzzle (I think?), and I was planning on making it be able repeat until it gets all solutions, but I'm a little lost on why it just runs through every letter once, then dies.
Revised code to actually recurse, but now I get no output, and still finish with exit code 0.
Revised code again to fix a mistake

Afraid I don't know much about python, but I can probably help you with the algorithm.
The encoding process repeats the following:
multiply the current total by 17
add a value (a = 1, b = 2, ..., z = 26) for the next letter to the
So at any point, the total is a multiple of 17 plus the value of the final letter. So each step in the recursive solver must remove the final letter then divide the result by 17.
However, because the multiplier is 17 and there are 26 characters in the alphabet, some of the remainder values may be produced by more than one letter - this is where many passwords may give rise to the same solution.
For example:
encoding "a" gives a total of 1, and 1 % 17 = 1
encoding "r" gives a total of 18, and 18 % 17 = 1
So if the current remainder is 1, then the encoded letter may be either "a" or "r". I think in your solution you only ever look for the first of these cases, and miss the second.
In pseudo code, my function to solve this would look something like:
function decodePassword(total, password)
if total == 0
print password
end if
var rem = total / 17 # integer division - truncate
var char1 = total % 17 # potential first character
var char2 = char1 + 17 # potential second character
# char1 values 1-16 map to letters a-p
if char1 >= 1
decodePassword(rem, charlist.charAt(char1 - 1) + password)
end if
# char2 values 17-26 map to letters q-z
if rem > 0 && char2 <= 26
decodePassword(rem - 1, charlist.charAt(char2 - 1) + password)
end if
end function
If it helps, the answer you are looking for is 12 chars long, and probably not printable in this forum!

Your code is neither repeating nor recursing because:
The runlist function is only called once
The runlist function does not fit the pattern for recursion which is:
Check for end of processing condition and if met return final result
Otherwise return the results so far plus of calling youself


My function isn't printing anything other than "None"

I'm doing an assignment for school that's due tonight and I can't figure out why it isn't working. I'm really new to programming in general but I just don't understand why it doesn't work.
The program is supposed to convert from decimal to binary and, depending on how big the number is, print it in either 8 bits or 16 bits.
def dec2bin(värde, antal_bitar):
while bitvärde == (2 ** (antal_bitar - 1)):
if värde >= bitvärde:
return str("1")
värde= värde - bitvärde
return str("0")
antal_bitar = antal_bitar - 1
invärde_ok = False
invärde = 0
while invärde_ok == False:
invärde=(int(input("Ange ett decimalt värde: ")))
if (invärde > 65536):
print("Fel. Kan inte hantera stora tal. Försök igen.")
if invärde < 0:
print("Fel. Kan bara hantera positiva tal. Försök igen.")
invärde_ok = True
if invärde < 256:
print("Talet", invärde , "ryms i en byte och blir binärt:")
print("Talet", invärde , "ryms i 16 bitar och blir binärt:")
Sorry for the Swedish parts.
The problem is, instead of giving bitvarde a new value in each iteration in your dec2bin function, you're checking if it equals a certain value - which it does not. Instead, you should use a For loop,
for i in range(y-1,-1,-1):
which will give i a different value each iteration.
range(y-1,-1,-1) simply means that i will get values starting from y-1, changing by -1 every turn, and ending before -1, ie at 0.
In the loop, just add the following:
bitvarde = 2**i
Remove the y=y-1 from the end.
Also, when you use return in the function, that ends the function's execution. You want it to add a 1 or a 0 to the end of the final string.
For that, define an empty string, result = "", in the beginning (before the for loop).
instead of
return str("1"), use result += "1", which simply means result = result + "1".
at the end of the function, after the loop, put:
return result
That should do it! Of course, you can rename result as something else in Swedish.
Here's what the final code should look like:
def dec2bin(värde, antal_bitar):
result = ""
for i in range(antal_bitar-1,-1,-1):
bitvärde = 2**(i)
if värde>=bitvärde:
result += "1"
result += "0"
return result
Hopefully this matches the pseudocode you were given.

How to condense this string compression code to make it more efficient?

I just wrote up code for problem 1.6 String Compression from Cracking the Coding Interview. I am wondering how I can condense this code to make it more efficient. Also, I want to make sure that this code is O(n) because I am not concatenating to a new string.
The problem states:
Implement a method to perform basic string compression using the counts of repeated characters. For example, the string 'aabcccccaaa' would become a2b1c5a3. If the "compressed" string would not become smaller than the original string, your method should return the original string. You can assume the string has only uppercase and lowercase letters (a - z).
My code works. My first if statement after the else checks to see if the count for the character is 1, and if it is then to just append the character. I do this so when checking the length of the end result and the original string to decide which one to return.
import string
def stringcompress(str1):
res = []
d = dict.fromkeys(string.ascii_letters, 0)
main = str1[0]
for char in range(len(str1)):
if str1[char] == main:
d[main] += 1
if d[main] == 1:
d[main] = 0
main = str1[char]
d[main] += 1
res.append(main + str(d[main]))
d[main] = 0
main = str1[char]
d[main] += 1
res.append(main + str(d[main]))
return min(''.join(res), str1)
Again, my code works as expected and does what the question asks. I just want to see if there are certain lines of code I can take out to make the program more efficient.
I messed around testing different variations with the timeit module. Your variation worked fantastically when I generated test data that did not repeat often, but for short strings, my stringcompress_using_string was the fastest method. As the strings grow longer everything flips upside down, and your method of doing things becomes the fastest, and stringcompress_using_string is the slowest.
This just goes to show the importance of testing under different circumstances. My initial conclusions where incomplete, and having more test data showed the true story about the effectiveness of these three methods.
import string
import timeit
import random
def stringcompress_original(str1):
res = []
d = dict.fromkeys(string.ascii_letters, 0)
main = str1[0]
for char in range(len(str1)):
if str1[char] == main:
d[main] += 1
if d[main] == 1:
d[main] = 0
main = str1[char]
d[main] += 1
res.append(main + str(d[main]))
d[main] = 0
main = str1[char]
d[main] += 1
res.append(main + str(d[main]))
return min(''.join(res), str1, key=len)
def stringcompress_using_list(str1):
res = []
count = 0
for i in range(1, len(str1)):
count += 1
if str1[i] is str1[i-1]:
count = 0
res.append(str1[i] + str(count+1))
return min(''.join(res), str1, key=len)
def stringcompress_using_string(str1):
res = ''
count = 0
# we can start at 1 because we already know the first letter is not a repition of any previous letters
for i in range(1, len(str1)):
count += 1
# we keep going through the for loop, until a character does not repeat with the previous one
if str1[i] is str1[i-1]:
# add the character along with the number of times it repeated to the final string
# reset the count
# and we start all over with the next character
res += str1[i-1] + str(count)
count = 0
# add the final character + count
res += str1[i] + str(count+1)
return min(res, str1, key=len)
def generate_test_data(min_length=3, max_length=300, iterations=3000, repeat_chance=.66):
assert repeat_chance > 0 and repeat_chance < 1
data = []
chr = 'a'
for i in range(iterations):
the_str = ''
# create a random string with a random length between min_length and max_length
for j in range( random.randrange(min_length, max_length+1) ):
# if we've decided to not repeat by randomization, then grab a new character,
# otherwise we will continue to use (repeat) the character that was chosen last time
if random.random() > repeat_chance:
chr = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)
the_str += chr
return data
# generate test data beforehand to make sure all of our tests use the same test data
test_data = generate_test_data()
#make sure all of our test functions are doing the algorithm correctly
print('showing that the algorithms all produce the correct output')
print('stringcompress_original: ', stringcompress_original('aabcccccaaa'))
print('stringcompress_using_list: ', stringcompress_using_list('aabcccccaaa'))
print('stringcompress_using_string: ', stringcompress_using_string('aabcccccaaa'))
print('stringcompress_original took', timeit.timeit("[stringcompress_original(x) for x in test_data]", number=10, globals=globals()), ' seconds' )
print('stringcompress_using_list took', timeit.timeit("[stringcompress_using_list(x) for x in test_data]", number=10, globals=globals()), ' seconds' )
print('stringcompress_using_string took', timeit.timeit("[stringcompress_using_string(x) for x in test_data]", number=10, globals=globals()), ' seconds' )
The following results where all taken on an Intel i7-5700HQ CPU # 2.70GHz, quad core processor. Compare the different functions within each blockquote, but don't try to cross compare results from one blockquote to another because the size of the test data will be different.
Using long strings
Test data generated with generate_test_data(10000, 50000, 100, .66)
stringcompress_original took 7.346990528497378 seconds
stringcompress_using_list took 7.589927956366313 seconds
stringcompress_using_string took 7.713812443264496 seconds
Using short strings
Test data generated with generate_test_data(2, 5, 10000, .66)
stringcompress_original took 0.40272931026355685 seconds
stringcompress_using_list took 0.1525574881739265 seconds
stringcompress_using_string took 0.13842854253813164 seconds
10% chance of repeating characters
Test data generated with generate_test_data(10, 300, 10000, .10)
stringcompress_original took 4.675965586924492 seconds
stringcompress_using_list took 6.081609410376534 seconds
stringcompress_using_string took 5.887430301813865 seconds
90% chance of repeating characters
Test data generated with generate_test_data(10, 300, 10000, .90)
stringcompress_original took 2.6049783549783547 seconds
stringcompress_using_list took 1.9739111725413099 seconds
stringcompress_using_string took 1.9460854974553605 seconds
It's important to create a little framework like this that you can use to test changes to your algorithm. Often changes that don't seem useful will make your code go much faster, so the key to the game when optimizing for performance is to try out different things, and time the results. I'm sure there are more discoveries that could be found if you play around with making different changes, but it really matters on the type of data you want to optimize for -- compressing short strings vs long strings vs strings that don't repeat as often vs those that do.

Changing this Python program to have function def()

The following Python program flips a coin several times, then reports the longest series of heads and tails. I am trying to convert this program into a program that uses functions so it uses basically less code. I am very new to programming and my teacher requested this of us, but I have no idea how to do it. I know I'm supposed to have the function accept 2 parameters: a string or list, and a character to search for. The function should return, as the value of the function, an integer which is the longest sequence of that character in that string. The function shouldn't accept input or output from the user.
import random
print("This program flips a coin several times, \nthen reports the longest
series of heads and tails")
cointoss = int(input("Number of times to flip the coin: "))
varlist = []
i = 0
varstring = ' '
while i < cointoss:
r = random.choice('HT')
varstring = varstring + r
i += 1
print("There's this many heads: ",varstring.count("H"))
print("There's this many tails: ",varstring.count("T"))
print("Processing input...")
i = 0
longest_h = 0
longest_t = 0
inarow = 0
prevIn = 0
while i < cointoss:
if varlist[i] == 'H':
prevIn += 1
if prevIn > longest_h:
longest_h = prevIn
inarow = 0
if varlist[i] == 'T':
inarow += 1
if inarow > longest_t:
longest_t = inarow
prevIn = 0
i += 1
print ("The longest series of heads is: ",longest_h)
print ("The longest series of tails is: ",longest_t)
If this is asking too much, any explanatory help would be really nice instead. All I've got so far is:
def flip (a, b):
flipValue = random.randint
but it's barely anything.
import random
def Main():
def getFlips():
Flips=int(input("Enter number if flips:\n"))
return Flips
def flipping(numOfFlips):
for flips in range(0,numOfFlips):
if flipValue==1:
longHeads.append(Heads) #recording value of Heads before resetting it
longestHeads=max(longHeads) #chooses the greatest length from both lists
return "Longest heads:\t"+str(longestHeads)+"\nLongest tails:\t"+str(longestTails)
I did not quite understand how your code worked, so I made the code in functions that works just as well, there will probably be ways of improving my code alone but I have moved the code over to functions
First, you need a function that flips a coin x times. This would be one possible implementation, favoring random.choice over random.randint:
def flip(x):
result = []
for _ in range(x):
result.append(random.choice(("h", "t")))
return result
Of course, you could also pass from what exactly we are supposed to take a choice as a parameter.
Next, you need a function that finds the longest sequence of some value in some list:
def longest_series(some_value, some_list):
current, longest = 0, 0
for r in some_list:
if r == some_value:
current += 1
longest = max(current, longest)
current = 0
return longest
And now you can call these in the right order:
# initialize the random number generator, so we get the same result
# toss a coin a hundred times
series = flip(100)
# count heads/tails
headflips = longest_series('h', series)
tailflips = longest_series('t', series)
# print the results
print("The longest series of heads is: " + str(headflips))
print("The longest series of tails is: " + str(tailflips))
>> The longest series of heads is: 8
>> The longest series of heads is: 5
edit: removed the flip implementation with yield, it made the code weird.
Counting the longest run
Let see what you have asked for
I'm supposed to have the function accept 2 parameters: a string or list,
or, generalizing just a bit, a sequence
and a character
again, we'd speak, generically, of an item
to search for. The function should return, as the value of the
function, an integer which is the longest sequence of that character
in that string.
My implementation of the function you are asking for, complete of doc
string, is
def longest_run(i, s):
'Counts the longest run of item "i" in sequence "s".'
c, m = 0, 0
for el in s:
if el==i:
c += 1
elif c:
m = m if m >= c else c
c = 0
return m
We initialize c (current run) and m (maximum run so far) to zero,
then we loop, looking at every element el of the argument sequence s.
The logic is straightforward but for elif c: whose block is executed at the end of a run (because c is greater than zero and logically True) but not when the previous item (not the current one) was not equal to i. The savings are small but are savings...
Flipping coins (and more...)
How can we simulate flipping n coins? We abstract the problem and recognize that flipping n coins corresponds to choosing from a collection of possible outcomes (for a coin, either head or tail) for n times.
As it happens, the random module of the standard library has the exact answer to this problem
In [52]: random.choices?
Signature: choices(population, weights=None, *, cum_weights=None, k=1)
Return a k sized list of population elements chosen with replacement.
If the relative weights or cumulative weights are not specified,
the selections are made with equal probability.
File: ~/lib/miniconda3/lib/python3.6/
Type: method
Our implementation, aimed at hiding details, could be
def roll(n, l):
'''Rolls "n" times a dice/coin whose face values are listed in "l".
E.g., roll(2, range(1,21)) -> [12, 4] simulates rolling 2 icosahedron dices.
from random import choices
return choices(l, k=n)
Putting this together
def longest_run(i, s):
'Counts the longest run of item "i" in sequence "s".'
c, m = 0, 0
for el in s:
if el==i:
c += 1
elif c:
m = m if m >= c else c
c = 0
return m
def roll(n, l):
'''Rolls "n" times a dice/coin whose face values are listed in "l".
E.g., roll(2, range(1,21)) -> [12, 4] simulates rolling 2 icosahedron dices.
from random import choices
return choices(l, k=n)
N = 100 # n. of flipped coins
h_or_t = ['h', 't']
random_seq_of_h_or_t = flip(N, h_or_t)
max_h = longest_run('h', random_seq_of_h_or_t)
max_t = longest_run('t', random_seq_of_h_or_t)

Find length of a string that includes its own length?

I want to get the length of a string including a part of the string that represents its own length without padding or using structs or anything like that that forces fixed lengths.
So for example I want to be able to take this string as input:
"A string|"
And return this:
"A string|11"
On the basis of the OP tolerating such an approach (and to provide an implementation technique for the eventual python answer), here's a solution in Java.
final String s = "A String|";
int n = s.length(); // `length()` returns the length of the string.
String t; // the result
do {
t = s + n; // append the stringified n to the original string
if (n == t.length()){
return t; // string length no longer changing; we're good.
n = t.length(); // n must hold the total length
} while (true); // round again
The problem of, course, is that in appending n, the string length changes. But luckily, the length only ever increases or stays the same. So it will converge very quickly: due to the logarithmic nature of the length of n. In this particular case, the attempted values of n are 9, 10, and 11. And that's a pernicious case.
A simple solution is :
def addlength(string):
n2 += len(str(n2))-len(str(n1)) # a carry can arise
return string+str(n2)
Since a possible carry will increase the length by at most one unit.
Examples :
In [2]: addlength('a'*8)
Out[2]: 'aaaaaaaa9'
In [3]: addlength('a'*9)
Out[3]: 'aaaaaaaaa11'
In [4]: addlength('a'*99)
Out[4]: 'aaaaa...aaa102'
In [5]: addlength('a'*999)
Out[5]: 'aaaa...aaa1003'
Here is a simple python port of Bathsheba's answer :
def str_len(s):
n = len(s)
t = ''
while True:
t = s + str(n)
if n == len(t):
return t
n = len(t)
This is a much more clever and simple way than anything I was thinking of trying!
Suppose you had s = 'abcdefgh|, On the first pass through, t = 'abcdefgh|9
Since n != len(t) ( which is now 10 ) it goes through again : t = 'abcdefgh|' + str(n) and str(n)='10' so you have abcdefgh|10 which is still not quite right! Now n=len(t) which is finally n=11 you get it right then. Pretty clever solution!
It is a tricky one, but I think I've figured it out.
Done in a hurry in Python 2.7, please fully test - this should handle strings up to 998 characters:
import sys
orig = sys.argv[1]
origLen = len(orig)
if (origLen >= 98):
extra = str(origLen + 3)
elif (origLen >= 8):
extra = str(origLen + 2)
extra = str(origLen + 1)
final = orig + extra
print final
Results of very brief testing
C:\Users\PH\Desktop>python "tiny|"
C:\Users\PH\Desktop>python "myString|"
C:\Users\PH\Desktop>python "myStringWith98Characters.........................................................................|"
Just find the length of the string. Then iterate through each value of the number of digits the length of the resulting string can possibly have. While iterating, check if the sum of the number of digits to be appended and the initial string length is equal to the length of the resulting string.
def get_length(s):
s = s + "|"
result = ""
len_s = len(s)
i = 1
while True:
candidate = len_s + i
if len(str(candidate)) == i:
result = s + str(len_s + i)
i += 1
This code gives the result.
I used a few var, but at the end it shows the output you want:
def len_s(s):
s = s + '|'
b = len(s)
z = s + str(b)
length = len(z)
new_s = s + str(length)
new_len = len(new_s)
return s + str(new_len)
s = "A string"
print len_s(s)
Here's a direct equation for this (so it's not necessary to construct the string). If s is the string, then the length of the string including the length of the appended length will be:
L1 = len(s) + 1 + int(log10(len(s) + 1 + int(log10(len(s)))))
The idea here is that a direct calculation is only problematic when the appended length will push the length past a power of ten; that is, at 9, 98, 99, 997, 998, 999, 9996, etc. To work this through, 1 + int(log10(len(s))) is the number of digits in the length of s. If we add that to len(s), then 9->10, 98->100, 99->101, etc, but still 8->9, 97->99, etc, so we can push past the power of ten exactly as needed. That is, adding this produces a number with the correct number of digits after the addition. Then do the log again to find the length of that number and that's the answer.
To test this:
from math import log10
def find_length(s):
L1 = len(s) + 1 + int(log10(len(s) + 1 + int(log10(len(s)))))
return L1
# test, just looking at lengths around 10**n
for i in range(9):
for j in range(30):
L = abs(10**i - j + 10) + 1
s = "a"*L
x0 = find_length(s)
new0 = s+`x0`
if len(new0)!=x0:
print "error", len(s), x0, log10(len(s)), log10(x0)

Python iterating - problems finding the product of digits in a string

Trying to iterate through a number string in python and print the product of the first 5 numbers,then the second 5, then the third 5, etc etc. Unfortunately, I just keep getting the product of the first five digits over and over. Eventually I'll append them to a list. Why is my code stuck?
edit: Original number is an integer so I have to make it a string
def product_of_digits(number):
d= str(number)
for integer in d:
s = 0
k = []
while s < (len(d)):
print (int(d[s])*int(d[s+1])*int(d[s+2])*int(d[s+3])*int(d[s+4]))
s += 1
print (product_of_digits(a))
Let me list out the mistakes in the program.
You are iterating over d for nothing. You don't need that.
s += 1 is not part of the while loop. So, s will never get incremented, leading to infinite loop.
print (product_of_digits(a)) is inside the function itself, where a is not defined.
To find the product of all the consecutive 5 numbers, you cannot loop till the end of d. So, the loop should have been while s <= (len(d)-5):
You have initialized k, but used it nowhere.
So, the corrected program looks like this
def product_of_digits(number):
d, s = str(number), 0
while s <= (len(d)-5):
print(int(d[s]) * int(d[s+1]) * int(d[s+2]) * int(d[s+3]) * int(d[s+4]))
s += 1
You can also use a for loop, like this
def product_of_digits(number):
d = str(number)
for s in range(len(d) - 4):
print(int(d[s]) * int(d[s+1]) * int(d[s+2]) * int(d[s+3]) * int(d[s+4]))
There are a few problems with your code:
1) Your s+=1 indentation is incorrect
2) It should be s+=5 instead (assuming you want products of 1-5, 6-10, 11-15 and so on otherwise s+=1 is fine)
def product_of_digits(number):
d = str(number)
s = 0
while s < (len(d)-5):
print (int(d[s])*int(d[s+1])*int(d[s+2])*int(d[s+3])*int(d[s+4]))
s += 5 (see point 2)
print (product_of_digits(124345565534))
numpy.product([int(i) for i in str(s)])
where s is the number.
