I have a module A.py, that holds some constants, and a class. The class is not ready yet, so meny of it's functions implementations are NOT IMPLEMENTED YET - that is, I want if anyone calls this function, python to fail with syntactic error.
However, now I am doing from A import constants and python is failing with the error within the function within the class.
How can I resolve this?
Rather than leaving in the syntax errors, explicitly raise NotImplementedError from your unfinished function. Or move the constants to a separate module.
Add pass to your methods:
class SomeClass(object):
def some_method(self):
def method(self):
This way, you will not have issues importing the class.
The other option is to raise NotImplementedError.
As importing will evaluate the module, you need to have error free code in your file.
I am making a contact list system for a class project and used tkinter to make my gui and sqlite3 for the database. I made a bunch of methods that have basically solved the problem but I noticed the question paper says that the functions need to be in a class. How do I put these functions under a class without messing everything up. I am using python3.
A function in a module is similar to a static method in a class. Without knowing any of your app's specifics:
If you have a function that does what you want
def f():
return 'g'
and you want to encapsulate it in a class
class Q:
just assign it as a static method to that class
Q.f = staticmethod(f)
Whenever you need to use that function you have to call it via the class
>>> Q.f()
This is similar to what happens when you import a module that has functions - you import the module and call the functions using the module name (the functions are module attributes) - modulename.func().
I really have no idea how this fits with your need or what any downsides might be.
I have written a class in python 3.8 and for reasons, I need some of the class methods to be defined in a different file. The method I used for putting this function as the class method was by adding it later with setattr. This allows me to selectively add methods I want, I wont get into too many details on that because its irrelevant
# This bit will scan the external file and add relevant methods to the class via a decorator
# just to give an idea, don't get hungh up on the implementation
def add_methods():
def decorator(Class):
import methods from external.py
for method in external.py:
if method is what I want:
setattr(Class, method_name, method)
def myClass():
def __init__(self):
def method_1(self, arg1 , arg2):
def method_2(self, arg1 , arg2, arg3):
Inside another folder, we got the method file I mentioned
def ext_added_method_1(self):
do stuff here
def ext_added_method_2(self):
do stuff here
Then finally, the class is used by a code
from myClass import myClass
handler = myClass()
This all works just fine, the externally added methods are there and work just as expected. but there is one annoying bit that is when I'm working on the 'external.py' file which is where most of the coding is done anyway. My VSCode understandably does not know what is inside of the 'self' parameter of ext_added_method_1 and ext_added_method_2, so there is no linting.
The question is, is there a way of telling vscode, that on external.py, the 'self' parameter should be linted from the myClass object?
I don't need linting of the methods inside external.py (ext_added_method_1 and ext_added_method_2) I know that would be impossible since they are dynamically added. But for the methods that are defined in myClass.py, such as method_1 and method_2 I would like to have autocomplete and all that magical stuff.
Any way to achieve that without changing the architecture?
thank you!
Thx rioV8m, I wasn't familiar with that term. But then I looked it up and came up with the following solution
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from myClass import myClass
def ext_added_method_1(self: 'myClass'):
do stuff here
def ext_added_method_2(self: 'myClass'):
do stuff here
With that import check, I have no issues with circular imports so it basically ignores that, but is enough for VSCode to pick up on the class.
Also, I add the type in single quotes which are called 'forward references'. This is then only used by the editor to inform it of the class contents.
I would like to convert a singleton-object programmatically into a Python module so that I can use the methods of this singleton-object directly by importing them via the module instead of accessing them as object attributes. By "programmatically" I mean that I do not want to have to copy-paste the class methods explicitly into a module file. I need some sort of a workaround that allows me to import the object methods into to global scope of another module.
I would really appreciate if someone could help me on this one.
Here is a basic example that should illustrate my problem:
class MyClass:
"""This is my custom class"""
def my_method(self):
return "myValue"
singleton = MyClass()
from mymodule import MyClass
myobject = MyClass()
from mymodule import my_method # or from mymodule.singleton import my_method
You can use the same strategy that the standard random module uses. All the functions in that module are actually methods of a "private" instance of the Random class. That's convenient for most common uses of the module, although sometimes it's useful to create your own instances of Random so that you can have multiple independent random streams.
I've adapted your code to illustrate that technique. I named the class and its instance with a single leading underscore, since that's the usual convention in Python to signify a private name, but bear in mind it's simply a convention, Python doesn't do anything to enforce this privacy.
class _MyClass:
""" This is my custom class """
def my_method(self):
return "myValue"
_myclass = _MyClass()
my_method = _myclass.my_method
from mymodule import my_method
BTW, the from mymodule import method1, method2 syntax is ok if you only import a small number of names, or it's clear from the name which module it's from (like math module functions and constants), and you don't import from many modules. Otherwise it's better to use this sort of syntax
import mymodule as mm
# Call a method from the module
That way it's obvious which names are local, and which ones are imported and where they're imported from. Sure, it's a little more typing, but it makes the code a whole lot more readable. And it eliminates the possibility of name collisions.
FWIW, here's a way to automate adding all of the _myclass methods without explicitly listing them (but remember "explicit is better than implicit"). At the end of "mymodule.py", in place of my_method = _myclass.my_method, add this:
globals().update({k: getattr(_myclass, k) for k in _MyClass.__dict__
if not k.startswith('__')})
I'm not comfortable with recommending this, since it directly injects items into the globals() dict. Note that that code will add all class attributes, not just methods.
In your question you talk about singleton objects. We don't normally use singletons in Python, and many programmers in various OOP languages consider them to be an anti-pattern. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12755539/why-is-singleton-considered-an-anti-pattern for details. For this application there is absolutely no need at all to use a singleton. If you only want a single instance of _MyClass then simply don't create another instance of it, just use the instance that mymodule creates for you. But if your boss insists that you must use a singleton, please see the example code here.
As you know, when the project's code is very large and there are so many attributes and functions defined in a Class, but some of them never be called by the instance of the Class, and maybe some of them has been discarded. Here is a example:
class Foo(object):
def __init__(self):
self.a = 1
self.b = 2
self.c = 3
self.y = 25
self.z = 26
def func1(self):
def func2(self):
def func3(self):
def func100(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
f = Foo()
print f.a, f.b, f.z
In the above code, the instance f of class Foo just called func1() and func2(). And how to find all the attributes and functions of class that never called by the instance of class.
I have tried compiler module but that could not solve my question. And dir(my_instance) is just print all the functions and attributes defined the the class.
Thanks in advance.
You can try coverage.py. It's not static analysis, but actually runs your code and records which statements are executed, outputting annotated html or txt as you wish (quite nicely formatted as well). You can then look for functions and methods whose bodies are not executed at all.
This still doesn't take care of unused attributes. And I don't know the answer to that. Maybe comment them out one at a time and see if tests still pass...
It's pretty hard to prove something is or is not used in the general case. Python is a dynamic language; if even one bit of code calls into code the static analyzer doesn't fully analyze, it could be accessing the variables mentioned.
The pylint and flake8 tools will tell you about local and global names that aren't defined prior to use (unless you break them by using from x import * style imports), and about imports that are never used (an import that is never used is usually wrong, but even then, it could be an intentional part of the interface, where linters would have to be silenced), but I don't believe they can tell you that a given attribute is never accessed; after all, someone else could import your module and access said attributes.
Use the profile module in the standard library.
python -m cProfile -o output_file myscript.py
Then load the stats file and use print_callees() to get all the functions that were called--during that run of the program.
I don't know of any easy way to find out which attributes are used.
I have a large python code with many modules and classes. I have a special class, whose single instance is needed everywhere throughout the code (it's a threaded application, and that instance of a class also holds Thread Local Storage, locks, etc). It's a bit uncomfortable to always "populate" that instance in every imported module. I know, using globals is not the best practice, but anyway: is there any "import hook" in python, so I can do with hooking on it to have my instance available in every modules without extra work? It should work for normal imports, "from mod import ..." too, and for import constructs too. If this is not possible, can you suggest a better solution? Certenly it's not fun to pass that instance to the constructors of every classes, etc ... Inheritance also does not help, since I have modules without classes, and also I need a single instance, not the class itself ...
class master():
def import_module(self, name):
mod = __import__(name)
mod.m = self
return mod
m = master()
Currently I am thinking something like that: but then I have to use m.import_module() to import modules, then other modules will have instance of master class with name of "m" available, so I can use m.import_module() too, etc. But then I have to give up to use "normal" import statements, and I should write this:
example_mod = m.module_import("example_mod")
instead of just this:
import example_mod
(but for sure I can do with this too, to assign "m" to example_mod.m then)
Certainly it's not fun to pass that instance to the constructors of
every classes
You don't have to do this. Set up your global class in a module like config and import it
# /myapp/enviroment/__init__.py
class ThatSingleInstanceClass: pass
# create the singleton object directly or have a function init the module
singleton = ThatSingleInstanceClass()
# /myapp/somewhere.py
# all you need to use the object is importing it
from myapp.enviroment import singleton
class SomeClass:
def __init__(self): # no need to pass that object
print "Always the same object:", singleton
What's wrong with having each module import the needed object? Explicit is better than implicit.