I am retrieving data from Facebook, the retrieved data gives me information about my Facebook friends likes.
I have written this:
import requests # pip install requests
import json
ACCESS_TOKEN='' #my Facebook access token here
base_url = 'https://graph.facebook.com/me'
# Get 10 likes for 10 friends
fields = 'id,name,friends.limit(10).fields(likes.limit(10))'
url = '%s?fields=%s&access_token=%s' %(base_url, fields, ACCESS_TOKEN,)
# This API is HTTP-based and could be requested in the browser,
# with a command line utlity like curl, or using just about
# any programming language by making a request to the URL.
# Click the hyperlink that appears in your notebook output
# when you execute this code cell to see for yourself...
print url
# Interpret the response as JSON and convert back
# to Python data structures
content = requests.get(url).json()
# Pretty-print the JSON and display it
print json.dumps(content, indent=1)
###############################More Options########################################
# Get all likes for 10 friends
fields = 'id,name,friends.limit(10).fields(likes)'
# Get all likes for 10 more friends
fields = 'id,name,friends.offset(10).limit(10).fields(likes)'
# Get 10 likes for all friends
fields = 'id,name,friends.fields(likes.limit(10))'
I have used execfile('Filename.py') command in order to run this code on python interactive shell.
Now what I want to do is to store the retrieved data in a text file called "likes.txt".
Does anyone have an idea how to do this?
I am pulling JSON data from an api and I am looking to pass in a different parameter for each request and save each response
My current code
# create an empty list to store each account id
accounts = []
##store in accounts list every id
for each in allAccounts['data']:
#for each account , call a new account id for the url
for id in accounts:
urlAccounts = 'https://example.somewebsite.ie:000/v12345/accounts/'+id+'/users'
I save a response and print out the values.
accountReq = requests.get(urlAccounts, headers=headers)
allUsers = accountReq.json()
for each in allUsers['data']:
print(each['username']," " +each['first_name'])
This is fine and it works but I only store the first ID's response.
How do I store the responses from all of the requests?
So I'm looking to send multiple requests where the ID changes every time and save each response essentially.
I'm using python version 3.10.4 .
My code for this in case anyone stumbles across this.
# list of each api url to use
link =[]
#for every id in the accounts , create a new url link into the link list
for i in accounts:
#create a list with all the different requests
accountReq = []
for i in link:
accountReq.append(requests.get(i, headers=headers).json())
# write to a txt file
with open('masterSheet.txt', 'x') as f:
#for every request
for each in accountReq:
#get each accounts data
account = each['data']
#for each accounts data
#get each users email and names
for data in account:
sheet=(data['username']+" "+" ",data['first_name'],data['last_name'])
I'm sending a GET request to /users/{id}/calendar/calendarView?startDateTime={start_datetime}&endDateTime={end_datetime} in order to get events of a user and after that I'm filtering the event subject and content.
What happens is that in the majority of times the subject in the JSON response is just the name of the event organizer and the content is just a blank HTML instead of the values that can be seen in the calendar normally.
I tried finding another fields in the JSON that could provide the correct information but there aren't any.
It looks like some people also had the same problem (here and here), but no solution was found or the one given is not what I need.
The following code is what I'm using:
graph_client = OAuth2Session(token=token)
headers = {
'Prefer' : 'outlook.timezone="America/Manaus"'
response = graph_client.get(f'{self.graph_url}/users/{room}/calendar/calendarView?startDateTime={start_datetime}&endDateTime={end_datetime}',
I'm trying to read facebook conversations of a page using a python script. With this code
import facebook
at = "page access token"
pid = "page id"
api = facebook.GraphAPI( at )
p = api.get_object( 'me/conversations')
print p
I get a dictionary containing the following
{'paging': {'next': 'https://graph.facebook.com/v2.5/1745249635693902/conversations?access_token=<my_access_token>&limit=25&until=1454344040&__paging_token=<my_access_token>', 'previous': 'https://graph.facebook.com/v2.5/1745249635693902/conversations?access_token=<my_access_token>&limit=25&since=1454344040&__paging_token=<my_access_token>'}, 'data': [{'link': '/Python-1745249635693902/manager/messages/?mercurythreadid=user%3A100000386799941&threadid=mid.1454344039847%3A2e3ac25e0302042916&folder=inbox', 'id': 't_mid.1454344039847:2e3ac25e0302042916', 'updated_time': '2016-02-01T16:27:20+0000'}]}
What are those fields? How can I get the text of the message?
Edit: I tried asking for the "messages" field by adding
msg = api.get_object( p['data'][0]['id']+'/messages')
print msg
but it just returns the same fields. I've searched in the API docs for a while, but I didn't find anything helpful. Is it even possible to read the message content of a facebook page's conversation using python?
I managed to find the answer myself; the question was not well posed and did not match what I was exactly looking for.
I wanted to get the content of the messages of facebook conversations of a page. Following the facebook graph API documentation, this can be achieved by asking for the conversations ({page-id}/conversations), then the messages in said conversations ({conversation-id}/messages, https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v2.5/conversation/messages), and finally asking for the message itself should return a dict with all the fields, content included (/{message-id}, https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v2.5/message).
At least this is how I believed it should have been; however the last request returned only the fields 'created_time' and 'id'.
What I was really trying to ask was a way to fetch the 'message' (content) field. I was assuming the function graph.get_object() from the official python facebook sdk should have returned all the fields in any case, since it has only one documented argument (http://facebook-sdk.readthedocs.org/en/latest/api.html) - the graph path for the requested object, and adding additional field request is not allowed.
The answer I was looking for was in this other question, Request fields in Python Facebook SDK.
Apparently, it's possible to ask for specific fields ( that are not returned otherwise ) by passing an **args dict with such fields along with the path requested.
In a GET request to the Facebook graph that would be the equivalent of adding
?fields=<requested fieds>
to the object path.
This is the working code:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import facebook
at = <my access token>
pid = <my page id>
api = facebook.GraphAPI( at )
args = {'fields' : 'message'} #requested fields
conv = api.get_object( 'me/conversations')
msg = api.get_object( conv['data'][0]['id']+'/messages')
for el in msg['data']:
content = api.get_object( el['id'], **args) #adding the field request
print content
I am currently using Instagram API in the sandbox mode using Python's python-instagram library. Now, I have an application and its associated client id, client secret and access token, and one connected sandbox user.
Earlier today, I was experimenting with the users/search endpoint. First, I directly used their endpoint URL to send a request:
where XXXX is the connected sandbox user of my Instagram application. This is the generated response:
{"meta":{"code":200},"data":[{"username":"XXXX","bio":"Twitter: #XXXX","website":"","profile_picture":"https:a.jpg","full_name":"XXXX XXXX","id":"22222222"}]}
Now, I tried using the python-instagram library to send request to the same endpoint as follows:
from instagram.client import InstagramAPI
access_token = <my_access_token>
api = InstagramAPI(client_secret='aaaa', access_token = access_token[0])
usr = api.user_search('XXXX')
print usr
However, this is the response I get in this case:
[User: XXXX]
Why is it that I get different responses when I try to call the same endpoint using the direct URL and the Python library?
What python-instagram is doing is that it will take the raw JSON response you get when you issue an HTTP request, and map it to python objects.
When you issue a print usr, you are printing a User object that's in a list, so you see a string which is [User: XXXX].
You can find the model they use for the User object here. It actually directly maps the fields from the Json to get attributes.
Try the following code to retrieve a username and id:
my_usr = usr[0]
print 'User id is', my_usr.id, 'and name is ', my_usr.username
I am very new to the Graph API and a basically trying to write a python (v2.7) script which takes as input the userID of a Facebook user and returns names/IDs of all groups/pages that have been liked by the user.
I have managed to acquire an Access Token that uses the following permissions: user_likes and user_groups. Do I need anything else?
I have used the following code so far to get a JSON dump of all the output from this access token:
import urllib
import json
import sys
import os
userId = sys.argv[1]
# Read my likes as a json object
url='https://graph.facebook.com/'+userId+'/feed?access_token='+accessToken +'&limit='+str(limit)
data = json.load(urllib.urlopen(url))
print str(data)
I did get some JSON data but I couldn't find any page/group related info in it neither did it seem to be the most recently updated data! Why is this?
Also, what are the field names that must be tracked to detect a page or a group in the likes data? Please help!
You are using the wrong API- /feed - this will fetch the feeds/posts of the user, not the pages/groups.
To get the groups he has joined:
API: /{user-id}/groups
Permissions req: user_groups
To get the pages he has liked:
API: /{user-id}/likes
Permissions req: user_likes