I'm read a buffer of bytes from data recorded through my computer's microphone (2 channels) using pyaudio example taken from site.
import pyaudio
import wave
CHUNK = 1024
FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16
RATE = 44100
p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
stream = p.open(format=FORMAT,
print("* recording")
frames = []
for i in range(0, int(RATE / CHUNK * RECORD_SECONDS)):
data = stream.read(CHUNK)
print("* done recording")
print frames
frames looks like this:
['\x00\xfd\xff\xff.....\xfc\xff\xff', '\xff\xfc\xff\xff......\xfc\xff\xff', ... ]
or if I change CHUNK = 1:
['\x00\xfd\xff\xff', '\xff\xfc\xff\xff', '\x00\xfd\xcc\xcf']
though of course much longer. I suspect that the bytes are interleaved for each channel so I think I need to break them out in pairs of two.
What I'd like is an array like this:
[123, 43],
[3, 433],
[43, 66]
where the first column is the values from the first channel, and the second from the second channel. how do I go about interpreting these encoded values (with CHUNK set to a reasonable value like 1024)?
I'm quite confused. I used the below to change the format list of strings into a single string of space-separated hex values, but there appears to be an odd number of them...which wouldn't happen if there are two values, one for each channel (would be even number):
fms = ''.join(frames)
fms_string = ''.join( [ "%02X " % ord( x ) for x in fms ] ).strip()
fms_list = fms_string.split(" ")
print len(fms_list) # this prints an ODD number...
I tried a simpler route and tried this:
import array
fstring = ''.join(frames)
wave_nums = array.array('h', fstring) # this correctly returns list of ints!
print len(wave_nums)
I tried this for different recording times and got the following (confusing results):
RECORD_SECONDS = 2 ---> len(wave_nums) is 132300 (132300 / 44100 = 3 seconds of frames)
RECORD_SECONDS = 4 ---> len(wave_nums) is 308700 (308700 / 44100 = 7 seconds of frames)
RECORD_SECONDS = 5 ---> len(wave_nums) is 396900 (396900 / 44100 = 9 seconds of frames)
which implies that I'm getting a number of frames consistent with 2*(number of seconds recording) - 1 seconds...how is this possible?
Based on a quick glance of the portaudio source it looks like the channels are in fact interleaved
You can use a join to flatten the list, calculate the left and right values (you set them to be 16 bits long), and then zip the list with itself.
joined = ''.join(frames).encode('latin-1')
left = map(lambda m, l: (m << 8) + l, joined[0::4], joined[1::4])
right = map(lambda m, l: (m << 8) + l, joined[2::4], joined[3::4])
zipped = zip(left, right)
On python 2.x, the encode latin1 trick doesn't work, so you'll need to do
joined = ''.join(frames)
joined = map(ord, joined)
left = map(lambda m, l: (m << 8) + l, joined[0::4], joined[1::4])
right = map(lambda m, l: (m << 8) + l, joined[2::4], joined[3::4])
zipped = zip(left, right)
This has something to do with python 2.x's preference for ascii strings vs unicode.
w.r.t the odd number of bytes, read might have tried to read too many bytes ahead and failed silently, only returning whatever it had at the moment. You should always receive a multiple of CHUNK bytes from read under normal conditions, so unless your join function has an error, something is wrong on their end. Try it with mine and see what happens.
The simplest answer appears to be this:
import array
f = ''.join(frames)
nums = array.array('h', f)
left = nums[1::2]
right = nums[0::2]
#Dylan's answer is also good but a bit more verbose and also the values are unsigned, where wav values are signed.
Also changing CHUNK to a value of 1225 is best since 44100 is a multiple of 1225, and no frames are lost as a result of rounding error.
I'm trying to read some binary files with python for my analysis generated with Zemax OpticStudio. The structure of the file is supposed to be the following:
2 x 32-bit integer as header
n chunks of data
Each chunk is made by
32-bit integer indicating the number of C struc that come after
m C structures
The structures' definition is the following:
typedef struct
unsigned int status;
int level;
int hit_object;
int hit_face;
int unused;
int in_object;
int parent;
int storage;
int xybin, lmbin;
double index, starting_phase;
double x, y, z;
double l, m, n;
double nx, ny, nz;
double path_to, intensity;
double phase_of, phase_at;
double exr, exi, eyr, eyi, ezr, ezi;
which has a size of 208 bytes, for your convenience.
Here is the code that I wrote with some research and a couple of brilliant answers from here.
from pathlib import Path
from functools import partial
from io import DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE
import struct
def little_endian_int(x):
return int.from_bytes(x,'little')
def file_byte_iterator(path):
"""iterator over lazily loaded file
path = Path(path)
with path.open('rb') as file:
reader = partial(file.read1, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE)
file_iterator = iter(reader, bytes())
for chunk in file_iterator:
yield from chunk
def ray_tell(rays_idcs:list,ray_idx:int,seg_idx:int):
idx = rays_idcs[ray_idx][0]
idx += 4 + 208*seg_idx
return idx
def read_header(bytearr:bytearray):
version = int.from_bytes(bytearr[0:4],'little')
zrd_format = version//10000
version = version%10000
num_seg_max = int.from_bytes(bytearr[4:8],'little')
return zrd_format,version,num_seg_max
def rays_indices(bytearr:bytearray):
while index <len(bytearr):
num_seg = int.from_bytes(bytearr[index:index+4],'little')
index = index+4 + 208*num_seg
return rays
def read_ray(bytearr:bytearray,ray):
ray_idx,num_seg = ray
data = []
ray_idx = ray_idx + 4
for ray_idx in range(8,8+num_seg*208,208):
offsets = [0,4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,40,48,56,64,72,80,88,96,104,112,120,128,136,144,152,160,168,176,184,192,200]
int_vars = offsets[0:11]
doubl_vars = offsets[11:]
data_integ = [bytearr[ray_idx+offset:ray_idx+offset+4] for offset in int_vars]
data_doubl = [bytearr[ray_idx+offset:ray_idx+offset+8] for offset in doubl_vars]
seg_idx += 1
return data
raypath = {}
filebin = bytearray(file_byte_iterator(file))
header = read_header(filebin)
rays_idcs = rays_indices(filebin)
rays = []
for ray in rays_idcs:
ray = rays[1] #Random ray
segm = ray[2] #Random segm
ints = segm[1]
doub = segm[2]
print("integer vars:")
for x in ints:
print("double vars:")
for x in doub:
I have verified that all of the structures have the right size and number of chunks and structures (my reading matches the number of segments and rays that I read with Zemax, ) , and thanks to the header, I verified the endianness of the file (little endian).
My output is the following:
(0, 2002)
bytearray(b'\x1f\xd8\x9c?') 1067243551
bytearray(b'\x06\x80\x00\x00') 32774
bytearray(b'\x02\x00\x00\x00') 2
bytearray(b'\x11\x00\x00\x00') 17
bytearray(b'\x02\x00\x00\x00') 2
bytearray(b'\x00\x00\x00\x00') 0
bytearray(b'\x11\x00\x00\x00') 17
bytearray(b'\x01\x00\x00\x00') 1
bytearray(b'\x00\x00\x00\x00') 0
bytearray(b'\x00\x00\x00\x00') 0
double vars:
bytearray(b'\x00\x00\x00\x00# \xac\xe8') (-1.6425098109028998e+196,)
bytearray(b'\xe8\xe3\xf9?\x00\x00\x00\x00') (5.3030112e-315,)
bytearray(b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00') (0.0,)
bytearray(b'\x00\x00\x00\x00p_\xb4\xec') (-4.389425605765071e+215,)
bytearray(b'5\xe3\x9d\xbf\xf0\xbd"\xa2') (-3.001836066957746e-144,)
bytearray(b'z"\xc0?\x00\x00\x00\x00') (5.28431047e-315,)
bytearray(b'\x00\x00\x00\x00 \xc9+\xa3') (-2.9165705864036956e-139,)
bytearray(b'g\xd4\xcd?\x9ch{ ') (3.2707669223572687e-152,)
bytearray(b'q\x1e\xef?\x00\x00\x00\x00') (5.299523535e-315,)
bytearray(b'\x00\x00\x00\x00%\x0c\xb4A') (336340224.0,)
bytearray(b'\t\xf2u\xbf\\3L\xe6') (-5.991371249309652e+184,)
bytearray(b'\xe1\xff\xef\xbf1\x8dV\x1e') (1.5664573023148095e-162,)
bytearray(b'\xa1\xe9\xe8?\x9c\x9a6\xfc') (-2.202825582975923e+290,)
bytearray(b'qV\xb9?\x00\x00\x00\x00') (5.28210966e-315,)
bytearray(b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00') (0.0,)
bytearray(b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\xc6\xfd\x0c\xa1') (-1.7713316840526727e-149,)
bytearray(b'\x96\x94\x8d?\xad\xf9(\xcc') (-7.838624888507203e+58,)
bytearray(b'yN\xb2\xbff.\\\x1a') (1.0611651097687064e-181,)
bytearray(b'\xb9*\xae?\xac\xaf\xe5\xe1') (-3.90257774261585e+163,)
bytearray(b'c\xab\xd2\xbf\xccQ\x8bj') (1.7130904564012918e+205,)
bytearray(b'\xc8\xea\x8c\xbf\xdf\xdc\xe49') (8.22891935818188e-30,)
I'm reading correctly just the int values. I don't understand why I get those binaries for all the other variables
I want to highlight that bytearrays contain non-hexadecimal digits, and I'm sure that binary files are not corrupted, since I can read those in zemax
It was just an error in my pointer arithmetic in the read_ray function. Thanks to Mad Physicist for his suggestion to unpack the whole structure which put me in the right direction.
def read_ray(bytearr:bytearray,ray):
ray_idx,num_seg = ray
data = []
assert num_seg==little_endian_int(bytearr[ray_idx:ray_idx+4])
ray_idx = ray_idx + 4
for seg_ptr in range(ray_idx,ray_idx + num_seg*208,208):
data_integ = [bytearr[seg_ptr+offset:seg_ptr+offset+4] for offset in int_vars]
data_doubl = [bytearr[seg_ptr+offset:seg_ptr+offset+8] for offset in doubl_vars]
return data
I am trying to create a list of size 1 MB. while the following code works:
dummy = ['a' for i in xrange(0, 1024)]
Out[1]: 9032
The following code does not work.
import os
import sys
dummy = []
Out[1]: 104
Can someone explain why?
If you're wondering why I am not using the first code snippet, I am writing a program to benchmark my memory by writing a for loop that writes blocks (of size 1 B, 1 KB and 1 MB) into memory.
start = time.time()
for i in xrange(1, (1024 * 10)):
dummy.append(os.urandom(1024)) #loop to write 1 MB blocks into memory
end = time.time()
If you check the size of a list, it will be provide the size of the list data structure, including the pointers to its constituent elements. It won't consider the size of elements.
str1_size = sys.getsizeof(['a' for i in xrange(0, 1024)])
str2_size = sys.getsizeof(['abc' for i in xrange(0, 1024)])
int_size = sys.getsizeof([123 for i in xrange(0, 1024)])
none_size = sys.getsizeof([None for i in xrange(0, 1024)])
str1_size == str2_size == int_size == none_size
The size of empty list: sys.getsizeof([]) == 72
Add an element: sys.getsizeof([1]) == 80
Add another element: sys.getsizeof([1, 1]) == 88
So each element adds 4 bytes.
To get 1024 bytes, we need (1024 - 72) / 8 = 119 elements.
The size of the list with 119 elements: sys.getsizeof([None for i in xrange(0, 119)]) == 1080.
This is because a list maintains an extra buffer for inserting more items, so that it doesn't have to resize every time. (The size comes out to be same as 1080 for number of elements between 107 and 126).
So what we need is an immutable data structure, which doesn't need to keep this buffer - tuple.
empty_tuple_size = sys.getsizeof(()) # 56
single_element_size = sys.getsizeof((1,)) # 64
pointer_size = single_element_size - empty_tuple_size # 8
n_1mb = (1024 - empty_tuple_size) / pointer_size # (1024 - 56) / 8 = 121
tuple_1mb = (1,) * n_1mb
sys.getsizeof(tuple_1mb) == 1024
So this is your answer to get a 1MB data structure: (1,)*121
But note that this is only the size of tuple and the constituent pointers. For the total size, you actually need to add up the size of individual elements.
sys.getsizeof('') == 37
sys.getsizeof('1') == 38 # each character adds 1 byte
For 1 MB, we need 987 characters:
sys.getsizeof('1'*987) == 1024
And this is the actual size, not just the size of pointers.
I have a binary file containing a stream of 10-bit integers. I want to read it and store the values in a list.
It is working with the following code, which reads my_file and fills pixels with integer values:
file = open("my_file", "rb")
pixels = []
new10bitsByte = ""
byte = file.read(1)
while byte:
bits = bin(ord(byte))[2:].rjust(8, '0')
for bit in reversed(bits):
new10bitsByte += bit
if len(new10bitsByte) == 10:
pixels.append(int(new10bitsByte[::-1], 2))
new10bitsByte = ""
byte = file.read(1)
It doesn't seem very elegant to read the bytes into bits, and read it back into "10-bit" bytes. Is there a better way to do it?
With 8 or 16 bit integers I could just use file.read(size) and convert the result to an int directly. But here, as each value is stored in 1.25 bytes, I would need something like file.read(1.25)...
Here's a generator that does the bit operations without using text string conversions. Hopefully, it's a little more efficient. :)
To test it, I write all the numbers in range(1024) to a BytesIO stream, which behaves like a binary file.
from io import BytesIO
def tenbitread(f):
''' Generate 10 bit (unsigned) integers from a binary file '''
while True:
b = f.read(5)
if len(b) == 0:
n = int.from_bytes(b, 'big')
#Split n into 4 10 bit integers
t = []
for i in range(4):
t.append(n & 0x3ff)
n >>= 10
yield from reversed(t)
# Make some test data: all the integers in range(1024),
# and save it to a byte stream
buff = BytesIO()
maxi = 1024
n = 0
for i in range(maxi):
n = (n << 10) | i
#Convert the 40 bit integer to 5 bytes & write them
if i % 4 == 3:
buff.write(n.to_bytes(5, 'big'))
n = 0
# Rewind the stream so we can read from it
# Read the data in 10 bit chunks
a = list(tenbitread(buff))
# Check it
print(a == list(range(maxi)))
Doing list(tenbitread(buff)) is the simplest way to turn the generator output into a list, but you can easily iterate over the values instead, eg
for v in tenbitread(buff):
for i, v in enumerate(tenbitread(buff)):
if you want indices as well as the data values.
Here's a little-endian version of the generator which gives the same results as your code.
def tenbitread(f):
''' Generate 10 bit (unsigned) integers from a binary file '''
while True:
b = f.read(5)
if not len(b):
n = int.from_bytes(b, 'little')
#Split n into 4 10 bit integers
for i in range(4):
yield n & 0x3ff
n >>= 10
We can improve this version slightly by "un-rolling" that for loop, which lets us get rid of the final masking and shifting operations.
def tenbitread(f):
''' Generate 10 bit (unsigned) integers from a binary file '''
while True:
b = f.read(5)
if not len(b):
n = int.from_bytes(b, 'little')
#Split n into 4 10 bit integers
yield n & 0x3ff
n >>= 10
yield n & 0x3ff
n >>= 10
yield n & 0x3ff
n >>= 10
yield n
This should give a little more speed...
As there is no direct way to read a file x-bit by x-bit in Python, we have to read it byte by byte. Following MisterMiyagi and PM 2Ring's suggestions I modified my code to read the file by 5 byte chunks (i.e. 40 bits) and then split the resulting string into 4 10-bit numbers, instead of looping over the bits individually. It turned out to be twice as fast as my previous code.
file = open("my_file", "rb")
pixels = []
exit_loop = False
while not exit_loop:
# Read 5 consecutive bytes into fiveBytesString
fiveBytesString = ""
for i in range(5):
byte = file.read(1)
if not byte:
exit_loop = True
byteString = format(ord(byte), '08b')
fiveBytesString += byteString[::-1]
# Split fiveBytesString into 4 10-bit numbers, and add them to pixels
pixels.extend([int(fiveBytesString[i:i+10][::-1], 2) for i in range(0, 40, 10) if len(fiveBytesString[i:i+10]) > 0])
Adding a Numpy based solution suitable for unpacking large 10-bit packed byte buffers like the ones you might receive from AVT and FLIR cameras.
This is a 10-bit version of #cyrilgaudefroy's answer to a similar question; there you can also find a Numba alternative capable of yielding an additional speed increase.
import numpy as np
def read_uint10(byte_buf):
data = np.frombuffer(byte_buf, dtype=np.uint8)
# 5 bytes contain 4 10-bit pixels (5x8 == 4x10)
b1, b2, b3, b4, b5 = np.reshape(data, (data.shape[0]//5, 5)).astype(np.uint16).T
o1 = (b1 << 2) + (b2 >> 6)
o2 = ((b2 % 64) << 4) + (b3 >> 4)
o3 = ((b3 % 16) << 6) + (b4 >> 2)
o4 = ((b4 % 4) << 8) + b5
unpacked = np.reshape(np.concatenate((o1[:, None], o2[:, None], o3[:, None], o4[:, None]), axis=1), 4*o1.shape[0])
return unpacked
Reshape can be omitted if returning a buffer instead of a Numpy array:
unpacked = np.concatenate((o1[:, None], o2[:, None], o3[:, None], o4[:, None]), axis=1).tobytes()
Or if image dimensions are known it can be reshaped directly, e.g.:
unpacked = np.reshape(np.concatenate((o1[:, None], o2[:, None], o3[:, None], o4[:, None]), axis=1), (1024, 1024))
If the use of the modulus operator appears confusing, try playing around with:
np.unpackbits(np.array([255%64], dtype=np.uint8))
Edit: It turns out that the Allied Vision Mako-U cameras employ a different ordering than the one I originally suggested above:
o1 = ((b2 % 4) << 8) + b1
o2 = ((b3 % 16) << 6) + (b2 >> 2)
o3 = ((b4 % 64) << 4) + (b3 >> 4)
o4 = (b5 << 2) + (b4 >> 6)
So you might have to test different orders if images come out looking wonky initially for your specific setup.
I'm posting hundreds of thousands of JSON records to a server that has a MAX data upload limit of 1MB. My records can be of very variable size, from as little as a few hundred bytes, to a few hundred thousand.
def checkSize(payload):
return len(payload) >= bytesPerMB
toSend = []
for row in rows:
postData = json.dumps(toSend)
tooBig = tooBig or checkSize()
if tooBig:
Which then posts to the server. It currently works, but the constant dumping of toSend to a jsonified string seems really heavy and almost 100% too much, although I can't seem to find a way to do it another. Would I be ok with stringifying the individual new records and keeping a tally of what they would be together?
I'm sure there must be a cleaner way of doing this, but I just don't know.
Thanks for any and all help given.
This is the answer I'm now using, I came up with it at the same time as #rsegal below, just posting for clarity and completion (sendToServer is just a dummy function to show things are working correctly),
import pickle
import json
f = open("userProfiles")
rows = pickle.load(f)
bytesPerMB = 1024 * 1024
comma = ","
appendSize = len(comma)
def sendToServer(obj):
#send to server
def checkSize(numBytes):
return numBytes >= bytesPerMB
def jsonDump(obj):
return json.dumps(obj, separators=(comma, ":"))
leftover = []
numRows = len(rows)
rowsSent = 0
while len(rows) > 0:
toSend = leftover[:]
toSendSize = len( jsonDump(toSend) )
leftover = []
first = len(toSend) == 0
while True:
row = rows.pop()
except IndexError:
rowSize = len( jsonDump(row) ) + (0 if first else appendSize)
first = False
if checkSize(toSendSize + rowSize):
toSendSize += rowSize
rowsSent += len(toSend)
postData = jsonDump(toSend)
print "assuming to send '{0}' bytes, actual size '{1}'. rows sent {2}, total {3}".format(toSendSize, len(postData), rowsSent, numRows)
I would do something like the following:
toSend = []
toSendLength = 0
for row in rows:
tentativeLength = len(json.dumps(row))
if tentativeLength > bytesPerMB:
parsingBehavior // do something about lolhuge files
elif toSendLength + tentativeLength > bytesPerMB: // it would be too large
sendToServer(json.dumps(toSend)) // don\'t exceed limit; send now
toSend = [row] // refresh for next round - and we know it fits!
toSendLength = tentativeLength
else: // otherwise, it wont be too long, so add it in
toSendLength += tentative
sentToServer(json.dumps(toSend)) // if it finishes below the limit
The issue with your solution is that it's not great from a Big-O perspective. Mine runs in linear time, yours would run in quadratic time, because you're checking the cumulative length every loop. Resetting postData every time isn't very efficient, either.
I'm using python and try to do 10 folds looping. To explain this problem, I've an array of any size > 10 of any content, for example:
myArray = [12,14,15,22,16,20,30,25,21,5,3,8,11,19,40,33,23,45,65]
smallArray = []
bigArray = []
I want to do two things:
divide "myArray" into 10 equal parts [e.g. part1, part2, ..., part10]
I need to loop 10 times and each time to do the following:
smallArray = one distinct part a time
the remaining parts are assigned into "bigArray"
and keep doing this for the remaining 10 folds.
the output for example:
Loop1: smallArray = [part1], bigArray[the remaining parts except part1]
Loop2: smallArray = [part2], bigArray[the remaining parts except part2]
Loop10: smallArray = [part10], bigArray[the remaining parts except part10]
How to do so in Python?
l = len(myArray)
#create start and end indices for each slice
slices = ((i * l // 10, (i + 1) * l // 10) for i in xrange(0, 10))
#build (small, big) pairs
pairs = [(myArray[a:b], myArray[:a] + myArray[b:]) for a, b in slices]
for small, big in pairs: