KeyError in a recursive function in python - python

I am defining a main_meal_model function to list a lunch plan that takes in a day value. I have previously defined a random_main_meal_dataset function that creates a database of all the foods that are to be eaten at lunch which also takes in the same day value. For some reason i can't omit a forced declaration of the day value in the random_main_meal_dataset function, else it either gives a KeyError or NameError
I have tried every day of the week and it seems perfect as much as my forced declaration is the same as the day value i send when calling the main_meal_model function but as soon as i try to make this an automatic correspondance it sends KeyError: 'Monday' or NameError: name 'day' is not defined per day_data = data[day]
Error messages:
Full Errorr messages:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\Users\Leonix\Desktop\CS50 Final Project\", line 104, in <module>
print(main_meal_model('Monday', 70, 2000, data, 'Lunch'))
File "c:\Users\Leonix\Desktop\CS50 Final Project\", line 72, in main_meal_model
day_data = data[day]
KeyError: 'Monday
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\Users\Leonix\Desktop\CS50 Final Project\", line 103, in <module>
print(main_meal_model('Monday', 70, 2000, data, 'Lunch')) File "c:\Users\Leonix\Desktop\CS50 Final Project\", line 71, in main_meal_model
day_data = data[day] NameError: name 'day' is not defined
Here is the part of the code I suppose is causing the problem
split_values_day = np.linspace(0, len(data), 8).astype(int)
split_values_day[-1] = split_values_day[-1]-1
def random_main_meal_dataset(data, day):
data = data[data['meal'].str.contains('Main Dishes|Condiments|Side Dishes', na=False)]
frac_data = data.sample(frac=1).reset_index().drop('index', axis=1)
day_data = []
for s in range(len(split_values_day)-1):
return dict(zip(day, day_data))
# define a lunch / dinner model that takes in prob, kg, calories, data and makes a lunch / dinner plan for the day
def main_meal_model(day, kg, calories, data, meal):
data = random_main_meal_dataset(data, day=['Monday'])
G = extract_gram(build_nutritional_values(kg, calories))
E = G['Carbohydrates Grams']
F = G['Fat Grams']
P = G['Protein Grams']
day_data = data[day]
day_data = day_data[day_data.calories != 0]
food =
c = day_data.calories.tolist()
x = pulp.LpVariable.dicts(
"x", indices=food, lowBound=0, upBound=1.5, cat='Continuous', indexStart=[])
e = day_data.carbohydrate.tolist()
f = day_data.total_fat.tolist()
p = day_data.protein.tolist()
div_meal = meal_split[meal]
prob = pulp.LpProblem("Diet", LpMinimize)
prob += pulp.lpSum([x[food[i]]*c[i] for i in range(len(food))])
prob += pulp.lpSum([x[food[i]]*e[i] for i in range(len(x))]) >= E*0.35
prob += pulp.lpSum([x[food[i]]*f[i] for i in range(len(x))]) >= F*0.35
prob += pulp.lpSum([x[food[i]]*p[i] for i in range(len(x))]) >= P*0.35
variables = []
values = []
for v in prob.variables():
variable =
value = v.varValue
values = np.array(values).round(2).astype(float)
sol = pd.DataFrame(np.array([food, values]).T,
columns=['Food', 'Quantity'])
sol['Quantity'] = sol.Quantity.astype(float)
sol = sol[sol['Quantity'] != 0.0]
sol.Quantity = sol.Quantity*100
sol = sol.rename(columns={'Quantity': 'Quantity (g)'})
return sol
print(main_meal_model('Monday', 70, 2000, data, 'Lunch'))`


Stable Baselines3 Parameter Logits has invalid values

I am trying to run stable baselines on sports games but keep getting the following error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/dev/Desktop/Projects/AI/NBA2/", line 35, in <module>
File "/home/dev/anaconda3/envs/sb/lib/python3.9/site-packages/stable_baselines3/a2c/", line 189, in learn
return super(A2C, self).learn(
File "/home/dev/anaconda3/envs/sb/lib/python3.9/site-packages/stable_baselines3/common/", line 234, in learn
continue_training = self.collect_rollouts(self.env, callback, self.rollout_buffer, n_rollout_steps=self.n_steps)
File "/home/dev/anaconda3/envs/sb/lib/python3.9/site-packages/stable_baselines3/common/", line 166, in collect_rollouts
actions, values, log_probs = self.policy.forward(obs_tensor)
File "/home/dev/anaconda3/envs/sb/lib/python3.9/site-packages/stable_baselines3/common/", line 566, in forward
distribution = self._get_action_dist_from_latent(latent_pi, latent_sde=latent_sde)
File "/home/dev/anaconda3/envs/sb/lib/python3.9/site-packages/stable_baselines3/common/", line 607, in _get_action_dist_from_latent
return self.action_dist.proba_distribution(action_logits=mean_actions)
File "/home/dev/anaconda3/envs/sb/lib/python3.9/site-packages/stable_baselines3/common/", line 326, in proba_distribution
self.distribution = [Categorical(logits=split) for split in th.split(action_logits, tuple(self.action_dims), dim=1)]
File "/home/dev/anaconda3/envs/sb/lib/python3.9/site-packages/stable_baselines3/common/", line 326, in <listcomp>
self.distribution = [Categorical(logits=split) for split in th.split(action_logits, tuple(self.action_dims), dim=1)]
File "/home/dev/anaconda3/envs/sb/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/distributions/", line 64, in __init__
super(Categorical, self).__init__(batch_shape, validate_args=validate_args)
File "/home/dev/anaconda3/envs/sb/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/distributions/", line 53, in __init__
raise ValueError("The parameter {} has invalid values".format(param))
ValueError: The parameter logits has invalid values
I have removed all NaN's (replaced with 0) and normalised the data so that all data is between 0 and 1 but still cannot find the invalid value.
Here is my custom environment:
import gym
from gym import spaces
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class BettingEnv(gym.Env):
# metadata = {'render.modes': ['human']}
def __init__(self, df, results, INITIAL_BALANCE=100):
self.df = df
self.results = results
self.initial_balance = INITIAL_BALANCE
self.balance = INITIAL_BALANCE
self.profit = 0
self.starting_point = np.random.randint(len(self.df) - len(self.df) * 0.1) # Start anywhere but in the end 10%
self.timestep = 0
self.games_won = 0
self.game_bets = []
self.game_number = self.starting_point + self.timestep
self.action_space = spaces.MultiDiscrete([3,10])
self.observation_space = spaces.Box(
low = self.df.min().min(), # Lowest value found in df
high = self.df.max().max(), # Search the df for the max value (this may change with different data)
shape = (df.shape[1],), # shape of one row of the df
# dtype = np.float16
print('First ob: ',self.df.loc[self.game_number])
def _next_obs(self):
print('Get next obs')
# Get next game row
obs = self.df.loc[self.timestep]
print('next obs success')
return obs
def _print_bet_csv(self):
# Create bet_info_df
bet_info_df = pd.DataFrame(self.game_bets)
results_df = self.results.reset_index()
# #Merge dfs
self.merged_df = pd.merge(bet_info_df, results_df, on=['index', 'Home Odds', 'Vis Odds', 'Home Win'])
self.merged_df.set_index('index', inplace=True)
# #Print df
self.merged_df.to_csv('./temp/MLB Bot Betting DF.csv', index=True)
def _print_bet_chart(self):
x_axis = [i for i in range(self.timestep)]
plt.plot(x_axis, self.merged_df['Bankroll'])
def _take_action(self, action):
print('Start action')
# Init
action_type = action[0]
amount = action[1] + 1
self.game_number = self.starting_point + self.timestep
game_result = self.results['Home Win'][self.game_number]
odds = 0
bet_on = 'NA'
if action_type == 0:
bet_on = 'False'
# Find vis odds
odds = self.results['Vis Odds'][self.game_number]
if odds == 0:
amount = 0
# Place bet
self.balance -= amount
# Check if win
if game_result == False:
self.balance += round(amount * odds, 2)
self.games_won += 1
if action_type == 1:
bet_on = 'No bet'
if action_type == 2:
bet_on = 'True'
# Find home odds
odds = self.results['Home Odds'][self.game_number]
if odds == 0:
amount = 0
# Place bet
self.balance -= amount
# Check win
if game_result == True:
self.balance += round(amount * odds, 2)
self.games_won += 1
self.balance = round(self.balance, 2)
bet_info = {
'index': self.game_number,
'Home Odds': self.results['Home Odds'][self.game_number],
'Vis Odds': self.results['Vis Odds'][self.game_number],
'Bet on': bet_on,
'Home Win': game_result,
'Amount': amount,
'Odds': odds,
'Bankroll': self.balance
print('Finish action')
return bet_info
def step(self, action):
print('Start step')
info = self._take_action(action)
self.timestep += 1
# Reward
gamma = (self.timestep / len(self.df)) # time discount
self.profit = self.balance - self.initial_balance
reward = self.profit * gamma
# Done
done = self.balance <= 0
# Obs
obs = self._next_obs()
# If last game, print results and start from beginning
#test the printing of csv
if self.timestep == 2500:
self.game_bets = []
print('Starting point: ',self.starting_point)
print('Chart printed')
print('Finished Step')
return obs, reward, done, info
def reset(self):
self.initial_balance = INITIAL_BALANCE
self.balance = INITIAL_BALANCE
self.profit = 0
self.starting_point = np.random.randint(len(self.df) - len(self.df) * 0.1) # Start anywhere but in the end 10%
self.timestep = 0
self.games_won = 0
self.game_bets = []
def render(self, mode='human', close=False):
print('Timestep: ', self.timestep)
print('Profit: ', self.profit)
print('Games Won: ', self.games_won)
print('Balance: ', self.balance)
Here is the file I run the environment from:
import time
start_time = time.time()
import os
import random
import json
import gym
from gym import spaces
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from stable_baselines3.common.vec_env import DummyVecEnv
from stable_baselines3 import PPO, A2C
from Betting_env import BettingEnv
data = pd.read_csv('Scraping/Games and Stats.csv')
df = data.drop(['Date', 'Home', 'Visitor', 'Home PTS', 'Vis PTS', 'Home Points Dif', 'Home Win'], axis=1)
df = df.astype(float)
normed = (df-df.min())/(df.max()-df.min())
normed = normed.round(10)
env = DummyVecEnv([lambda: BettingEnv(normed, data, INITIAL_BALANCE=100)])
model = A2C('MlpPolicy', env, verbose=0)
save_path = os.path.join('Training', 'Saved Models', 'Betting_Model_A2C')
end_time = time.time()
total_time = end_time - start_time
print(round(total_time / 60 / 60), ' Hours ', round(total_time / 60), ' Minutes')
After using the VecCheckNan() and check_env() functions by stable_baselines3 I get the following error messages.
VecCheckNan() gives:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/dev/Desktop/Projects/AI/NBA2/", line 51, in <module>
File "/home/dev/anaconda3/envs/sb/lib/python3.9/site-packages/stable_baselines3/ppo/", line 299, in learn
return super(PPO, self).learn(
File "/home/dev/anaconda3/envs/sb/lib/python3.9/site-packages/stable_baselines3/common/", line 226, in learn
total_timesteps, callback = self._setup_learn(
File "/home/dev/anaconda3/envs/sb/lib/python3.9/site-packages/stable_baselines3/common/", line 420, in _setup_learn
self._last_obs = self.env.reset() # pytype: disable=annotation-type-mismatch
File "/home/dev/anaconda3/envs/sb/lib/python3.9/site-packages/stable_baselines3/common/vec_env/", line 46, in reset
self._check_val(async_step=False, observations=observations)
File "/home/dev/anaconda3/envs/sb/lib/python3.9/site-packages/stable_baselines3/common/vec_env/", line 84, in _check_val
raise ValueError(msg)
ValueError: found nan in observations.
Originated from the environment observation (at reset)
I have printed out the first observations and there are no NaNs in there.
check_env() gives:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/dev/Desktop/Projects/AI/NBA2/", line 42, in <module>
File "/home/dev/anaconda3/envs/sb/lib/python3.9/site-packages/stable_baselines3/common/", line 245, in check_env
assert isinstance(
AssertionError: Your environment must inherit from the gym.Env class cf
I have gym.Env in my Betting_Env class.
I had the same error. In my case the problem was due to the custom reset funciton of my environment. In found that in the BaseAlgorithm class in of stablebaselines in line 429 (in my case) is this line of code
self._last_obs = self.env.reset() # pytype: disable=annotation-type-mismatch
, where my environment should return an observation or at least None.
So you could try returning an observation in your reset function.
Although you are replacing NaNs and ensuring that there are none, the error is mostly probably due to some of the values being np.inf or -np.inf.
df = df.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan).
Hope it works!
You have commented this out:
# dtype = np.float16
So you may already have tried this. But it is possible your dataframe contains a float32 and your observation space is expecting the wrong dtype. Try changing to:
dtype = np.float32

Memory error - double recursion at fault?

I want to generate well formed formulas in python, but I am running into a memory error. I think I am accidentally doing some double recursion, but I am not certain. I am using python 3.8.3 and am not really formally trained. Any tips are welcome. Here's my code:
from string import Template
vars = ['w','x','y','z', '$x', '$y', 's($x, $y)']
mxy = Template('m($x, $y)')
stage1 = []
for var1 in vars:
for var2 in vars:
stage1.append(mxy.substitute(x=var1, y=var2))
def extractFunctions(x):
ans = []
for formula in x:
if '$' in formula:
return ans
def stageSub(stageSet, iterations):
currentStageSet = stageSet
wffs = []
newTemplates = extractFunctions(currentStageSet)
for phormula in newTemplates:
if ('$x' in phormula) and ('$y' not in phormula):
for varx in currentStageSet:
wffs.append(Template(phormula).substitute(x = varx))
elif '$y' in phormula and '$x' not in phormula:
for vary in currentStageSet:
wffs.append(Template(phormula).substitute(y = vary))
elif '$x' in phormula and '$y' in phormula:
for varx in currentStageSet:
for vary in currentStageSet:
wffs.append(Template(phormula).substitute(x = varx, y = vary))
iterations = iterations - 1
if iterations == 0:
return wffs
if iterations > 0:
print('this happened', iterations)
return stageSub(wffs, iterations)
stage2 = stageSub(stage1, 2)
If you run stageSub(stage1, 1) (so just 1 iteration) it does actually halt.
Here is the error and traceback:
this happened 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "d:\Python\ringSingleAxiom\", line 48, in <module>
stage2 = stageSub(stage1, 2)
File "d:\Python\ringSingleAxiom\", line 46, in stageSub
return stageSub(wffs, iterations)
File "d:\Python\ringSingleAxiom\", line 38, in stageSub
wffs.append(Template(phormula).substitute(x = varx, y = vary))

Python ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.I'm getting this value error and I don't know how to solve the issue

def simulate(self, timesteps, **kwargs):
pos = {comp: i for i, comp in enumerate(kwargs)}
population = np.zeros(len(pos), dtype='int')
for comp in pos:
population[pos[comp]] = kwargs[comp] # line where the error is
values = []
comps = list(self.transitions.nodes)
time = np.arange(1, timesteps, 1, dtype='int')
for t in time:
pop = values[-1]
new_pop = values[-1].copy()
N = np.sum(pop)
I am having this value error and I'm not sure on how to fix it. Any suggestion
Error happens when I call this,
if population is None:
population = SIR1.values_.iloc[-1].copy()
population = pd.concat([population, SIR1.values_.iloc[-1]])
S0 = population.S
I00 = population.I
R0 = population.R
Quarantine.simulate(365 - 74, S=S0, I=I00, R=R0) ### Line causing the error

Pyomo: KeyError: "Index '(0, 1, 1)' is not valid for indexed component 'x_ijl'"

With reference to the images in the attached files, i want to model using pyomo.
What I have done so far.
from pyomo.environ import *
from pyomo.opt import SolverFactory
import pyomo.environ
[4,7,0,7,9,5,8,5,4,8,6 ,10,8],
[10,6 ,7,0,6,11,5 ,9,8,12,11,6,9],
[12,8 ,9,6, 0,7,9,6,9,8,4,11,10],
[15,7 ,8,5,9,10,0,10,9,8,5,9,10],
[8,10 ,5,9,6,4,10,0,11,5,9,6,7],
[11,12,4,8, 9,3,9,11,0, 9,11,11,6],
[4,7,0,7,9,5,8,5,4,8,6 ,10,8],
[10,6 ,7,0,6,11,5 ,9,8,12,11,6,9],
[12,8 ,9,6, 0,7,9,6,9,8,4,11,10],
[15,7 ,8,5,9,10,0,10,9,8,5,9,10],
[8,10 ,5,9,6,4,10,0,11,5,9,6,7],
[11,12,4,8, 9,3,9,11,0, 9,11,11,6],
Time_windows = [(1400,1500), (0000,2400), (0000,2400),(0700,2400),(0000,2400),(0000,0700),(0700,2400),(0700,2400),(0000,0700),(0000,2400),\
Service_time = [0000, 1600,1600,180,30,120,120,60,30,30,90,120,330]
demand = [9999.00, 9999.00,9999.00,12.00, 4.00, 6.00, 8.00,16.00,6.00,16.00,12.00,24.00,8.00]
K = 4 # no. of vehicles
C = 280; # capacity
speed = 40; # default speed
M = 200;
startCity = 0
model = ConcreteModel()
# sets
#model.M = Set(initialize=range(1, n+1))
model.N = Set(initialize=range(1, n+1))
model.K = Set(initialize=range(1, K+1))
model.Nc = Set(initialize=range(3, n+1)) # set of customers
# Param
model.cost = Param(model.N, model.N, initialize=lambda model, i, j: distanceMatrix[i-1][j-1])
model.travel_time = Param(model.N, model.N,initialize=lambda model, i,j: travel_time[i-1][j-1])
model.Time_windows = Param(model.N, initialize=lambda model, i: travel_time[i-1]) # time_windows
model.Service_time = Param(model.N, initialize=lambda model, i: Service_time[i-1]) # Service time
model.demand = Param(model.N, initialize=lambda model, i: demand[i-1])
model.M = Param(initialize=M)
model.C = Param(initialize=C)
# variables
model.x_ijl = Var(model.N, model.N, model.K, within=Binary) # decision variable = 1 iff vehicle l in K uses arc (i,j) in A
model.d_il = Var(model.N, model.K, bounds=(0,None)) # the accumulative demand at node i in V for vehicle l in K
model.w_il = Var(model.N, model.K, bounds=(0,None)) # start time of service at node i in V for vehicle l in K
# All l vehicles must leave the depot
def leave_depot(model,l):
return sum(model.x_ijl[0,j,l] for j in model.N) == 1
model.leave_depot = Constraint(model.K, rule=leave_depot)
# All l vehicles must return to the depot
def return_depot(model,l):
return sum(model.x_ijl[i,0,l] for i in model.N) == 1
model.return_depot = Constraint(model.K, rule=return_depot)
# ensures that all customers are serviced exactly once.
def customer_service(model, j):
return sum(sum(model.x_ijl[i,j,l] for l in model.K) for i in model.N) ==1
model.customer_service1 = Constraint(model.Nc, rule=customer_service)
# Inflow and outflow must be equal except for the depot nodes
def flow(model,j,l):
return sum(model.x_ijl[i,j,l] for i in model.N if i < j) == sum(model.x_ijl[j,i,l] for i in model.N if j < i)
model.flow1 = Constraint(model.N,model.K, rule=flow)
# Time windows
def time_windows1(model,i,l):
return model.Time_windows[i][0] <=model.w_il[i,l] <= model.Time_windows[i][1]
model.time_windows = Constraint(model.N,model.K, rule=time_windows1)
# service time
def service_time(model,i,j,l):
return model.w_il[i,l] + model.Service_time[i] + model.travel_time[i,j] <= model.w_il[j,l] + (1 - model.x_ijl[i,j,l])*200
model.service_time = Constraint(model.N, model.N, model.K, rule=service_time)
# vehicle must be empty at start and end of routes
def empty(model, l):
return model.d_il[0,l] + model.d_il[-1,l] == 0
model.empty = Constraint(model.K, rule=empty)
# accumulative demand for all nodes except disposal sites
def demands_forall_nodes(model,i,j,l):
return model.d_il[i,l] + model.demand[i] <= model.d_il[j,l]+(1 - model.x_ijl[i,j,l]*200)
model.demands_forall_nodes = Constraint(model.Nc, model.N,model.K,rule=demands_forall_nodes)
# Capacity contraints
def vehicle_capacity(model, i,l):
return model.d_il[i,l] <= model.C
model.vehicle_capacity = Constraint(model.N, model.K, rule=vehicle_capacity)
# Objective Function
def objective(model):
return sum(model.cost[i,j]*model.x_ijl[i,j,l] for i in model.N for j in model.N for l in model.K)
model.obj = Objective(rule=objective)
opt = SolverFactory("glpk")
results = opt.solve(model, tee=True)
However, I got an error with constriant 2 (from image 2) which I know similar will apply to constraint 3 and constriant 9. The error is:
ERROR: Rule failed when generating expression for constraint leave_depot with
index 1: KeyError: "Index '(0, 1, 1)' is not valid for indexed component
ERROR: Constructing component 'leave_depot' from data=None failed: KeyError:
"Index '(0, 1, 1)' is not valid for indexed component 'x_ijl'"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 81, in <module>
model.leave_depot = Constraint(model.K, rule=leave_depot)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyomo/core/base/", line 540, in __setattr__
self.add_component(name, val)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyomo/core/base/", line 980, in add_component
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyomo/core/base/", line 793, in construct
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyomo/core/base/", line 61, in apply_indexed_rule
return rule(model, index)
File "", line 80, in leave_depot
return sum(model.x_ijl[0,j,l] for j in model.N) == 1
File "", line 80, in <genexpr>
return sum(model.x_ijl[0,j,l] for j in model.N) == 1
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyomo/core/base/", line 543, in __getitem__
index = self._validate_index(index)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyomo/core/base/", line 695, in _validate_index
% ( idx,, ))
KeyError: "Index '(0, 1, 1)' is not valid for indexed component 'x_ijl'"
My problem is modeling constraint 2 and 3.
Please could someone help me to write these constraints correctly
The problem is that you started your indexing sets at 1 not 0. Change m.x_ijl[0,j,l] to m.x_ijl[1,j,l].

Error 'numpy.int32' object does not support item assignment

I get this error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\User1\Desktop\cellh5_scripts\", line 90, in <module>
ec.combine_classifiers("Event labels combined")
File "C:\Users\User1\Desktop\cellh5_scripts\", line 53, in combine_classifiers
pnas_class[pnas_class==3] = 1
TypeError: 'numpy.int32' object does not support item assignment
by runing the code
def combine_classifiers(self, output_name):
all_combined_classes = []
for _, (plate_name, w, p, t1, t2, track_ids, track_labels) in self.mapping[['Plate',
'Gene Symbol',
'siRNA ID',
'Event track ids',
'Event track labels']].iterrows():
combined_classes = []
ch5_file_handle = self.cellh5_handles[plate_name]
ch5_pos = ch5_file_handle.get_position(w, str(p))
for track_id, track_label in zip(track_ids, track_labels):
h2b_class = track_label.copy()
pnas_class = ch5_pos.get_class_prediction('secondary__expanded')[track_id]['label_idx'] + 1
inter_idx = h2b_class == 1
pnas_class[pnas_class==3] = 1
combined_class = h2b_class
combined_class[inter_idx] = pnas_class[inter_idx]
self.mapping[output_name] = pandas.Series(all_combined_classes)
I print pnas_class which is 1, and track_id which is 50708. I'm wondering what the designer of code want to do in the part:
inter_idx = h2b_class == 1
pnas_class[pnas_class==3] = 1
combined_class = h2b_class
combined_class[inter_idx] = pnas_class[inter_idx]
How can I change that to have the same meaning?
pnas_class is a an integer so you can't select item from an integer by [pnas_class==3] = 1.
Maybe you are trying to affect 1 to pnas_class if it's equal to 3. In this case try this:
pnas_class= 1*(pnas_class == 3) + pnas_class*(pnas_class != 3 )
Ok I found the mistake. You arer right the pnas_class should not be an integer and I know why is it integer instead of array.
