how to get live data from Chartink Atlas via python code? - python

how to get live data scraping the webpage of chartink Atlas
I tried in simple screener process so i get the results from below link but the results are 5 minute late.


How to have python code get data from a website then update it on another website?

I want to have some python code use selenium or bs4 to check a website hourly for updates and the get that information and put it on a website in whatever way I want to format it. I would like to know what's the best way to connect these two together.
I would probably set up a cron job (scheduled task on windows) to run hourly to run your script to scrape the website you're getting data from. The logic in your script will depend on the website you're entering data into, but broadly speaking I would scrape the data, process it, then either send a POST request to the website or update the data source (a db, file, whatever) directly.

Converting Python Script to Web Tool

I am going to make a simple website that displays data from a script I made with Beautiful Soup. I already have a working Python code that scrapes the data I need.
What I do not know how to do is drop this Python code into a website that scrapes data on a daily basis and displays it nicely. I am scraping daily stock prices and I want my site to store each day's price in a database and plot everything to date on a simple line graph and an accompanying table.
What keywords do I use in researching this? I've started to look into Django vs Flask. Am I on the right path?

Web scraping using VBA requires to show all nodes

I am unable to scrape complete data from a table on a website with around 1000 entries using
As seen in the image the code will require to show all nodes to scrape the complete data. Is there any way to do it?

How to get some specific real-time data from several websites continuously using Python (Django)?

I am working on a web application that needs to pull data from other websites continuously. For example, the price of a product.
If the price changes on the original website, my site's price will also be changed automatically.
Is it possible to scrape/pull/get data from other websites continuously like this?
you can write a background job to fetch data from remote host every hour/minutes/... then update your data if changed.

Display Data In Real Time With Django

I have a simulator application that continuously spits out data, formatted in JSON, to a given host name and port number (UDP). I would like to be able to point the simulator output to a Django web application so that I can monitor/process the data as it comes in.
How do I receive and process data in real time using Django? What tools or packages are available to accomplish this? I did come across this answer: How to serve data from UDP stream over HTTP in Python?, but I don't completely understand.
Ex: Similar to this page:
ALSO, I don't need to store any of the streaming data in a database. I just need to perform lookups based on the streaming data. Maybe it's not a Django issue at all?
Using Javascript.
Create a webpage with all the results, and then use javascript to collect the data from the page, and update it every X seconds.
Have the webpage be the JSON data, and the javascript grab it an interpret it.
get html code using javascript with a url
Then update the page using javascript. ww3 schools has great JS tutorials
