I can not see the templates on my page django [closed] - python

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I have my first serious project, I am 16 years old and I have a job and I made a page for this job, I already have the domain, I already have the host. I set the debug to False, and several things in the .env, I already put the domain in the allowed host, and other things, but when I upload the files of my project in FilleZilla, once I enter the page, they only appear the directories that are inside the public_html folder, that is, there I can access the files that I uploaded in filezilla, but the idea is to run the templates, and I don't know how to do it, I can't find help anywhere, no tutorial, nothing. I need someone to help me with this, I'm new.
I already have a host that I bought. that is, I already have the domain, and I have the host that I bought from a company. And what I don't know how to do is how to make the project look, that is, the templates with their css, that is, that their {%load static%} work correctly, and so on.
I'm sorry if I didn't give enough information, I don't know how to ask, well, it's this website, sorry. but I am with a serious project and I need to display this page as soon as possible, and I don't know how to make the whole page appear correctly once I enter www.familiacan.com.ar

It would help to know how you are serving your webpage, but in any case, here is a tutorial that might give you some insights. Essentially, you likely want to run a webserver to serve anything static, like css and images, and something like gunicorn to control your django application.
If the link below ceases to function at some point, search for things like "how to deploy django app to [your hosting platform]" which will probably give you relevant information.
Your question is fairly broad and lacking some detail. You'll get higher quality responses with more specific questions, but recognizing you are new, it is understood where you are. Everyone starts somewhere.


A safe way to make an website run a python script [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I made a small script that solves an combinatorial optimization problem and I would like put it in a website so users can "play" with it, they could send a list of "points" to the server and this script would use a database to return the best combination of these "points".
The problem is I do not have much experience in web dev. I searched how to make an html button execute an script and I found this thread: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48552343/how-can-i-execute-a-python-script-from-an-html-button#:~:text=To%20run%2C%20open%20command%20prompt,Hope%20this%20helpful.
But there says that an html button calling an python script is not safe. So what would be ideal What would be an ideal, safe alternative so that I could make sure that anyone who accesses my website can execute this script safely?
Well, there's no "easy" answer to your question. What you'd really need to do is to create a web-site in Python on your host computer – using a tool such as Django – and have one of the URLs supported by that website call your script.
Honestly, "what you're asking for here, really isn't the sort of question that StackOverflow is intended to answer." It's too big. Another one of the SE-family sites might be more appropriate, although I'm not quite sure which one ...
The solution that comes to mind would be setting up some Python-API (e.g. with Flask) which you could call with HTTP via JS, having different routes for different usages.
Here's a short overview of Flask showcasing how it could be used.

Django project structure [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I've been playing with Django for a couple of weeks and I decided to try to make my personal website with it.
The only thing I can't yet wrap my head around is how I should structure the project. The essential of the site will be a blog-like portfolio that shows projects. Those projects (comparable to categories on normal blogs) will contain posts about them.
Now my question is, should that be 1 big app or should I divide this into multiple smaller apps and in that case how would you do it?
For now it looks acceptable to have everything in one app, but my plan is to add features along the way and expand the site continuously. After some time I don't exclude the possibility that it could get pretty complex :)
Response to the fact that this question has been closed because it is "mostly opinion based"..
I am asking for experience (that I don't yet have), to be able to make a better choice about how I should structure my project in order to avoid having to restructure it later because I made a bad choice due to a lack of experience. Of course this requires some opinion based answers..
As you only have one category of articles, I recommend you to start with one application.
Hence, you can start with an application named projects. Then, if you want to write about your experiences, create a new application named experiences, and so on.
Personally, my portfolio is built around three categories/applications:
Applications are ideal for large Django websites. I advise you to add applications to your project when it becomes bigger and more complex. For now, make your life easier by using only one application ;)

Easiest way to manage/monitor a flask app? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a small flask app I want to deploy on my server and I'd like to be able to monitor it via an HTTP web interface. I don't need something complicated and I definitely don't want something that's difficult to set up. Previously I've used the Google App engine and the functionality in the Logs tab is completely fine.
The app is served through nginx & gunicorn and uses redis (w/ py-redis) and sqlite (w/ peewee). Ideally I'd like to be able to check the logs for all parts of the system from one place. Is this possible? What's the easiest way?
There is no definitive answer to the predicament and it would be whatever way you are most comfortable with.
You could change all your logging to write to a central database then create a small program which would scrape this data for you. This method also includes configuring a central syslog server:
What ever way you want to read these files is fine and all depends how much control you want. You could simply name all the logs based on hostname and rsync them to a central server from where you could parse them.
There are also free tools out there which will aid you in choosing you method take a look at:
There are also some proprietary systems you could use, such as Splunk:
This is by no means a definitive list but should aim you in the right direction.

Is it necessary to use/make a script that make django development easier? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I just start a django-fairy project for django 1.3.1 here: https://github.com/goFrendiAsgard/django-fairy
It is just a simple (but I think useful) python script that can help django newbie to develop everything faster. The basic idea is:
When you make a view, usually you will make respective url and template
When you make a model, usually you will register it on admin
So that it would be more fun, if there is a way to do such a things in a simple way.
I want to make sure if what I do is right.
So these is my questions:
Do you think that such a project is useful for community?
Is it violate django (and python) philosophy?
Do you think that such a project is useful for community?
Yes, just keep developing it plus, you will know that from the users as feedback and even if the feedback wasn't good enough, let your project be, enhance it more and more and your project will get a good rating and acceptance in no time. Just consider your users' notes and comments and you will be fine.
Is it violate django (and python) philosophy?
No, it is not.
The only way to tell if it is useful is for you to complete it and publish it and people start using it.
No, there are tons of other quick bootstrapping scripts available for django. There is no such policy that prevents this.
However, you shouldn't make a lot of assumptions as to what the end user will want to do with their models/views. Django is a toolset and as such there are lots of ways to use it.
For example, there are models that are never entered in the admin, and similarly there are django sites that don't have a "front end" (ie, a view) and only use the ORM and the admin, with applications like databrowse

Plone CMS - multiple domains? user permissions? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Good Afternoon,
We are currently investigating using Plone for our CMS solution.
Ideally we would move our current websites accross to Plone, and then move across other applications later in the project.
I have a couple of Questions that Should be easy, but I have not found direct answers here;
Does Plone have the ability to run multiply domains, So say 5 domains
could run off one instance of Plone, and dependant on the domain,
different content and pages would display? Would this be a simple exercise?
The ability to have multiply user hierarchy, some with Editing ability, but can not post changes, and other who can approve the content before it is published and edit when needed?
We are not scared of the programming or developing additional applications, and we are also looking at employing a company who knows Plone as well to guide our process.
Yes you can have multiple Plone sites for each domain on the same Plone instance(s)/zeo setup. I would recommend you use collective.recipe.filestorage and give each site it's own data.fs (instructions on how to use this here) in case you want to split them up later. If you just want to have each domain point to a separate section of the same website you can do that as well.
Yes you can customize the workflow and user groups however you would like. There is some basic information here.
What exactly is your use case for serving one instance of Zope over several domain names, with different content? In any case, this could probably be achieved with a combination of Apache VirtualHosts (serve the site via multiple domain names) and mod_rewrite (to serve different content for each domain.) Really, though, you may be better off running separate instances of Plone.
Zope does support permissions. I haven't read the documentation on permissions closely to determine if the Zope permissions model meets your exact needs, but you should start here.
