Need Ideas for python projects for beginners [closed] - python

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Closed 23 hours ago.
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It's been 1 month since I have been learning Python (3) and I think I am good with the basics, and I need to practice many different projects to master those basics.
I need projects that are very simple for beginners (Please don't give the ones already given on internet like madlibs, or number guesser, I have done those), and explain exactly how the program should run and what output it should give.
You can also give me a couple of hints


Getting started with Python A translation interface [closed]

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Closed 3 days ago.
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Hello I'm a beginner in Python, for my first project I want to have a program or application that can copy a PDF and after pasting it into, return the translation to me. Thank you
My question is obviously where and how should I start
If you want some help (or just a nice starting point) you can use the aquacode/translate-pdf GitHub repo. It is a very similar project.

How to get starting with Linear programming and Python? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Any resources to learn Python and using Python to learn linear programming.
at that time the Harvard Edu can be provided free python course. this is best time to learn python. I hope this link helps you...
I found it very helpful to get started with PuLP.
Following two links provide a basic insight into the topic IMO:

Audio feedback while coding in python? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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does anyone know if there is an addon (in my case for pycharm), that gives you an audio feedback during scripting? (like for blind programmers?)
e.g I type len(s) and it shouts "len" into my headphones?
Or at least during debugging?
Since I am a newbie I'd like to learn programming with all senses possible. I started with games like code CodeCombat and I realized that it helps a lot when I hear what I have coded.
An improvement could be if you could save your own audios to each command, so you can 'hear' good/bad coding, music-like..
Another possibility I'd considered is a 2d graphic with different colors, where you could at least analyze similar codes with one view like a painting.
Does anything like this exist?

Which atom python linting packages are stable? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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It seems that there are too many Python linting packages and I am wonder which one should we use.
I suspect installing two will provide a confusing experience, if not even triggering weird bugs.
python-autopep8 - 20+
linter-python-flaks - 6+
linter-flake8 - 153+
linter-pylint - 119+
Here are few areas I want to clarify:
is ok to use more than one?
wouldn't be better to ask authors to join efforts and focus on a single one?
What are the pros and cons for them?

Python internals [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Can anyone please direct me to an online document or books where I can find and learn about the Python implementation in C, like this one for Perl:
or this book: Extending and Embedding Perl by Simon Cozen.
Are you sure you tried Googling or looking on before asking this question?
This is the "official" tutorial on extending the interpreter which should be a start - and then there is the C API reference which should be useful while you're doing your work.
Eli has an ongoing series of posts describing the innards of the interpreter on his blog.
