I've read through countless other posts and tried a lot of techniques, but I can't seem to get the data I want from a table on the below website. I can only return other divs and their classes, but not the values.
I am looking to get all the rows from the three columns (by airline, by origin airport, by destination airport) here:
I've tried searching for the 'th class' but it only returns the div information and not the data.
Any help is appreciated
Thank you
my attempt:
rows = soup.findAll('table', attrs={'class': 'cancellation_boards'})
for r in rows:
t = r.find_all_next('div', attrs= {'class':'cancellation_board'})
for r in rows:
The data you see is loaded via Ajax request so BeautifulSoup doesn't see it. You can simulate it via requests. To load the data to one big dataframe, you can use next example:
import requests
import pandas as pd
url = "https://flightaware.com/ajax/airport/cancelled_count.rvt"
params = {
"type": "airline",
"timeFilter": "((b.sch_block_out BETWEEN '2022-04-02 8:00' AND '2022-04-03 8:00') OR (b.sch_block_out IS NULL AND b.filed_departuretime BETWEEN '2022-04-02 8:00' AND '2022-04-03 8:00'))",
"timePeriod": "today",
"airportFilter": "",
all_dfs = []
for params["type"] in ("airline", "destination", "origin"):
df = pd.read_html(requests.get(url, params=params).text)[0]
df["type"] = params["type"]
df_final = pd.concat(all_dfs)
df_final.to_csv("data.csv", index=False)
Airline Airport Cancelled Delayed type
Airline Airport # % # %
0 China Eastern NaN 509 45% 28 2% airline
1 Spring Airlines NaN 443 82% 5 0% airline
2 Southwest NaN 428 12% 1369 39% airline
3 American Airlines NaN 317 10% 472 16% airline
4 Delta NaN 229 8% 444 16% airline
5 Spirit NaN 190 23% 207 26% airline
6 Hainan Airlines NaN 167 41% 9 2% airline
7 JetBlue NaN 144 14% 494 48% airline
8 Lion Air NaN 129 20% 53 8% airline
9 easyJet NaN 121 8% 471 32% airline
and saves data.csv (screenshot from LibreOffice):
As the url is dynamic, you also can grab table data pandas with selenium.
import time
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from selenium import webdriver
from webdriver_manager.chrome import ChromeDriverManager
import pandas as pd
driver = webdriver.Chrome(ChromeDriverManager().install())
url ="https://flightaware.com/live/cancelled"
soup = BeautifulSoup(driver.page_source, 'lxml')
df = pd.read_html(str(table),header=0)[0]
By airline Unnamed: 1 By origin airport Unnamed: 3 By destination airport
0 Cancelled Cancelled Delayed Delayed Airline
1 # % # % Airline
2 Cancelled Cancelled Delayed Delayed Airport
3 # % # % Airport
4 Cancelled Cancelled Delayed Delayed Airport
.. ... ... ... ... ...
308 10 3% 55 17% Luis Munoz Marin Intl (SJU)
309 10 3% 126 39% Geneva Cointrin Int'l (GVA)
310 9 2% 33 10% Sydney (SYD)
311 9 11% 17 21% Punta Gorda (PGD)
312 9 3% 10 3% Chengdu Shuangliu Int'l (CTU)
[313 rows x 5 columns]
I have a very specific issue which I have not been able to find a solution to.
Recently, I began a project for which I am monitoring about 100 ETFs and Mutual funds based on specific data acquired from Morningstar. The current solution works great - but I later found out that I need more data from another "Tab" within the website. Specifically, I am trying to get data from the 1st table from the following website: https://www.morningstar.dk/dk/funds/snapshot/snapshot.aspx?id=F00000Z1MC&tab=1
Right now, I have the code below for scraping data from a table from the tab "Indhold" on the website, and exporting it to Excel. My question is therefore: How do I adjust the code to scrape data from another part of the website?.
To briefly explain the code and reiterate: The code below scrapes data from another tab from the same websites. The many, many IDs are for each website representing each mutual fund/ETF. The setup works very well so I am hoping to simply adjust it (If that is possible) to extract the table from the link above. I have very limited knowledge of the topic so any help is much, much appreciated.
import requests
import re
import pandas as pd
from openpyxl import load_workbook
auth = 'https://www.morningstar.dk/Common/funds/snapshot/PortfolioSAL.aspx'
# Create a Pandas Excel writer using XlsxWriter as the engine.
path= r'/Users/karlemilthulstrup/Downloads/data2.xlsm'
book = load_workbook(path ,read_only = False, keep_vba=True)
writer = pd.ExcelWriter(path, engine='openpyxl')
writer.book = book
ids = ['F00000VA2N','F0GBR064OO','F00000YKC2','F000015MVX','F0000020YA','0P00015YTR','0P00015YTT','F0GBR05V8D','F0GBR06XKI','F000013CKH','F00000MG6K','F000014G49',
headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; Nexus 5 Build/MRA58N) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.159 Mobile Safari/537.36'}
payload = {
'languageId': 'da-DK',
'locale': 'da-DK',
'clientId': 'MDC_intl',
'benchmarkId': 'category',
'component': 'sal-components-mip-factor-profile',
'version': '3.40.1'}
for api_id in ids:
payload = {
'Site': 'dk',
'FC': '%s' %api_id,
'IT': 'FO',
'LANG': 'da-DK',}
response = requests.get(auth, params=payload)
search = re.search('(tokenMaaS:[\w\s]*\")(.*)(\")', response.text, re.IGNORECASE)
bearer = 'Bearer ' + search.group(2)
headers.update({'Authorization': bearer})
url = 'https://www.us-api.morningstar.com/sal/sal-service/fund/factorProfile/%s/data' %api_id
jsonData = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=payload).json()
rows = []
for k, v in jsonData['factors'].items():
row = {}
row['factor'] = k
historicRange = v.pop('historicRange')
for each in historicRange:
df = pd.DataFrame(rows)
sheetName = jsonData['id']
df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=sheetName, index=False)
print('Finished: %s' %sheetName)
If I understand you correctly, you want to get first table of that URL in the form of pandas dataframe:
import requests
import pandas as pd
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# load the page into soup:
url = "https://www.morningstar.dk/dk/funds/snapshot/snapshot.aspx?id=F00000Z1MC&tab=1"
soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).content, "html.parser")
# find correct table:
tbl = soup.select_one(".returnsCalenderYearTable")
# remove the first row (it's not header):
# convert the html to pandas DF:
df = pd.read_html(str(tbl))[0]
# move the first row to header:
df.columns = map(str, df.loc[0])
df = df.loc[1:].reset_index(drop=True).rename(columns={"nan": "Name"})
Name 2014* 2015* 2016* 2017* 2018 2019 2020 31-08
0 Samlet afkast % 2627 1490 1432 584 -589 2648 -482 1841
1 +/- Kategori 1130 583 808 -255 164 22 -910 -080
2 +/- Indeks 788 591 363 -320 -127 -262 -1106 -162
3 Rank i kategori 2 9 4 80 38 54 92 63
EDIT: To load from multiple URLs:
import requests
import pandas as pd
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
urls = [
all_data = []
for url in urls:
print("Loading URL {}".format(url))
# load the page into soup:
soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).content, "html.parser")
# find correct table:
tbl = soup.select_one(".returnsCalenderYearTable")
# remove the first row (it's not header):
# convert the html to pandas DF:
df = pd.read_html(str(tbl))[0]
# move the first row to header:
df.columns = map(lambda x: str(x).replace("*", "").strip(), df.loc[0])
df = df.loc[1:].reset_index(drop=True).rename(columns={"nan": "Name"})
df["Company"] = soup.h1.text.split("\n")[0].strip()
df["URL"] = url
all_data.append(df.loc[:, ~df.isna().all()])
df = pd.concat(all_data, ignore_index=True)
Name 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 31-08 Company URL
0 Samlet afkast % 1755.0 942.0 -1317.0 1757.0 -189.0 3018 Great Dane Globale Aktier https://www.morningstar.dk/dk/funds/snapshot/snapshot.aspx?id=F00000VA2N&tab=1
1 +/- Kategori 966.0 -54.0 -186.0 -662.0 -967.0 1152 Great Dane Globale Aktier https://www.morningstar.dk/dk/funds/snapshot/snapshot.aspx?id=F00000VA2N&tab=1
2 +/- Indeks 686.0 38.0 -854.0 -1153.0 -813.0 1015 Great Dane Globale Aktier https://www.morningstar.dk/dk/funds/snapshot/snapshot.aspx?id=F00000VA2N&tab=1
3 Rank i kategori 10.0 24.0 85.0 84.0 77.0 4 Great Dane Globale Aktier https://www.morningstar.dk/dk/funds/snapshot/snapshot.aspx?id=F00000VA2N&tab=1
4 Samlet afkast % NaN 1016.0 -940.0 1899.0 767.0 2238 Independent Generations ESG https://www.morningstar.dk/dk/funds/snapshot/snapshot.aspx?id=F0GBR064OO&tab=1
5 +/- Kategori NaN 20.0 190.0 -520.0 -12.0 373 Independent Generations ESG https://www.morningstar.dk/dk/funds/snapshot/snapshot.aspx?id=F0GBR064OO&tab=1
6 +/- Indeks NaN 112.0 -478.0 -1011.0 143.0 235 Independent Generations ESG https://www.morningstar.dk/dk/funds/snapshot/snapshot.aspx?id=F0GBR064OO&tab=1
7 Rank i kategori NaN 26.0 69.0 92.0 43.0 25 Independent Generations ESG https://www.morningstar.dk/dk/funds/snapshot/snapshot.aspx?id=F0GBR064OO&tab=1
8 Samlet afkast % NaN NaN -939.0 1898.0 766.0 2239 Independent Generations ESG Akk https://www.morningstar.dk/dk/funds/snapshot/snapshot.aspx?id=F00000YKC2&tab=1
9 +/- Kategori NaN NaN 191.0 -521.0 -12.0 373 Independent Generations ESG Akk https://www.morningstar.dk/dk/funds/snapshot/snapshot.aspx?id=F00000YKC2&tab=1
10 +/- Indeks NaN NaN -477.0 -1012.0 142.0 236 Independent Generations ESG Akk https://www.morningstar.dk/dk/funds/snapshot/snapshot.aspx?id=F00000YKC2&tab=1
11 Rank i kategori NaN NaN 68.0 92.0 44.0 24 Independent Generations ESG Akk https://www.morningstar.dk/dk/funds/snapshot/snapshot.aspx?id=F00000YKC2&tab=1
12 Samlet afkast % NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 2384 Investin Sustainable World https://www.morningstar.dk/dk/funds/snapshot/snapshot.aspx?id=F000015MVX&tab=1
13 +/- Kategori NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 518 Investin Sustainable World https://www.morningstar.dk/dk/funds/snapshot/snapshot.aspx?id=F000015MVX&tab=1
14 +/- Indeks NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 381 Investin Sustainable World https://www.morningstar.dk/dk/funds/snapshot/snapshot.aspx?id=F000015MVX&tab=1
15 Rank i kategori NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18 Investin Sustainable World https://www.morningstar.dk/dk/funds/snapshot/snapshot.aspx?id=F000015MVX&tab=1
I'm learning on how to webscrape using Python since I'm a novice. Right now, I attempted to webscrape Euros 2020 stats from this website https://theanalyst.com/na/2021/06/euro-2020-player-stats. After running my initial code (see below) to gather the html from the webpage, I cannot locate the table tag and its data-table class. I can see the table and its data-table when I inspected the website, but it is not shown when I print out the page_soup.
from urllib.request import urlopen as uReq # Web client
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup # HTML data structure
url_page = 'https://theanalyst.com/na/2021/06/euro-2020-player-stats'
# Open connection & download the html from the url
uClient = uReq(url_page)
# Parses html into a soup data structure
page_soup = soup(uClient.read(), "html.parser")
The table is loaded dynamically in JSON format via sending a GET request to:
Since we're dealing with JSON data, it's easier to use the requests library to get the data.
Here is an example using the pandas library to print the table into a DataFrame (you don't have to use the pandas library).
import pandas as pd
import requests
url = "https://dataviz.theanalyst.com/euro-2020-hub/player_stats_3_2020.json"
response = requests.get(url).json()
Output (truncated):
player_id team_id team_name player_first_name player_last_name player age position detailed_position mins_played np_shots np_sot np_goals np_xG op_chances_created op_assists op_xA op_passes op_pass_completion_rate tackles_won interceptions recoveries avg_carry_distance avg_carry_progress carry_w_shot carry_w_goal carry_w_chance_created carry_w_assist take_ons take_ons_success_rate goal_ending total_xG shot_ending team_badge
0 103955 114 England Raheem Sterling Raheem Sterling 26 Forward Second Striker 641 14 8 3 3.82 2 1 1.18 193 0.85 5 4 23 12.98 6.73 3 0 3 1 38 52.63 6 7.08 24 https://omo.akamai.opta.net/image.php?secure=true&h=omo.akamai.opta.net&sport=football&entity=team&description=badges&dimensions=150&id=114
1 56979 114 England Jordan Henderson Jordan Henderson 31 Midfielder Central Midfielder 150 1 1 1 0.32 0 0 0.06 111 0.88 0 1 11 7.83 0.49 0 0 0 0 3 66.67 0 0.00 0 https://omo.akamai.opta.net/image.php?secure=true&h=omo.akamai.opta.net&sport=football&entity=team&description=badges&dimensions=150&id=114
2 78830 114 England Harry Kane Harry Kane 27 Forward Striker 649 15 7 4 3.57 5 0 0.39 159 0.70 0 3 8 10.52 3.06 2 0 2 0 15 53.33 7 6.38 21 https://omo.akamai.opta.net/image.php?secure=true&h=omo.akamai.opta.net&sport=football&entity=team&description=badges&dimensions=150&id=114
3 58621 114 England Kyle Walker Kyle Walker 31 Defender Full Back 599 0 0 0 0.00 2 0 0.18 352 0.87 0 8 37 11.66 5.09 0 0 0 0 1 100.00 3 2.54 10 https://omo.akamai.opta.net/image.php?secure=true&h=omo.akamai.opta.net&sport=football&entity=team&description=badges&dimensions=150&id=114
The variable response is now a dictionary (dict) which you can access the keys/values. To view and prettify the data:
from pprint import pprint
Output (truncated):
<class 'dict'>
{'data': [{'age': 26,
'avg_carry_distance': 12.98,
'avg_carry_progress': 6.73,
'carry_w_assist': 1,
'carry_w_chance_created': 3,
'carry_w_goal': 0,
'carry_w_shot': 3,
'detailed_position': 'Second Striker',
I'm trying to retrieve Financial Information from reuters.com, especially the Long Term Growth Rates of Companies. The element I want to scrape doesn't appear on all Webpages, in my example not for the Ticker 'AMCR'. All scraped info shall be appended to a list.
I've already figured out to exclude the element if it doesn't exist, but instead of appending it to the list in a place where it should be, the "NaN" is appended as the last element and not in a place where it should be.
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
LTGRMean = []
tickers = ['MMM','AES','LLY','LOW','PWR','TSCO','YUM','ICE','FB','AAPL','AMCR','FLS','GOOGL','FB','MSFT']
Ticker LTGRMean
0 MMM 3.70
1 AES 9.00
2 LLY 10.42
3 LOW 13.97
4 PWR 12.53
5 TSCO 11.44
6 YUM 15.08
7 ICE 8.52
8 FB 19.07
9 AAPL 12.00
10 AMCR 19.04
11 FLS 16.14
12 GOOGL 19.07
13 FB 14.80
My individual text "not existing" isn't appearing.
Instead of for AMCR where Reuters doesn't provide any information, the Growth Rate of FLS (19.04) is set instead. So, as a result, all info is shifted up one index, where NaN should appear next to AMCR.
Stack() Function in dataframe stacks the column to rows at level 1.
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd
LTGRMean = []
tickers = ['MMM', 'AES', 'LLY', 'LOW', 'PWR', 'TSCO', 'YUM', 'ICE', 'FB', 'AAPL', 'AMCR', 'FLS', 'GOOGL', 'FB', 'MSFT']
for i in tickers:
Test = requests.get('https://www.reuters.com/finance/stocks/financial-highlights/' + i)
ReutSoup = BeautifulSoup(Test.content, 'html.parser')
td = ReutSoup.find('td', string="LT Growth Rate (%)")
my_dict = {}
#validate td object not none
if td is not None:
result = td.findNext('td').findNext('td').text
result = "NaN"
my_dict[i] = result
df = pd.DataFrame(LTGRMean)
0 MMM 3.70
1 AES 9.00
2 LLY 10.42
3 LOW 13.97
4 PWR 12.53
5 TSCO 11.44
6 YUM 15.08
7 ICE 8.52
8 FB 19.90
9 AAPL 12.00
11 FLS 19.04
12 GOOGL 16.14
13 FB 19.90
14 MSFT 14.80
dtype: object
How do I turn a table like this--batting gamelogs table--into a CSV file using Python and BeautifulSoup?
I want the first header where it says Rk, Gcar, Gtm, etc. and not any of the other headers within the table (the ones for each month of the season).
Here is the code I have so far:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from urllib2 import urlopen
import csv
def stir_the_soup():
player_links = open('player_links.txt', 'r')
player_ID_nums = open('player_ID_nums.txt', 'r')
id_nums = [x.rstrip('\n') for x in player_ID_nums]
idx = 0
for url in player_links:
print url
soup = BeautifulSoup(urlopen(url), "lxml")
p_type = ""
if url[-12] == 'p':
p_type = "pitching"
elif url[-12] == 'b':
p_type = "batting"
table = soup.find(lambda tag: tag.name=='table' and tag.has_attr('id') and tag['id']== (p_type + "_gamelogs"))
header = [[val.text.encode('utf8') for val in table.find_all('thead')]]
rows = []
for row in table.find_all('tr'):
rows.append([val.text.encode('utf8') for val in row.find_all('th')])
rows.append([val.text.encode('utf8') for val in row.find_all('td')])
with open("%s.csv" % id_nums[idx], 'wb') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
writer.writerows(row for row in rows if row)
idx += 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
The id_nums list contains all of the id numbers for each player to use as the names for the separate CSV files.
For each row, the leftmost cell is a tag and the rest of the row is tags. In addition to the header how do I put that into one row?
this code gets you the big table of stats, which is what I think you want.
Make sure you have lxml, beautifulsoup4 and pandas installed.
df = pd.read_html(r'https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/gl.fcgi?id=abreuto01&t=b&year=2010')
Here is the output of first 5 rows. You may need to clean it slightly as I don't know what your exact endgoal is:
Rk Gcar Gtm Date Tm Unnamed: 5 Opp Rslt Inngs PA ... CS BA OBP SLG OPS BOP aLI WPA RE24 Pos
0 1 66 2 (1) Apr 6 ARI NaN SDP L,3-6 7-8 1 ... 0 1.000 1.000 1.000 2.000 9 .94 0.041 0.51 PH
1 2 67 3 Apr 7 ARI NaN SDP W,5-3 7-8 1 ... 0 .500 .500 .500 1.000 9 1.16 -0.062 -0.79 PH
2 3 68 4 Apr 9 ARI NaN PIT W,9-1 8-GF 1 ... 0 .667 .667 .667 1.333 2 .00 0.000 0.13 PH SS
3 4 69 5 Apr 10 ARI NaN PIT L,3-6 CG 4 ... 0 .500 .429 .500 .929 2 1.30 -0.040 -0.37 SS
4 5 70 7 (1) Apr 13 ARI # LAD L,5-9 6-6 1 ... 0 .429 .375 .429 .804 9 1.52 -0.034 -0.46 PH
to select certain columns within this DataFrame: df[4]['COLUMN_NAME_HERE'].head(5)
Example: df[4]['Gcar']
Also, if doing df[4] is getting annoying you could always just switch to another dataframe df2=df[4]
import pandas as pd
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib2
url = 'https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/gl.fcgi?id=abreuto01&t=b&year=2010'
bs = BeautifulSoup(html,'lxml')
table = str(bs.find('table',{'id':'batting_gamelogs'}))
dfs = pd.read_html(table)
This uses Pandas, which is pretty useful for stuff like this. It also puts it in a pretty reasonable format to do other operations on.