RSA_private_decrypt padding - python

I'm encrypting a key with a public key with the cryptography library, in Python.
key_path = "key.bin"
key = secrets.token_bytes(32)
with open(key_path, "w") as key_file:
with open(public_key, "rb") as public_key_file:
public_key = serialization.load_pem_public_key(
padding_config = padding.OAEP(
enc_path = key_path + ".enc"
with open(enc_path, "wb") as enc_file:
bytes_array = public_key.encrypt(content, padding_config)
This works well, afaik, but the code reading this key is in Rust, which is simply a FFI to openssl C calls. There's not many option with openssl. You can't choose an "algorithm", a "mgf" and a "label. Padding is simply an enum, so I picked the obvious one PKCS1_OAEP.
use openssl::{
rsa::{Padding, Rsa},
pub fn decrypt(key_file: File, pk: &str, pass: &str) -> String {
let rsa = Rsa::private_key_from_pem_passphrase(pk.as_bytes(), pass.as_bytes())
.expect("Can't build RSA object from PEM");
let mut encrypted = vec![];
key_file.read_to_end(&mut encrypted).expect("Can't read encrypted key file");
let mut decrypted: Vec<u8> = vec![0; rsa.size() as usize];
rsa.private_decrypt(&encrypted, &mut decrypted, Padding::PKCS1_OAEP).unwrap();
But I get this error:
Error { code: 67571871, library: "rsa routines", function: "RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_type_2", reason: "pkcs decoding error", file: "../crypto/rsa/rsa_pk1.c", line: 251 },
Error { code: 67522674, library: "rsa routines", function: "rsa_ossl_private_decrypt", reason: "padding check failed", file: "../crypto/rsa/rsa_ossl.c", line: 500 }
I know that the Rust code is "right" because it was working well (with Padding::PKCS1) in a previous version when I was using subprocess calls to openssl instead of the cryptography library. And anyway there's only the Padding enum to change here.
openssl documentation tells me that
EME-OAEP as defined in PKCS #1 v2.0 with SHA-1, MGF1 and an empty encoding parameter. This mode is recommended for all new applications.
but using hashes.SHA1() didn't change anything. How should I setup my padding so that openssl accepts decrypting it?

Presumably, the posted Rust code uses the RFC8017 default values for the OAEP parameters, namely SHA-1 for the content digest and the MGF1 digest, and an empty label.
The posted Python code, on the other hand, applies SHA-256 for both digests, which is why the two codes are incompatible. You have to set both digests to SHA-256 on the Rust side (alternatively you could use SHA-1 on the Python side).
Here you can find a Rust sample implementation for OAEP. The setting of the OAEP padding is done with set_rsa_padding(Padding::PKCS1_OAEP). To avoid using the SHA-1 default value for the content digest, the content digest must be set explicitly with set_rsa_oaep_md(MessageDigest::sha256()). The MGF1 digest is implicitly set with the content digest (since contents and MGF1 digests are identical in the posted example, the MGF1 digest does not need to be explicitly set here).
If a different MGF1 digest is to be used, set_rsa_mgf1_md() must be used. If a label is to be set, set_rsa_oaep_label(). Note, however, that the label is actually always left empty (which should also not be changed for compatibility reasons).
Using the posted Python code, the base64 encoded 32 bytes key
is encrypted as follows (Base64 encoded):
Note that OAEP is not deterministic, i.e. repeated encryption with the same key and plaintext produces different ciphertexts.
This ciphertext can be decrypted with the following Rust code:
use openssl::encrypt::{Decrypter};
use openssl::rsa::{Rsa, Padding};
use openssl::pkey::PKey;
use openssl::hash::MessageDigest;
use base64::{engine::general_purpose, Engine as _};
fn main() {
// Import private key
let pem_private = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
let private_key = Rsa::private_key_from_pem(pem_private.as_bytes()).unwrap();
let private_key = PKey::from_rsa(private_key).unwrap();
// Import Base64 encoded ciphertext
let data = "oU1PwQRE0ZEr71OOfoNHLpmjXyTAfdZroeQhX4WLAhXpfTMkEMJ0YptHgFDirJ5fdZ9yRl+y1y6jZSpG7oj5wtJkDa4BeLba++Q1UZcKlne4rfYMEPDrkTCjyHyNskuJuLh3FW+HCp70tRzvgSoBpoIwyxWl3VREYRcJEAdzGwRj0d6JNCO4M3BHX7g59to5urOkTXB7MfcAEz1Ba4AdeNYrZK4XD8GjAqnI95X3Z4F8PoLGMP1eMif0fpNizxZo7hzTfEsfjdlkyfTWLZfxuZ9qZMIpkiQNNEWWMt66FmVgFyi8zngz/Tj5Tk7cNzrWOT5BDaFCxrJF1kHoHobojA==";
let encrypted = general_purpose::STANDARD.decode(&data).unwrap();
// Decrypt ciphertext
let mut decrypter = Decrypter::new(&private_key).unwrap();
//decrypter.set_rsa_mgf1_md(MessageDigest::sha256()).unwrap(); // implicitly set
// Create an output buffer
let buffer_len = decrypter.decrypt_len(&encrypted).unwrap();
let mut decrypted = vec![0; buffer_len];
// Encrypt and truncate buffer
let decrypted_len = decrypter.decrypt(&encrypted, &mut decrypted).unwrap();
println!("Decrypted: {}", general_purpose::STANDARD.encode(&decrypted)); // Decrypted: AAECAwQFBgcICQoLDA0OD/Dx8vP09fb3+Pn6+/z9/v8=


How do I replicate this .NET generated key using Python?

I am using the following .NET code to generate a key from a password and salt:
static byte[] GenerateKey(string password, string salt, int size)
var saltBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(salt);
var derivedBytes = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(password, saltBytes, iterations);
var key = derivedBytes.GetBytes(size);
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Key: {0}", Convert.ToBase64String(key)));
return key;
// Console.Writeline() shows
// Key: tb6yBBYGdZhyFWrpWQ5cm5A1bAI5UF0KnDdom7BhVz0=
// for password="password" and salt="salt"
I need to decode the encoded message using python, a language I am only slightly familiar with, using the same password and salt. Thanks to #Topaco I now know that there is the PBKDF2 equivalent:
def decrypt_file(filename, password, salt):
key = PBKDF2(password, salt, 32, count=12345, hmac_hash_module=SHA1)
print(f"Key: {base64.b64encode(key).decode('utf-8')}");
# more lines redacted
# print() shows
# Key: 3ohW9ctQIXoNvGnvLaKmoQTG8/jJzoFThviHXqgM9Co=
# for password="password" and salt="salt"
I'm having some trouble getting the same key from both implementations. I am not well-versed in python's encoding and decoding; it's entirely likely possible that I am generating the same key but the base64.b64encode(key).decode('utf-8') line is showing me a different translation.
What am I doing wrong here?
You have to encode the salt with UTF-16LE since Encoding.Unicode corresponds to UTF-16LE. The rest is fine:
from Crypto.Protocol.KDF import PBKDF2
from Crypto.Hash import SHA1
import base64
password = b'password'
salt = 'salt'.encode('utf-16le')
key = PBKDF2(password, salt, 32, count=12345, hmac_hash_module=SHA1)
print(base64.b64encode(key).decode('utf-8')) # tb6yBBYGdZhyFWrpWQ5cm5A1bAI5UF0KnDdom7BhVz0=
For completeness: If the password contains non-ASCII characters, the password in the Python code must be encoded with the more specific '...'.encode('utf-8'), since the Rfc2898DeriveBytes overload used in the C# code encodes the password string with UTF-8.

Decrypting and encrypting java JWEObject with algorithm RSA-OAEP-256 on python

I have a kafka message that was encrypted on java with the following code:
private String decryptedMessage(String key, String encryptedMessage) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException, ParseException, JOSEException {
PrivateKey privateKey = <some way to generate a private key from key>;
JWEDecrypter decrypter = new RSADecrypter(privateKey);
JWEObject decryptedJweObj = JWEObject.parse(encryptedMessage);
return decryptedJweObj.getPayload().toJSONObject().toJSONString();
Now I'm trying to decode it using python on a decoded message where I already know the private key.
I tried using jwcrypto (since I'm using python3 and jeso is only for 2.x) using this code like in their documents, but it didn't work:
enc = '<encrypted message>'
private = '<private key>'
jwetoken = jwe.JWE()
jwetoken.deserialize(enc, key=private_key)
payload = jwetoken.payload
And I get this error code: jwcrypto.jwe.InvalidJWEData: No recipient matched the provided key["Failed: [ValueError('key is not a JWK object',)]"] I tried looking for a way to make the private key a JWK object but couldn't find one.
I know my message is JWE since it's split by 4 dots and when I base64 decode the first part I get this json: b'{"alg":"RSA-OAEP-256","enc":"A256GCM","kid":"<some key id>"}'
So I'm kind of stuck on how to decode my message.
Decrypted string: {"value":"Object Encryption"}
Encrypted string:
Decryption key (need to decode with base64):
The posted encrypted token can be decrypted with the posted RSA key and the Python library JWCrypto. Maybe it doesn't work for you because of a key import bug.
The posted RSA key is a DER encoded PKCS#8 key (Base64 encoded). JWCrypto does not support this encoding directly, but only the PEM encoding, which is not too bad, because the conversion from DER to PEM is trivial: The Base64 string must be formatted (line break after every 64 characters) and the header (-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----) and footer (-----END PRIVATE KEY-----) must be added each in a separate line.
Alternatively, the key can be converted to a JWK and imported in this format.
The following Python code shows these two variants based on the posted data. For this the JWK was derived with online tools from the posted PKCS#8 key:
pkcs8pem = b'''-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
-----END PRIVATE KEY-----'''
jwkey = {"p":"0zkaJztRayAKNlZ7EEtC6uhHcUc8z_avZh7bSTSSuXhFz-7DUnUw67nZOLaa98717SuG_uEogg64gOVUyR4XRhd8MKoUe-l094C6F2SxmJcfuEbzG7iBQxpFHnvt_U9v_zM7RGYLd0zNy3ARRI00VfIM6RSbI_MHmtxOAfJThGU","kty":"RSA","q":"xBZH3YCATbv98B_s9rquNJGJZDEW-MEKvAo5sF2MRrtVkd0mJ9szUE7GUegbYhxc8f9-1tu_XTvO7vawGzbmOVfVWECo8WQ9pYnWEP9MNO5DtT4TbiEi6ap9gG4i3M5S5bl_HR6S6W-VBviVpaooeVQQgxZLZlVJTFbXhz2ttVc","d":"E3IcJtrMYmK0WdfiKI_RFSAd7-ruBV7SV9NPELJtLNE9ykNA9RtWhrKYBwXQFFYH6TR5CO0l86HmZiVOWFXOFquAxY9t8a1NX9jOjNLAag9gpZQr48xayfmilQkLkoo4Rfq6vs_OkSzE4zyr0zpRoyOe3g0ZbC58W9OCu9r7wVTDV-KKE8ChU39Ae8HLfMEQXWSIUqxbrpw-mLeFX1qh5ILNBDA9M6vD-JuoiuIZltW4djnlU4hxYPVwTyuPBCQ3AwJsRGcddfxWTI-kIm2_6k8HzhdpB1ajBrZX_XVeXAp7VlvyHzBZ5ri1NDpr_Cyh6o2ysdB8qGCnlDcsNHLl-Q","e":"AQAB","kid":"79635991-092f-4576-a23a-4cbab618e8a8","qi":"neqj96k7vECzpWGn7ydrRO_3cmLaQK8DXiI4T4_TyxqV2ykHg0RWK0ZqG6-tPHwIoPIvU8MflfUxNpu8j8tjDqT-CfM6FJfcxM_eox6k0SrUDlyG8wkeExLvb-0A8ohe7H4CAORK-rz4bTYMVYOkX1twGgg0v_z3A5RwR85C3LQ","dp":"KSkQeqKpjAmTU-FoW9V-tc4L1fw-0nvM1EahDtPq36-bUxjBATmLDfSKau3SpwWykMQRq2tu_GEn_R4zdnmhqWv8LHOISFlHDNAN828Q2J5idQOGbll2_v-Ihpc52kn3ljCClSKZi2bxF3rAMq6diz3-3BDC5q9-ROQ3Y1O4iK0","dq":"m7Q1jKWlPBSzKCGxwJmsCwIl3vE8FHr1Uyurc2hVIzVOVW0OB0gADxz-TbvJQrbS9zayOVp1Mktznj00yedmGNKuDk4J2OSILxKscQLIOJ-aFCketKyLVJCU546NEFilatVJIo5MiiCYbdimu83KJc2i7vSdGr1OXtf2fOV1MjE","n":"ocoaOeFcThmA8azdqYzPP6QPeJHKpTDWdDUiKEh4WrAJu9l-ulzfRiNiGqUBE8u_oDQSgVrM1p-CbDbgGyyzaec3k5Zsx6dPXnuC_oPLPzSCjMAOTIMfcBrth4tH6IdKRKwDCkFegiwSVHweSVLvT19jBA-2dlxhtEWApUjBDvC-4h15taKAq_N61P1OcV8Kbk66eC_Z2A_XgehKbQoDlhIvfJauaHkFzcln7Yt_4HJGrYVIvFiDZSPuf3z7-2VnfWetFVwFX2-bvOtf3qyIRCCUZKmw13P1CwELAHhClWMx6UrTPSJ99JkHaehHWOPIpmYh49RjYD72PjA98D5nUw"}
enc = 'eyJhbGciOiJSU0EtT0FFUC0yNTYiLCJlbmMiOiJBMjU2R0NNIiwia2lkIjoiYjFhOWVmNzAtYjQ4Yy00YzdiLWI0ZTQtODU2YzQyNGIyYzZlIn0.XzLgQTzESD7mg-DtiwFaOQQIfJjQOox5Efbq3Cn8n4H0OZUNvNFWuLr2gPH4WqhWZFYvYh6Mx3--bKiYA_kGplPaJUdPfuYx3OgOug9fuYMrZesE-9stJFd4TnQOJcrTfehJkI_QKPqfWgbEgh1Zn8r7DuIBbABmNK4OHa0edwUA0Lu4mUxzRW6UPaNdWtfEGL9ZVR4lzUx6QX6nweKdbi8tkDnQrSNcQ4eZKIn8mVl5rL3s-qa2VC1Zvo4R-eA4jTKs6WQrkPChJkfoECcYcLx7SIHdxP6VB9DAhW-TwRizr5OZUVLLLH3UEOF77Rtc6MLL4Al5mo29sE-E1faywQ.R1QE-zY29Ed7yfqX.-soXsfltkJL0AXk_q5tPn9hagCBG_1c03VKdh2A.-oteTYv0SHzE4yBmZlterg'
from jwcrypto import jwk, jwe
# Import of a PEM encoded PKCS#8 key
private_key = jwk.JWK.from_pem(pkcs8pem)
jwetoken = jwe.JWE()
jwetoken.deserialize(enc, key=private_key)
payload = jwetoken.payload
# Import of a JWK
private_key = jwk.JWK(**jwkey)
jwetoken = jwe.JWE()
jwetoken.deserialize(enc, key=private_key)
payload = jwetoken.payload
with the output:
{"value":"Object Encryption"}
{"value":"Object Encryption"}

Fernet encryption/decryption with python and kotlin

I have a project written in python. I use cryptography library to encrypt and decrypt data.
I do it how is shown in their tutorial.
Here is my python code:
import base64
import os
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.pbkdf2 import PBKDF2HMAC
password = b"my password"
salt = os.urandom(16)
kdf = PBKDF2HMAC(algorithm=hashes.SHA256(),
key = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(kdf.derive(password))
f = Fernet(key)
data = b"my data..."
token = f.encrypt(data)
Then for decryption I can just use:
Everything works perfectly in python but now I need to do the same thing in kotlin. I found out about fernet java-8 library but I don't know how to use it in the same way.
The problem is that I have two tools: one is written in python and another I want to write in kotlin. Both tools are meant to do the same thing - the python one is for desktop and the kotlin one is gonna be an android app. So it is really important for their encryption to be the same, so that files encrypted in python (desktop tool) can be decrypted in kotlin (android app) and vice versa.
But I don't know how to write analogous kotlin code.
You see there is a function (or class) called PBKDF2HMAC and there is also base64.urlsafe_b64encode and others. And I don't know what are analogous functions in kotlin or fernet java-8.
So how should I do it? Assuming that in kotlin I have to use password and salt I used in python.
In Java/Kotlin, using fernet-java8, the token generated with the Python code could be decrypted as follows:
import java.util.Base64
import javax.crypto.spec.PBEKeySpec
import javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory
import com.macasaet.fernet.Key
import com.macasaet.fernet.Token
import com.macasaet.fernet.StringValidator
import com.macasaet.fernet.Validator
import java.time.Duration
import java.time.temporal.TemporalAmount
// Data from encryption
val salt = Base64.getUrlDecoder().decode("2Yb8EwpYkMlycHxoKcmHuA==")
val token = Token.fromString("gAAAAABfoAmp7C7IWVgA5urICEIspm_MPAGZ-SyGnPEVUBBNerWQ-K6mpSoYTwRkUt3FobyAFHbYfhNtiGMe_96yyLvUoeLIIg==");
// Derive Fernet key
val key = deriveKey("my password", salt)
val fernetKey = Key(key)
// Decrypt
val validator: Validator<String> = object : StringValidator {
override fun getTimeToLive(): TemporalAmount {
return Duration.ofHours(24)
val data = token.validateAndDecrypt(fernetKey, validator)
println(data) // my data...
fun deriveKey(password: String, salt: ByteArray): String {
val iterations = 100000
val derivedKeyLength = 256
val spec = PBEKeySpec(password.toCharArray(), salt, iterations, derivedKeyLength)
val secretKeyFactory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("PBKDF2WithHmacSHA256")
val key = secretKeyFactory.generateSecret(spec).encoded
return Base64.getUrlEncoder().encodeToString(key)
Here the Fernet key is derived using the key derivation function PBKDF2. PBKDF2 expects various input parameters, such as a password, a digest, a salt, an iteration count and the desired key length. In the posted example the key is returned Base64url encoded.For decryption the same parameters must be used as for encryption. Since the salt is usually (as in the posted code) randomly generated during encryption, it must be passed to the decryption side along with the ciphertext (note: the salt is not a secret).
The validator sets the time-to-live (by default 60s) to 24h, see here for more details.
In the posted Python code the export of the salt has to be added, e.g. by Base64url encoding it analogous to key and token (and printing it for simplicity). In practice, salt and token could also be concatenated during encryption and separated during decryption.
The encryption part is analogous:
// Generate salt
val salt = generateSalt()
// Derive Fernet key
val key = deriveKey("my password", salt)
val fernetKey = Key(key)
// Encrypt
val data = "my data..."
val token = Token.generate(fernetKey, data)
println(token.serialise()) // the Base64url encoded token
fun generateSalt(): ByteArray {
val random = SecureRandom()
val salt = ByteArray(16)
return salt

How to use digital signature algorithm RSASSA-PSS-2048-SHA256 in python

I'am trying to find RSASSA-PSS-2048-SHA256 digital signature algorithm in python2.7.
Currently my code like this:
def calc_rsassa_pss_2048_sha256(self, data):
private_key = RSA.importKey(self.private_key)
cipher =
h =
signature = cipher.sign(h)
return base64.b64encode(signature)
But got the signature not match error when we try to verify the generated signature.
In Java the code like this:
public static PrivateKey decodePrivateKey(String privateKeyStr) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException {
String privateKeyRaw = trimPrivateKey(privateKeyStr);
byte[] buffer = decodeBase64(privateKeyRaw);
PKCS8EncodedKeySpec keySpec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(buffer);
KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
return (RSAPrivateKey) keyFactory.generatePrivate(keySpec);
public static String sha256withRSAPSS(String privateKeyStr, String content) throws InvalidKeySpecException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException, SignatureException {
PrivateKey privateKey = decodePrivateKey(privateKeyStr);
Signature signature = Signature.getInstance("SHA256withRSA/PSS", new BouncyCastleProvider());
return encodeBase64(signature.sign());
I don't know what's wrong with the python signature code above. Or how to use RSASSA-PSS-2048-SHA256 algorithm in python2.7 ?
Many thanks.
On the Python piece you are using PKCS#1 v1.5 padding for signing. On the Java piece you are using PSS. As you are using different schemes it's only natural that these two won't produce the same output. Generally it is more recommended to use PSS scheme over v1.5.
I'm no Python expert, but after quick look in internet, maybe Hazmat crypto library could help you with that on Python (
>>> from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
>>> from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import padding
>>> message = b"A message I want to sign"
>>> signature = private_key.sign(
... message,
... padding.PSS(
... mgf=padding.MGF1(hashes.SHA256()),
... salt_length=padding.PSS.MAX_LENGTH
... ),
... hashes.SHA256()
... )
Edit: If Hazmat won't suit you, take a look at the approved answer here: PKCS1_PSS sign() method

Sign a byte string with SHA256 in Python

Currently I have some code that signs a byte string with the SHA256 algorithm using the native OpenSSL binary, the code calls an external process, sends the parameters, and receive the result back into the Python code.
The current code is as follows:
signed_digest_proc = subprocess.Popen(
['openssl', 'dgst', '-sha256', '-sign', tmp_path],
signed_digest, _ = signed_digest_proc.communicate()
base64.encodestring(signed_digest).decode().replace('\n', '')
When original_string is too big, I might have problems with the result (from the communication with an external process I think), that's why I'm trying to change it to a Python only solution:
import hmac, hashlib
h =, 'ASCII'), original_string, hashlib.sha256)
result = base64.encodestring(h).decode().replace('\n', '')
This result in a completely different string than the first one.
What would be the way to implement the original code without calling an external process?
The openssl command you used does three things:
Create a hash of the data, using SHA256
If RSA is used, pad out the message to a specific length, using PKCS#1 1.5
Sign the (padded) hash, using the private key you provided. It'll depend on the type of key what algorithm was used.
The hmac module does not serve the same function.
You'll need to install a cryptography package like cryptography to replicate what openssl dgst -sign does. cryptography uses OpenSSL as a backend, so it will produce the same output.
You can then
load the key with the load_pem_private_key() function. This returns the right type of object for the algorithm used.
use the key to sign the message; each key type has a sign() method, and this method will take care of hashing the message for you if you so wish. See for example the Signing section for RSA.
However, you'll need to provide different kinds of config for the different .sign() methods. Only the RSA, DSA and Elliptic Curve keys can be used to create a signed digest.
You'll have to switch between the types to get the signature right:
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import dsa, ec, rsa, utils
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import padding
# configuration per key type, each lambda takes a hashing algorithm
_signing_configs = (
(dsa.DSAPrivateKey, lambda h: {
'algorithm': h}),
(ec.EllipticCurvePrivateKey, lambda h: {
'signature_algorithm': ec.ECDSA(h)}),
(rsa.RSAPrivateKey, lambda h: {
'padding': padding.PKCS1v15(),
'algorithm': h
def _key_singing_config(key, hashing_algorithm):
factory = next(
for type_, config in _signing_configs
if isinstance(key, type_)
except StopIteration:
raise ValueError('Unsupported key type {!r}'.format(type(key)))
return factory(hashing_algorithm)
def sign(private_key, data, algorithm=hashes.SHA256()):
with open(private_key, 'rb') as private_key:
key = serialization.load_pem_private_key(, None, default_backend())
return key.sign(data, **_key_singing_config(key, algorithm))
If you need to hash a large amount of data, you can hash the data yourself first, in chunks, before passing in just the digest and the special util.Prehashed() object:
def sign_streaming(private_key, data_iterable, algorithm=hashes.SHA256()):
with open(private_key, 'rb') as private_key:
key = serialization.load_pem_private_key(, None, default_backend())
hasher = hashes.Hash(algorithm, default_backend())
for chunk in data_iterable:
digest = hasher.finalize()
prehashed = utils.Prehashed(algorithm)
return key.sign(digest, **_key_singing_config(key, prehashed))
with open(large_file, 'rb') as large_file:
signature = sign_streaming(private_key_file, iter(lambda: ** 16), b''))
This uses the iter() function to read data from a binary file in chunks of 64 kilobytes.
Demo; I'm using an RSA key I generated in /tmp/test_rsa.pem. Using the command-line to produce a signed digest for Hello world!:
$ echo -n 'Hello world!' | openssl dgst -sign /tmp/test_rsa.pem -sha256 | openssl base64
or using the Python code:
>>> signature = sign(keyfile, b'Hello world!')
>>> import base64
>>> print(base64.encodebytes(signature).decode())
Although the line lengths differ, the base64 data the two output is clearly the same.
Or, using a generated file with random binary data, size 32kb:
$ dd if=/dev/urandom of=/tmp/random_data.bin bs=16k count=2
2+0 records in
2+0 records out
32768 bytes transferred in 0.002227 secs (14713516 bytes/sec)
$ cat /tmp/random_data.bin | openssl dgst -sign /tmp/test_rsa.pem -sha256 | openssl base64
Processing the same file in Python:
>>> with open('/tmp/random_data.bin', 'rb') as random_data:
... signature = sign_streaming('/tmp/test_rsa.pem', iter(lambda: ** 16), b''))
>>> print(base64.encodebytes(signature).decode())
