Function seems to append arguments even when arguments are defined explicitely - python

I am working with a Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm (Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm) to find the best fit for experimental data using model data. I have a function called evaluation that takes in two arguments, theta and phi. I am using this function to calculate both experimental and model data for the trajectory of a particle. Note: I am creating my own experimental data using the function to see if my program works before I use actual experimental data.
Here is the code:
def evaluation(theta,phi): ### For creating model/experimental data
velocity_x[0] = v0*np.sin(theta)*np.cos(phi) ### Initial values for velocities
velocity_y[0] = v0*np.sin(theta)*np.sin(phi)
velocity_z[0] = v0*np.cos(theta)
for i in range(len(actual_y) - 1): ### Loop over experimental/model trajectory
velocity = np.array([velocity_x[i],velocity_y[i],velocity_z[i]])
cross_product = np.cross(velocity,Bz)
### Calculate subsequent velocities for model/experimental
velocity_x[i+1] = velocity_x[i] #+ const*cross_product[0]*dt / gamma_2
velocity_y[i+1] = velocity_y[i] #+ const*cross_product[1]*dt / gamma_2
velocity_z[i+1] = velocity_z[i] #+ const*cross_product[2]*dt / gamma_2
xmodel[i+1] = xmodel[i] + velocity_x[i]*dt #+ 0.5*const*cross_product[0]*dt / gamma_2
ymodel[i+1] = ymodel[i] + velocity_y[i]*dt #+ 0.5*const*cross_product[1]*dt / gamma_2
zmodel[i+1] = zmodel[i] + velocity_z[i]*dt #+ 0.5*const*cross_product[2]*dt / gamma_2
return xmodel, ymodel, zmodel ### Returns x,y,z model data
def calculate_error(actualx, modelx, actualy, modely, actualz, modelz, sigma = 400):
chi_squared = np.zeros(len(actual_x))
for i in range(len(actual_x)):
for j in range(len(actual_x)):
chi_squared[i] = (actualx[i] - modelx[j])**2 + (actualy[i] - modely[j])**2 + (actualz[i] - modelz[j])**2
return min(chi_squared)
thetas = [1.37] ### In radians; initial guess for thetas and phis
phis = [0.187]
chi = [] ### These lists store the values after MC calculations
num_sample = 1000 ### Number of samples
theta_step_size = 0.01
phi_step_size = 0.01
### x,y,and z model data with initial guess for thetas and phis
x_rand = evaluation(thetas,phis)[0]
y_rand = evaluation(thetas,phis)[1]
z_rand = evaluation(thetas,phis)[2]
error = calculate_error(x_exp_data,x_rand,y_exp_data,y_rand,z_exp_data,z_rand) ### Error
chi.append(error) ### error
for i in range(num_sample): ### Begin Monte Carlo loop
theta0 = thetas[-1]
phi0 = phis[-1]
theta1 = theta0 + np.random.normal()*theta_step_size ### Take random step
phi1 = phi0 + np.random.normal()*phi_step_size
x_exp_data = evaluation(1.5705,0)[0] ### Experimental data should stay constant with defined arguments
y_exp_data = evaluation(1.5705,0)[1]
z_exp_data = evaluation(1.5705,0)[2]
x_rand = evaluation(theta1,phi1)[0]
y_rand = evaluation(theta1,phi1)[1]
z_rand = evaluation(theta1,phi1)[2] ### Evaluate x,y,z exp data with random thetas and phis
error_1 = calculate_error(x_exp_data,x_rand,y_exp_data,y_rand,z_exp_data,z_rand)
#print('x:',x_rand[0:5], 'X-Exp:', x_exp_data[0:5])
P = np.exp(-error_1 + error) ### Acceptance probability
r = np.random.uniform() ### Generating uniform number (numbers are equally likely to be chosen)
print('Exp X:', x_exp_data, 'X Rand:', x_rand)
if r < P: ### Condition that accepts the theta and phi values in current iteration
#print('Error 1:',error_1, 'Error:', error, 'Phi:',phi1, 'Theta:',theta1, 'i:',i)
error = error_1
The problem that I am having is that x_exp_data, y_exp_data, and z_exp_data don't seem to staying constant despite the arguments staying constant inside the Monte Carlo loop: it seems to be appending theta1 and phi1 values for each iteration, resulting in the error to be zero for all iterations. This should not be the case since the experimental data uses theta,phi = 1.5705, 0 while the model data uses 1.37 and 0.187 for theta and phi, respectively, and changes with each random step. I am not sure why x_exp_data, y_exp_data, and z_exp_data are also appending the new random step values when they're arguments are clearly defined. I have also tried defining the experimental data outside of the Monte Carlo loop, but this didn't change how the code is working. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.


Plotting tangent of cost function for gradient descent - linear regression

Ok so this is maybe more a math question than a programming one, but something is really bogging me down.
Suppose I manually perform gradient descent for a simple univariate linear regression, as follows:
# add biases to data
X_ = np.concatenate(
[np.ones(X_scaled.shape[0]).reshape(-1, 1), X_scaled], axis=1)
X_copy = X_.copy()
history = []
thetas = initial_theta
costs = []
grads = []
for step in range(200):
hypothesis =, thetas)
# cost
J = (1 / m) * np.sum(np.square(hypothesis-y))
# derivative
d =, X_copy) / m
# store
# update
thetas = thetas - d * 0.1
The final thetas I get are approximately the same I get with scikit-lern, so so far all good.
Now I want to plot the tangent line to the cost function for a given value of one of the theta params.
I do this:
fig = plt.figure()
s = 4 # which gradient descent iteration should I pick
i = 2 # just a basic increment factor to plot the tangent line
# plot cost as function of first param
plt.plot([params[0] for params in history], costs, "-")
# pick a tangent point
tangent_point_x, tangent_point_y = history[s][0], costs[s]
plt.plot(tangent_point_x, tangent_point_y, "to")
# plot tangent
slope = grads[s][0]
new_point1_x = history[s-i][0]
new_point1_y = tangent_point_y + slope * (new_point1_x - tangent_point_x)
new_point2_x = history[s+i][0]
new_point2_y = tangent_point_y + slope * (new_point2_x - tangent_point_x)
plt.plot((new_point1_x, new_point2_x), (new_point1_y, new_point2_y), "-")
plt.plot(new_point1_x, new_point1_y, "bo")
plt.plot(new_point2_x, new_point2_y, "go")
Here is the resulting plot. What am I doing wrong?

MCMC method 1D Ferromagnetic Ising Model

My question is related to the Python Coding of a 1-Dimensional Ising Model using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo method (MCMC).
I have the following Hamiltonian
$$H = - \sum_{i=1}^{L-1}\sigma_{i}sigma_{i+1} - B\sum_{i=1}^{L}\sigma_{i}$$
I want to write a python function that generates a Markov chain where at each step, it calculates and saves the magnetization (per site) and the energy.
The energy is (=Hamiltonian) and I will define the Magnetization as:
My probability distribution would be:
$$p(x) = e^{-H\beta}$$ where, $T^{-1} = \beta$
For the Markov Chain I will implement a Metropolis-Hastings Algorithim;
if $$\frac{P(\sigma')}{P(\sigma)} = e^{(H(\sigma)-H(\sigma'))\beta}$$
My idea would be to accept transitions when
$$H(\sigma') < H(\sigma)$$
and to only accept transitions
$$H(\sigma') > H(\sigma)$$
with the probability
$$P = e^{(H(\sigma)-H(\sigma'))\beta}$$
So let me set a few parameters such as:
$L=20$ - Lattice Size
$T=2$ - Temperature
$B=0$ - Magnetic Field
I will need to plot a histogram of the magnetization and energy vs step size after the calculations. I have no issue with this part.
My python knowledge isn't great but I have included my rough (uncompleted) draft. I don't think I am making much progress. Any help would be great.
#Coding attempt MCMC 1-Dimensional Ising Model
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#Shape of Lattice L
L = 20
Shape = (20,20)
#Spin Configuration
spins = np.random.choice([-1,1],Shape)
#Magnetic moment
moment = 1
#External magnetic field
field = np.full(Shape, 0)
Temperature = 2
Beta = Temperature**(-1)
#Interaction (ferromagnetic if positive, antiferromagnetic if negative)
interaction = 1
#Using Probability Distribution given
def get_probability(Energy1, Energy2, Temperature):
return np.exp((Energy1 - Energy2) / Temperature)
def get_energy(spins):
return -np.sum(
interaction * spins * np.roll(spins, 1, axis=0) +
interaction * spins * np.roll(spins, -1, axis=0) +
interaction * spins * np.roll(spins, 1, axis=1) +
interaction * spins * np.roll(spins, -1, axis=1)
)/2 - moment * np.sum(field * spins)
#Introducing Metropolis Hastings Algorithim
x_now = np.random.uniform(-1, 1) #initial value
d = 10**(-1) #delta
y = []
for i in range(L-1):
#generating next value
x_proposed = np.random.uniform(x_now - d, x_now + d)
#accepting or rejecting the value
if np.random.rand() < np.exp(-np.abs(x_proposed))/(np.exp(-np.abs(x_now))):
x_now = x_proposed
if i % 100 == 0:
Here I changed your code to solve the problem the way I always do.
Please, check the code and formulas very carefully
#Coding attempt MCMC 1-Dimensional Ising Model
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#Shape of Lattice L
L = 20
#Shape = (20)
#Number of Monte Carlo samples
#Spin Configuration
spins = np.random.choice([-1,1],L)
#Magnetic moment
moment = 1
#External magnetic field
field = 0
Temperature = 2
Beta = Temperature**(-1)
#Interaction (ferromagnetic if positive, antiferromagnetic if negative)
interaction = 1
#Using Probability Distribution given
def get_probability(delta_energy, Temperature):
return np.exp(-delta_energy / Temperature)
def get_energy(spins):
for i in range(L):
energy= energy-field*sum(spins)
return energy
def delta_energy(spins,random_spin):
#If you do flip one random spin, the change in energy is:
#(By using a reduced formula that only involves the spin
# and its neighbours)
if random_spin==L:
return -2*interaction*(spins[random_spin-1]*spins[random_spin]+
#Introducing Metropolis Hastings Algorithim
#x_now = np.random.uniform(-1, 1) #initial value
#d = 10**(-1) #delta
#y = []
for i in range(MC_samples):
#Each Monte Carlo step consists in L random spin moves
for j in range(L):
#Choosing a random spin
#Compuing the change in energy of this spin flip
#Metropolis accept-rejection:
if delta<0:
#Accept the move if its negative
#If its positive, we compute the probability
if random<=probability:
#Accept de move
#Afer the MC step, we measure the system
#Do histograms and plots
At the end of the simulation, the variables magnetization and energy are arrays that contain the measured values at each MC step.
You can directly use these arrays to compute the histograms and plots.
Note: The energy array, is the total energy of the system, not the energy/L.
I was looking for a simple implementation of a 1D Ising model, and came across this post. While I am no expert on the field, I did write my masters on a related topic. I implemented the code in Oriol Cabanas Tirapu's answer, and found a few bugs (I think).
Below is my adapted version oh their code. Hopefully it is useful for someone.
#Coding attempt MCMC 1-Dimensional Ising Model
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#Using Probability Distribution given
def get_probability(delta_energy, Temperature):
return np.exp(-delta_energy / Temperature)
def get_energy(spins):
for i in range(len(spins)):
energy= energy-field*sum(spins)
return energy
def delta_energy(spins,random_spin):
#If you do flip one random spin, the change in energy is:
#(By using a reduced formula that only involves the spin
# and its neighbours)
if random_spin==L-1:
old = -interaction*(spins[random_spin-1]*spins[random_spin] + spins[random_spin]*spins[PBC]) - field*spins[random_spin]
new = interaction*(spins[random_spin-1]*spins[random_spin] + spins[random_spin]*spins[PBC]) + field*spins[random_spin]
return new-old
def metropolis(L = 100, MC_samples=1000, Temperature = 1, interaction = 1, field = 0):
# intializing
#Spin Configuration
spins = np.random.choice([-1,1],L)
Beta = Temperature**(-1)
#Introducing Metropolis Hastings Algorithim
data = []
for i in range(MC_samples):
#Each Monte Carlo step consists in L random spin moves
for j in range(L):
#Choosing a random spin
#Compuing the change in energy of this spin flip
#Metropolis accept-rejection:
if delta<0:
#Accept the move if its negative
#If its positive, we compute the probability
if random<=probability:
#Accept de move
#Afer the MC step, we measure the system
return data,magnetization,energy
def record_state_statistics(data,n=4):
ixs = tuple()
sub_sample = [[d[i] for i in range(n)] for d in data]
# get state number
state_nums = [int(sum([((j+1)/2)*2**i for j,i in zip(reversed(d),range(len(d)))])) for d in sub_sample]
return state_nums
# setting up problem
L = 200 # size of system
MC_samples = 1000 # number of samples
Temperature = 1 # "temperature" parameter
interaction = 1 # Strength of interaction between nearest neighbours
field = 0 # external field
# running MCMC
data = metropolis(L = L, MC_samples = MC_samples, Temperature = Temperature, interaction = interaction, field = field)
results = record_state_statistics(data[0],n=4) # I was also interested in the probability of each micro-state in a sub-section of the system
# Plotting
plt.title('Critical dynamics in a 1-D Ising model',fontdict={'size':20})

Solve a second order ode using numpy [duplicate]

I am solving an ODE for an harmonic oscillator numerically with Python. When I add a driving force it makes no difference, so I'm guessing something is wrong with the code. Can anyone see the problem? The (h/m)*f0*np.cos(wd*i) part is the driving force.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# This code solves the ODE mx'' + bx' + kx = F0*cos(Wd*t)
# m is the mass of the object in kg, b is the damping constant in Ns/m
# k is the spring constant in N/m, F0 is the driving force in N,
# Wd is the frequency of the driving force and x is the position
# Setting up
timeFinal= 16.0 # This is how far the graph will go in seconds
steps = 10000 # Number of steps
dT = timeFinal/steps # Step length
time = np.linspace(0, timeFinal, steps+1)
# Creates an array with steps+1 values from 0 to timeFinal
# Allocating arrays for velocity and position
vel = np.zeros(steps+1)
pos = np.zeros(steps+1)
# Setting constants and initial values for vel. and pos.
k = 0.1
m = 0.01
vel0 = 0.05
pos0 = 0.01
freqNatural = 10.0**0.5
b = 0.0
F0 = 0.01
Wd = 7.0
vel[0] = vel0 #Sets the initial velocity
pos[0] = pos0 #Sets the initial position
# Numerical solution using Euler's
# Splitting the ODE into two first order ones
# v'(t) = -(k/m)*x(t) - (b/m)*v(t) + (F0/m)*cos(Wd*t)
# x'(t) = v(t)
# Using the definition of the derivative we get
# (v(t+dT) - v(t))/dT on the left side of the first equation
# (x(t+dT) - x(t))/dT on the left side of the second
# In the for loop t and dT will be replaced by i and 1
for i in range(0, steps):
vel[i+1] = (-k/m)*dT*pos[i] + vel[i]*(1-dT*b/m) + (dT/m)*F0*np.cos(Wd*i)
pos[i+1] = dT*vel[i] + pos[i]
# Ploting
# With no damping
plt.plot(time, pos, 'g-', label='Undampened')
# Damping set to 10% of critical damping
b = (freqNatural/50)*0.1
# Using Euler's again to compute new values for new damping
for i in range(0, steps):
vel[i+1] = (-k/m)*dT*pos[i] + vel[i]*(1-(dT*(b/m))) + (F0*dT/m)*np.cos(Wd*i)
pos[i+1] = dT*vel[i] + pos[i]
plt.plot(time, pos, 'b-', label = '10% of crit. damping')
plt.plot(time, 0*time, 'k-') # This plots the x-axis
plt.legend(loc = 'upper right')
The problem here is with the term np.cos(Wd*i). It should be np.cos(Wd*i*dT), that is note that dT has been added into the correct equation, since t = i*dT.
If this correction is made, the simulation looks reasonable. Here's a version with F0=0.001. Note that the driving force is clear in the continued oscillations in the damped condition.
The problem with the original equation is that np.cos(Wd*i) just jumps randomly around the circle, rather than smoothly moving around the circle, causing no net effect in the end. This can be best seen by plotting it directly, but the easiest thing to do is run the original form with F0 very large. Below is F0 = 10 (ie, 10000x the value used in the correct equation), but using the incorrect form of the equation, and it's clear that the driving force here just adds noise as it randomly moves around the circle.
Note that your ODE is well behaved and has an analytical solution. So you could utilize sympy for an alternate approach:
import sympy as sy
sy.init_printing() # Pretty printer for IPython
t,k,m,b,F0,Wd = sy.symbols('t,k,m,b,F0,Wd', real=True) # constants
consts = {k: 0.1, # values
m: 0.01,
b: 0.0,
F0: 0.01,
Wd: 7.0}
x = sy.Function('x')(t) # declare variables
dx = sy.Derivative(x, t)
d2x = sy.Derivative(x, t, 2)
# the ODE:
ode1 = sy.Eq(m*d2x + b*dx + k*x, F0*sy.cos(Wd*t))
sl1 = sy.dsolve(ode1, x) # solve ODE
xs1 = sy.simplify(sl1.subs(consts)).rhs # substitute constants
# Examining the solution, we note C3 and C4 are superfluous
xs2 = xs1.subs({'C3':0, 'C4':0})
dxs2 = xs2.diff(t)
print("Solution x(t) = ")
print("Solution x'(t) = ")
Solution x(t) =
C1*sin(3.16227766016838*t) + C2*cos(3.16227766016838*t) - 0.0256410256410256*cos(7.0*t)
Solution x'(t) =
3.16227766016838*C1*cos(3.16227766016838*t) - 3.16227766016838*C2*sin(3.16227766016838*t) + 0.179487179487179*sin(7.0*t)
The constants C1,C2 can be determined by evaluating x(0),x'(0) for the initial conditions.

Using python built-in functions for coupled ODEs

I am developing a numerical solver for the Second-Order Kuramoto Model. The functions I use to find the derivatives of theta and omega are given below.
# n-dimensional change in omega
def d_theta(omega):
return omega
# n-dimensional change in omega
def d_omega(K,A,P,alpha,mask,n):
def layer1(theta,omega):
T = theta[:,None] - theta
A[mask] = K[mask] * np.sin(T[mask])
return - alpha*omega + P - A.sum(1)
return layer1
These equations return vectors.
I know how to use odeint for two dimensions, (y,t). for my research I want to use a built-in Python function that works for higher dimensions.
I do not necessarily want to stop after a predetermined amount of time. I have other stopping conditions in the code below that will indicate whether the system of equations converges to the steady state. How do I incorporate these into a built-in Python solver?
This is the code I am currently using to solve the system. I just implemented RK4 with constant time stepping in a loop.
# This function randomly samples initial values in the domain and returns whether the solution converged
# Inputs:
# f change in theta (d_theta)
# g change in omega (d_omega)
# tol when step size is lower than tolerance, the solution is said to converge
# h size of the time step
# max_iter maximum number of steps Runge-Kutta will perform before giving up
# max_laps maximum number of laps the solution can do before giving up
# fixed_t vector of fixed points of theta
# fixed_o vector of fixed points of omega
# n number of dimensions
# theta initial theta vector
# omega initial omega vector
# Outputs:
# converges true if it nodes restabilizes, false otherwise
def kuramoto_rk4_wss(f,g,tol_ss,tol_step,h,max_iter,max_laps,fixed_o,fixed_t,n):
def layer1(theta,omega):
lap = np.zeros(n, dtype = int)
converges = False
i = 0
tau = 2 * np.pi
while(i < max_iter): # perform RK4 with constant time step
p_omega = omega
p_theta = theta
T1 = h*f(omega)
O1 = h*g(theta,omega)
T2 = h*f(omega + O1/2)
O2 = h*g(theta + T1/2,omega + O1/2)
T3 = h*f(omega + O2/2)
O3 = h*g(theta + T2/2,omega + O2/2)
T4 = h*f(omega + O3)
O4 = h*g(theta + T3,omega + O3)
theta = theta + (T1 + 2*T2 + 2*T3 + T4)/6 # take theta time step
mask2 = np.array(np.where(np.logical_or(theta > tau, theta < 0))) # find which nodes left [0, 2pi]
lap[mask2] = lap[mask2] + 1 # increment the mask
theta[mask2] = np.mod(theta[mask2], tau) # take the modulus
omega = omega + (O1 + 2*O2 + 2*O3 + O4)/6
if(max_laps in lap): # if any generator rotates this many times it probably won't converge
elif(np.any(omega > 12)): # if any of the generators is rotating this fast, it probably won't converge
elif(np.linalg.norm(omega) < tol_ss and # assert the nodes are sufficiently close to the equilibrium
np.linalg.norm(omega - p_omega) < tol_step and # assert change in omega is small
np.linalg.norm(theta - p_theta) < tol_step): # assert change in theta is small
converges = True
i = i + 1
return converges
return layer1
Thanks for your help!
You can wrap your existing functions into a function accepted by odeint (option tfirst=True) and solve_ivp as
def odesys(t,u):
theta,omega = u[:n],u[n:]; # or = u.reshape(2,-1);
return [ *f(omega), *g(theta,omega) ]; # or np.concatenate([f(omega), g(theta,omega)])
u0 = [*theta0, *omega0]
t = linspan(t0, tf, timesteps+1);
u = odeint(odesys, u0, t, tfirst=True);
res = solve_ivp(odesys, [t0,tf], u0, t_eval=t)
The scipy methods pass numpy arrays and convert the return value into same, so that you do not have to care in the ODE function. The variant in comments is using explicit numpy functions.
While solve_ivp does have event handling, using it for a systematic collection of events is rather cumbersome. It would be easier to advance some fixed step, do the normalization and termination detection, and then repeat this.
If you want to later increase efficiency somewhat, use directly the stepper classes behind solve_ivp.

Is there Implementation of Hawkes Process in PyMC?

I want to use Hawkes process to model some data. I could not find whether PyMC supports Hawkes process. More specifically I want an observed variable with Hawkes Process and learn a posterior on its params.
If it is not there, then could I define it in PyMC in some way e.g. #deterministic etc.??
It's been quite a long time since your question, but I've worked it out on PyMC today so I'd thought I'd share the gist of my implementation for the other people who might get across the same problem. We're going to infer the parameters λ and α of a Hawkes process. I'm not going to cover the temporal scale parameter β, I'll leave that as an exercise for the readers.
First let's generate some data :
def hawkes_intensity(mu, alpha, points, t):
p = np.array(points)
p = p[p <= t]
p = np.exp(p - t)
return mu + alpha * np.sum(p)
def simulate_hawkes(mu, alpha, window):
t = 0
points = []
lambdas = []
while t < window:
m = hawkes_intensity(mu, alpha, points, t)
s = np.random.exponential(scale=1/m)
ratio = hawkes_intensity(mu, alpha, points, t + s)
t = t + s
if t < window:
points = np.sort(np.array(points, dtype=np.float32))
lambdas = np.array(lambdas, dtype=np.float32)
return points, lambdas
# parameters
window = 1000
mu = 8
alpha = 0.25
points, lambdas = simulate_hawkes(mu, alpha, window)
num_points = len(points)
We just generated some temporal points using some functions that I adapted from there :
Now, the trick is to create a matrix of size (num_points, num_points) that contains the temporal distance of the ith point from all the other points. So the (i, j) point of the matrix is the temporal interval separating the ith point to the jth. This matrix will be used to compute the sum of the exponentials of the Hawkes process, ie. the self-exciting part. The way to create this matrix as well as the sum of the exponentials is a bit tricky. I'd recommend to check every line yourself so you can see what they do.
tile = np.tile(points, num_points).reshape(num_points, num_points)
tile = np.clip(points[:, None] - tile, 0, np.inf)
tile = np.tril(np.exp(-tile), k=-1)
Σ = np.sum(tile, axis=1)[:-1] # this is our self-exciting sum term
We have points and we have a matrix containg the sum of the excitations term.
The duration between two consecutive events of a Hawkes process follow an exponential distribution of parameter λ = λ0 + ∑ excitation. This is what we are going to model, but first we have to compute the duration between two consecutive points of our generated data.
interval = points[1:] - points[:-1]
We're now ready for inference:
with pm.Model() as model:
λ = pm.Exponential("λ", 1)
α = pm.Uniform("α", 0, 1)
lam = pm.Deterministic("lam", λ + α * Σ)
interarrival = pm.Exponential(
"interarrival", lam, observed=interval)
trace = pm.sample(2000, tune=4000)
pm.plot_posterior(trace, var_names=["λ", "α"])
Note: the tile matrix can become quite large if you have many data points.
