I have a text file from which I need to extract some values, but several times I get more than one value between the beginning and the last line that starts with 0089 (CONVENIO) in the quadrant.
With my code I can only make it write in the txt the title I defined and it keeps repeating the first agreement found, but I need it to scroll through the text and bring me new information from the other quadrants.
I need the loop as it can have multiple covenants, for this reason I can't directly "anchor" the lines in a size forecast.
import re
import os
inicio = (' YM-INFRA-CASH MANAGMENT DEST.: 001-0001-CENTRAL ')
lista = []
contador = 3
banco = ' 0089'
convenio = ''
with open(caminho + '/Downloads/TESTE.txt', 'r') as arquivo:
for line in arquivo:
if line.strip() == inicio.strip():
localizar = arquivo.readlines()
inicio = localizar[contador]
van = inicio[13:17]
nomevan = inicio[20:50].strip()
inicio = localizar[contador + 1]
ag = inicio[13:17]
nomeag = inicio[20:50].strip()
inicio = localizar[contador + 2]
cliente = inicio[13:50].strip()
contadorum = 9
while localizar[contadorum][1:5] == '0033':
convenio = localizar[contadorum][1:22].strip()
narqrem = localizar[contadorum][22:34].strip()
bytesrem = localizar[contadorum][34:51].strip()
narqret = localizar[contadorum][51:63].strip()
bytesret = localizar[contadorum][63:81].strip()
totalbytes = localizar[contadorum][81:99].strip()
percrateio = localizar[contadorum][99:112].strip()
print(van, nomevan)
print(ag, nomeag)
print(convenio, narqrem, bytesrem, narqret, bytesret, totalbytes, percrateio)
lista.append(convenio + narqrem + bytesrem + narqret + bytesret + totalbytes + percrateio +'\n')
with open(caminho + '/Downloads/testefim.txt', 'w') as consolidado:
consolidado.write('CONVENIO' + ';' + 'N ARQ REMES' + ';' + 'BYTES REMES' + ';' + 'N ARQ.RET.' + ';' + 'BYTES RET.' + ';' + 'TOTAL BYTES' + ';' + '% RATEIO' + '\n')
for linha in lista:
consolidado.write(convenio + ';' + narqrem + ';' + bytesrem + ';' + narqret + ';' + bytesret + ';' + totalbytes + ';' + percrateio + '\n')
The user gives input to the program and it should write it in a file There is a problem with uploading it to the txt file.
Plan = open("Plan.txt", "r")
content = Plan.read()
Plan_lista = content.split(",")
Przedmioty = []
Przedmioty = list(set(Plan_lista))
#Dodawanie linków do listy
Linki = open("Linki.txt", "w+")
print("\n" + "Podaj Link do:")
for i in range(len(Przedmioty)):
print (Przedmioty[a], end = "\r")
link = input(": ")
Linki.write(Przedmioty[a] + "," + link)
if ( a != len(Przedmioty)-1):
Linki.write(", ")
The File I'm editing
My Code
f = open("values", "r+")
lines = f.readlines()
for i in lines:
if str(IDS) in i:
spl = i.split(":")
asset_id = spl[0]
value = spl[1]
volume = spl[2]
updated = spl[3]
item_age = spl[4]
new_line = asset_id + ":" + "this is a test" + ":"+ volume + ":" + updated + ":" + item_age
old_line = i
How would I replace the line while in the for loop instead of doing
lines[0] = new_line
ff = open('values', 'w')
I can't do that because some files will have 2k values and I need to change all of them.
Use enumerate() so you get the index in the list, so you can replace the element.
for index, i in enumerate(lines):
if str(IDS) in i:
spl = i.split(":")
asset_id = spl[0]
value = spl[1]
volume = spl[2]
updated = spl[3]
item_age = spl[4]
new_line = asset_id + ":" + "this is a test" + ":"+ volume + ":" + updated + ":" + item_age
old_line = i
lines[index] = new_line
This is my code to create a hashtag file. The issue is it does not put the # for the first hashtag and at he end it puts a double hashtag like below.
passiveincome, #onlinemarketing, #wahmlife, #cash, #entrepreneurlifestyle, #makemoneyonline, #makemoneyfast, #entrepreneurlifestyle, #mlm, #mlm
How do I get the code to remove the double output and put the # at the beginning?
import random, os, sys
basepath = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) + "/"
outputpath = "C:/Users/matth/OneDrive/Desktop/Create hashtags/"
paragraphsmin = 9
paragraphsmax = 9
sentencemin = 1
sentencemax = 1
keywords = []
for line in open(basepath + "/base.txt", "r"):
keywordlist = []
keyword = open(basepath + "/text-original.txt", "r")
for line in keyword:
keywordlist.append(line.replace("\n", "\n"))
def type(name):
value = name[random.randint(0,len(name)-1)]
return value
def xyz(num):
s1 = '' + type(keywordlist).strip()
return eval('s' + str(num))
def s1():
return '' + type(keywordlist).strip()
def randomSentence():
sent = eval("s" + str(random.randint(1,1)) + "()")
return sent
for keyword in keywords:
outputfile = open(outputpath + keyword.replace(" ", " ") + ".txt", "w")
for p in range(1,random.randint(paragraphsmin,paragraphsmax) + 1):
for s in range(1,random.randint(sentencemin,sentencemax) + 1):
sentence = randomSentence()
if str(sentence)[0] == "\"":
outputfile.write("" + str(sentence)[0] + str(sentence)[1] + str(sentence)[2:] + " ")
outputfile.write("" + str(sentence)[0] + str(sentence)[1:] + ", #")
outputfile.write(sentence.replace("", "") + "")
Try replacing
outputfile.write("" + str(sentence)[0] + str(sentence)[1:] + ", #")
outputfile.write("#" + str(sentence)[0] + str(sentence)[1:] + ", ")
i'm having a problem with the python's csv reader. The problem is that i want to open and read different csv files, but he keeps on reading always the same one.
from csv import reader
alphabet = ["a", "b", "c"]
for letter in alphabet:
csv_file = open('/home/desktop/csv/' + letter + '.csv', 'r')
csv_data = reader(csv_file)
The problem is that he seems to open the other files, but he keep on reading always the first file.
Is there a way to "clean" the reader or make him read another file? I even tried to close the csv file, but it didn't work.
The full code is this
from csv import reader
orario_csv_file = '/home/andrea/Scrivania/orario.csv'
orario_csv = open(orario_csv_file)
orario_data = reader(orario_csv)
orario = []
giorni = ["Lun", "Mar", "Mer", "Gio", "Ven"]
for row in orario_data:
for corso in corsi:
nome_corso_file = '/home/andrea/Scrivania/xml/' + corso + '.xml'
nome_corso_xml = open(nome_corso_file, 'wt')
nome_corso_xml.write('<?xml version="1.0"?>' + "\n")
nome_corso_xml.write('<orario>' + "\n")
nome_csv = corso + '_csv'
nome_csv = '/home/andrea/Scrivania/csv/' + corso + '.csv'
nome_corso_csv = open(nome_csv, 'rt')
corso_data = reader(nome_corso_csv)
nome_corso_xml.write(' <corso name="' + corso + '">' + "\n")
for a in range(0, 3):
nome_corso_xml.write(' <anno num="' + str(a+1) + '">' + "\n")
for j in range(1, 6):
nome_corso_xml.write(' <giorno name="' + orario[2][j] + '">' + "\n")
for i in range(3, 12):
lez = orario[i + a*12][j]
if lez == "":
nome_corso_xml.write(' <lezione>' + "-" + '</lezione>' + "\n")
for riga in corso_data:
if riga[0] == lez:
if riga[2] == "":
nome_corso_xml.write(' <lezione name="' + lez + '">' + riga[1] + '</lezione>' + "\n")
for g in range(0, len(riga)):
if riga[g].lower() == orario[2][j].lower():
nome_corso_xml.write(' <lezione name="' + lez + '">' + riga[g+1] + '</lezione>' + "\n")
nome_corso_xml.write(' </giorno>' + "\n")
nome_corso_xml.write(' </anno>' + "\n")
nome_corso_xml.write(' </corso>' + "\n")
nome_corso_xml.write('</orario>' + "\n")
He open the "EDILIZIA.csv" and compile the "EDILIZIA.xml", then he should open the "EDILE-ARCHIT.csv" and compile its xml, but when he read, he keeps on reading from "EDILIZIA.csv"
Here's the .csv files that you need.
If you try to make it read first EDILIZIA.csv and then EDILE-ARCHIT.csv he'll keep on using always the EDILIZIA.csv to compile the xml, but he should firt open EDILIZIA.csv, compile the EDILIZIA.xml, then read the EDILE-ARCHIT.csv and compile the EDILE-ARCHIT.xml.
If you take a look at the final xmls, you'll see that the EDILE-ARCHIT.xml will only display the common subjects of EDILIZIA.csv and EDILE-ARCHIT.csv
It took a long time to figure out what you are doing here. To tell the truth your code is a mess - there are many unused variables and lines that make no sense at all. Anyway, your code reads the appropriate csv file each time, thus the error is not where you thought it was.
If I am right, orario.csv contains the timetable of each course (stored in corsi list) for three semesters or years, and the corso.csv files contain the room where subjects are held. So you want to merge the information into an XML file.
You only forgot one thing: to proceed in orario.csv. Your code wants to merge the very first three anno with the current corso. To fix it, you have to make two changes.
First in this for loop header:
for corso in corsi:
Modify to:
for num, corso in enumerate(corsi):
And when you assign lez:
lez = orario[i + a*12][j]
Modify to:
lez = orario[i + a*12*(num+1)][j]
Now it should work.
This code produces exactly the same result, but it uses Python's XML module to build the output file:
from csv import reader
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
import xml.dom.minidom as DOM
with open('orario.csv', 'r') as orario_csv:
orario = reader(orario_csv)
orario_data = [ row for row in orario ]
for num, corso in enumerate(corsi):
with open(corso + '.csv', 'r') as corso_csv:
corso_raw = reader(corso_csv)
corso_data = [ row for row in corso_raw ]
root_elem = ET.Element('orario')
corso_elem = ET.SubElement(root_elem, 'corso')
corso_elem.set('name', corso)
for anno in range(0, 3):
anno_elem = ET.SubElement(corso_elem, 'anno')
anno_elem.set('num', str(anno + 1))
for giorno in range(1, 6):
giorno_elem = ET.SubElement(anno_elem, 'giorno')
giorno_elem.set('name', orario_data[2][giorno])
for lezione in range(3, 12):
lez = orario_data[lezione + anno * 12 * (num + 1)][giorno]
if lez == '':
lezione_elem = ET.SubElement(giorno_elem, 'lezione')
lezione_elem.text = '-'
for riga in corso_data:
if riga[0] == lez:
if riga[2] == '':
lezione_elem = ET.SubElement(giorno_elem, 'lezione')
lezione_elem.set('name', lez)
lezione_elem.text = riga[1]
for g in range(0, len(riga)):
if riga[g].lower() == orario_data[2][giorno].lower():
lezione_elem = ET.SubElement(giorno_elem, 'lezione')
lezione_elem.set('name', lez)
lezione_elem.text = riga[g + 1]
with open(corso + '_new.xml', 'w') as corso_xml:
xml_data = DOM.parseString(ET.tostring(root_elem, method = 'xml')).toprettyxml(indent = ' ')
I think I may have spotted the cause of your problem.
The second item in your corsi list ends with a full stop. This means that you will be looking for the file "EDILE-ARCHIT..csv", which is almost does not exist. When you try and open the file, the open() call will throw an exception, and your program will terminate.
Try removing the trailing full stop, and running it again.