"No module named socket" "unresolved reference" - python

I am getting the errors in my code "No module named socket", "Unresolved reference 'input'", and "Unresolved reference 'print'". My code was working for me the other day. Why are these errors now showing up?
import socket
# Function to run the client and send messages to the server
def run_client():
host = socket.gethostname()
port = 5000
# Creating a TCP socket for the client
client_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# Connecting to the server at the specified IP and port
client_socket.connect((host, port))
while True:
# Reading input message from the user
message = input("Enter message (enter 'end' to terminate): ")
# Sending the message to the server
# Receiving the response from the server
response = client_socket.recv(1024).decode()
# Checking if the received message is "dne"
if response == "dne":
# Printing the received message
print("Received response:", response)
# Closing the client socket
print("Closing client socket")
if __name__ == "__main__":


I've been stuck on this error for a week. OSError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor

Following some Python tutorials and memory with JavaScript I've made a working Python chatroom using sockets. Next up I wanted to add encryption to it, so I decided to encrypt all of the data using Base64. It worked, I was able to receive all encrypted messages from other clients. But when I try to decode the data from Base64 in the client I get OSError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor
How do I fix it?
Here's my code for the client:
import socket
import threading
import base64
# Choosing Nickname
nickname = input("Choose your nickname: ")
# Connecting To Server
client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
client.connect(('', 55554))
# Listening to Server and Sending Nickname
def write():
while True:
message = '{}: {}'.format(nickname, input(''))
message = message.encode('ascii')
message = base64.b64encode(message)
def receive():
while True:
# Receive Message From Server
# If 'NICK' Send Nickname
message1 = client.recv(1024).decode('ascii')
if message1 == 'NICK':
# Close Connection When Error
print("An error occured!")
# Starting Threads For Listening And Writing
receive_thread = threading.Thread(target=receive)
write_thread = threading.Thread(target=write)
And the server:
import socket
import threading
import base64
# Connection Data
host = ''
port = 55554
# Starting Server
server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
server.bind((host, port))
# Lists For Clients and Their Nicknames
clients = []
nicknames = []
# Sending Messages To All Connected Clients
def broadcast(message):
for client in clients:
# Handling Messages From Clients
def handle(client):
while True:
# Broadcasting Messages
message = client.recv(1024)
# Removing And Closing Clients
index = clients.index(client)
nickname = nicknames[index]
broadcast('{} left!'.format(nickname).encode('ascii'))
# Receiving / Listening Function
def receive():
while True:
# Accept Connection
client, address = server.accept()
print("Connected with {}".format(str(address)))
# Request And Store Nickname
nickname = client.recv(1024).decode('ascii')
# Print And Broadcast Nickname
print("Nickname is {}".format(nickname))
joinmessage = "{} joined!".format(nickname).encode('ascii')
client.send('Connected to server!'.encode('ascii'))
# Start Handling Thread For Client
thread = threading.Thread(target=handle, args=(client,))
Looks like the issue was that I wasn't decoding the message before decoding with Base64.
message1 = base64.b64decode(message1)

Python client hanging when sending empty message to server

I have a python reverse shell that I am working on that utilizes a client-server connection using TCP. I am testing them both right now on my localhost windows machine and I am utilizing the subprocess library to handle commands. The client is supposed to send a command to the server and the server will reply back with the output.
import socket
import subprocess
import os
# Server
# creates TCP socket
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# port and server ip(localhost)
PORT = 5565
BUFFER_SIZE = 5000 # size of message
no_char_message = "-1: Please enter a command"
# test connection
print("Server starting up on %s with port number %s" % (LOCAL_HOST, PORT))
# bind socket to ip and port
sock.bind((LOCAL_HOST, PORT))
# listen to socket
# socket will accept connection and client address
print("Waiting for connection") # waiting for connection
connection, address = sock.accept() # accept connection with client address
print("Connected to", address) # connected by address
while True:
command = connection.recv(BUFFER_SIZE) # receive message from client
if not command:
if len(command) == 0:
if len(command) > 0:
terminal = subprocess.Popen(command[:].decode("utf-8"), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
output = terminal.stdout.read() + terminal.stderr.read()
output_as_string = str(output, "utf-8")
print("Closing Server")
import socket
# Client
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # creates TCP Socket
# local host and port
PORT = 5565
BUFFER_SIZE = 5000 # size of message
# connect socket to ip and port
sock.connect((LOCAL_HOST, PORT))
print("Connected to server\n")
while True:
message = input("Please enter a command:\n") # ask user to input message
if message == 'quit':
print("Sending %s" % message)
sock.send(str.encode(message)) # send message
command = str(sock.recv(BUFFER_SIZE), "utf-8") # receive message
print("received %s" % command)
print("closing connection with server")
The issue is when I send an empty message to the server it hangs and just says sending in the terminal and the server never receives anything. I am not sure what is causing this but I am assuming the pipes are being blocked or that I am not handling this correctly.
I want the server to return an error message to the client rather than handle the message error in the client itself.
I tried checking the condition if the length of the command is 0 and handling it with an error message but it did not work and still hangs.
The program also seems to hang when I try for example the date command.
In general, how do I handle the condition if a command is not recognized, empty or doesn't execute successfully?
TCP has no concept of an empty message. TCP has no concept of a message at all, it knows only bytes. Thus, if you call send with an empty string it will simply send nothing (not an empty packet but no packet at all) to the server which means that there is nothing for the server to receive - it will still block while waiting for data. In other words: there is no empty command, there is simply no comment at all.
if len(command) == 0:
This will not check for an empty message (which again does not exist) but will trigger if the client closes the connection. Any check for an empty command had to be done at the client already.

Send and receive messages on same port? Peer to peer message app python

I'm trying to create a peer to peer message app, I understand I need each instance of the app to be both a server and a client as I've got for the below code but I'm wondering how to set up the ports, can I send and receive messages on the same port?
The below code is one instance of the app, I can communicate with another version but I have to set the other version to send messages on port 9000 and receive messages on 6190. This won't work going forward as how would a third user connect?
Current situation:
User 1: Receives on 9000, sends on 6190
User 2: Receives on 6190, sends on 9000
import socket
import time
import threading
global incoming
def server_socket(): #call server_socket() in build method?
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.bind(('', 9000))
host_name = socket.gethostname()
ip_address = socket.gethostbyname(host_name)
print("IP address is: ", ip_address)
except socket.error as e:
print("Socket Error !!", "Unable To Setup Local Socket. Port In Use")
while True:
conn, addr = s.accept()
incoming_ip = str(addr[0])
data = conn.recv(4096)
data = data.decode('utf-8')
print("message recieved is: ", data)
def client_send_message():
message = "Hello World"
message = message.encode('utf-8')
c = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
c.connect(("", 6190))
except Exception as e:
print("Connection Refused", "The Address You Are Trying To Reach Is Currently Unavailable")
except Exception as e:
t = threading.Thread(target=server_socket)
for i in range(5):
You currently use TCP and with this design you need a separat socket for each client. You can exchange data on this socket in both directions though. More common for peer to peer networks is UDP: here you can use a single socket to recvfrom data from arbitrary clients and sendto data to arbitrary clients.

Socket Programming : client stops responding after sending 3 messages to the server

I'm quite new to socket programming, and I was wondering why the client stops responding after I send 3 messages to the server. Basically I send a message twice and the server responds to the client. The third time, the client just runs infinitely and the server doesn't receive anything.
Does it have something to do with overload? How does that work, especially with socket.listen()
Here is the code for reference:
# Import socket module
import socket
# Create a socket object
s = socket.socket()
# Define the port on which you want to connect
port = 12345
# connect to the server on local computer
s.connect(('', port))
while True:
msg = input("Enter your message: ")
if msg != "quit":
# close the connection
# receive data from the server
new_msg = (s.recv(1024).decode())
print ("[CLIENT]: ", new_msg)
# first of all import the socket library
import socket
# next create a socket object
s = socket.socket()
print ("Socket successfully created")
# reserve a port on your computer in our
# case it is 12345 but it can be anything
port = 12345
# Next bind to the port
# we have not typed any ip in the ip field
# instead we have inputted an empty string
# this makes the server listen to requests
# coming from other computers on the network
s.bind(('', port))
print ("socket binded to %s" %(port))
# a forever loop until we interrupt it or
# an error occurs
while True:
# put the socket into listening mode
print ("socket is listening")
# Establish connection with client.
c, addr = s.accept()
print('Got connection from', addr)
msg = c.recv(1024).decode()
if msg == "quit":
# Close the connection with the client
print ("[SERVER]: Recieved data: ", msg)
print ("[SERVER]: sending", msg)
You still need a better understanding on how a listening socket works:
it listens only once
it accepts only once per connection
it can read and send as many packets as required until either side closes the connection
at that point (and for a single threaded server) it is ready to accept a new connection
You server.py should become:
s.bind(('', port))
print ("socket binded to %s" %(port))
# put the socket into listening mode
print ("socket is listening")
# a forever loop until we interrupt it or
# an error occurs
while True:
# Establish connection with client.
c, addr = s.accept()
print('Got connection from', addr)
while True:
msg = c.recv(1024).decode()
if len(msg) == 0: # the client does not send anything but just closes its side
# Close the connection with the client
print('Client disconnected')
print ("[SERVER]: Recieved data: ", msg)
print ("[SERVER]: sending", msg)
A small fix for the client side:
if msg != "quit":
# close the connection
break # break out of the loop after closing connection
But that is not all: TCP is a stream protocol. You should be prepared for packets send from one side to be splitted or re-assembled before reaching other side. The only guarantee is that bytes arrive in same order that they were send, but not necessarily in same packets.

How to connect a client to a server with sockets, using ip adress in Python?

This is probably very simple, but I am having trouble with it.
This is code I am using for the server.
I've searched for this but I only found different kinds of sockets to the one I am using.
server = socket.socket()
server.bind(("localhost", 6969))
socket_client, datos_client = server.accept()
print ("Wainting message...")
data = socket_client.recv(1000)
print ("Message:", data)
send1 = bytes("Bye","utf-8")
print ("Closing..." )
And this is the code for the client:
import socket
def main():
my_socket_client = socket.socket()
my_socket_client.connect(("localhost", 6969))
bufsize = 1000
print("Send message")
data2 = bytes(mensaje,"utf-8")
#enviar los datos
data_received= my_socket_client.recv(bufsize)
print (data_received)
I am not sure what your problem is since you didn't ask a question so i will just show you a client + basic command server that i have built in the same way you built yours you said "I only found different kinds of sockets to the one I am using." so i hope this is what you are looking for
Here is an example of a simple command server:
if you run the server code and then run the client you will be able to type in the client and send to the server. if you type TIME you will get from the server a respons which contains a string that has the date of today and the other commands work in the same way. if you type EXIT it will close the connection and will send from the server the string closing to the client
import socket
import random
from datetime import date
server_socket = socket.socket() # new socket object
server_socket.bind(('', 8820)) # empty bind (will connect to a real ip later)
server_socket.listen(1) # see if any client is trying to connect
(client_socket, client_address) = server_socket.accept() # accept the connection
while True: # main server loop
client_cmd = client_socket.recv(1024) # recive user input from client
# check waht command was entered
if client_cmd == "TIME":
client_socket.send(str(date.today())) # send the date
elif client_cmd == "NAME":
client_socket.send("best server ever") # send this text
elif client_cmd == "RAND":
client_socket.send(str(random.randrange(1,11,1))) # send this randomly generated number
elif client_cmd == "EXIT":
client_socket.close() # close the connection with the client
server_socket.close() # close the server
else :
client_socket.send("there was an error in the commend sent")
client_socket.close() # just in case try to close again
server_socket.close() # just in case try to close again
import socket
client_socket = socket.socket() # new socket object
client_socket.connect(('', 8820)) # connect to the server on port 8820, the ip '' is special because it will always refer to your own computer
while True:
print "please enter a commend"
print "TIME - request the current time"
print "NAME - request the name of the server"
print "RAND - request a random number"
print "EXIT - request to disconnect the sockets"
cmd = raw_input("please enter your name") # user input
client_socket.send(cmd) # send the string to the server
data = client_socket.recv(1024) # recive server output
print "the server sent: " + data # print that data from the server
if data == "closing":
print "closing server"
client_socket.close() # close the connection with the server
you have a typo .
edit this line in client from
data2 = bytes(mensaje,"utf-8")
data2 = bytes(message,"utf-8")
I tried your code, and made a couple of changes:
Server side:
import socket
server = socket.socket()
server.bind(("localhost", 6969))
socket_client, datos_client = server.accept()
print ("Waiting message...")
data = socket_client.recv(1000)
print ("Message:", data )
# Same change made as with client side
send1 = bytes("Bye") #,"utf-8")
print ("Closing..." )
Client side:
import socket
my_socket_client = socket.socket()
my_socket_client.connect(("localhost", 6969))
bufsize = 1000
print("Send message")
# I changed it to raw_input(); input() does not for string input with python 2.7
# Are you trying to encode the message? To make it simple, skip it
data2 = bytes(message) # ,"utf-8")
#enviar los datos
data_received= my_socket_client.recv(bufsize)
print (data_received)
Sample output from server side:
Waiting message...
('Message:', 'message from client')
Sample output from client side:
Send message
message from client
