I have the following column multiindex dataframe.
I would like to select (or get a subset) of the dataframe with different columns of each level_0 index (i.e. x_mm and y_mm from virtual and z_mm rx_deg ry_deg rz_deg from actual). From what I have read I think I might be able to use pandas IndexSlice but not entire sure how to use it in this context.
So far my work around is to use pd.concat selecting the 2 sets of columns independently. I have the feeling that this can be done neatly with slicing.
You can programmatically generate the tuples to slice your MultiIndex:
from itertools import product
cols = ((('virtual',), ('x_mm', 'y_mm')),
(('actual',), ('z_mm', 'rx_deg', 'ry_deg', 'rz_deg'))
out = df[[t for x in cols for t in product(*x)]]
I have a rather messy dataframe in which I need to assign first 3 rows as a multilevel column names.
This is my dataframe and I need index 3, 4 and 5 to be my multiindex column names.
For example, 'MINERAL TOTAL' should be the level 0 until next item; 'TRATAMIENTO (ts)' should be level 1 until 'LEY Cu(%)' comes up.
What I need actually is try to emulate what pandas.read_excel does when 'header' is specified with multiple rows.
Please help!
I am trying this, but no luck at all:
pd.DataFrame(data=df.iloc[3:, :].to_numpy(), columns=tuple(df.iloc[:3, :].to_numpy(dtype='str')))
You can pass a list of row indexes to the header argument and pandas will combine them into a MultiIndex.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_excel('ExcelFile.xlsx', header=[0,1,2])
By default, pandas will read in the top row as the sole header row. You can pass the header argument into pandas.read_excel() that indicates how many rows are to be used as headers. This can be either an int, or list of ints. See the pandas.read_excel() documentation for more information.
As you mentioned you are unable to use pandas.read_excel(). However, if you do already have a DataFrame of the data you need, you can use pandas.MultiIndex.from_arrays(). First you would need to specify an array of the header rows which in your case would look something like:
array = [df.iloc[0].values, df.iloc[1].values, df.iloc[2].values]
df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(array)
The only issue here is this includes the "NaN" values in the new MultiIndex header. To get around this, you could create some function to clean and forward fill the lists that make up the array.
Although not the prettiest, nor the most efficient, this could look something like the following (off the top of my head):
def forward_fill(iterable):
return pd.Series(iterable).ffill().to_list()
zero = forward_fill(df.iloc[0].to_list())
one = forward_fill(df.iloc[1].to_list())
two = one = forward_fill(df.iloc[2].to_list())
array = [zero, one, two]
df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(array)
You may also wish to drop the header rows (in this case rows 0 and 1) and reindex the DataFrame.
df.drop(index=[0,1,2], inplace=True)
df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
Since columns are also indices, you can just transpose, set index levels, and transpose back.
df.T.fillna(method='ffill').set_index([3, 4, 5]).T
My Problem is that these two CSV files have different countries at different rows, so I can't just append the column in question to the other data frame.
I'm trying to think of some way to use a for loop, checking every row, and add the recovered cases to the correct row where the country name is the same in both data frames, but I don't know how to put that idea in to code. Help?
You can do this a couple of ways:
Option 1: use pd.concat with set_index
pd.concat([df_confirmed.set_index(['Province/State', 'Country/Region']),
df_recovered.set_index(['Province/State', 'Country/Region'])],
axis=1, keys=['Confirmed', 'Recovered'])
Option 2: use pd.DataFrame.merge with an left join or outer join using how parameter
df_confirmed.merge(df_recovered, on=['Province/State', 'Country/Region'], how='left',
Using pd.read_csv from github raw format:
df_recovered = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19/master/csse_covid_19_data/csse_covid_19_time_series/time_series_covid19_recovered_global.csv')
df_confirmed = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19/master/csse_covid_19_data/csse_covid_19_time_series/time_series_covid19_confirmed_global.csv')
The docs , at least as of version 0.24.2, specify that pandas.concat can ignore the index, with ignore_index=True, but
Note the index values on the other axes are still respected in the
Is there a way to avoid this, i.e. to concatenate based on the position only, and ignoring the names of the columns?
I see two options:
rename the columns so they match, or
convert to numpy, concatenate in
numpy, then from numpy back to pandas
Are there more elegant ways?
For example, if I want to add the series s as an additional row to the dataframe df, I can:
convert s to frame
transpose it
rename its columns so they are the
same as those of df
It works, but it seems very "un-pythonic"!
A toy example is below; this example is with a dataframe and a series, but the same concept applies with two dataframes.
import pandas as pd
s=pd.Series([3,'txt','more txt'])
out= pd.concat( [df, st] , axis=0, ignore_index=True)
In the case of 1 dataframe and 1 series, you can do:
df.loc[df.shape[0], :] = s.values
The drop duplicates methods of Spark DataFrames is not working and I think it is because the index column which was part of my dataset is being treated as a column of data. There definitely are duplicates in there, I checked it by comparing COUNT() and COUNT(DISTINCT()) on all the columns except the index. I'm new to Spark DataFrames but if I was using Pandas, at this point I would do pandas.DataFrame.set_index on that column.
Does anyone know how to handle this situation?
Secondly, there appears to be 2 methods on a Spark DataFrame, drop_duplicates and dropDuplicates. Are they the same?
If you don't want the index column to be considered while checking for the distinct records, you can drop the column using below command or select only the columns required.
df = df.drop('p_index') // Pass column name to be dropped
df = df.select('name', 'age') // Pass the required columns
drop_duplicates() is an alias for dropDuplicates().
I am working with multiindexing dataframe in pandas and am wondering whether I should multiindex the rows or the columns.
My data looks something like this:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
arrays = pd.tools.util.cartesian_product([['condition1', 'condition2'],
['patient1', 'patient2'],
['measure1', 'measure2', 'measure3']])
colidxs = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(arrays,
names=['condition', 'patient', 'measure'])
rowidxs = pd.Index([0,1,2,3], name='time')
data = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(len(rowidxs), len(colidxs)),
index=rowidxs, columns=colidxs)
Here I choose to multiindex the column, with the rationale that pandas dataframe consists of series, and my data ultimately is a bunch of time series (hence row-indexed by time here).
I have this question because it seems there is some asymmetry between rows and columns for multiindexing. For example, in this document webpage it shows how query works for row-multiindexed dataframe, but if the dataframe is column-multiindexed then the command in the document has to be replaced by something like df.T.query('color == "red"').T.
My question might seem a bit silly, but I'd like to see if there is any difference in convenience between multiindexing rows vs. columns for dataframes (such as the query case above).
A rough personal summary of what I call the row/column-propensity of some common operations for DataFrame:
[]: column-first
get: column-only
attribute accessing as indexing: column-only
query: row-only
loc, iloc, ix: row-first
xs: row-first
sortlevel: row-first
groupby: row-first
"row-first" means the operation expects row index as the first argument, and to operate on column index one needs to use [:, ] or specify axis=1;
"row-only" means the operation only works for row index and one has to do something like transposing the dataframe to operate on the column index.
Based on this, it seems multiindexing rows is slightly more convenient.
A natural question of mine: why don't pandas developers unify the row/column propensity of DataFrame operations? For example, that [] and loc/iloc/ix are two most common ways of indexing dataframes but one slices columns and the others slice rows seems a bit odd.