I import another page in tkinter but it is empty - python
as you can see when importing this window through the menu, it is empty:
but if I import it directly through main.py, the interface is normal:
I imported other pages and they were correct enter image description here:
main form:
from tkinter import *
import tkinter as tk
#from forms.login.form_login import Login
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
from forms.empresadev.funcioario import PainelFuncionario
from forms.empresadev.setor import PainelSetor
from forms.empresadev.horario import Painelhorario
from forms.gestao import Painel_gestao
class PainelPrincipal:
def __init__(self):
global cur_width, expanded
self.root = tk.Tk()
self.root.title("Your Company")
self.min_w = 50 # Minimum width of the frame
self.max_w = 200 # Maximum width of the frame
self.cur_width = self.min_w # Increasing width of the frame
self.expanded = False # Check if it is completely exanded
def importlogin():
def importhorario():
def importsetor():
def importfunc():
def importgest():
def expand():
global cur_width, expanded
self.cur_width += 10 # Increase the width by 10
rep = self.root.after(5,expand) # Repeat this func every 5 ms
frame.config(width=self.cur_width) # Change the width to new increase width
if self.cur_width >= self.max_w: # If width is greater than maximum width
expanded = True # Frame is expended
self.root.after_cancel(rep) # Stop repeating the func
def contract():
global cur_width, expanded
self.cur_width -= 10 # Reduce the width by 10
rep = self.root.after(5,contract) # Call this func every 5 ms
frame.config(width=self.cur_width) # Change the width to new reduced width
if self.cur_width <= self.min_w: # If it is back to normal width
expanded = False # Frame is not expanded
self.root.after_cancel(rep) # Stop repeating the func
def fill():
if expanded: # If the frame is exanded
# Show a text, and remove the image
termses_b.config(text='Terminar Sessão',image='',font=(0,17))
# Bring the image back
# Define the icons to be shown and resize it
home = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.open("./imagens/home.png").resize((40,40),Image.ANTIALIAS))
settings = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.open("./imagens/setor.png").resize((40,40),Image.ANTIALIAS))
hour = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.open("./imagens/horario.png").resize((40,40),Image.ANTIALIAS))
func = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.open("./imagens/funcionario.png").resize((40,40),Image.ANTIALIAS))
gest = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.open("./imagens/time.png").resize((45,45),Image.ANTIALIAS))
termses = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.open("./imagens/logout.png").resize((40,40),Image.ANTIALIAS))
self.root.update() # For the width to get updated
frame = Frame(self.root,bg='#4fa882',width=50,height=self.root.winfo_height())
# Make the buttons with the icons to be shown
home_b = Button(frame,image=home,bg='#4fa882',relief='flat', overrelief='ridge')
set_b = Button(frame,image=settings,bg='#4fa882',relief='flat', overrelief='ridge',command=importsetor)
hour_b = Button(frame,image=hour,bg='#4fa882',relief='flat', overrelief='ridge',command=importhorario)
func_b = Button(frame,image=func,bg='#4fa882',relief='flat', overrelief='ridge',command=importfunc)
gest_b = Button(frame,image=gest,bg='#4fa882',relief='flat', overrelief='ridge',command=importgest)
termses_b = Button(frame,image=termses,bg='#4fa882',relief='flat', overrelief='ridge',command=importlogin)
# Put them on the frame
# Bind to the frame, if entered or left
frame.bind('<Enter>',lambda e: expand())
frame.bind('<Leave>',lambda e: contract())
# So that it does not depend on the widgets inside the frame
management(gestao) form:
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import Tk
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
from tkinter.ttk import Progressbar
from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from tkcalendar import DateEntry
#from datetime import date
from tkinter import messagebox
from forms.empresadev.view import *
co0 = "#f0f3f5" #Preta
co1 = "#feffff" #Branca
co2 = "#4fa882" #Verde
co3 = "#38576b" #valor
co4 = "#000000" #letra
co5 = "#e06636" #- profit
co6 = "#038cfc" #azul
co7 = "#ef5350" #vermelha
co8 = "#263238" #+ verde
co9 = "#e9edf5" #+ skyblue
colors= ['#5588bb', '#66bbbb', '#99bb55', '#ee9944', '#444466', '#bb5555']
class Painel_gestao():
def __init__(self):
self.janela = Toplevel()
self.janela.resizable(width=FALSE, height=FALSE)
style= ttk.Style(self.janela)
#frames para divisão de ecrã
framecima = Frame(self.janela, width=1043, height=50, bg=co1, relief="flat")
framemeio = Frame(self.janela, width=1043, height=360, bg=co1,pady=20,relief="raised")
framemeio.grid(row=1,column=0, pady=1, padx=0, sticky=NSEW)
framebaixo = Frame(self.janela, width=1043, height=300, bg=co1,relief="raised")
framebaixo.grid(row=2 ,column=0, pady=0, padx=10, sticky=NSEW)
frame_gra_pie = Frame(framemeio, width=580, height=250, bg=co2)
frame_gra_pie.place(x=415, y=5)
# trabalhar com frame cima
#acessar a imagem
self.app_img = Image.open('./imagens/stock.png')
self.app_img = self.app_img.resize((45,45))
self.app_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.app_img)
self.app_logo = Label(framecima, image=self.app_img, text="Orçamento da Empresa", width=900, compound=LEFT, padx=5, relief=RAISED,anchor=NW, font=("Verdana 20 bold"), bg=co1, fg=co4)
#definir tree como global
global tree
#função inserir categoria
def inserir_categoria_b():
nome = e_insira_categoria.get()
lista_inserir = [nome]
if nome=="":
messagebox.showerror('Erro', 'Preencha todos os campos')
messagebox.showinfo("Sucesso","Os dados foram inseridos com sucesso")
categoria_funcao = mostrar_categoria()
categoria = []
for i in categoria_funcao:
#atualizar a lista de categorias
combo_categoria_despesa['values'] = (categoria)
def inserir_receita_b():
nome = 'Receita'
data = e_data_receita.get()
quantia = e_valor_receita.get()
lista_inserir = [nome, data, quantia]
for i in lista_inserir:
if i=='':
messagebox.showerror('Erro', 'Preencha todos os campos')
# chamando a função inserir receitas presente na view
messagebox.showinfo('Sucesso', 'Os dados foram inseridos com sucesso')
# atualizando dados
def apagar():
treev_dados = tree.focus()
treev_dicionario = tree.item(treev_dados)
treev_lista = treev_dicionario['values']
valor = treev_lista[0]
nome = treev_lista[1]
if nome =='Receita':
messagebox.showinfo('Sucesso','Os dados foram apagados com sucesso')
# atualizando dados
messagebox.showinfo('Sucesso','Os dados foram apagados com sucesso')
# atualizando dados
except IndexError:
messagebox.showerror('Erro','Seleciona um dos dados na tabela')
#inserir desepesas
def inserir_gasto_b():
nome = combo_categoria_despesa.get()
data = e_data_despesas.get()
quantia = e_valor_despesas.get()
lista_inserir = [nome, data, quantia]
for i in lista_inserir:
if i=='':
messagebox.showerror('Erro', 'Preencha todos os campos')
# chamando a função inserir receitas presente na view
messagebox.showinfo('Sucesso', 'Os dados foram inseridos com sucesso')
# atualizando dados
def percentagem():
l_nome = Label(framemeio, text="Porcentagem da receita restante", height=1,anchor=NW,font=('Verdana 12'), bg=co1, fg=co4)
l_nome.place(x=7, y=5)
style = ttk.Style()
style.configure("black.Horizontal.TProgressbar", background='#daed6b')
style.configure("TProgressbar", thickness=25)
bar= Progressbar(framemeio, length=180, style='black.Horizontal.TProgressbar')
bar.place(x=10, y=35)
bar['value'] = percentagem_valor()[0]
valor = percentagem_valor()[0]
l_percentagem = Label(framemeio, text="{:,.2f}".format(valor),anchor=NW,font=('verdana 12'), bg=co1, fg=co4)
l_percentagem.place(x=200, y=35)
#função para gráfico de barra
def grafic_bars():
lista_categoria = ['Renda','Despesas','Saldo']
lista_valores = bar_valores()
# faça figura e atribua objetos de eixo
figura = plt.Figure(figsize=(4, 3.45), dpi=60)
ax = figura.add_subplot(111)
# ax.autoscale(enable=True, axis='both', tight=None)
ax.bar(lista_categoria, lista_valores, color=colors, width=0.9)
# create a list to collect the plt.patches data
c = 0
# set individual bar lables using above list
for i in ax.patches:
# get_x pulls left or right; get_height pushes up or down
ax.text(i.get_x()-.001, i.get_height()+.5,
str("{:,.0f}".format(lista_valores[c])), fontsize=17, fontstyle='italic', verticalalignment='bottom',color='dimgrey')
c += 1
ax.tick_params(bottom=False, left=False)
ax.yaxis.grid(False, color='#EEEEEE')
canva = FigureCanvasTkAgg(figura, framemeio)
canva.get_tk_widget().place(x=10, y=70)
def resumo():
valor = bar_valores()
l_linha = Label(framemeio, text="", width=215,height=1, anchor=NW, font=('Arial 1'),bg='#545454')
l_linha.place(x=309, y=52)
l_sumario = Label(framemeio, text="Total Renda Mensal".upper(), width=22,height=1, anchor=NW, font=('Verdana 12'),bg=co1,fg='#83a9e6')
l_sumario.place(x=309, y=35)
l_sumario = Label(framemeio, text="€ {:,.2f}".format(valor[0]), width=10,height=1, anchor=NW, font=('arial 17'),bg=co1,fg='#545454')
l_sumario.place(x=309, y=70)
l_linha = Label(framemeio, text="", width=215,height=1, anchor=NW, font=('Arial 1'),bg='#545454')
l_linha.place(x=309, y=132)
l_sumario = Label(framemeio, text="Total Despesas Mensais".upper(), width=22,height=1, anchor=NW, font=('Verdana 12'),bg=co1,fg='#83a9e6')
l_sumario.place(x=309, y=115)
l_sumario = Label(framemeio, text="€ {:,.2f}".format(valor[1]), width=10,height=1, anchor=NW, font=('arial 17'),bg=co1,fg='#545454')
l_sumario.place(x=309, y=150)
l_linha = Label(framemeio, text="", width=215,height=1, anchor=NW, font=('Arial 1'),bg='#545454')
l_linha.place(x=309, y=207)
l_sumario = Label(framemeio, text="Total Saldo".upper(), width=22,height=1, anchor=NW, font=('Verdana 12'),bg=co1,fg='#83a9e6')
l_sumario.place(x=309, y=190)
l_sumario = Label(framemeio, text="€ {:,.2f}".format(valor[2]), width=10,height=1, anchor=NW, font=('arial 17'),bg=co1,fg='#545454')
l_sumario.place(x=309, y=220)
# funcao grafico pie
def grafico_pie():
# faça figura e atribua objetos de eixo
figura = plt.Figure(figsize=(5, 3), dpi=90)
ax = figura.add_subplot(111)
lista_valores = pie_valores()[1]
lista_categorias = pie_valores()[0]
# only "explode" the 2nd slice (i.e. 'Hogs')
explode = []
for i in lista_categorias:
ax.pie(lista_valores, explode=explode, wedgeprops=dict(width=0.2), autopct='%1.1f%%', colors=colors,shadow=True, startangle=90)
ax.legend(lista_categorias, loc="center right", bbox_to_anchor=(1.55, 0.50))
canva_categoria = FigureCanvasTkAgg(figura, frame_gra_pie)
canva_categoria.get_tk_widget().grid(row=0, column=0)
#criação de frames dentro do frame baixo
frame_renda = Frame(framebaixo, width=300, height=250, bg=co1, relief="flat")
frame_operacoes = Frame(framebaixo, width=300, height=250, bg=co1, relief="flat")
frame_operacoes.grid(row=0,column=1, padx=5)
frame_configuracao = Frame(framebaixo, width=300, height=250, bg=co1, relief="flat")
frame_configuracao.grid(row=0,column=2, padx=5)
# Tabela Renda Mensal----
app_tabela = Label(framemeio, text="Tabela Receitas e Despesas",anchor=NW, font=('Verdana 12 bold'), bg=co1, fg=co4)
# funcao para mostrar_renda
def mostrar_renda():
# creating a treeview with dual scrollbars
tabela_head = ['#Id','Categoria','Data','Quantia']
lista_itens = tabela()
global tree
tree = ttk.Treeview(frame_renda, selectmode="extended",columns=tabela_head, show="headings")
# vertical scrollbar
vsb = ttk.Scrollbar(frame_renda, orient="vertical", command=tree.yview)
# horizontal scrollbar
hsb = ttk.Scrollbar(frame_renda, orient="horizontal", command=tree.xview)
tree.configure(yscrollcommand=vsb.set, xscrollcommand=hsb.set)
tree.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky='nsew')
vsb.grid(column=1, row=0, sticky='ns')
hsb.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky='ew')
hd=["center","center","center", "center"]
for col in tabela_head:
tree.heading(col, text=col.title(), anchor=CENTER)
# adjust the column's width to the header string
tree.column(col, width=h[n],anchor=hd[n])
for item in lista_itens:
tree.insert('', 'end', values=item)
#configurações despesas
l_descricao = Label(frame_operacoes, text="Inserir nova Despesa",height=1,anchor=NW, font=('Verdana 10 bold'), bg=co1,fg=co4)
l_descricao.place(x=10, y=10)
l_categoria = Label(frame_operacoes, text="Categoria",height=1,anchor=NW, font=('Ivy 10'), bg=co1,fg=co4)
l_categoria.place(x=10, y=40)
#Get categorias
categoria_funcao= mostrar_categoria()
categoria = []
for i in categoria_funcao:
combo_categoria_despesa =ttk.Combobox(frame_operacoes,width=10,font=('Ivy 10'))
combo_categoria_despesa['values'] = (categoria)
combo_categoria_despesa.place(x=110, y=40)
l_data_despesas = Label(frame_operacoes, text="Data",height=1,anchor=NW, font=('Ivy 10'), bg=co1,fg=co4)
l_data_despesas.place(x=10, y=70)
e_data_despesas = DateEntry(frame_operacoes, width=12, background='darkblue', foreground='white', borderwidth=2, year=2023)
e_data_despesas.place(x=110, y=70)
l_valor_despesas = Label(frame_operacoes, text="Valor",height=1,anchor=NW, font=('Ivy 10'), bg=co1,fg=co4)
l_valor_despesas.place(x=10, y=100)
e_valor_despesas = Entry(frame_operacoes,width=14, justify='left', relief='solid')
#Botão Inserir
img_add_despesa = Image.open('./imagens/plus.png')
img_add_despesa = img_add_despesa.resize((17,17))
img_add_despesa = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img_add_despesa)
botao_inserir_despezas = Button(frame_operacoes,command=inserir_gasto_b, image=img_add_despesa, text="Adicionar".upper(), width=80, compound=LEFT,anchor=NW, font=("Ivy 7 bold"), bg=co1, fg=co2,overrelief=RIDGE)
#Botão Excluir
img_apagar = Image.open('./imagens/delete.png')
img_apagar = img_apagar.resize((17,17))
img_apagar = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img_apagar)
l_apagar = Label(frame_operacoes, text="Apagar Dados",height=1,anchor=NW, font=('Ivy 10 bold'), bg=co1,fg=co4)
l_apagar.place(x=10, y=190)
botao_apagar = Button(frame_operacoes,command=apagar, image=img_apagar, text="Apagar".upper(), width=80, compound=LEFT,anchor=NW, font=("Ivy 7 bold"), bg=co1, fg=co2,overrelief=RIDGE)
#Configurações receitas
l_info = Label(frame_configuracao, text="Inserir nova Receita",height=1,anchor=NW, font=('Verdana 10 bold'), bg=co1,fg=co4)
l_info.place(x=10, y=10)
#Inserir data receita
l_data_receita = Label(frame_configuracao, text="Data",height=1,anchor=NW, font=('Ivy 10'), bg=co1,fg=co4)
l_data_receita.place(x=10, y=40)
e_data_receita = DateEntry(frame_configuracao, width=12, background='darkblue', foreground='white', borderwidth=2, year=2023)
e_data_receita.place(x=110, y=40)
#valor receita
l_valor_receita = Label(frame_configuracao, text="Valor",height=1,anchor=NW, font=('Ivy 10'), bg=co1,fg=co4)
l_valor_receita.place(x=10, y=70)
e_valor_receita = Entry(frame_configuracao,width=14, justify='left', relief='solid')
botao_inserir_receita = Button(frame_configuracao,command=inserir_receita_b, image=img_add_despesa, text="Adicionar".upper(), width=80, compound=LEFT,anchor=NW, font=("Ivy 7 bold"), bg=co1, fg=co2,overrelief=RIDGE)
l_insira_categoria = Label(frame_configuracao, text="Categoria",height=1,anchor=NW, font=('Verdana 10 bold'), bg=co1,fg=co4)
l_insira_categoria.place(x=10, y=170)
e_insira_categoria = Entry(frame_configuracao,width=14, justify='left', relief='solid')
#Botão Inserir2
img_add_categoria = Image.open('./imagens/plus2.png')
img_add_categoria = img_add_categoria.resize((17,17))
img_add_categoria = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img_add_categoria)
botao_inserir_categoria = Button(frame_configuracao,command=inserir_categoria_b, image=img_add_categoria, text="Adicionar".upper(), width=80, compound=LEFT,anchor=NW, font=("Ivy 7 bold"), bg=co1, fg=('blue'),overrelief=RIDGE)
Create a male/female variable for an equation
I’m developing a BMI and fat percentage calculator for a school project. I took a model with a ready-made GUI and made the necessary adjustments, but I’m stuck in the equation to calculate the fat percentage. This is my full code: from tkinter import * from tkinter import messagebox def fazer_reset(): idade_tf.delete(0, 'end') altura_tf.delete(0, 'end') peso_tf.delete(0, 'end') def calcular_imc(): kg = int(peso_tf.get()) m = int(altura_tf.get()) / 100 imc = kg / (m * m) imc = round(imc, 1) indice_de_imc(imc) def indice_de_imc(imc): if imc < 18.5: messagebox.showinfo('IMC', f'IMC = {imc} está Abaixo do peso') elif (imc > 18.5) and (imc < 24.9): messagebox.showinfo('IMC', f'IMC = {imc} está Normal') elif (imc > 24.9) and (imc < 29.9): messagebox.showinfo('IMC', f'IMC = {imc} está Acima do peso') elif (imc > 29.9): messagebox.showinfo('IMC', f'IMC = {imc} está Obeso') else: messagebox.showerror('IMC', 'algo deu errado!') def calcular_gordura(): idade = int(idade_tf.get()) kg = int(peso_tf.get()) m = int(altura_tf.get()) / 100 imc = kg / (m * m) imc = round(imc, 1) gordura = (1.2*imc)+(0.23*idade)-(10.8*sexo)-5.4 gordura = round(gordura, 1) percentual_de_gordura(gordura) def percentual_de_gordura(gordura): messagebox.showinfo('Percentual de Gordura', f'O percentual de gordura é de {gordura} %') ws = Tk() ws.title('Calculadora de IMC, Percentual de Gordura e Massa Corporal') ws.geometry('400x300') ws.config(bg='#686e70') var = IntVar() frame = Frame( ws, padx=10, pady=10 ) frame.pack(expand=True) idade_lb = Label( frame, text="Idade" ) idade_lb.grid(row=1, column=1) idade_tf = Entry( frame, ) idade_tf.grid(row=1, column=2, pady=5) sexo_lb = Label( frame, text='Sexo' ) sexo_lb.grid(row=2, column=1) frame2 = Frame( frame ) frame2.grid(row=2, column=2, pady=5) masculino_rb = Radiobutton( frame2, text='Masculino', variable=var, value=1 ) masculino_rb.pack(side=LEFT) feminino_rb = Radiobutton( frame2, text='Feminino', variable=var, value=0 ) feminino_rb.pack(side=RIGHT) altura_lb = Label( frame, text="Altura (cm) " ) altura_lb.grid(row=3, column=1) peso_lb = Label( frame, text="Peso (kg) ", ) peso_lb.grid(row=4, column=1) altura_tf = Entry( frame, ) altura_tf.grid(row=3, column=2, pady=5) peso_tf = Entry( frame, ) peso_tf.grid(row=4, column=2, pady=5) frame3 = Frame( frame ) frame3.grid(row=5, columnspan=3, pady=10) imc_btn = Button( frame3, text='IMC', command=calcular_imc ) imc_btn.pack(side=LEFT) gordura_btn = Button( frame3, text='Gordura', command=calcular_gordura ) gordura_btn.pack(side=LEFT) reset_btn = Button( frame3, text='Reset', command=fazer_reset ) reset_btn.pack(side=LEFT) sair_btn = Button( frame3, text='Sair', command=lambda: ws.destroy() ) sair_btn.pack(side=RIGHT) ws.mainloop() The equation I use to calculate fat percentage is: fat percentage = (1.2 * IMC) + (0.23 * idade) -(10.8 * sexo) - 5.4. ‘IMC’ is BMI, ‘idade’ is age and ‘sexo’ is gender. def calcular_gordura(): idade = int(idade_tf.get()) kg = int(peso_tf.get()) m = int(altura_tf.get()) / 100 imc = kg / (m * m) imc = round(imc, 1) gordura = (1.2*imc)+(0.23*idade)-(10.8*sexo)-5.4 gordura = round(gordura, 1) percentual_de_gordura(gordura) In ‘sexo’, I wanted the value assigned to be 1 if it’s male and 0 if it’s female. The GUI I got uses two radio buttons: One for Masculino (Male) and one for Feminino (Female). But I’m not able to make them functional for the fat percentage equation. masculino_rb = Radiobutton( frame2, text='Masculino', variable=var, value=1 ) masculino_rb.pack(side=LEFT) feminino_rb = Radiobutton( frame2, text='Feminino', variable=var, value=0 ) feminino_rb.pack(side=RIGHT) I tried to create an if and else condition, but I can't make the code understand the radio button selection.
The radio button values are being assigned to the variable var in your example. However, you need to extract the value by using var.get(). With this information in mind, you could set the sexo variable to be equal to var.get(). ... def calcular_gordura(): sexo = var.get() idade = int(idade_tf.get()) kg = int(peso_tf.get()) m = int(altura_tf.get()) / 100 imc = kg / (m * m) imc = round(imc, 1) gordura = (1.2*imc)+(0.23*idade)-(10.8*sexo)-5.4 gordura = round(gordura, 1) percentual_de_gordura(gordura) ...
Frozen cameras in OpenCV
I have tried to place two cameras to be able to take snapshots in both, I have even put a button to activate one and then the other but one way or another whenever I activate both together or deactivate one and activate the next one the window freezes. I attach the code that I was building if you have any suggestions on the matter I would greatly appreciate it. I have little knowledge of Python in general so keep it a little friendly. from tkinter import * from tkinter import Tk, Label, Frame, Entry, Button from tkinter import ttk from PIL import Image from PIL import ImageTk import cv2 import threading import imutils window0= Tk() #Pantalla inicial window0.title('Detección del punto optimo de vacunación') #Titulo de la ventana window0.geometry('1280x720') #Dimesiones de la ventana window0.configure(bg='#35455d') #Color de fondo tabControl = ttk.Notebook(window0) tab1 = ttk.Frame(tabControl) tab2 = ttk.Frame(tabControl) tabControl.add(tab1, text ='Formulario') tabControl.add(tab2, text ='Captura de webcam') tabControl.pack(expand = 1, fill ="both") #Pestaña 1 label_0 = Label(tab1, text="Formulario de Registro",width=20,font=("bold", 20)) label_0.place(x=90,y=53) label_1 = Label(tab1, text="Edad",width=20,font=("bold", 10)) label_1.place(x=70,y=130) entry_1 = Entry(tab1) entry_1.place(x=240,y=130) label_2 = Label(tab1, text="Genero",width=20,font=("bold", 10)) label_2.place(x=70,y=180) var = IntVar() Radiobutton(tab1, text="M",padx = 5, variable=var, value=1).place(x=235,y=180) Radiobutton(tab1, text="F",padx = 20, variable=var, value=2).place(x=290,y=180) def IMC(): try: peso = int(entrada_texto.get()) estatura = int(entrada2_texto.get()) imc = peso/estatura**2 etiqueta5.config(text=imc) except ValueError: etiqueta5.config(text="Introduce un numero") label_3 = Label(tab1, text="Estatura",width=20,font=("bold", 10)) label_3.place(x=70,y=230) estatura= "" entry_3 = Entry(tab1, textvariable=estatura) entry_3.place(x=240,y=230) label_4 = Label(tab1,text="Peso",width=20,font=("bold", 10)) label_4.place(x=70,y=280) peso= "" entry_4 =Entry(tab1, textvariable=peso) entry_4.place(x=240,y=280) # print('Su IMC es:¨{}'.format(indice)) label_5 = Label(tab1,text="IMC:",width=20,font=("bold", 10)) label_5.place(x=70,y=330) entry_5 =Entry(tab1) entry_5.place(x=240,y=330) Button(tab1, text='Capturar Imagen',width=20,bg='brown',fg='white').place(x=580,y=560) # it is use for display the registration form on the window def iniciarcam1(): global cap cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0, cv2.CAP_DSHOW) visualizar() def iniciarcam2(): global cap1 cap1 = cv2.VideoCapture(0,cv2.CAP_DSHOW) visualizar1() def visualizar(): global cap if cap is not None: ret, frame = cap.read() if ret == True: frame = imutils.resize(frame, width=360) frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) im = Image.fromarray(frame) img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image=im) lblVideo.configure(image=img) lblVideo.image = img lblVideo.after(20, visualizar) else: lblVideo.image = "" cap.release() def visualizar1(): global cap1 if cap1 is not None: ret, frame = cap1.read() if ret == True: frame = imutils.resize(frame, width=360) frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) im = Image.fromarray(frame) img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image=im) lblVideo1.configure(image=img) lblVideo1.image = img lblVideo1.after(20, visualizar) else: lblVideo1.image = "" cap1.release() def finalizarcam1(): global cap if cap.isOpened():cap.release() print("Camara 1 release") def finalizarcam2(): global cap1 if cap1.isOpened():cap1.release() print("Camara 2 release") cap = None cap1 = None btnIniciar = Button(tab1, text="Iniciar CAM1", width=20, command=iniciarcam1) # btnIniciar.grid(column=0, row=0, padx=5, pady=5) btnIniciar.place(x=800,y=53) btnFinalizar = Button(tab1, text="Finalizar CAM1", width=20, command=finalizarcam1) # btnFinalizar.grid(column=1, row=0, padx=5, pady=5) btnFinalizar.place(x=800,y=103) btnIniciar = Button(tab1, text="Iniciar CAM2", width=20, command=iniciarcam2) # btnIniciar.grid(column=0, row=0, padx=5, pady=5) btnIniciar.place(x=1000,y=53) btnFinalizar = Button(tab1, text="Finalizar CAM2", width=20, command=finalizarcam2) # btnFinalizar.grid(column=1, row=0, padx=5, pady=5) btnFinalizar.place(x=1000,y=103) lblVideo = Label(window0) lblVideo1 = Label(window0) # lblVideo.grid(column=0, row=1, columnspan=2) lblVideo.place(x=500,y=200) lblVideo1.place(x=900,y=200) #Pestaña 2 label2_0 = Label(tab2, text="Procesado",width=20,font=("bold", 20)) label2_0.place(x=90,y=20) window0.mainloop()
I run code and it never freeze window. The only mistake which I found is: you fogot 1 in word visualizar1 in line lblVideo1.after(20, visualizar) in function visualizar1 - so when you start second camera then after tries to run code for first camera and it can't update image for second camera and it may look like it freeze.
Python: calling function inside if statement from another File
I have an error in my program: "Taula_G3110 () NameError: name 'Taula_G3110' is not defined" My question is: I want to call a function that is inside an IF loop.This function is in another file. I have tried everything with imports: "from Kleben_Tabelle import Taula_G3110, Taula_G3111. import Kleben_Tabelle ", but there is no way. Does anyone have an idea what I'm doing wrong? Code: from tkinter import * from PIL import Image, ImageTk from tkinter import ttk from tkinter import messagebox #from Kleben_Tabelle import * import serial import time import PIL.Image import Kleben_Tabelle root = Tk() root.geometry("1000x600") # root.resizable (False,False) root.title("Combobox") arduino = serial.Serial("COM7", 9600) time.sleep(0.1) # reducir el uso de la CPU.Prueba con diferentes valores (0.01 a 0.1) def cambiar(): mes = combo.get() if mes == "G3110": label_resultat.configure(text=txt) Taula_G3110() if mes == "G3111": label_resultat.configure(text=txt2) Taula_G3111() if mes == "G3112": messagebox.showinfo("Mes", "Marzo") def apagarLED(): arduino.write(b'4') time.sleep(1) def cerrarInterfaz(): # cerrar comunicación Serial global raiz arduino.close() # cerrar ventana root.destroy() image = Image.open ('Edifici_Knauer_blau.png') photo_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image) label = Label(root, image=photo_image) label.pack() frame_resultat = Frame(root, width=400, height=100, relief="flat", highlightbackground="blue", highlightthickness=1) frame_resultat.place(x=250, y=200) label_resultat = Label(root, text="", bg="yellow", borderwidth=0, relief="groove", width=20, height=2, justify='left', highlightbackground="blue", highlightthickness=1) label_resultat.place(x=80, y=200) etiqueta = Label(root, text="Zelle: Kleben") etiqueta.place(x=100, y=40) combo = ttk.Combobox(root, state="readonly") combo.place(x=100, y=70) combo["values"] = ("G3110", "G3111", "G3112", "1") combo.current(0) boton = Button(root, text="Cambiar mes", command=cambiar) boton.place(x=100, y=100) # boton de apagado del LED btnApagar = ttk.Button(root, text="Reset", command=apagarLED) # btnApagar = ttk.Button(raiz,text ="Reset",command = clearTextInput) btnApagar.place(x=420, y=450) # boton de Cerrar interfaz btnCerrar = ttk.Button(root, text="Cerrar", command=cerrarInterfaz) btnCerrar.place(x=420, y=480) txt = ("G3110 Frontabdeckung") txt2 = ("G3111 Frontabdeckung") root.mainloop() and this ist my other File with this Module-Function:(File: Kleben_Tabelle.py) def Taula_G3110(): arduino.write(bytes(b'T')) arbol = ttk.Treeview(frame_resultat,columns=("Bauteile","Regal","Lager")) arbol.column ('#0',width=100) arbol.column ('Bauteile',width=100) arbol.column ('Regal',width=80) arbol.column ('Lager',width=80) arbol.insert("",END,text="G3110",values=("P6400","K2.0001.01","Regal 2")) arbol.insert("",END,text="G3110",values=("P6406XA","K1.0004.01")) arbol.insert("",END,text="G3110",values=("P6403XA","K1.0003.01")) arbol.heading("#0",text="Model") arbol.heading("Bauteile",text="Bauteile") arbol.heading("Regal",text="Regal") arbol.place(x=100,y=70) arbol.pack()
In order to call a function in a module that you've imported, you need to reference the module and function like so: import Kleben_Tabelle ... def cambiar(): mes = combo.get() if mes == "G3110": label_resultat.configure(text=txt) Kleben_Tabelle.Taula_G3110()
How to sum a Treeview's values in Tkinter
I'm developing a GUI where the idea is to add some values to a treeview (as a billing system) and then get the result or sum of all items' prices. The button "Agregar" (Add in English) get the Entries' data and add them to the treevew; one of them if the amount of money to pay. Now what I want, and haven't been able to get, is the sum of the values given in the treeview to be shown in the field or entry which is below the treeview when "Generar" (Generate in English) button is pressed. Next, the code I got: #!/usr/bin/python #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- from Tkinter import* from ttk import Combobox, Treeview from tkMessageBox import* import MySQLdb from controller import * import math class Gastos(Frame): def __init__(self, parent, controller): Frame.__init__(self, parent) #INSTANCIAS global cc, nombre, pago, ref, cod, desc, valor #INSTANCIAS DE LOS WIDGETS global e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, tree, l8 cc = IntVar() nombre = StringVar() pago = StringVar() ref = StringVar() cod = StringVar() desc = StringVar() valor = DoubleVar() tbancos = ['Bancolombia', "Banco Bogotá", "Banco Agrario", "Banco Occidente"] lupa = PhotoImage(file='img/lupa.png') tbanktype = ['Corriente','Ahorro'] fpago = ['Efectivo','Transferencia'] resultado = DoubleVar() #BUSQUEDA = ["Nombre","CC/Nit"] busqueda = StringVar() busqueda.trace("w", lambda name, index, mode: buscar()) dato = StringVar() #WIDGETS #========================= HEADER ============================== self.titleL = Label(self, text="GASTOS", font="bold") self.titleL.pack(pady=20, side=TOP) #========================== WRAPPER ============================ self.wrapper = Frame (self) self.wrapper.pack(side=LEFT, fill=Y) #Esto centro el wrapper #self.wrapper.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=True) #======================== BENEFICIARIO ======================= self.lf1 = LabelFrame(self.wrapper, text="Beneficiario") self.lf1.pack(fill=X, ipady=5) self.f0 = Frame(self.lf1) self.f0.pack(pady=5, fill=X)#----------------------------------- l1 = Label(self.f0, text='CC/Nit:') l1.pack(side=LEFT) e1 = Entry(self.f0, textvariable=cc) e1.pack(side=LEFT) b0 = Button(self.f0, text='Buscar:', image=lupa, command=buscarB) b0.pack(side=LEFT) l2 = Label(self.f0, text='Nombre:') l2.pack(side=LEFT) e2 = Entry(self.f0, textvariable=nombre) e2.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, expand=1) self.f1 = Frame(self.lf1) self.f1.pack(pady=5, fill=X)#----------------------------------- l3 = Label(self.f1, text='Forma de Pago:') l3.pack(side=LEFT) Cbx = Combobox(self.f1, textvariable=pago, values=fpago, width=15) Cbx.set('Efectivo') Cbx.pack(side=LEFT) l4 = Label(self.f1, text='Ref. Bancaria:') l4.pack(side=LEFT) e3 = Entry(self.f1, textvariable=ref) e3.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, expand=1) b1 = Button(self.f1, text='Buscar:', image=lupa) b1.image=lupa b1.pack(side=LEFT) #======================== CONCEPTO ======================== self.lf2 = LabelFrame(self.wrapper, text="Concepto") self.lf2.pack(fill=X, ipady=5) self.f2 = Frame(self.lf2) self.f2.pack(pady=5, fill=X)#------------------------------- l5 = Label(self.f2, text='Código:') l5.pack(side=LEFT) e4 = Entry(self.f2, textvariable=cod) e4.pack(side=LEFT) b2 = Button(self.f2, text='Buscar:', image=lupa, command=buscarC) b2.pack(side=LEFT) self.f3 = Frame(self.lf2) self.f3.pack(pady=5, fill=X)#------------------------------- l6 = Label(self.f3, text='Descripción:') l6.pack(side=LEFT) e5 = Entry(self.f3, textvariable=desc, state=DISABLED) e5.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, expand=1) l7 = Label(self.f3, text='Valor:') l7.pack(side=LEFT) e6 = Entry(self.f3, width=15, textvariable=valor) e6.pack(side=LEFT) b3 = Button(self.f3, text='Agregar:', command=agregar) b3.pack(side=LEFT) #-------------------------- TREEVIEW --------------------------- self.f4 = Frame(self.wrapper) self.f4.pack(pady=5,fill=X) tree = Treeview(self.f4, height=4, show="headings", columns=('col1','col2','col3')) tree.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, expand=1) tree.column('col1', width=20, anchor='center') tree.column('col2', width=200, anchor='center') tree.column('col3', width=10, anchor='center') tree.heading('col1', text='Código') tree.heading('col2', text='Concepto') tree.heading('col3', text='Valor') scroll = Scrollbar(self.f4,orient=VERTICAL,command=tree.yview) tree.configure(yscrollcommand=scroll.set) #-------------------------------------------------------------- self.f5 = Frame(self.wrapper) self.f5.pack(pady=5,fill=X)#------------------- #RESULT MUST BE SHOWN HERE l8 = Label(self.f5, text=resultado, fg="red", bg="white", anchor='e', font="bold, 22", relief= SUNKEN) l8.pack(fill=X, side=RIGHT, expand=1) #l8.set("link") self.fBtn = Frame(self.wrapper) self.fBtn.pack()#------------------------------- clean = Button(self.fBtn, text='Cancelar', bg='navy', foreground='white', activebackground='red3', activeforeground='white', command=limpiar) clean.pack(side=RIGHT) update = Button(self.fBtn, text='Actualizar', bg='navy', foreground='white', activebackground='red3', activeforeground='white', state=DISABLED) update.pack(side=RIGHT) add = Button(self.fBtn, text='Generar', bg='navy', foreground='white', activebackground='red3', activeforeground='white', command=generar) add.pack(side=RIGHT) #========================= ASIDE =========================== self.aside = Frame(self) self.aside.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH) self.wrap1 = Frame(self.aside) self.wrap1.pack() self.viewer = Label(self.wrap1, text="LISTA DE GASTOS") self.viewer.pack() scroll = Scrollbar(self.wrap1, orient=VERTICAL) scroll.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) lb = Listbox(self.wrap1, yscrollcommand=scroll.set, height=20, width=30) scroll.config (command=lb.yview) lb.pack(fill=BOTH) lb.bind("<Double-Button-1>", callback) self.wrap2 = Frame(self.aside) self.wrap2.pack() load = Button(self.wrap2, text='Cargar lista', bg='navy', foreground='white', activebackground='red3', activeforeground='white', command=cargar_lista) load.pack(fill=X) delete = Button(self.wrap2, text='Borrar', bg='navy', foreground='white', activebackground='red3', activeforeground='white', command=borrar) delete.pack(fill=X) edit = Button(self.wrap2, text='Modificar', bg='navy', foreground='white', activebackground='red3', activeforeground='white', command=modificar) edit.pack(fill=X) buscador = Label(self.wrap2, text="Buscar por Número:") buscador.pack() E = Entry(self.wrap2, textvariable=busqueda, width=24) E.pack() E.bind("<KeyRelease>", caps) def cargar_lista(): try: connect.commit() display = "SELECT g_num FROM detalles order by g_num;" cursor.execute(display) registros = cursor.fetchall() lb.delete(0, END) for item in registros: #print item num = item[0] lb.insert(END, num) except: showerror("Mensaje", "Ha ocurrido un error") # NUEVO / CANCELAR def limpiar(): tree.delete(*tree.get_children()) pass def agregar(): v1 = cc.get() v2 = None v3 = cod.get() v4 = desc.get() v5 = valor.get() tree.insert('', 0, values=(v3,v4,v5)) #FUNCTION THAT GIVE THE VALUES def generar(): children = tree.get_children()#OBTIENE LOS iid DE LOS ITEMS for child in children: i = tree.item(child, 'values')[2]#OBTIENE LOS VALORES DE LOS ITEMS print i def borrar(): pass def bloquear(): pass def callback(event): llenar_campos() def llenar_campos(): pass def habilitar(): pass def modificar(): pass def actualizar(): pass def buscar(): pass def buscarB(): connect.commit() try: v = cc.get() sql = "SELECT b_nombre from beneficiarios WHERE b_cc='%d';" % (v) cursor.execute(sql) query = cursor.fetchone() for n in query: nombre.set(n) except TypeError, e: showerror("Error", e) except MySQLdb.IntegrityError, e: showerror("Error", e) def buscarC(): connect.commit() try: v = cod.get() sql = "SELECT cg_nombre from concepto_gastos WHERE cg_cod='%s';" % (v) cursor.execute(sql) query = cursor.fetchone() for n in query: desc.set(n) except TypeError, e: showerror("Error", e) except MySQLdb.IntegrityError, e: showerror("Error", e) except: showerror ("Mensaje", "No se encuentra!") # CONVIERTE LA ENTRADA DE LOS ENTRIES EN MAYÚSCULA def caps(event): pass The code is not finished, that's why it has so much info. But next function is what give me the values I need to be sum: def generar(): children = tree.get_children()#OBTIENE LOS iid DE LOS ITEMS for child in children: i = tree.item(child, 'values')[2]#OBTIENE LOS VALORES DE LOS ITEMS print i By the way, this file is called by another (home.py) to interact with it. If anyone could give me a hand this problem, you'll save a life. Thanks for your time, look on this, and anything you could answer. Sorry for my English if it is not good.
You have to convert string to float and then you can add to variable ie. total def generar(): total = 0.0 for child in tree.get_children(): total += float(tree.item(child, 'values')[2]) print total But you could add value even in agregar to get total with using button # create global variables total = 0.0 # or total_var = DoubleVar() def agregar(): # inform function to use external/global variable when you use `+=` global total v1 = cc.get() v2 = None v3 = cod.get() v4 = desc.get() v5 = valor.get() total += v5 # or total_var.set(total_var.get() + v5) tree.insert('', 0, values=(v3,v4,v5)) Full working example import Tkinter as tk import ttk # --- functions --- def agregar(v3, v4, v5): tree.insert('', 0, values=(v3,v4,v5)) def generar(): total = 0.0 for child in tree.get_children(): total += float(tree.item(child, 'values')[2]) print total result['text'] = 'Total: {}'.format(total) # --- main --- root = tk.Tk() tree = ttk.Treeview(root, height=4, show="headings", columns=('col1','col2','col3')) tree.pack() tree.heading('col1', text='Código') tree.heading('col2', text='Concepto') tree.heading('col3', text='Valor') add = tk.Button(root, text='Generar', command=generar) add.pack() result = tk.Label(root, text='Total: 0') result.pack() agregar("1", "AAA", 1.11) agregar("2", "BBB", 2.22) agregar("3", "CCC", 3.33) root.mainloop()
The reason you are getting PY_VAR240 is because your code is trying to display an object instead of a value. There is already an answer here that hints at the issue as well: Python Tkinter Treeview - Iterating 'get_children' output Also here is how I get the values from a row: rowItem = treeSomeTree.item(itemID) itemDictionary = rowItem['values'] someVariable = itemDictionary[0] Note the item id variable represents row item identifier which may or may not be a number and must be unique. The treeview .insert defaults to None (iid=None) if not specified. By specifying the iid as an integer value as you inert rows you will always know which row you have (or need to get) to summarize.
tkinter labels dont show
So I got the assignment to make a small Bingo App (Windows btw) after I followed a few webinars on Tkinter GUI and some Googling. I have made successfull little apps that worked correctly, but this time I try to make it with knowledge I think I have. Anyway, in that Bingo app, I want 50 labels that represent 50 numbers of the Bingo card, 5 rows of 10 numbers. I know how to align them, but they need to show up first. Can you look at my code and assess what I do wrong? Ignore the many Dutch comments :) ''' iWMMMM0. XM#o:..iIMM. MM. :XC17, YM8 M# v#9. .W# ,M, #M 7#i ,0$: M0 MM .M. #7 M#t, ME MQ MM iM. #$Ci$Q ;M#CCY:. CM ,M, b#$; v;7IEW#MMM#1 MQ WQ .tE0Q2nCCYc;i,:7#MMi :M #b . .. .:YCb0U: YMM. WM E#i .... ,i: ,b#; bMQ,SbW06i oM MC ... MME9#$Y . .#b SM#b2tob#MM1 Mi #7 ... #M .v iMt ... #X :CoUzt: :MM, nWM#Bc :nQ#$Ui M: #Y .. M9 MM# b# ... Zb1#Zi. .;Z#Y SMi MM#t;vCMM,CMM0C77bMM8 M, #7 .. #6 Y7 ;Mn ... #QB. ,#b ZM MM .n9U; bMM. ;z2U7 MM M: #Y ., #9.;tQQv ... ;MQ, :#; Mv MM X$: M; , ;$2. 7#i M8 M: #7 .. #BW1i ..,:Y$Mt$ MX MMtiEM: E#: ZME,.W$c ; c# .M M: #Y ., ME .. .ZMM8o89 QM. i;U## .Zb7: ,BBYzQ bM# Mi M Mi #X .. M, iMM#WS :bWQb, ,#M1;IoIX 1#c bMMX iM I#E$CM M, M .MM #7 ., Mn EM8AEE#: . v$AWQ#$Q#MMIWz, ;$Z$ MMzW2 M# $ZY$C bM CM MZ ib#i .. ##. ;t $z#. ., CWUWnE$b7: :Y #$c MEYY .MM8 :; vM. M1 iM iMi .., #bWI,..M#i#C .., Mv i#E. UMM2 #BC oC;tMMCES .#M MM MY E0 ... S#i:Z$MZ .Mv ... M8 7WEz MnZo #obUA: ic.7bEW$#M#C iMM CMi I#; .. b#; $$ ... ,MQ 7$Zz #zbz #IXW#E69z. 80 ::iAMM; iM$ .$Qi . :Z$Q0Q#6. ... MQ0 C$b1 MtQ7 YZWW,.c$## MC MMM#b. MM7 iBWv. .., .M#7$ v$8; vQ0:iCAM: :#bM0 nMU BM :MM1 .6$Q7: ;MMS:Q7 ##i12EMzEESB# .7:,,2M# MM ,MM#: ,1E$BQbZ6EBMM#; iQQ##B$72n7i.,vo tQQIZQ$WC .#MQ 6MM#o;,,:ivY;i,,iEMM...,,:iC2Q#MMMQ$M$..,i::,;9MMZ YIEbEAU269086, ;Bb08bAz;:. 7QbEZb8boi ''' ##Basale geimporteerde functies from tkinter import* #self=() #Importeert de randomfucntie #import random #Importeert de Python Debugger #Runnen met pdb.run #import pdb #Importeert de PIL Python Image Library #from PIL import Image, ImageTK #image = image.open("bestandsnaam.jpg") #photo ImageTK.PhotoImage(image) #Een afbeelding op een label #label = Label(image=photo(als photo de naam van de variable is)) #label.image = photo (bewaren als referentie?<- geen idee nog) ''' #=# Start van metainfo class/klasse class MetaBingPy(): def __init__(self): super(MetaBingPy, self).__init__() self.parent = parent self.pack() MetaBingPy.BingoPyC(self) ##Functie voor random number generator def BingoPyC: self.root = Tk() self.root.title("Python Bingo") #=#Einde metainfo class ''' ###def random.randint(1,50) #####of# randrange(1,50) ##GUI voor BingPy, moet root heten. Geen eigen naam, zoals: ##BingPyGUI wat ik had. root = Tk() root.wm_title("Bingo Python") root.wm_maxsize("800","600") root.wm_minsize("800","600") #root.wm_grid(baseWidth="800", baseHeight="800") #root.grid("800x800") #_tkinter.TclError: wrong # args: should be "wm grid window ?baseWidth baseHeight #widthInc heightInc?" ##self.title="Bingo Python" ###GUI voor BingPy code, altijd afsluiten met: ###bovenaan root.mainloop() ''' #Algemene Python Bingo klasse class BingoPy def ''' #Labels voor alle nummers (50) label1 = Label(root, text="1jghjgjkhjhg") label1.grid() label1.pack() label2 = Label(root, text="2") label2.grid() label2.pack() label3 = Label(root, text="3") label3.grid() label3.pack() label4 = Label(root, text="4") label4.grid() label4.pack() label5 = Label(root, text="5") label5.grid() label5.pack() label6 = Label(root, text="6") label6.grid() label6.pack() label7 = Label(root, text="7") label7.grid() label7.pack() label8 = Label(root, text="8") label8.grid() label8.pack() label9 = Label(root, text="9") label9.grid() label9.pack() label10 = Label(root, text="10") label10.grid() label10.pack() label11 = Label(root, text="11") label11.grid() label11.pack() label12 = Label(root, text="12") label12.grid() label12.pack() Label13 = Label(root, text="13") Label13.grid() Label13.pack() label14 = Label(root, text="14") label14.grid() label14.pack() label15 = Label(root, text="15") label15.grid() label15.pack() label16 = Label(root, text="16") label16.grid() label16.pack() label7 = Label(root, text="17") label17.grid() label17.pack() label18 = Label(root, text="18") label18.grid() label18.pack() label19 = Label(root, text="19") label19.grid() label19.pack() label20 = Label(root, text="20") label20.grid() label20.pack() label21 = Label(root, text="21") label21.grid() label21.pack() label22 = Label(root, text='22') label22.grid() label22.pack() label23 = Label(root, text="23") label23.grid() label23.pack() label24 = Label(root, text="24") label24.grid() label24.pack() label25 = Label(root, text="25") label25.grid() label25.pack() label26 = Label(root, text="26") label26.grid() label26.pack() label27 = Label(root, text="27") label27.grid() label27.pack() label28.Label(root, text="28") label28.grid() label28.pack() label29 = Label(root, text="29") label29.grid() label29.pack() label30 = Label(root, text="30") label30.grid() label30.pack() label31 = Label(root, text="31") label31.grid() label31.pack() label32 = Label(root, text="32") label32.grid() label32.pack() label33 = Label(root, text="33") label33.grid() label33.pack() label34 = Label(root, text="34") label34.grid() label34.pack() label35 = Label(root, text="35") label35.grid() label35.pack() label36 = Label(root, text="36") label36.grid() label36.pack() label37 = Label(root, text="37") label37.grid() label37.pack() label38 = Label(root, text="38") label38.grid() label38.pack() label39 = Label(root, text="39") label39.grid() label39.pack() label40 = Label(root, text="40") label40.grid() label40.pack() label41 = Label(root, text="41") label41.grid() label41.pack() label42 = Label(root, text="42") label42.grid() label42.pack() label43 = Label(root, text="43") label43.grid() label43.pack() label44 = Label(root, text="44") label44.grid() label44.pack() label45 = Label(root, text="45") label45.grid() label45.pack() label46 = Label(root, text="46") label46.grid() label46.pack() label47 = Label(root, text="47") label47.grid() label47.pack() label48 = Label(root, text="48") label48.grid() label48.pack() label49 = Label(root, text="49") label49.grid() label49.pack() label50 = Label(root, text="50") label50.grid() label50.pack() #Maakt het rood (en als het mogelijk is: doorstrepen) als het getrokken is #Waarde-return in veld + niet meer zelfde nummer kunnen kiezen #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Knoppen voor afsluiten en nieuw getal ##Afsluiten #def bingoclose(): # print("Bingo Afsluiten") ''' bAfsluiten = Button(root,text"Sluit Bingo Af") bAfsluiten.pack() ''' ''' { 'title' : ['BingPy'], 'summary' : ['Simple Bingo Python Application with rand.num generator'], 'authors' : ['Thomas'] #'date' : ['2015'] 'base_url' : ['http://www.rainydays.eu'] } ''' ''' Info en weblinks: https://docs.python.org/3/library/random.html?highlight=random#module-random http://infohost.nmt.edu/tcc/help/pubs/tkinter/tkinter.pdf (Python 2.7!) https://wiki.scinet.utoronto.ca/wiki/images/4/41/Pwcgui.pdf http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3643235/how-to-add-a-margin-to-a-tkinter -window Margins in Python (padx, pady) '''
You need to learn about data structures, like list. You had root.mainloop() early on in the code. That starts a loop. Nothing after that is executed until the window is closed, which means it has to be at the end. Choose one geometry manager. You can't use both grid() and pack() in the same parent widget, much less on the same child widget. You had some typos, like label7 = instead of label17 =, and label28.Label instead of label28 = Label. Most of these would never have happened if you had used a list. Obviously, 50 labels won't fit in a single column in a window of that size. You've got some decisions ahead of you involving window size, label placement, possible scrollbar, and so on. The resulting code taking into account all these points (except the last) is shown below. from tkinter import * root = Tk() root.wm_title("Bingo Python") root.wm_maxsize("800","600") root.wm_minsize("800","600") labels = [Label(root, text=i) for i in range(1, 51)] for label in labels: label.pack() root.mainloop()