I am working with AWS Lambda Function and want to integrate them with Dynamo-db to keep the track of my cloudwatch data matrix into it in order to keep track of alerts for sending messages if alerts are sent or not to record in DB.
The function is perfectly fine if I don't use Dynamo-DB, below is the code with Dynamo-db.
I never used DynamoDB but just started.
import json
import os
import boto3
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
def lambda_handler(event, context):
fsx = boto3.client('fsx')
cloudwatch = boto3.client('cloudwatch')
ses = boto3.client('ses')
region_name = os.environ['AWS_REGION']
dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb', region_name=region_name)
now = datetime.utcnow()
start_time = (now - timedelta(minutes=5)).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
end_time = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
table = []
result = []
next_token = None
while True:
if next_token:
response = fsx.describe_file_systems(NextToken=next_token)
response = fsx.describe_file_systems()
for filesystem in response.get('FileSystems'):
filesystem_id = filesystem.get('FileSystemId')
next_token = response.get('NextToken')
if not next_token:
# Create the DynamoDB table if it does not exist
table = dynamodb.create_table(
'AttributeName': 'filesystem_id',
'KeyType': 'HASH' #Partition key
'attributeName': 'filesystem_id',
'AttributeType': 'S'
'attributeName': 'alert_sent',
'attributeType': 'BOOL'
'ReadCapacityUnits': 10,
'WriteCapacityUnits': 10
# Wait for the table to be created
except ClientError as e:
if e.response['Error']['Code'] != 'ResourceInUseException':
# Code to retrieve metric data and check if alert needs to be sent
for filesystem_id in table:
response = cloudwatch.get_metric_data(
'Id': 'm1',
'MetricStat': {
'Metric': {
'Namespace': 'AWS/FSx',
'MetricName': 'StorageCapacity',
'Dimensions': [
'Name': 'FileSystemId',
'Value': filesystem_id
'Name': 'StorageTier',
'Value': 'SSD'
'Name': 'DataType',
'Value': 'All'
'Period': 60,
'Stat': 'Sum'
'ReturnData': True
'Id': 'm2',
'MetricStat': {
'Metric': {
'Namespace': 'AWS/FSx',
'MetricName': 'StorageUsed',
'Dimensions': [
'Name': 'FileSystemId',
'Value': filesystem_id
'Name': 'StorageTier',
'Value': 'SSD'
'Name': 'DataType',
'Value': 'All'
'Period': 60,
'Stat': 'Sum'
'ReturnData': True
storage_capacity = response['MetricDataResults'][0]['Values']
storage_used = response['MetricDataResults'][1]['Values']
if storage_capacity:
storage_capacity = storage_capacity[0]
storage_capacity = None
if storage_used:
storage_used = storage_used[0]
storage_used = None
if storage_capacity and storage_used:
percent_used = (storage_used / storage_capacity) * 100
percent_used = None
response = dynamodb.get_item(
Key={'filesystem_id': {'S': filesystem_id}}
if 'Item' in response:
alert_sent = response['Item']['alert_sent']['BOOL']
alert_sent = False
# Send alert if storage usage exceeds threshold and no alert has been sent yet
if percent_used > 80 and not alert_sent:
email_body = "... some code..."
'ToAddresses': ['examp_mail#example.com'],
'Subject': {
'Data': email_subject
'Body': {
'Html': {
'Data': email_body
# Update FsxNMonitorFsx in DynamoDB
Key={'filesystem_id': {'S': filesystem_id}},
UpdateExpression='SET alert_sent = :val',
ExpressionAttributeValues={':val': {'BOOL': True}}
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': json.dumps('Email sent!')
Error :
"errorMessage": "Parameter validation failed:\nMissing required parameter in AttributeDefinitions[0]: \"AttributeName\"\nUnknown parameter in AttributeDefinitions[0]: \"attributeName\", must be one of: AttributeName, AttributeType\nMissing required parameter in AttributeDefinitions[1]: \"AttributeName\"\nMissing required parameter in AttributeDefinitions[1]: \"AttributeType\"\nUnknown parameter in AttributeDefinitions[1]: \"attributeName\", must be one of: AttributeName, AttributeType\nUnknown parameter in AttributeDefinitions[1]: \"attributeType\", must be one of: AttributeName, AttributeType",
"errorType": "ParamValidationError",
"requestId": "54de7194-f8e8-4a9f-91d6-0f77575de775",
Function Logs
START RequestId: 54de7194-f8e8-4a9f-91d6-0f77575de775 Version: $LATEST
[ERROR] ParamValidationError: Parameter validation failed:
Missing required parameter in AttributeDefinitions[0]: "AttributeName"
Unknown parameter in AttributeDefinitions[0]: "attributeName", must be one of: AttributeName, AttributeType
Missing required parameter in AttributeDefinitions[1]: "AttributeName"
Missing required parameter in AttributeDefinitions[1]: "AttributeType"
Unknown parameter in AttributeDefinitions[1]: "attributeName", must be one of: AttributeName, AttributeType
Unknown parameter in AttributeDefinitions[1]: "attributeType", must be one of: AttributeName, AttributeType
In the below section i just changed the 'filesystem_id' to the filesystem_id and another one is all lowercae attribute to first letter upper-cae like Attribute.
'AttributeName': filesystem_id,
'KeyType': 'HASH' #Partition key
'AttributeName': filesystem_id,
'AttributeType': 'S'
'attributeName': 'alert_sent',
'attributeType': 'BOOL'
'ReadCapacityUnits': 10,
'WriteCapacityUnits': 10
Now the New Error:
"errorMessage": "An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the CreateTable operation: 1 validation error detected: Value 'BOOL' at 'attributeDefinitions.2.member.attributeType' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must satisfy enum value set: [B, N, S]",
"errorType": "ClientError",
Can someone please help on this.
All problems clearly described in error message:
The problematic part is AttributeDefinitions
Allowed key names are !A!ttribute(Name or Type) but not !a!ttribute(Name or Type). And you improved only first element of AttributeDefinitions after editing the question.
AttributeType should be S, N or B. Not BOOL
AttributeType (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The data type for the attribute, where:
S - the attribute is of type String
N - the attribute is of type Number
B - the attribute is of type Binary
We have written python script to create the cloud function , the trigger is Https. We need to invoke fetch the output of the function , So for that we are using the environment variables but some how that is not getting stored ?
def generate_config(context):
""" Entry point for the deployment resources. """
name = context.properties.get('name', context.env['name'])
project_id = context.properties.get('project', context.env['project'])
region = context.properties['region']
resources = []
'name': 'createfunction',
'type': 'gcp-types/cloudfunctions-v1:projects.locations.functions',
'function': "licensevalidation",
'parent': 'projects//locations/',
'sourceArchiveUrl': 'gs://path',
'httpsTrigger': {"url": "https://.cloudfunctions.net/licensevalidation","securityLevel": "SECURE_ALWAYS"},
'timeout': '60s',
'serviceAccountEmail' : '.iam.gserviceaccount.com',
'availableMemoryMb': 256,
'runtime': 'python37' ,
'environmentvaiable' :
call ={
'type': 'gcp-types/cloudfunctions-v1:cloudfunctions.projects.locations.functions.call',
'name': 'call',
'data': '{""}'
'metadata': {
'dependsOn': ['createfunction']
'resources': resources,
'name': 'installationtoken',
'value': 'os.environ.get(environment_variable)'
I am writing a unit test for a python function that does a update_item in dynamodb via the table resource. The normal unit test works but raising a ClientError is something I cannot ge to work..
The tests get executed but I alwys:
E Failed: DID NOT RAISE <class 'botocore.exceptions.ClientError'>
What I am trying to do is simulate the case when I would get a Internal Server Error of AWS or a RequestLimitExceeded error.
Thanks for pointing me in the correct direction!
My functional code:
def _updateCardConfiguration(identifier, cardType, layout):
'identifier': identifier,
'cardType': cardType
UpdateExpression="SET layout = :layout",
':layout': layout
except ClientError as e:
f"The update of the cardconfiguration for the niche: {identifier} has failed with the following message: {e.response['Error']['Message']}")
return True
def lambda_handler(event, context):
# Check the cardtype
cardType = 'SearchresultCard' if (
event['detail']['action'] == 'updateSearchresultCard') else 'DetailCard'
# Update the card configuration
event['detail']['identifier'], cardType, event['detail']["layout"])
return True
My test code:
def cardConfigurationsTable(aws_credentials):
with mock_dynamodb2():
#client = boto3.client('dynamodb', region_name='eu-west-1')
dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb')
'AttributeName': 'identifier',
'KeyType': 'HASH'
'AttributeName': 'cardType',
'KeyType': 'RANGE'
'AttributeName': 'identifier',
'AttributeType': 'S'
'AttributeName': 'cardType',
'AttributeType': 'S'
'StreamEnabled': True,
'StreamViewType': 'NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES'
'Enabled': True
'IndexName': 'byIdentifier',
'KeySchema': [
'AttributeName': 'identifier',
'KeyType': 'HASH'
'AttributeName': 'cardType',
'KeyType': 'RANGE'
'Projection': {
'ProjectionType': 'ALL'
yield dynamodb.Table('CardConfigurations')
def test_updateItem_raises_clientExecption(cardConfigurationsTable, env_vars):
""" Unit test for testing the lambda that updates the cardconfiguration
Scenario: No detail card is configured for the niche
:param fixture cardConfigurationsTable: The fixture that mocks the dynamodb CardConfigurations table
:param fixture env_vars: The fixture with the env vars
# Prepare the event
with open('tests/unit/event-flows/dataconfiguration-state-transition/events/updateSearchresultCard.json') as json_file:
event = json.load(json_file)
stubber = Stubber(cardConfigurationsTable.meta.client)
service_message="Internal Server Error",
# Import the lambda handler
lambdaFunction = importlib.import_module(
with pytest.raises(ClientError) as e_info:
# Execute the handler
response = lambdaFunction.lambda_handler(event, {})
I would start by creating a default table that your _updateCardConfiguration function can use.
def get_table():
table = dynamodb.Table("CardConfigurations")
return table
default_table = get_table()
You can then pass it as a default argument to the function that needs it. This makes it easier to test the function. To do so, modify your _updateCardConfiguration function header to look like this :
def _updateCardConfiguration(identifier, cardType, layout, table=default_table):
Doing this gives us the ability to replace the default table with a mocked table for testing. The complete modified function looks like this:
def _updateCardConfiguration(identifier, cardType, layout, table=default_table):
Key={"identifier": identifier, "cardType": cardType},
UpdateExpression="SET layout = :layout",
ExpressionAttributeValues={":layout": layout},
except ClientError as e:
f"The update of the cardconfiguration for the niche: {identifier} has failed with the following message: {e.response['Error']['Message']}"
return True
As you can see, all that changes is the header.
Then in your test_updateItem_raises_clientExecption test function file, I would change the lines
with pytest.raises(ClientError) as e_info:
# Execute the handler
response = lambdaFunction.lambda_handler(event, {})
with pytest.raises(ClientError, match="InternalServerError"):
# Execute the _updateCardConfiguration function
None, None, None, cardConfigurationsTable
By passing in your cardConfigurationsTable fixture, your function wiil operate against it and you should get the behaviour you expect.
I use elasticsearch python api to create mappings, but it went some wrong:
es = Elasticsearch("localhost:9200")
request_body = {
"settings": {
"number_of_shards": 5,
"number_of_replicas": 1
'mappings': {
'examplecase': {
'properties': {
'tbl_id': {'index': 'not_analyzed', 'type': 'string'},
'texts': {'index': 'analyzed', 'type': 'string'},
es.indices.create(index='example_index', body=request_body)
it shows elasticsearch.exceptions.RequestError: RequestError(400, 'mapper_parsing_exception', 'No handler for type [string] declared on field [texts]'), and I find some solution that they say: use text instead of string in the field type, but it also went wrong: elasticsearch.exceptions.RequestError: RequestError(400, 'mapper_parsing_exception', 'Failed to parse mapping [examplecase]: Could not convert [texts.index] to boolean'). The elasticsearch version iselasticsearch-6.5.4. How can I deal with it?
'index': 'analyzed' OR 'index': 'not_analyzed'
is an older elasticsearch version mapping and not needed.
All you need to do is use 'text' for analyzed string fields and 'keyword' for not_analyzed text fields, like this:
es = Elasticsearch("localhost:9200")
request_body = {
"settings": {
"number_of_shards": 5,
"number_of_replicas": 1
'mappings': {
'examplecase': {
'properties': {
'tbl_id': {'type': 'keyword'},
'texts': {'type': 'text'},
es.indices.create(index='example_index', body=request_body)
see reference in Elastic docs here: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/mapping.html
See this. The index setting in your mapping is incorrectly configured. It is a mapping parameter and can be set to true or false only. You cannot set this within the properties parameter.
I have a method where I build a table for multiple items for Google's DLP inspect API which can take either a ContentItem, or a table of values
Here is how the request is constructed:
def redact_text(text_list):
dlp = google.cloud.dlp.DlpServiceClient()
project = 'my-project'
parent = dlp.project_path(project)
items = build_item_table(text_list)
info_types = [{'name': 'EMAIL_ADDRESS'}, {'name': 'PHONE_NUMBER'}]
inspect_config = {
'min_likelihood': "LIKELIHOOD_UNSPECIFIED",
'include_quote': True,
'info_types': info_types
response = dlp.inspect_content(parent, inspect_config, items)
return response
def build_item_table(text_list):
rows = []
for item in text_list:
row = {"values": [{"stringValue": item}]}
table = {"table": {"headers": [{"name": "something"}], "rows": rows}}
return table
When I run this I get back the error ValueError: Protocol message Value has no "stringValue" field. Even though the this example and the docs say otherwise.
Is there something off in how I build the request?
Edit: Here's the output from build_item_table
{'name': 'value'}
'stringValue': 'My name is Jenny and my number is (555) 867-5309, you can also email me at anemail#gmail.com, another email you can reach me at is email#email.com. '
'stringValue': 'Jimbob Doe (555) 111-1233, that one place down the road some_email#yahoo.com'
Try string_value .... python uses the field names, not the type name.
I'm trying to adapt the asynch_query.py script found at https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/bigquery-samples-python/tree/master/python/samples for use in executing a query and having the output go to a BigQuery table. The JSON section of the script as I've created it for seting the parameters is as follows:
job_data = {
'jobReference': {
'projectId': project_id,
'job_id': str(uuid.uuid4())
'configuration': {
'query': {
'query': queryString,
'priority': 'BATCH' if batch else 'INTERACTIVE',
'createDisposition': 'CREATE_IF_NEEDED',
'defaultDataset': {
'datasetId': 'myDataset'
'destinationTable': {
'datasetID': 'myDataset',
'projectId': project_id,
'tableId': 'testTable'
'tableDefinitions': {
'(key)': {
'schema': {
'fields': [
'description': 'eventLabel',
'fields': [],
'mode': 'NULLABLE',
'name': 'eventLabel',
'type': 'STRING'
When I run my script I get an error message that a "Required parameter is missing". I've been through the documentation at https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/v2/jobs#configuration.query trying to figure out what is missing, but attempts at various configurations have failed. Can anyone identify what is missing and how I would fix this error?
Not sure what's going on. To insert the results of a query into another table I use this code:
def create_table_from_query(connector, query,dest_table):
body = {
'configuration': {
'query': {
'destinationTable': {
'projectId': your_project_id,
'tableId': dest_table,
'datasetId': your_dataset_id
'writeDisposition': 'WRITE_TRUNCATE',
'query': query,
response = connector.jobs().insert(projectId=self._project_id,
def wait_job_completion(connector, job_id):
while True:
response = connector.jobs().get(projectId=self._project_id,
if response['status']['state'] == 'DONE':
where connector is build('bigquery', 'v2', http=authorization)
Maybe you could start from there and keep adding new fields as you wish (notice that you don't have to define the schema of the table as it's already contained in the results of the query).