Manage newlines and indentation in JSON - python

I'm writing some Python code (data extraction from a ConLL-U format file) and I want my data to be stored in a .json file. I'd like to achieve an output's format like the following (x are keys, y are values):
"lemma": {"x": "y","x": [{"x":"y"}], "x": "y", "x": [{"x":"y"}], "x": "" },
"lemma1":{"x": "y", "x": [{"x":"y"}], "x": "y", "x": [{"x":"y"}], "x": "y" }...
Last section of my code (it's probably quite inefficient, but now I'm just intersted in formatting the json output):
token_info= {}
sentences = []
tokens = []
idn_dep_dict = {}
for line in lines:
if line == '\n':
tokens = []
fields = line.strip().split('\t')
if len(fields) >= 1:
if fields[0].isdigit():
idn = fields[0]
lemma = fields[1]
upos = fields[3]
xpos = fields[4]
feats = fields[5]
dep = fields[6]
pos_pair = (upos,xpos)
tokens.append((idn, lemma, pos_pair,feats,dep))
for sentence in sentences:
dependencies_dict = {} #dictionary for the dependencies of the current sentence
for token in sentence:
idn, lemma, pos_pair, feats, dep = token
if dep == '0':
dependencies_dict[idn] = 'root'
if dep in idn_dep_dict:
for head_token in sentence:
if head_token[0] == dep:
dependencies_dict[idn] = head_token[2]
# Create a dictionary for the current token's information
current_token = {'x1': [upos], 'x2': [{'0': pos_pair}],'x3': [{'0': dependencies_dict[idn]}],'x4': feats}
token_info[lemma] = current_token
# Write the JSON data to a file
with open('token_info.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
json.dump(token_info, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent = 2, separators=(',', ': '))
The current code generates a newline after each [,] or {,} or comma in the json file. I'd like to have each lemma = {corrisponding dictionary} on each line. Is it possible? Thank you all in advance

Serialize one level of the dictionary structure manually like this.
import json
token_info = json.loads('''
"lemma": {"x": "y","x2": [{"x":"y"}], "x3": "y", "x4": [{"x":"y"}], "x5": "" },
"lemma1":{"x": "y", "x2": [{"x":"y"}], "x3": "y", "x4": [{"x":"y"}], "x5": "y" }
lines = []
for k, v in token_info.items():
ks = json.dumps(k, ensure_ascii=False)
vs = json.dumps(v, ensure_ascii=False, separators=(',', ': '))
lines.append(ks + ': ' + vs)
src = '{\n ' + (',\n '.join(lines)) + '\n}'
This will output the following.
"lemma": {"x": "y","x2": [{"x": "y"}],"x3": "y","x4": [{"x": "y"}],"x5": ""},
"lemma1": {"x": "y","x2": [{"x": "y"}],"x3": "y","x4": [{"x": "y"}],"x5": "y"}


creating nested dictionaries and lists from parsed CSV

I have been working on a project that involves parsing a CSV file in order to turn all the data into a very specifically formatted JSON following a complex schema. I have to custom make this program as the required complexity of the JSON makes existing converters fail. I am mostly there, I have run into one final roadblock though:
I have nested dictionaries, and occasionally there must be a list within those, this list will contain further dictionaries. This is fine, I have been able to complete that, BUT now I need to find a way to add more nested dictionaries within those. Below is a simplified breakdown of the concept.
the CSV will look something like this, where the # before a tag indicates it's a list
x.a, x.b.z, x.b.y, x.#c.z.nest1, x.#c.z.nest2, x.#c.yy, x.d, x.e.z, x.e.y
ab, cd, ef, gh, ij, kl, mn, op, qr
this should result in the following JSON
"x": {
"a": "ab",
"b": {
"z": "cd",
"y": "ef"
"c": [
"z": {
"nest1": "gh",
"nest2": "ij"
"yy": "kl"
"d": "mn",
"e": {
"z": "op",
"y": "qr"
This is one issue that I haven't been able to solve, my current code can only do one dictionary after the list item, not further. I also need to be able to somehow do the following within a list of dictionaries:
"c": [
"z": {
"nest1": "gh"
"zz": {
"nest2": "ij"
"yy": "kl"
i.e. somehow add multiple nested dictionaries within the dictionary in the list. The problem with this occurs within the fact that these aren't reference-able by name, so I do not know how I could potentially indicate to do that within the CSV format.
Here is the code I have that works up to the first dictionary nested within a list:
import json
import pandas as pd
from os.path import exists
# df1 = pd.read_csv("excelTestFacilities.csv", header = 1, sep=",", keep_default_na=False, engine="python")
# df2 = pd.read_csv("excelTestFacilityContacts.csv", header = 1, sep=",", keep_default_na=False, engine="python")
# df = pd.merge(df1, df2, how = 'inner')
df = pd.read_csv("csvTestFile.csv", header = 1, sep=", ", keep_default_na=False, engine="python")
#print(df) # uncomment to see the transformation
json_data = df.to_dict(orient="records")
def unflatten_dic(dic):
Unflattens a CSV list into a set of nested dictionaries
ini = {}
for k,v in list(dic.items()):
node = ini
list_bool = False
*parents, key = k.split('.')
for parent in parents:
if parent[0] == '#':
list_bool = True
if list_bool:
for parent in parents:
if parent[0] == '#':
node[parent[1:]] = node = node.get(parent[1:], [])
node[parent] = node = node.get(parent, {})
node.append({key : v})
for parent in parents:
node[parent] = node = node.get(parent, {})
node[key] = v
return ini
def merge_lists(dic):
Removes duplicates within sets
for k,v in list(dic.items()):
if isinstance(v, dict):
keys = list(v.keys())
vals = list(v.values())
if all(isinstance(l, list) and len(l)==len(vals[0]) for l in vals):
dic[k] = []
val_tuple = set(zip(*vals)) # removing duplicates with set()
for t in val_tuple:
dic[k].append({subkey: t[i] for i, subkey in enumerate(keys)})
elif isinstance(v, list):
dic[k] = list(set(v)) # removing list duplicates
def clean_blanks(value):
Recursively remove all None values from dictionaries and lists, and returns
the result as a new dictionary or list.
if isinstance(value, list):
return [clean_blanks(x) for x in value if x != ""]
elif isinstance(value, dict):
return {
key: clean_blanks(val)
for key, val in value.items()
if val != "" and val != {}
return value
def add_to_dict(section_added_to, section_to_add, value, reportNum):
Adds a value to a given spot within a dictionary set.
section_added_to is optional for adding the set to a deeper section such as facility
section_to_add is the name that the new dictionary entry will have
value is the item to be added
reportNum is the number indicating which report to add to, starting at 0
if section_added_to != '':
end_list[reportNum][section_added_to][section_to_add] = value
end_list[reportNum][section_to_add] = value
def read_add_vals(filename_prefix, added_to, section):
for i in range(len(end_list)):
temp_list = []
filename = filename_prefix + str(i+1) + ".csv"
if not exists(filename):
temp_df = pd.read_csv(filename, header = 1, sep=",", keep_default_na=False, engine="python")
temp_json = temp_df.to_dict(orient="records")
for y in temp_json:
return_ini = unflatten_dic(y)
add_to_dict(added_to, section, temp_list, i)
global end_list
end_list = []
for x in json_data:
return_ini = unflatten_dic(x)
#read_add_vals('excelTestPermitsFac', 'facility', 'permits');
json_data = clean_blanks(end_list)
final_json = {"year":2021, "version":"2022-02-14", "reports":json_data}
print(json.dumps(final_json, indent=4))
There is some parts of this code that are involved in other components of the overall end JSON, but I am mainly concerned with how to change unflatten_dic()
Here is my current working code for changing unflatten_dic(), even though it doesn't work...
def list_get(list, list_item):
i = 0
for dict in list:
if list_item in dict:
return dict.get(list_item, {})
i += 1
return {}
def check_in_list(list, list_item):
i = 0
for dict in list:
if list_item in dict:
return i
i += 1
return -1
def unflatten_dic(dic):
Unflattens a CSV list into a set of nested dictionaries
ini = {}
for k,v in list(dic.items()):
node = ini
list_bool = False
*parents, key = k.split('.')
for parent in parents:
if parent[0] == '#':
list_bool = True
previous_node_list = False
if list_bool:
for parent in parents:
if parent[0] == '#':
node[parent[1:]] = node = node.get(parent[1:], [])
ends_with_dict = False
previous_node_list = True
if previous_node_list:
print("prev list")
i = check_in_list(node, parent)
if i >= 0:
node[i] = node = list_get(node, parent)
node.append({parent : {}})
previous_node_list = False
ends_with_dict = True
print("not prev list")
node[parent] = node = node.get(parent, {})
previous_node_list = False
if ends_with_dict:
node[key] = v
node.append({key : v})
for parent in parents:
node[parent] = node = node.get(parent, {})
node[key] = v
return ini
Any, even small, amount of help would be greatly appreciated.
It is easiest to use recursion and collections.defaultdict to group child entries on their parents (each entry is separated by the . in the csv data):
from collections import defaultdict
def to_dict(vals, is_list = 0):
def form_child(a, b):
return b[0][0] if len(b[0]) == 1 else to_dict(b, a[0] == '#')
d = defaultdict(list)
for a, *b in vals:
if not is_list:
return {a[a[0] == '#':]:form_child(a, b) for a, b in d.items()}
return [{a[a[0] == '#':]:form_child(a, b)} for a, b in d.items()]
import csv, json
with open('filename.csv') as f:
data = list(csv.reader(f))
r = [a.split('.')+[b] for i in range(0, len(data), 2) for a, b in zip(data[i], data[i+1])]
print(json.dumps(to_dict(r), indent=4))
"x": {
"a": "ab",
"b": {
"z": "cd",
"y": "ef"
"c": [
"z": {
"nest1": "gh",
"nest2": "ij"
"yy": "kl"
"d": "mn",
"e": {
"z": "op",
"y": "qr"
I managed to get it working in what seems to be all scenarios. Here is the code that I made for the unflatten_dic() function.
def unflatten_dic(dic):
Unflattens a CSV list into a set of nested dictionaries
ini = {}
for k,v in list(dic.items()):
node = ini
list_bool = False
*parents, key = k.split('.')
# print("parents")
# print(parents)
for parent in parents:
if parent[0] == '#':
list_bool = True
if list_bool:
for parent in parents:
if parent[0] == '#':
node[parent[1:]] = node = node.get(parent[1:], [])
elif parent.isnumeric():
# print("numeric parent")
# print("length of node")
# print(len(node))
if len(node) > int(parent):
# print("node length good")
node = node[int(parent)]
node = node[int(parent)]
node[parent] = node = node.get(parent, {})
node.append({key : v})
except AttributeError:
node[key] = v
for parent in parents:
node[parent] = node = node.get(parent, {})
node[key] = v
return ini
I haven't run into an issue thus far, this is based on the following rules for the CSV:
# before any name results in that item being a list
if the section immediately after a list in the CSV is a number, that will create multiple dictionaries within the list. Here is an example
x.a, x.b.z, x.b.y, x.#c.0.zz, x.#c.1.zz, x.#c.2.zz, x.d, x.e.z, x.e.y, x.#c.1.yy.l, x.#c.1.yy.#m.q, x.#c.1.yy.#m.r
ab, cd, ef, gh, , kl, mn, op, qr, st, uv, wx
12, 34, 56, 78, 90, 09, , 65, 43, 21, , 92
This will result in the following JSON after formatting
"reports": [
"x": {
"a": "ab",
"b": {
"z": "cd",
"y": "ef"
"c": [
"zz": "gh"
"yy": {
"l": "st",
"m": [
"q": "uv"
"r": "wx"
"zz": "kl"
"d": "mn",
"e": {
"z": "op",
"y": "qr"
"x": {
"a": "12",
"b": {
"z": "34",
"y": "56"
"c": [
"zz": "78"
"zz": "90",
"yy": {
"l": "21",
"m": [
"r": "92"
"zz": "09"
"e": {
"z": "65",
"y": "43"

Writing to text file while reading one. (ValueError: I/O operation on closed file.)

I'm currently working on a script that rearranges JSON data in a more basic manner so I can run it through another YOLO box plot script. So far I've managed to make the script print the data in the exact format that I wish for. However, I would like to save it in a text file so I don't have to copy/paste it every time. Doing this seemed to be more difficult than first anticipated.
So here is the code that currently "works":
import sys
data = open(sys.argv[1], 'r')
with data as file:
for line in file:
split = line.split()
if split[0] == '"x":':
print("0", split[1][0:8], end = ' ')
if split[0] == '"y":':
print(split[1][0:8], end = ' ')
if split[0] == '"w":':
print(split[1][0:8], end = ' ')
if split[0] == '"h":':
And here is an example of the dataset that will be run through this script:
"car": {
"count": 7,
"instances": [
"bbox": {
"x": 0.03839285671710968,
"y": 0.8041666746139526,
"w": 0.07678571343421936,
"h": 0.16388888657093048
"confidence": 0.41205787658691406
"bbox": {
"x": 0.9330357313156128,
"y": 0.8805555701255798,
"w": 0.1339285671710968,
"h": 0.2222222238779068
"confidence": 0.8200334906578064
"bbox": {
"x": 0.15803571045398712,
"y": 0.8111110925674438,
"w": 0.22678571939468384,
"h": 0.21111111342906952
"confidence": 0.8632314801216125
"bbox": {
"x": 0.762499988079071,
"y": 0.8916666507720947,
"w": 0.1428571492433548,
"h": 0.20555555820465088
"confidence": 0.8819259405136108
"bbox": {
"x": 0.4178571403026581,
"y": 0.8902778029441833,
"w": 0.17499999701976776,
"h": 0.17499999701976776
"confidence": 0.8824222087860107
"bbox": {
"x": 0.5919643044471741,
"y": 0.8722222447395325,
"w": 0.16607142984867096,
"h": 0.25
"confidence": 0.8865317106246948
"bbox": {
"x": 0.27767857909202576,
"y": 0.8541666865348816,
"w": 0.2053571492433548,
"h": 0.1805555522441864
"confidence": 0.8922017216682434
The outcome will be looking like this:
0 0.038392 0.804166 0.076785 0.163888
0 0.933035 0.880555 0.133928 0.222222
0 0.158035 0.811111 0.226785 0.211111
0 0.762499 0.891666 0.142857 0.205555
0 0.417857 0.890277 0.174999 0.174999
0 0.591964 0.872222 0.166071 0.25
0 0.277678 0.854166 0.205357 0.180555
Instead of printing these lines I've tried writing them to a new text file, however, I keep getting the "ValueError: I/O operation on closed file." error. I would guess this is because I already have one open and opening a new one will close the first one? Is there an easy way to work around this? Or is the hassle too much to bother and copy/pasting the print result is the "easiest" way?
Why don't you use the json and csv packages??
import csv
import json
# import sys
# file = sys.argv[1]
file = "input.json"
output_file = "output.csv"
with open(file, "r") as data_file:
data = json.load(data_file)
with open(output_file, "w") as csv_file:
writer = csv.writer(csv_file, delimiter=' ')
for value in data.values():
instances = value.get("instances")
bboxes = [instance.get("bbox") for instance in instances]
for bbox in bboxes:
0 0.038393 0.804167 0.076786 0.163889
0 0.933036 0.880556 0.133929 0.222222
0 0.158036 0.811111 0.226786 0.211111
0 0.762500 0.891667 0.142857 0.205556
0 0.417857 0.890278 0.175000 0.175000
0 0.591964 0.872222 0.166071 0.250000
0 0.277679 0.854167 0.205357 0.180556
It's important that you understand your input file format you are working with. Read about JSON here.
I do round the values to 6 digits in both examples (not sure what the requirements are but simply modify f"{bbox['x']:.6f}" and the 3 lines following that one to your use case)
Or, if you want to use jmespath along with csv and json:
import csv
import json
import jmespath # pip install jmespath
# import sys
# file = sys.argv[1]
file = "input.json"
output_file = "output.csv"
with open(file, "r") as data_file:
data = json.load(data_file)
bboxes ="*.instances[*].bbox", data)
with open(output_file, "w") as csv_file:
writer = csv.writer(csv_file, delimiter=' ')
for bbox in bboxes[0]:
I suggest parsing the file as JSON rather than raw text. If the file is JSON, treat it as JSON in order to avoid the unfortunate case in which it is valid, minified JSON and the lack of line breaks makes treating it as a string a nightmare of regexes that are likely fragile. Or possibly worse, the file is invalid JSON.
import json
import sys
with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as f:
raw =
obj = json.loads(raw)
f"0 {i['bbox']['x']:.6f} {i['bbox']['y']:.6f} {i['bbox']['w']:.6f} {i['bbox']['h']:.6f}"
for i in obj["car"]["instances"])

Python unable to parse Json file with error "raise JSONDecodeError("Extra data", s, end) json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Extra data"

I am trying to download a Json file from an API and convert it into a csv file, but the script throws the below error while parsing the json file.
For every 100 records json file closes the "]" and starts another "[". This format is not being accepted as json format. could you please suggest me how i can parse the "]" and "[" which appears every 100 records in an efficient way.The code works fine for less than 100 records without the [] brackets.
Error message:
raise JSONDecodeError("Extra data", s, end)
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Extra data
Json file format:
"A": "5",
"B": "811",
"C": [
{ "C1": 1,
"C2": "sa",
"C3": 3
"D": "HH",
"E": 0,
"F": 6
"A": "5",
"B": "811",
"C": [
{ "C1": 1,
"C2": "fa",
"C3": 3
"D": "HH",
"E": 0,
"F": 6
"A": "5",
"B": "811",
"C": [
{ "C1": 1,
"C2": "da",
"C3": 3
"D": "HH",
"E": 0,
"F": 6
import json
import pandas as pd
from flatten_json import flatten
def json2excel():
file_path = r"<local file path>"
json_list = json.load(open(file_path + '.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore'))
key_list = ['A', 'B']
json_list = [{k: d[k] for k in key_list} for d in json_list]
# Flatten and convert to a data frame
json_list_flattened = (flatten(d, '.') for d in json_list)
df = pd.DataFrame(json_list_flattened)
# Export to CSV in the same directory with the original file name
export_csv = df.to_csv(file_path + r'.csv', sep=',', encoding='utf-8', index=None, header=True)
def main():
I would recommend parsing your data that you receive from your API first. This pre-processed data can be fed to a JSON parser later.
I came up with a simple python code that's just a small tweak to the solution of parenthesis matching problem. Here's my working code that you might use for pre-processing your data.
def build_json_items(custom_json):
open_tup = tuple('({[')
close_tup = tuple(')}]')
map = dict(zip(open_tup, close_tup))
queue = []
json_items = []
temp = ""
for i in custom_json:
if i in open_tup:
elif i in close_tup:
if not queue or i != queue.pop():
return "Unbalanced"
if len(queue) == 0:
# We have reached to a point where everything so far is balanced.
# This is the point where we can separate out the expression
temp = temp + str(i)
temp = "" # Re-initialize
temp = temp + str(i)
if not queue:
# Provided string is balanced
return True, json_items
return False, json_items
This build_json_items function will take your custom JSON payload and will parse individual valid JSON items based on the information that you provided in your question. Here's an example of how you can trigger this function. You can use the following.
input_data = "[{\"A\":\"5\",\"B\":\"811\",\"C\":[{\"C1\":1,\"C2\":\"sa\",\"C3\":3}],\"D\":\"HH\",\"E\":0,\"F\":6},{\"A\":\"5\",\"B\":\"811\",\"C\":[{\"C1\":1,\"C2\":\"fa\",\"C3\":3}],\"D\":\"HH\",\"E\":0,\"F\":6}][{\"A\":\"5\",\"B\":\"811\",\"C\":[{\"C1\":1,\"C2\":\"da\",\"C3\":3}],\"D\":\"HH\",\"E\":0,\"F\":6}]"
is_balanced, json_items = build_json_items(input_data)
print(f"Available JSON items: {len(json_items)}")
print("JSON items are the following")
for i in json_items:
Here's the output of the print statements.
Available JSON items: 2
JSON items are the following
You can directly run and see the output here.
Once you have those payloads separated in valid JSON structure, you can feed these to you JSON parser.

How to save multiple JSON strings in a single file?

I have the following multiple JSON strings in a file:
"col1": "e1",
"col2": "e5"
"col1": "a1",
"col2": "a4",
"col3": "e8"
This is how I read this file:
import json
data = []
for line in open('test.json', 'r', encoding='cp850'):
Is there any way to say this file back in the following format (i.e. all JSON strings would be wrapped inside [..] and there should be commas separating them):
"col1": "e1",
"col2": "e5"
"col1": "a1",
"col2": "a4",
"col3": "e8"
For those who need some examples as a proof of whatever, I tried this:
with open('output.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(data, f)
It does not write the content of data into JSON file.
And a dirty solution that neither works:
data = ""
with open('test.json', 'r', encoding='cp850') as myfile:
data = str(json.loads(line)) + "," + data
data = data[:len(data)-1] + "]" + data[len(data):]
data = "[" + data
with open('output.json', 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(data, outfile)
It's not a good idea to have multiple JSONs per file without some kind of delimiter.
I recommend newline delimited (meaning, each JSON object is confined to 1 line in the file):
{"name": "json1"}
{"name": "json2"}
{"name": "json3"}
Then you can simply iterate the file and do something like this:
objs = []
with open("jsons.txt") as f:
for line in f:
with open("jsons.json", "w") as f:
json.dump(obj, f);
Try this:
data = \
"col1": "e1",
"col2": "e5"
"col1": "a1",
"col2": "a4",
"col3": "e8"
new_json = []
bracket_lvl = 0
curr_json = ''
for c in data:
curr_json += c
if c in (' ', '\t', '\n'):
if c == '{':
bracket_lvl += 1
if c == '}':
bracket_lvl -= 1
if bracket_lvl == 0:
curr_json = ''
output = "[\n" + ','.join(new_json) + "\n]"
"col1": "e1",
"col2": "e5"
"col1": "a1",
"col2": "a4",
"col3": "e8"
Please note, this only works if the json strings are surrounded by curly braces - if you need code to handle square braces, I'll need to slightly edit this...
Edit 2:
If you want to save it to a file, use this at the bottom of the program:
with open('output.json', 'w') as f:

Generate a JSON file with Python

I'm trying to generate a JSON file with python. But I can't figure out how to append each object correctly and write all of them at once to JSON file. Could you please help me solve this? a, b, and values for x, y, z are calculated in the script.
Thank you so much
This is how the generated JSON file should look like
"a": {
"x": 2,
"y": 3,
"z": 4
"b": {
"x": 5,
"y": 4,
"z": 4
This is python script
import json
for i in range(1, 5):
a = geta(i)
x = getx(i)
y = gety(i)
z = getz(i)
data = {
a: {
"x": x,
"y": y,
"z": z
with open('data.json', 'a') as f:
f.write(json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4))
Just use normal dictionaries in python when constructing the JSON then use the JSON package to export to JSON files.
You can construct them like this (long way):
a_dict = {}
a_dict['id'] = {}
a_dict['id']['a'] = {'properties' : {}}
a_dict['id']['a']['properties']['x'] = '9'
a_dict['id']['a']['properties']['y'] = '3'
a_dict['id']['a']['properties']['z'] = '17'
a_dict['id']['b'] = {'properties' : {}}
a_dict['id']['b']['properties']['x'] = '3'
a_dict['id']['b']['properties']['y'] = '2'
a_dict['id']['b']['properties']['z'] = '1'
or you can use a function:
def dict_construct(id, x, y, z):
new_dic = {id : {'properties': {} } }
values = [{'x': x}, {'y': y}, {'z':z}]
for val in values:
return new_dic
return_values = [('a', '9', '3', '17'), ('b', '3', '2', '1')]
a_dict = {'id': {} }
for xx in return_values:
add_dict = dict_construct(*xx)
both give you as a dictionary:
{'id': {'a': {'properties': {'x': '9', 'y': '3', 'z': '17'}}, 'b': {'properties': {'x': '3', 'y': '2', 'z': '1'}}}}
using json.dump:
with open('data.json', 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(a_dict, outfile)
you get as a file:
"id": {
"a": {
"properties": {
"x": "9",
"y": "3",
"z": "17"
"b": {
"properties": {
"x": "3",
"y": "2",
"z": "1"
Make sure you have a valid python dictionary (it seems like you already do)
I see you are trying to write your json in a file with
with open('data.json', 'a') as f:
f.write(json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4))
You are opening data.json on "a" (append) mode, so you are adding your json to the end of the file, that will result on a bad json data.json contains any data already. Do this instead:
with open('data.json', 'w') as f:
# where data is your valid python dictionary
json.dump(data, f)
One way will be to create whole dict at once:
data = {}
for i in range(1, 5):
name = getname(i)
x = getx(i)
y = gety(i)
z = getz(i)
data[name] = {
"x": x,
"y": y,
"z": z
And then save
with open('data.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(data, f, indent=4)
