I have an application that I need to rescale to fit my Android phone but the size is really small and seems like all the MDBoxLayouts seem to not do much in my case at least
Then now I have pickle files I think might be crashing the app when ever I submit the inputs
# For NAS100
def my_func(self):
open_p = self.root.get_screen("tab").ids.op.text
volume = self.root.get_screen("tab").ids.vl.text
hi = self.root.get_screen("tab").ids.hi.text
lo = self.root.get_screen("tab").ids.lo.text
model = pickle.load(open('ustech_model', 'rb'))
input_dt = (open_p, volume, lo, hi)
inpt_val = np.asarray(input_dt, dtype=float)
reshape_vals = inpt_val.reshape(1, -1)
anticipate = model.predict(reshape_vals)
if inpt_val[0] < anticipate:
self.root.get_screen("tab").ids.put_txt_here.text = f"Buy!! & TP:{anticipate.round(2)}"
self.root.get_screen("tab").ids.put_txt_here.text = f"Sell!! & TP:{anticipate.round(2)}"
def func(self):
I tried to use Window.size = (400, 600) but still no difference
I am attempting to create a script in python that can play the chrome dino game, but i cant get NEAT to accept an image in the form of a numpy array as input. It doesnt work when i convert it to a list either. What can i do to fix this? Is there a config somewhere that i have to find?
import os
import time
import neat
import pickle
import pyautogui as pg
from PIL import ImageGrab, ImageOps, Image
import numpy as np
gen = 0
positions_standart = ((455, 450), (1242, 605))
positions_restart = ((779, 624), (949, 713))
def get_dead():
box = (positions_restart[0][0], positions_restart[0][1], positions_restart[1][0], positions_restart[1][1])
image = ImageGrab.grab(box)
grayscale = ImageOps.grayscale(image)
a = np.array(grayscale.getcolors())
return a.sum() == 47100
def get_image():
box = (positions_standart[0][0], positions_standart[0][1], positions_standart[1][0], positions_standart[1][1])
image = ImageGrab.grab(box)
grayscale = ImageOps.grayscale(image)
a = np.array(grayscale.getcolors())
a = np.array(image)
return grayscale, a
class Dino:
def jump(self):
def eval_genomes(genomes, config):
runs the simulation of the current population of
birds and sets their fitness based on the distance they
reach in the game.
global gen
gen += 1
# start by creating lists holding the genome itself, the
# neural network associated with the genome and the
# bird object that uses that network to play
nets = []
dinos = []
ge = []
for genome_id, genome in genomes:
genome.fitness = 0 # start with fitness level of 0
net = neat.nn.FeedForwardNetwork.create(genome, config)
score = 0
for x, dino in enumerate(dinos):
pg.click(455, 450)
print(f"Dino {x}")
run = True
while run:
ge[x].fitness += 0.1
# send bird location, top pipe location and bottom pipe location and determine from network whether to jump or not
gs = get_image()[1]
gs = gs.tolist()
output = nets[dinos.index(dino)].activate([gs])
if output[0] > 0.5: # we use a tanh activation function so result will be between -1 and 1. if over 0.5 jump
### - Check Dead - ###
if (get_dead()):
run = False
# break if score gets large enough
#if score > 600:
# pickle.dump(nets[0],open("best.pickle", "wb"))
# break
def run(config_file):
runs the NEAT algorithm to train a neural network to play flappy bird.
:param config_file: location of config file
:return: None
config = neat.config.Config(neat.DefaultGenome, neat.DefaultReproduction,
neat.DefaultSpeciesSet, neat.DefaultStagnation,
# Create the population, which is the top-level object for a NEAT run.
p = neat.Population(config)
# Add a stdout reporter to show progress in the terminal.
stats = neat.StatisticsReporter()
# Run for up to 50 generations.
winner = p.run(eval_genomes, 50)
# show final stats
print('\nBest genome:\n{!s}'.format(winner))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Determine path to configuration file. This path manipulation is
# here so that the script will run successfully regardless of the
# current working directory.
local_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
config_path = os.path.join(local_dir, 'config-feedforward.txt')
What am i doing wrong? Please help me.
I've been trying to create my own ManipulationStation for a different robot arm using Pydrake, but I've been unsuccessful so far in adding clutter to my ManipulationStation. For some odd reason, Meshcat won't show the updated poses of my objects.
import numpy as np
import glob
from pydrake.geometry import MeshcatVisualizerCpp
from pydrake.math import RigidTransform, RotationMatrix
from pydrake.systems.analysis import Simulator
from pydrake.systems.framework import DiagramBuilder
from pydrake.all import (
DiagramBuilder, FindResourceOrThrow,
SceneGraph, Diagram,
MultibodyPlant, Parser, Simulator, MeshcatVisualizerCpp,
UniformlyRandomRotationMatrix, RandomGenerator)
from pydrake.geometry import Meshcat
class DexterPPStation(Diagram):
def __init__(self, time_step, file_path):
self.time_step = time_step
self.path = file_path
self.plant = MultibodyPlant(self.time_step)
self.scene_graph = SceneGraph()
self.controller_plant = MultibodyPlant(self.time_step)
self.object_ids = []
self.object_poses = []
def AddObject(self, file, name, pose):
model_idx = Parser(self.plant).AddModelFromFile(file, name)
indices = self.plant.GetBodyIndices(model_idx)
return model_idx
def CreateBins(self, path, XP_B1, XP_B2):
bin1 = Parser(self.plant).AddModelFromFile(path, "bin1")
self.plant.WeldFrames(self.plant.world_frame(), self.plant.GetFrameByName("bin_base", bin1), XP_B1)
bin2 = Parser(self.plant).AddModelFromFile(path, "bin2")
self.plant.WeldFrames(self.plant.world_frame(), self.plant.GetFrameByName("bin_base", bin2), XP_B2)
def CreateRandomPickingObjects(self, n = 4):
choices = [f for f in glob.glob("/opt/drake/share/drake/manipulation/models/ycb/sdf/*.sdf")]
z = 0.1
rs = np.random.RandomState()
generator = RandomGenerator(rs.randint(1000))
for i in range(n):
obj = choices[i]
pose = RigidTransform(
[rs.uniform(.35,0.6), rs.uniform(-.2, .2), z])
model = self.AddObject(obj, obj.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] + str(i), pose)
body_idx = self.plant.GetBodyIndices(model)[0]
def SetRandomPoses(self, station_context):
plant_context = self.GetSubsystemContext(self.plant, station_context)
for i in range(len(self.object_ids)):
self.plant.SetFreeBodyPose(plant_context, self.plant.get_body(self.object_ids[i]), self.object_poses[i])
def Finalize(self):
builder = DiagramBuilder()
builder.Connect(self.plant.get_geometry_poses_output_port(), self.scene_graph.get_source_pose_port(self.plant.get_source_id()))
builder.Connect(self.scene_graph.get_query_output_port(), self.plant.get_geometry_query_input_port())
builder.ExportOutput(self.scene_graph.get_query_output_port(), "query_object")
builder.ExportOutput(self.plant.get_geometry_poses_output_port(), "geometry_poses")
builder.ExportOutput(self.scene_graph.get_query_output_port(), "geometry_query")
To test my code, I've been running the script below.
def test():
builder = DiagramBuilder()
station = DexterPPStation(1e-4, "drake/manipulation/models/final_dexter_description/urdf/dexter.urdf")
station.CreateBins("/opt/drake/share/drake/examples/manipulation_station/models/bin.sdf", RigidTransform(np.array([0.5,0,0])), RigidTransform(np.array([0,0.5,0])))
station_context = station.CreateDefaultContext()
MeshcatVisualizerCpp.AddToBuilder(builder, station.GetOutputPort("query_object"), meshcat)
diagram = builder.Build()
simulator = Simulator(diagram)
I've tried to call the SetRandomPoses() function from inside my Finalize() method, but since I needed to pass in a context to the function, I wasn't sure what to do. I'm new to Drake, so any input would be greatly appreciated.
You've created a station_context and set it to the random poses, but then you don't use it anywhere. When you create the simulator, it is creating another Context (with the default values), which is getting published when you call AdvanceTo.
The solution here, I think, is to not create your own station_context, but do e.g.
simulator = Simulator(diagram)
diagram_context = simulator.get_mutable_context()
station_context = station.GetMyMutableContextFromRoot(diagram_context)
then you can call AdvanceTo.
I am a beginner programmer, writing my first application in kivy. And ran into limited storage issue for android - 11 (API 30). How to get the absolute path from the pop-up window when the user selects the folder to save the application data in which I am going to store some data. My application works fine without this choice on 9 anroid, but here's the problem.
here is the minimal code from that window. How to get the absolute path 'root_id' for further manipulations with this folder. By creating files in it and opening SaveDialoga in kivy
from kivy.uix.label import Label
import os
from android import activity, mActivity
from jnius import autoclass
from kivy.app import App
from jnius import cast
from android.storage import app_storage_path, primary_external_storage_path, secondary_external_storage_path
Intent = autoclass('android.content.Intent')
DocumentsContract = autoclass('android.provider.DocumentsContract')
Document = autoclass('android.provider.DocumentsContract$Document')
class Demo(App):
REQUEST_CODE = 42 # unique request ID
def set_intent(self):
intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE)
mActivity.startActivityForResult(intent, self.REQUEST_CODE)
def intent_callback(self, requestCode, resultCode, intent):
if requestCode == self.REQUEST_CODE:
msg = ""
root_uri = intent.getData()
# /tree/primary:CarInWay
root_id = DocumentsContract.getTreeDocumentId(root_uri)
print( root_id)
# primary:CarInWay
from pathlib import Path
p = Path(root_uri.getPath()).resolve()
print(p, p.is_dir(), p.is_absolute())
# /tree/primary:CarInWay False True
p = Path(root_id).resolve()
print( p, p.is_dir(), p.is_absolute())
# /data/data/car.carinway/files/app/primary:CarInWay False True
primary_ext_storage = primary_external_storage_path()
data_dir = str(os.path.join(primary_ext_storage, 'CarInWay'))
check_data_dir = os.path.exists(data_dir)
print(data_dir , check_data_dir)
# /storage/emulated/0/CarInWay === True
p = Path(primary_ext_storage + '/CarInWay')
print('===', p, '===', p.stat().st_mode)
# /storage/emulated/0/CarInWay === 16832
settings_path = app_storage_path()
secondary_ext_storage = secondary_external_storage_path()
print(settings_path, primary_ext_storage, secondary_ext_storage)
# /data/user/0/car.carinway/files /storage/emulated/0 None
def on_start(self):
def build(self):
self.label = Label()
return self.label
if __name__ == '__main__':
Sorry for the not quite accurate postal question. But my problem is saving the data in non-application folders, so that when the application is updated, they are not overwritten.
The solution to the problem turned out to be simple.
context = autoclass('android.content.Context')
path_file = context.getExternalFilesDir(None)
path = path_file.getAbsolutePath()
Which made it possible to create a folder in ANDROID / DATA. Where can I already create and store data.
I use a template of a python script (running on Raspberry Pi) to send sensor data (i2c) via WiFi to my PC. The problem is, the values are not static. If I start the Web application, it reads the data from the sensor only once. So, if I check the values from my PC, I can see it sent the data correctly, but they won't change.
How can I modify the script to refresh the i2c_output value, without starting the script over and over again?
Here is what I have tried so far:
import web
import sys, os
import smbus
import math
# Lot of initialisation... forget that part
accel_xout = read_word_2c(0x3b)
accel_yout = read_word_2c(0x3d)
accel_zout = read_word_2c(0x3f)
afs_sel = read_word_2c(0x28)
LSB_afs_sel = 16384.0
accel_xout_sc = accel_xout / LSB_afs_sel
accel_yout_sc = accel_yout / LSB_afs_sel
accel_zout_sc = accel_zout / LSB_afs_sel
i2c_output = str(accel_xout_sc) + str(accel_yout_sc) + str(accel_zout_sc)
urls = ( '/','Index',
class Index:
def GET(self):
return i2c_output
if __name__=="__main__":
Move the code that retrieves the sensor data into a method and invoke that method each time the index is called.
def get_sensor_output():
# Lot of initialisation... forget that part
accel_xout = read_word_2c(0x3b)
accel_yout = read_word_2c(0x3d)
accel_zout = read_word_2c(0x3f)
afs_sel = read_word_2c(0x28)
LSB_afs_sel = 16384.0
accel_xout_sc = accel_xout / LSB_afs_sel
accel_yout_sc = accel_yout / LSB_afs_sel
accel_zout_sc = accel_zout / LSB_afs_sel
i2c_output = str(accel_xout_sc) + str(accel_yout_sc) + str(accel_zout_sc)
return i2c_output
class Index:
def GET(self):
return get_sensor_output()
Note: You may want to implement some sort of cache depending on how often this get method is called. currently each call will retrieve the sensor data, which may or may not be an expensive operation that will drain the battery on your pi
Well, while I don't consider myself an experienced programmer, especially when it comes to multimedia applications, I had to do this image viewer sort of a program that displays images fullscreen, and the images change when the users press <- or -> arrows.
The general idea was to make a listbox where all the images contained in a certain folder (imgs) are shown, and when someone does double click or hits RETURN a new, fullscreen frame is generated containing, at first, the image selected in the listbox but after the user hits the arrows the images change in conecutive order, just like in a regular image viewer.
At the beginning, when the first 15 - 20 images are generated, everything goes well, after that, although the program still works an intermediary, very unpleasant and highly unwanted, effect appears between image generations, where basically some images that got generated previously are displayed quickly on the screen and after this the right, consecutive image appears. On the first apparitions the effect is barelly noticeble, but after a while it takes longer and longer between generations.
Here's the code that runs when someone does double click on a listbox entry:
def lbclick(self, eve):
frm = wx.Frame(None, -1, '')
self.sel = self.lstb.GetSelection() # getting the selection from the listbox
def pressk(eve):
keys = eve.GetKeyCode()
if keys == wx.WXK_LEFT:
self.sel = self.sel - 1
if self.sel < 0:
self.sel = len(self.chk) - 1
imgs() # invocking the function made for displaying fullscreen images when left arrow key is pressed
elif keys == wx.WXK_RIGHT:
self.sel = self.sel + 1
if self.sel > len(self.chk) - 1:
self.sel = 0
imgs() # doing the same for the right arrow
elif keys == wx.WXK_ESCAPE:
frm.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR_HOOK, pressk)
def imgs(): # building the function
imgsl = self.chk[self.sel]
itm = wx.Image(str('imgs/{0}'.format(imgsl)), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_JPEG).ConvertToBitmap() # obtaining the name of the image stored in the list self.chk
mar = itm.Size # Because not all images are landscaped I had to figure a method to rescale them after height dimension, which is common to all images
frsz = frm.GetSize()
marx = float(mar[0])
mary = float(mar[1])
val = frsz[1] / mary
vsize = int(mary * val)
hsize = int(marx * val)
panl = wx.Panel(frm, -1, size = (hsize, vsize), pos = (frsz[0] / 2 - hsize / 2, 0)) # making a panel container
imag = wx.Image(str('imgs/{0}'.format(imgsl)), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_JPEG).Scale(hsize, vsize, quality = wx.IMAGE_QUALITY_NORMAL).ConvertToBitmap()
def destr(eve): # unprofessionaly trying to destroy the panel container when a new image is generated hopeing the unvanted effect, with previous generated images will disappear. But it doesn't.
keycd = eve.GetKeyCode()
if keycd == wx.WXK_LEFT or keycd == wx.WXK_RIGHT:
panl.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR_HOOK, destr) # the end of my futile tries
if vsize > hsize: # if the image is portrait instead of landscaped I have to put a black image as a container, otherwise in the background the previous image will remain, even if I use Refresh() on the container (the black bitmap named fundal)
intermed = wx.Image('./res/null.jpg', wx.BITMAP_TYPE_JPEG).Scale(frsz[0], frsz[1]).ConvertToBitmap()
fundal = wx.StaticBitmap(frm, 101, intermed)
stimag = wx.StaticBitmap(fundal, -1, imag, size = (hsize, vsize), pos = (frsz[0] / 2 - hsize / 2, 0))
stimag.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip('Esc = exits fullscreen\n<- -> arrows = quick navigation'))
def destr(eve): # the same lame attempt to destroy the container in the portarit images situation
keycd = eve.GetKeyCode()
if keycd == wx.WXK_LEFT or keycd == wx.WXK_RIGHT:
frm.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR_HOOK, destr)
else: # the case when the images are landscape
stimag = wx.StaticBitmap(panl, -1, imag)
stimag.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip('Esc = exits fullscreen\n<- -> arrows = quick navigation'))
imgs() # invocking the function imgs for the situation when someone does double click
Thanks for any advice in advance.
Added later:
The catch is I'm trying to do an autorun presentation for a DVD with lots of images on it. Anyway it's not necessarely to make the above piece of code work properly if there are any other options. I've already tried to use windows image viewer, but strangely enough it doesn't recognizes relative paths and when I do this
path = os.getcwd() # getting the path of the current working directory
sel = listbox.GetSelection() # geting the value of the current selection from the list box
imgname = memlist[sel] # retrieving the name of the images stored in a list, using the listbox selection, that uses as choices the same list
os.popen(str('rundll32.exe C:\WINDOWS\System32\shimgvw.dll,ImageView_Fullscreen {0}/imgsdir/{1}'.format(path, imgname))) # oepning the images up with bloody windows image viewer
it opens the images only when my program is on the hard disk, if it's on a CD / image drive it doesn't do anything.
There's an image viewer included with the wxPython demo package. I also wrote a really simple one here. Either one should help you in your journey. I suspect that you're not reusing your panels/frames and instead you're seeing old ones that were never properly destroyed.