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Closed 8 days ago.
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I want to design a program that can stop the user from shutting down.
At first I tried to create an unsaved text document, but the user still had the option to force a shutdown. I also know that the shutdown -a commands can prevent a shutdown, so I wrote the following simple python program:
from os import system
while True:
system('shutdown -a')
But when it is running, the system can still shut down successfully, why is this? I hope this shutdown restriction can be turned on or off at any time.It would be nice if you could do this in python,thank you!
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm trying to automate some processes on my checking mail, messaging, sending birthday wishes etc
The code is pretty simple for all of them but what i want now is that, for instance, after the function for checking email has being executed, the function should deactivate till the next day...
And the same should happen to the other functions.
All those functions are in the same file and executed in order
So it's more like :
wish_birthday_func.pause_next_day#even if i #run the file again during the #same day
check_mail_func() #.....
you wouldn't like a permanently running task because you could reboout your latop right ?
So you should look for some sheduler of your os (Windows at, Linux cron etc.)
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to run a background script with Fabric using Bash's '&' operator. Is there a reason the following doesn't work? I executed this command on the server itself and it runs fine.
def run_script():
sudo('sh /home/ubuntu/ start &', user='myuser')
I don't want to use something heavy like Celery to do this simple thing. I don't need to capture the output at all, all I want is for the task to execute this and return after.
This isn't a Fabric thing, but a Linux thing. When you close a session, the processes connected to that session are terminated.
This question has a lot of info...
You could use the following (from that answer)
sudo('nohup sh /home/ubuntu/ start &', user='myuser')
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm running Node-RED on a raspberry pi. I want to trigger a flow at the end of a python script I'm running on the same rpi. What's the easiest input node to trigger and what would be an example of the python code to use with it? I'd like to pass a string variable back
Taking best to be easiest then the http-in node is probably best
And using something like this will work:
import urllib2
Where the http-in node has been configured to listen on /start
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm building rails application, I have workers from other project, they called ironworker and written on Python. Is it possible to use this workers in Rails application?
As one of solution, I'm going to use other worker - resque, but can I execute Python scripts?
Thanks for help, I have no idea from what I should start
As I understand from the docs of ironworker, python workers can be run from command line.
exec ''
This post explain how you can do it:
Calling shell commands from Ruby.
For example you can call python workers in your rescue worker:
class ImageConversionJob
def work
system("exec ''")
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Closed 8 years ago.
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Let's suppose 3 applications are open on windows 7.
I want to print the process ids of the running applications.
I want to kill the selected application.
How can this be done using python.
The purpose is to make an application which kills the selected process.
This will find all the chrome pids and kill them, it is cross platform:
import psutil
for p in psutil.process_iter():
if == "chrome":
print (
There are lots of examples here