I'm creating a FastAPI project that integrates with the Django ORM. When running pytest though, the PostgreSQL database is not rolling back the transactions. Switching to SQLite, the SQLite database is not clearing the transactions, but it is tearing down the db (probably because SQLite uses in-memory db). I believe pytest-django is not calling the rollback method to clear the database.
In my pytest.ini, I have the --reuse-db flag on.
Here's the repo: https://github.com/Andrew-Chen-Wang/fastapi-django-orm which includes pytest-django and pytest-asyncio If anyone's done this with flask, that would help too.
Assuming you have PostgreSQL:
Steps to reproduce:
sh bin/create_db.sh which creates a new database called testorm
pip install -r requirements/local.txt
pytest tests/
The test is calling a view that creates a new record in the database tables and tests whether there is an increment in the number of rows in the table:
# In app/core/api/a_view.py
async def hello():
await User.objects.acreate(name="random")
return {"message": f"Hello World, count: {await User.objects.acount()}"}
# In tests/conftest.py
import pytest
from httpx import AsyncClient
from app.main import fast
def client() -> AsyncClient:
return AsyncClient(app=fast, base_url="http://test")
# In tests/test_default.py
async def test_get_hello_view(client):
"""Tests whether the view can use a Django model"""
old_count = await User.objects.acount()
assert old_count == 0
async with client as ac:
response = await ac.get("/hello")
assert response.status_code == 200
new_count = await User.objects.acount()
assert new_count == 1
assert response.json() == {"message": "Hello World, count: 1"}
async def test_clears_database_after_test(client):
"""Testing whether Django clears the database"""
await test_get_hello_view(client)
The first test case passes but the second doesn't. If you re-run pytest, the first test case also starts not passing because the test database is not clearing the transaction from the first run.
I adjusted the test to not include the client call, but it seems like pytest-django is simply not creating a transaction around the Django ORM, because the db is not being cleared for each test:
async def test_get_hello_view(client):
"""Tests whether the view can use a Django model"""
old_count = await User.objects.acount()
assert old_count == 0
await User.objects.acreate(name="test")
new_count = await User.objects.acount()
assert new_count == 1
async def test_clears_database_after_test(client):
"""Testing whether Django clears the database"""
await test_get_hello_view(client)
How should I clear the database for each test case?
Turns out my pytest.mark.django_db just needed transaction=True in it like pytest.mark.django_db(transaction=True)
I have a FastAPI application where I have several tests written with pytest.
Two particular tests are causing me issues. test_a calls a post endpoint that creates a new entry into the database. test_b gets these entries. test_b is including the created entry from test_a. This is not desired behaviour.
When I run the test individually (using VS Code's testing tab) it runs fine. However when running all the tests together and test_a runs before test_b, test_b fails.
My conftest.py looks like this:
import pytest
from fastapi.testclient import TestClient
from sqlmodel import Session, SQLModel, create_engine
from application.core.config import get_database_uri
from application.core.db import get_db
from application.main import app
#pytest.fixture(scope="module", name="engine")
def fixture_engine():
engine = create_engine(
yield engine
#pytest.fixture(scope="function", name="db")
def fixture_db(engine):
connection = engine.connect()
transaction = connection.begin()
session = Session(bind=connection)
yield session
#pytest.fixture(scope="function", name="client")
def fixture_client(db):
app.dependency_overrides[get_db] = lambda: db
with TestClient(app) as client:
yield client
The file containing test_a and test_b also has a module-scoped pytest fixture that seeds the data using the engine fixture:
#pytest.fixture(scope="module", autouse=True)
def seed(engine):
connection = test_db_engine.connect()
seed_data_session = Session(bind=connection)
All tests use the client fixture, like so:
def test_a(client):
SQLAlchemy version is 1.4.41, FastAPI version is 0.78.0, and pytest version is 7.1.3.
My Observations
It seems the reason tests run fine on their own is due to SQLModel.metadata.drop_all(bind=engine) being called at the end of testing. However I would like to avoid having to do this, and instead only use rollback between tests.
What worked really well for me is using testcontainers: https://github.com/testcontainers/testcontainers-python.
#pytest.fixture(scope="module", name="session_for_db_in_testcontainer")
def db_engine():
Creates testcontainer with Postgres db
pg_container = PostgresContainer('postgres:latest')
# Fireup the SQLModel engine with the uri of the container
db_engine = create_engine(pg_container.get_connection_url())
with Session(db_engine) as session_for_db_in_testcontainer:
# add some rows to start, for test get requests and posting existing data
add_data_to_test_db(database_input_path, session_for_db_in_testcontainer)
yield session_for_db_in_testcontainer
# Will be executed after the last test
Like this during the test run a (Postgres) DB is created it only runs during a session, module or function depending on the scope of the fixture. If you want, you can add test data to the db as well like in the example.
In your case you might want to set the scope of this fixture as function. Than test_a and test_b should run independently.
In our FastAPI app, we implemented dependency which is being used to commit changes in the database (according to https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/dependencies/dependencies-with-yield/).
The issue we are facing (which is also partially mentioned on the website provided above) is that the router response is 200 even though the commit is not succeeded. This is simply because in our case commit or rollback functions are being called after the response is sent to the requestor.
Database dependency:
def __with_db(request: Request):
db = Session()
yield db
except Exception as e:
raise e
As an endpoint example, we import csv file with records, then create db model instances and then add them to the db session (for simplicity, irrelevant things deleted).
from models import Movies
async def upload_movies(file: UploadFile, db: DbType = db_dependency):
df = await read_csv(file)
new_records = [Movies(**item) for item in df.to_dict("records")]
db.add_all(new_records) # this is still valid operation, no error here
return "OK"
Everything within the endpoint doesn't raise an error, so the endpoint returns a positive response, however, once the rest of the dependency code is being executed, then it throws an error (ie. whenever one of the records has a null value).
Is there any solution, to how to actually get an error when the database failed to commit the changes?
Of course, the simplest one would be to add db.commit() or even db.flush() to each endpoint but because of the fact we have a lot of endpoints, we want to avoid this repetition in each of them (if it is even possible).
Best regards,
This is the solution we have implemented for this individual use case.
As a reminder, the main purpose was to catch a database error and react to it by sending proper response to the client. The tricky part was that we wanted to omit the scenario of adding the same line of code to every endpoint as we have plenty of them.
We managed to solve it with middleware.
Updated dependency.py
def __with_db(request: Request):
db = Session()
#assign db to request state for middleware to be able to acces it
request.state.db = db
yield db
Added one line to the app.py
# fastAPI version: 0.79.0
from starlette.middleware.base import BaseHTTPMiddleware
from middlewares import unit_of_work_middleware
app = FastAPI()
app.add_middleware(BaseHTTPMiddleware, dispatch=unit_of_work_middleware) #new line
And created main middleware logic in middlewares.py
from fastapi import Request, Response
async def unit_of_work_middleware(request: Request, call_next) -> Response:
response = await call_next(request)
# Committing the DB transaction after the API endpoint has finished successfully
# So that all the changes made as part of the router are written into the database all together
# This is an implementation of the Unit of Work pattern https://martinfowler.com/eaaCatalog/unitOfWork.html
if "db" in request.state._state:
return response
# Rolling back the database state to the version before the API endpoint call
# As the exception happened, all the database changes made as part of the API call
# should be reverted to keep data consistency
if "db" in request.state._state:
if "db" in request.state._state:
The middleware logic is applied to every endpoint so each request that is coming is going through it.
I think it's relatively easy way to implement it and get this case resolved.
I don't know your FastAPI version. But as i know, from 0.74.0, dependencies with yield can catch HTTPException and custom exceptions before response was sent(i test 0.80.0 is okay):
async def get_database():
with Session() as session:
yield session
except Exception as e:
# rollback or other operation.
raise e
If one HTTPException raised, the flow is:
endpoint -> dependency catch exception -> ExceptionMiddleware catch exception -> respond
Get more info https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/release-notes/?h=asyncexi#breaking-changes_1
Additional, about commit only in one code block,
Solution 1, can use decorator:
def decorator(func):
async def wrapper(*arg, **kwargs):
rsp = await func(*arg, **kwargs)
if 'db' in kwargs:
return rsp
return wrapper
async def upload_movies(file: UploadFile, db: DbType = db_dependency):
df = await read_csv(file)
new_records = [Movies(**item) for item in df.to_dict("records")]
db.add_all(new_records) # this is still valid operation, no error here
return "OK"
#Barosh I think decorator is the easiest way. I also thought about middleware but it's not possible.
Solution 2, just an idea:
save session in request
async def get_database(request: Request):
with Session() as session:
request.state.session = session
yield session
except Exception as e:
# rollback or other operation.
raise e
custom starlette.request_response
def custom_request_response(func: typing.Callable) -> ASGIApp:
Takes a function or coroutine `func(request) -> response`,
and returns an ASGI application.
is_coroutine = iscoroutinefunction_or_partial(func)
async def app(scope: Scope, receive: Receive, send: Send) -> None:
request = Request(scope, receive=receive, send=send)
if is_coroutine:
response = await func(request)
response = await run_in_threadpool(func, request)
request.state.session.commit() # or other operation
await response(scope, receive, send)
return app
custom FastAPI.APIRoute.app
class CustomRoute(APIRoute):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.app = custom_request_response(self.get_route_handler())
create router with CustomRoute
router = APIRouter(route_class=CustomRoute)
I think this is a executable idea. You can test it.
Hope this is useful.
The existing posts didn't provide a useful answer to me.
I'm trying to run asynchronous database tests using Pytest (db is Postgres with asyncpg), and I'd like to initialize my database using my Alembic migrations so that I can verify that they work properly in the meantime.
My first attempt was this:
async def tables():
"""Initialize a database before the tests, and then tear it down again"""
alembic_config: config.Config = config.Config('alembic.ini')
command.upgrade(alembic_config, "head")
command.downgrade(alembic_config, "base")
which didn't actually do anything at all (migrations were never applied to the database, tables not created).
Both Alembic's documentation & Pytest-Alembic's documentation say that async migrations should be run by configuring your env like this:
async def run_migrations_online() -> None:
"""Run migrations in 'online' mode.
In this scenario we need to create an Engine
and associate a connection with the context.
connectable = engine
async with connectable.connect() as connection:
await connection.run_sync(do_run_migrations)
await connectable.dispose()
but this doesn't resolve the issue (however it does work for production migrations outside of pytest).
I stumpled upon a library called pytest-alembic that provides some built-in tests for this.
When running pytest --test-alembic, I get the following exception:
got Future attached to a different loop
A few comments on pytest-asyncio's GitHub repository suggest that the following fixture might fix it:
def event_loop() -> Generator:
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop_policy().new_event_loop()
yield loop
but it doesn't (same exception remains).
Next I tried to run the upgrade test manually, using:
async def test_migrations(alembic_runner):
which gives me
venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pytest_alembic/runner.py:264: in run_connection_task
return asyncio.run(run(engine))
RuntimeError: asyncio.run() cannot be called from a running event loop
However this is an internal call by pytest-alembic, I'm not calling asyncio.run() myself, so I can't apply any of the online fixes for this (try-catching to check if there is an existing event loop to use, etc.). I'm sure this isn't related to my own asyncio.run() defined in the alembic env, because if I add a breakpoint - or just raise an exception above it - the line is actually never executed.
Lastly, I've also tried nest-asyncio.apply(), which just hangs forever.
A few more blog posts suggest to use this fixture to initialize database tables for tests:
async with engine.begin() as connection:
await connection.run_sync(Base.metadata.create_all)
which works for the purpose of creating a database to run tests against, but this doesn't run through the migrations so that doesn't help my case.
I feel like I've tried everything there is & visited every docs page, but I've got no luck so far. Running an async migration test surely can't be this difficult?
If any extra info is required I'm happy to provide it.
I got this up and running pretty easily with the following
env.py - the main idea here is that the migration can be run synchronously
import asyncio
from logging.config import fileConfig
from alembic import context
from sqlalchemy import engine_from_config
from sqlalchemy import pool
from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncEngine
config = context.config
if config.config_file_name is not None:
target_metadata = mymodel.Base.metadata
def run_migrations_online():
connectable = context.config.attributes.get("connection", None)
if connectable is None:
connectable = AsyncEngine(
if isinstance(connectable, AsyncEngine):
async def run_async_migrations(connectable):
async with connectable.connect() as connection:
await connection.run_sync(do_run_migrations)
await connectable.dispose()
def do_run_migrations(connection):
with context.begin_transaction():
then I added a simple db init script
from alembic import command
from alembic.config import Config
from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import create_async_engine
__config_path__ = "/path/to/alembic.ini"
__migration_path__ = "/path/to/folder/with/env.py"
cfg = Config(__config_path__)
cfg.set_main_option("script_location", __migration_path__)
async def migrate_db(conn_url: str):
async_engine = create_async_engine(conn_url, echo=True)
async with async_engine.begin() as conn:
await conn.run_sync(__execute_upgrade)
def __execute_upgrade(connection):
cfg.attributes["connection"] = connection
command.upgrade(cfg, "head")
then your pytest fixture can look like this
async def migrate():
await migrate_db(conn_url)
Note: I don't scope my migrate fixture to the test session, I tend to drop and migrate after each test.
I'm trying to mimic Django behavior when running tests on FastAPI: I want to create a test database in the beginning of each test, and destroy it in the end. The problem is the async nature of FastAPI is breaking everything. When I did a sanity check and turned everything synchronous, everything worked beautifully. When I try to run things async though, everything breaks. Here's what I have at the moment:
The fixture:
def event_loop():
return asyncio.get_event_loop()
async def session():
sync_test_db = "postgresql://postgres:postgres#postgres:5432/test"
if not database_exists(sync_test_db):
async_test_db = "postgresql+asyncpg://postgres:postgres#postgres:5432/test"
engine = create_async_engine(url=async_test_db, echo=True, future=True)
async with engine.begin() as conn:
await conn.run_sync(SQLModel.metadata.create_all)
Session = sessionmaker(engine, class_=AsyncSession, expire_on_commit=False)
async with Session() as session:
def get_session_override():
return session
app.dependency_overrides[get_session] = get_session_override
yield session
The test:
class TestSomething:
async def test_create_something(self, session):
data = {"some": "data"}
response = client.post(
"/", json=data
assert response.ok
results = await session.execute(select(Something)) # <- This line fails
assert len(results.all()) == 1
The error:
E sqlalchemy.exc.PendingRollbackError: This Session's transaction has been rolled back due to a previous exception during flush. To begin a new transaction with this Session, first issue Session.rollback(). Original exception was: Task <Task pending name='anyio.from_thread.BlockingPortal._call_func' coro=<BlockingPortal._call_func() running at /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/anyio/from_thread.py:187> cb=[TaskGroup._spawn.<locals>.task_done() at /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/anyio/_backends/_asyncio.py:629]> got Future <Future pending cb=[Protocol._on_waiter_completed()]> attached to a different loop (Background on this error at: https://sqlalche.me/e/14/7s2a)
/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/session.py:601: PendingRollbackError
Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?
Check if other statements in your test-cases involving the database might fail before this error is raised.
For me the PendingRollbackError was caused by an InsertionError that was raised by a prior test.
All my tests were (async) unit tests that involved database insertions into a postgres database.
After the tests, the database session was supposed to do a rollback of its entries.
The InsertionError was caused by Insertions to the database that failed a unique constraint. All subsequent tests raised the PendingRollbackError.
I'm trying to build FastAPI application fully covered with test using python 3.9
For this purpose I've chosen stack:
FastAPI, uvicorn, SQLAlchemy, asyncpg, pytest (+ async, cov plugins), coverage and httpx AsyncClient
Here is my minimal requirements.txt
All tests run smoothly and I get the expected results.
But I've faced the problem, coverage doesn't properly collected. It breaks after a first await keyword, when coroutine returns control back to the event loop
Here is a minimal set on how to reproduce this behavior (it's also available on a GitHub).
Appliaction code main.py:
import sqlalchemy as sa
from fastapi import FastAPI
from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncSession, create_async_engine
from starlette.requests import Request
app = FastAPI()
DATABASE_URL = 'sqlite+aiosqlite://?cache=shared'
async def startup_event():
engine = create_async_engine(DATABASE_URL, future=True)
app.state.session = AsyncSession(engine, expire_on_commit=False)
app.state.engine = engine
async def shutdown_event():
await app.state.session.close()
#app.get('/', name="home")
async def get_home(request: Request):
res = await request.app.state.session.execute(sa.text('SELECT 1'))
# after this line coverage breaks
row = res.first()
assert str(row[0]) == '1'
return {"message": "OK"}
test setup conftest.py looks like this:
import asyncio
import pytest
from asgi_lifespan import LifespanManager
from httpx import AsyncClient
async def get_app():
from main import app
async with LifespanManager(app):
yield app
async def get_client(get_app):
async with AsyncClient(app=get_app, base_url="http://testserver") as client:
yield client
def event_loop():
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
yield loop
test is simple as it is (just check status code is 200) test_main.py:
import pytest
from starlette import status
async def test_view_health_check_200_ok(get_client):
res = await get_client.get('/')
assert res.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
pytest -vv --cov=. --cov-report term-missing --cov-report html
As a result coverage I get:
Name Stmts Miss Cover Missing
conftest.py 18 0 100%
main.py 20 3 85% 26-28
test_main.py 6 0 100%
TOTAL 44 3 93%
Example code above uses aiosqlite instead of asyncpg but coverage failure also reproduces persistently
I've concluded this problem is with SQLAlchemy, because this example with asyncpg without using the SQLAlchemy works like charm
it's an issue with SQLAlchemy 1.4 in coveragepy: https://github.com/nedbat/coveragepy/issues/1082, https://github.com/nedbat/coveragepy/issues/1012
you can try with --concurrency==greenlet option
That is what helped me:
You can add coverage concurrency greenlet settings into your configs setup.cfg or .coveragerc file:
branch = True
concurrency =