xpath extract text that is wrapped in href - python

I am new to using XPath and was confused about how to retrieve text that is wrapped in href (where I do not need href info.).
URL I am using:
HTML looks like below
Where I want to extract text "Gonzalo Pineda" and the code I have written is this
import requests
from lxml import HTML
t = requests.get("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Major_League_Soccer_season")
dom_tree = html.fromstring(t.content)
coach = updated_dom_tree.xpath('//table[contains(#class, "wikitable")][2]//tbody/tr/td[2]/text()')
Where this is second table from a Wikipedia page so that's why I wrote //table[contains(#class, "wikitable")][2].
Then I wrote //tbody/tr/td[2]/text() just following the HTML structure. However, the outcome of the code returns " " (empty string with \n") without actual text info.
I tried to change the code to a[contains(#href, "wiki")] after searching through the stack overflow but I was getting an output of an empty list ([]).
I would really appreciate it if you could help me with this!
I can't copy-paste HTML because I just got that from inspect tool (F12).
The HTML line can be found in "Personnel and sponsorships" table second column. Thank you!

this is the approach you can take the extract the table. extra import pandas just to see how the table data is coming along.
import requests
from lxml import html
import pandas as pd # to data storage, using pandas
t = requests.get("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Major_League_Soccer_season")
dom_tree = html.fromstring(t.content)
#coach = updated_dom_tree.xpath('//table[contains(#class, "wikitable")][2]//tbody/tr/td[2]/text()')
for e_h in table.findall(".//tr")[0]:
for e_tr in table.findall(".//tr")[1:]:
for e_td in e_tr.findall(".//td"):
if e_td.text_content().strip():
table_data[col_no].append('N/A') # handle spaces,
if e_td.get('colspan') == '2': ## handle example team Colorado Rapids, where same td spans
for i in range(0,5):
table_data[table_header[i]] = table_data.pop(i)
if just want Head Coach column, then table_data['Head coach'] will give those.

If I understand you correctly, what you are looking for is
dom_tree.xpath('(//table[contains(#class, "wikitable")]//span[#class="flagicon"])[1]//following-sibling::span//a/text()')[0]
Output should be
'Gonzalo Pineda'
To get the name of all head coaches, try:
for coach in dom_tree.xpath('(//table[contains(#class, "wikitable")])[2]//tbody//td[2]'):
Another way to do it - using pandas
import pandas as pd
tab = dom_tree.xpath('(//table[contains(#class, "wikitable")])[2]')[0]
pd.read_html(HTML.tostring(tab))[0].loc[:, 'Head coach']


how to get the text in one of the divs? (html)

I am writing my bot, which so far has to get the text from the div from one page and put it in a variable, but this does not work out and the variable always remains empty. How i can extract it?
import telebot;
import requests
from lxml import etree
import lxml.html
import csv
bot = telebot.TeleBot('');
def get_text_messages(message):
api = requests.get("https://slovardalja.net/word.php?wordid=21880")
tree = lxml.html.document_fromstring(api.text)
text_original = tree.xpath('/html/body/table/tbody/tr[2]/td/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/index/div[2]/p[1]/strong/text()')
bot.polling(none_stop=True, interval=0)
I think this code should get the word "ОЛЕКВАС", I copied the path to it and added /text(), but it doesn't work
I have no cyrillic on my system, but with a smaller xpath value and the usage from text_content it print something on shell, hopefully it helps
api = requests.get("https://slovardalja.net/word.php?wordid=21880")
tree = lxml.html.document_fromstring(api.text)
text_original = tree.xpath('//div[#align="justify"]/p/strong')

Problem with lxml.xpath not putting elements into a list

So here's my problem. I'm trying to use lxml to web scrape a website and get some information but the elements that the information pertains to aren't being found when using the var.xpath command. It's finding the page but after using the xpath it doesn't find anything.
import requests
from lxml import html
def main():
result = requests.get('https://rocketleague.tracker.network/rocket-league/profile/xbl/ReedyOrange/overview')
# the root of the tracker website
page = html.fromstring(result.content)
print('its getting the element from here', page)
threesRank = page.xpath('//*[#id="app"]/div[2]/div[2]/div/main/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/div/div/div[1]/div[2]/table/tbody/tr[*]/td[3]/div/div[2]/div[1]/div')
print('the 3s rank is: ', threesRank)
if __name__ == "__main__":
"D:\Python projects\venv\Scripts\python.exe" "D:/Python projects/main.py"
its getting the element from here <Element html at 0x20eb01006d0>
the 3s rank is: []
Process finished with exit code 0
The output next to "the 3s rank is:" should look something like this
[<Element html at 0x20eb01006d0>, <Element html at 0x20eb01006d0>, <Element html at 0x20eb01006d0>]
Because the xpath string does not match, no result set is returned by page.xpath(..). It's difficult to say exactly what you are looking for but considering "threesRank" I assume you are looking for all the table values, ie. ranking and so on.
You can get a more accurate and self-explanatory xpath using the Chrome Addon "Xpath helper". Usage: enter the site and activate the extension. Hold down the shift key and hoover on the element you are interested in.
Since the HTML used by tracker.network.com is built dynamically using javascript with BootstrapVue (and Moment/Typeahead/jQuery) there is a big risk the dynamic rendering is producing different results from time to time.
Instead of scraping the rendered html, I suggest you instead use the structured data needed for the rendering, which in this case is stored as json in a JavaScript variable called __INITIAL_STATE__
import requests
import re
import json
from contextlib import suppress
# get page
result = requests.get('https://rocketleague.tracker.network/rocket-league/profile/xbl/ReedyOrange/overview')
# Extract everything needed to render the current page. Data is stored as Json in the
# JavaScript variable: window.__INITIAL_STATE__={"route":{"path":"\u0 ... }};
json_string = re.search(r"window.__INITIAL_STATE__\s?=\s?(\{.*?\});", result.text).group(1)
# convert text string to structured json data
rocketleague = json.loads(json_string)
# Save structured json data to a text file that helps you orient yourself and pick
# the parts you are interested in.
with open('rocketleague_json_data.txt', 'w') as outfile:
outfile.write(json.dumps(rocketleague, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
# Access members using names
# To avoid 'KeyError' when a key is missing or index is out of range, use "with suppress"
# as in the example below: since there there is no platform no 99, the variable "platform99"
# will be unassigned without throwing a 'keyerror' exception.
from contextlib import suppress
with suppress(KeyError):
platform1 = rocketleague['titles']['currentTitle']['platforms'][0]['name']
platform99 = rocketleague['titles']['currentTitle']['platforms'][99]['name']
# print platforms used by currentTitle
for platform in rocketleague['titles']['currentTitle']['platforms']:
# print all titles with corresponding platforms
for title in rocketleague['titles']['titles']:
print(f"\nTitle: {title['name']}")
for platform in title['platforms']:
print(f"\tPlatform: {platform['name']}")
lxml doesn't support "tbody". change your xpath to

Reading specific content from website and display using python

The code below is what i have currently done, but i am struggling to get it working properly...
hope you can help :)
#A python programme which shows the current price of bitcoin.
#(a well-known crypto-currency.)
import urllib
import urllib2
def webConnect():
aResp = urllib2.urlopen("https://www.cryptocompare.com/coins/btc/overview/GBP")
web_pg = aResp.read();
print web_pg
def main():
g = Grab()
btc_div = g.xpath('//*/div[class="ng-binding"]')
val = btc_div.xpath(u"dl/dt[contains(text(),'%s')]/../dd/text()" % 'if only that tag contains this text')
print val[0]
One option is to use beautifulsoup library.
This question has example of finding tags by text : BeautifulSoup - search by text inside a tag
Tutorial : https://www.dataquest.io/blog/web-scraping-tutorial-python/

Search through JSON query from Valve API in Python

I am looking to find various statistics about players in games such as CS:GO from the Steam Web API, but cannot work out how to search through the JSON returned from the query (e.g. here) in Python.
I just need to be able to get a specific part of the list that is provided, e.g. finding total_kills from the link above. If I had a way that could sort through all of the information provided and filters it down to just that specific thing (in this case total_kills) then that would help a load!
The code I have at the moment to turn it into something Python can read is:
url = "http://api.steampowered.com/IPlayerService/GetOwnedGames/v0001/?key=FE3C600EB76959F47F80C707467108F2&steamid=76561198185148697&include_appinfo=1"
data = requests.get(url).text
data = json.loads(data)
If you are looking for a way to search through the stats list then try this:
import requests
import json
def findstat(data, stat_name):
for stat in data['playerstats']['stats']:
if stat['name'] == stat_name:
return stat['value']
url = "http://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUserStats/GetUserStatsForGame/v0002/?appid=730&key=FE3C600EB76959F47F80C707467108F2&steamid=76561198185148697"
data = requests.get(url).text
data = json.loads(data)
total_kills = findstat(data, 'total_kills') # change 'total_kills' to your desired stat name

getting data from webpage with select menus with python and beautifulsoup

I am trying to collect data from a webpage which has a bunch of select lists i need to fetch
data from. Here is the page:- http://www.asusparts.eu/partfinder/Asus/All In One/E Series/
And this is what i have so far:
import glob, string
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib2, csv
for file in glob.glob("http://www.asusparts.eu/partfinder/*"):
##-page to show all selections for the E-series-##
selected_list = 'http://www.asusparts.eu/partfinder/Asus/All In One/E Series/'
page = urllib2.urlopen(selected_list)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
##-page which shows results after selecting one option-##
url = 'http://www.asusparts.eu/partfinder/Asus/All In One/E Series/ET10B'
##-identify the id of select list which contains the E-series-##
select = soup.find('select', id="myselectListModel")
option_tags = select.findAll('option')
##-omit first item in list as isn't part of the option-##
option_tags = option_tags[1:]
for option in option_tags:
open(url + option['value'])
html = urllib2.urlopen("http://www.asusparts.eu/partfinder/")
soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
all = soup.find('div', id="accordion")
I am not sure if i am going about the right way? As all the select menus make it confusing. Basically i need to grab
all the data from the selected results such as images,price,description,etc. They are all contained within
one div tag which contains all the results, which is named 'accordion' so would this still gather all the data?
or would i need to dig deeper to search through the tags inside this div? Also i would have prefered to search by id rather than
class as i could fetch all the data in one go. How would i do this from what i have above? Thanks. Also i am unsure about the glob function too if i am using that correctly or not?
Here is my edited code, no errors return however i am not sure if it returns all the models for the e-series?
import string, urllib2, urllib, csv, urlparse from bs4 import
##-page which shows results after selecting one option-##
url = 'http://www.asusparts.eu/partfinder/Asus/All In One/E Series/ET10B'
base_url = 'http://www.asusparts.eu/' + url
print base_url
##-page to show all selections for the E-series-##
selected_list = urllib.quote(base_url + '/Asus/All In One/E Series/ET10B')
print urllib.quote(base_url + '/Asus/All In One/E Series/ET10B')
#selected_list = 'http://www.asusparts.eu/partfinder/Asus/All In One/E Series/ET10B'
page = urllib2.urlopen('http://www.asusparts.eu/partfinder/Asus/All%20In%20One/E%20Series')
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
print soup
##-identify the id of select list which contains the E-series-##
select = soup.find('select', id="myselectListModel")
option_tags = select.findAll('option')
print option_tags
##-omit first item in list as isn't part of the option-##
option_tags = option_tags[1:]
print option_tags
for option in option_tags:
url + option['redirectvalue']
print " " + url + option['redirectvalue']
First of all, I'd like to point out a couple of problems you have in the code you posted. First, of all the glob module is not typically used for making HTTP requests. It is useful for iterating through a subset of files on a specified path, you can read more about it in its docs.
The second issue is that in the line:
for file in glob.glob("http://www.asusparts.eu/partfinder/*"):
you have an indentation error, because there is no indented code that follows. This will raise an error and prevent the rest of the code from being executed.
Another problem is that you are using some of python's "reserved" names for your variables. You should never use words such as all or file for variable names.
Finally when you are looping through option_tags:
for option in option_tags:
open(url + option['value'])
The open statement will try and open a local file whose path is url + option['value']. This will likely raise an error, as I doubt you'll have a file at that location. In addition, you should be aware that you aren't doing anything with this open file.
Okay, so enough with the critique. I've taken a look at the asus page and I think I have an idea of what you want to accomplish. From what I understand, you want to scrape a list of parts (images, text, price, etc..) for each computer model on the asus page. Each model has its list of parts located at a unique URL (for example: http://www.asusparts.eu/partfinder/Asus/Desktop/B%20Series/BM2220). This means that you need to be able to create this unique URL for each model. To make matters more complicated, each parts category is loaded dynamically, so for example the parts for the "Cooling" section are not loaded until you click on the link for "Cooling". This means we have a two part problem: 1) Get all of the valid (brand, type, family, model) combinations and 2) Figure out how to load all the parts for a given model.
I was kind of bored and decided to write up a simple program that will take care of most of the heavy lifting. It isn't the most elegant thing out there, but it'll get the job done. Step 1) is accomplished in get_model_information(). Step 2) is taken care of in parse_models() but is a little less obvious. Taking a look at the asus website, whenever you click on a parts subsection the JavaScript function getProductsBasedOnCategoryID() is run, which makes an ajax call to a formatted PRODUCT_URL (see below). The response is some JSON information that is used to populate the section you clicked on.
import urllib2
import json
import urlparse
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
BASE_URL = 'http://www.asusparts.eu/partfinder/'
PRODUCTS_URL = 'http://json.zandparts.com/api/category/GetCategories/'\
ACCESSORIES = ['Cable', 'Cooling', 'Cover', 'HDD', 'Keyboard', 'Memory',
'Miscellaneous', 'Mouse', 'ODD', 'PS', 'Screw']
def get_options(url, select_id):
Gets all the options from a select element.
r = urllib2.urlopen(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r)
select = soup.find('select', id=select_id)
options = [option for option in select.strings]
except AttributeError:
print url, select_id, select
return options[1:] # The first option is the menu text
def get_model_information():
Finds all the models for each family, all the families and models for each
type, and all the types, families, and models for each brand.
These are all added as tuples (brand, type, family, model) to the list
model_info = []
print "Getting brands"
brand_options = get_options(BASE_URL, 'mySelectList')
for brand in brand_options:
print "Getting types for {0}".format(brand)
# brand = brand.replace(' ', '%20') # URL encode spaces
brand_url = urlparse.urljoin(BASE_URL, brand.replace(' ', '%20'))
types = get_options(brand_url, 'mySelectListType')
for _type in types:
print "Getting families for {0}->{1}".format(brand, _type)
bt = '{0}/{1}'.format(brand, _type)
type_url = urlparse.urljoin(BASE_URL, bt.replace(' ', '%20'))
families = get_options(type_url, 'myselectListFamily')
for family in families:
print "Getting models for {0}->{1}->{2}".format(brand,
_type, family)
btf = '{0}/{1}'.format(bt, family)
fam_url = urlparse.urljoin(BASE_URL, btf.replace(' ', '%20'))
models = get_options(fam_url, 'myselectListModel')
model_info.extend((brand, _type, family, m) for m in models)
return model_info
def parse_models(model_information):
Get all the information for each accessory type for every
(brand, type, family, model). accessory_info will be the python formatted
json results. You can parse, filter, and save this information or use
it however suits your needs.
for brand, _type, family, model in model_information:
for accessory in ACCESSORIES:
r = urllib2.urlopen(PRODUCTS_URL.format(model=model, family=family,
accessory_info = json.load(r)
# Do something with accessory_info
# ...
def main():
models = get_model_information()
if __name__ == '__main__':
Finally, one side note. I have dropped urllib2 in favor of the requests library. I personally think provides much more functionality and has better semantics, but you can use whatever you would like.
