That is, if I want to generate a heatmap map, I process a set of 3D NumPy arrays, and finally, want to turn this set of arrays into a .nii file to represent it.
This array is not extracted from the .nii file using image.numpy(), but generated by myself using NumPy.
I was using a reader function to generate but I think it's very hard and very strict for the path parameters to be entered, so I would like to ask if there is a simpler path.
import numpy as np
import torch
import os
import torchio as tio
def numpy_reader(npy_name):
data = torch.from_numpy(np.load(npy_name)).unsqueeze(0)
affine = np.eye(4)
return data, affine
image_nii = tio.ScalarImage(npy_name, reader=numpy_reader)'./nii_temp', savenii_name))
I want to convert .nii images to .tif to train my model using U-Net.
1-I looped through all images in the folder.
2-I looped through all slices within each image.
3-I saved each slice as .tif.
The training images are converted successfully. However, the labels (masks) are all saved as black images. I want to successfully convert those masks from .nii to .tif, but I don't know how. I read that it could be something with brightness, but I didn't get the idea clearly, so I couldn't solve the problem until now.
The only reason for this conversion is to be able to train my model. Feel free to suggest a better idea, if anyone can share a way to feed the network with the .nii format directly.
import nibabel as nib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import imageio
import numpy as np
import glob
import os
import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np
from tifffile import imsave
import tifffile as tiff
for filepath in glob.iglob('data/Task04_Hippocampus/labelsTr/*.nii.gz'):
a = nib.load(filepath).get_fdata()
a = a.astype('int8')
base = Path(filepath).stem
base = re.sub('.nii', '', base)
x,y,z = a.shape
for i in range(0,z):
newimage = a[:, :, i]
imageio.imwrite('data/Task04_Hippocampus/masks/'+base+'_'+str(i)+'.tif', newimage)
Unless you absolutely have to use TIFF, I would strongly suggest using the NiFTI format for a number of important reasons:
Image values are often not arbitrary. For example, in CT images the values correspond to x-ray attenuation (check out this Wikipedia page). TIFF, which is likely to scale the values in some way, is not suitable for this.
NIfTI also contains a header which has crucial geometric information needed to correctly interpret the image, such as the resolution, slice thickness, and direction.
You can directly extract a numpy.ndarray from NIfTI images using SimpleITK. Here is a code snippet:
import SimpleITK as sitk
import numpy as np
img = sitk.ReadImage("your_image.nii")
arr = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img)
slice_0 = arr[0,:,:] # this is a 2D axial slice as a np.ndarray
As an aside: the reason the images where you stored your masks look black is because in NIfTI format labels have a value of 1 (and background is 0). If you directly convert to TIFF, a value of 1 is very close to black when interpreted as an RGB value - another reason to avoid TIFF!
I'm doing a convolutional neural network classification and all my training tiles (1000 of them) are in geotiff format. I need to get all of them to a numpy array, but I only found code that will do it for one tiff file at a time.
Is there a way to convert a whole folder of tiff files at once?
Try using a for loop to go through your folder
Is your goal to get them into 1000 different numpy arrays, or to 1 numpy array? If you want the latter, it might be easiest to merge them all into a larger .tiff file, then use the code you have to process it.
If you want to get them into 1000 different arrays, this reads through a directory, uses your code to make a numpy array, and sticks them in a list.
import os
arrays_from_files = []
for name in os.listdir():
if os.path.isfile(name):
nparr = ##use your code here
It might be a good idea to use a dictionary and map filenames to arrays to make debugging easier down the road.
import os
arrays_by_filename = {}
for name in os.listdir():
if os.path.isfile(name):
nparr = ##use your code here
arrays_by_filename[name] = nparr
I would like to convert a 32-bit wav numpy array to a 24-bit wav numpy array using python3 and the numpy library.
I am reading the file like this:
import numpy as np
sample_rate, file_info = read(filepath)
np_array = np.array(file_info)
Now based on the dtype which can be extracted via
something like this
if (str(np_array.dtype) == 'int32'):
I would like to retranscode the np_array to become a 24bit array.
I need to do this for analysis purposes. The goal is - not to generate a new file.
Any hints in how to do this effectively?
Thank you
import sox
transformer = sox.Transformer()
transformer.convert(samplerate=sample_rate, bitdepth=16)
sox_array = transformer.build_array(sample_rate_in=sample_rate, input_array=np_array)
This will convert the array to 16bit, which allows for analysis workflows, which will always be the same.
Aim : Rebin an existing image (FITS file) and write the new entries into a new rebinned image (also a FITS file).
Issue : Rebinned FITS file and the original FITS file seem to have mismatched co-ordinates (figure shown later in the question).
Process : I will briefly describe my process to shed more light. The first step is to read the existing fits file and define numpy arrays
from math import *
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from astropy.visualization import astropy_mpl_style
from import fits
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib notebook
import aplpy
from aplpy import FITSFigure
file = 'F0621_HA_POL_0700471_HAWDHWPD_PMP_070-199Augy20.fits'
hawc =
stokes_i = np.array(hawc[0].data)
stokes_i_rebinned = congrid(stokes_i,newdim,method="neighbour", centre=False, minusone=False)
Here "congrid" is a function I have used for near-neigbhour rebinning that rebins the original array to a new dimension given by "newdim". Now the goal is to write this rebinned array back into the FITS file format as a new file. I have several more such arrays but for brevity, I just include one array as an example. To keep the header information same, I read the header information of that array from the existing FITS file and use that to write the new array into a new FITS file. After writing, the rebinned file can be read just like the original :-
header_0= hawc[0].header
fits.writeto("CasA_HAWC+_rebinned_congrid.fits", rebinned_stokes_i, header_0, overwrite=True)
rebinned_file = 'CasA_HAWC+_rebinned_congrid.fits'
To check how the rebinned image looks now I plot them
cmap = 'rainbow'
stokes_i = hawc[0]
stokes_i_rebinned = hawc_rebinned[0]
axi = FITSFigure(stokes_i, subplot=(1,2,1)) # generate FITSFigure as subplot to have two axes together
axi.show_colorscale(cmap=cmap) # show I
axi_rebinned = FITSFigure(stokes_i_rebinned, subplot=(1,2,2),figure=plt.gcf())
axi_rebinned.show_colorscale(cmap=cmap) # show I rebinned
axi.set_title('Stokes I (146 x 146)')
axi_rebinned.set_title('Rebinned Stokes I (50 x 50)')
As you see for the original and rebinned image, the X,Y co-ordinates seem mismatched and my best guess was that WCS (world co-ordinate system) for the original FITS file wasn't properly copied for the new FITS file, thus causing any mismatch. So how do I align these co-ordinates ?
Any help will be deeply appreciated ! Thanks
I'm posting my answer in an astropy slack channel here should this be useful for others.
congrid will not work because it doesn't include information about the WCS. For example, your CD matrix is tied to the original image, not the re-binned set. There are a number of way to re-bin data with proper WCS. You might consider reproject although this often requires another WCS header to re-bin to.
Montage (though not a Python tool but has Python wrappers) is potentially another way.
As #astrochun already said, your re-binning function does not adjust the WCS of the re-binned image. In addition to reproject and Montage, astropy.wcs.WCSobject has slice() method. You could try using it to "re-bin" the WCS like this:
from astropy.wcs import WCS
import numpy as np
wcs = WCS(hawc[0].header, hawc)
wcs_rebinned = wcs.slice((np.s_[::2], np.s_[::2]))
wcs_hdr = wcs_rebinned.to_header()
header_0.update(wcs_hdr) # but watch out for CD->PC conversion
You should also make a "real" copy of hawc[0].header in header_0= hawc[0].header, for example as header_0= hawc[0].header.copy() or else header_0.update(wcs_hdr) will modify hawc[0].header as well.
I am new to Python, and I am trying to train my audio voice recognition model. I want to read a .wav file and get output of that .wav file into Numpy arrays. How can I do that?
In keeping with #Marco's comment, you can have a look at the Scipy library and, in particular, at
from import wavfile
To read your file ('filename.wav'), simply do
output ='filename.wav')
This will output a tuple (which I named 'output'):
output[0], the sampling rate
output[1], the sample array you want to analyze
This is possible with a few lines with wave (built in) and numpy (obviously). You don't need to use librosa, scipy or soundfile. The latest gave me problems reading wav files and it's the whole reason I'm writting here now.
import numpy as np
import wave
# Start opening the file with wave
with'filename.wav') as f:
# Read the whole file into a buffer. If you are dealing with a large file
# then you should read it in blocks and process them separately.
buffer = f.readframes(f.getnframes())
# Convert the buffer to a numpy array by checking the size of the sample
# with in bytes. The output will be a 1D array with interleaved channels.
interleaved = np.frombuffer(buffer, dtype=f'int{f.getsampwidth()*8}')
# Reshape it into a 2D array separating the channels in columns.
data = np.reshape(interleaved, (-1, f.getnchannels()))
I like to pack it into a function that returns the sampling frequency and works with pathlib.Path objects. In this way it can be played using sounddevice
import sounddevice as sd
import numpy as np
import wave
from typing import Tuple
from pathlib import Path
# Utility function that reads the whole `wav` file content into a numpy array
def wave_read(filename: Path) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, int]:
with, 'rb') as f:
buffer = f.readframes(f.getnframes())
inter = np.frombuffer(buffer, dtype=f'int{f.getsampwidth()*8}')
return np.reshape(inter, (-1, f.getnchannels())), f.getframerate()
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Play all files in the current directory
for wav_file in Path().glob('*.wav'):
print(f"Playing {wav_file}")
data, fs = wave_read(wav_file), samplerate=fs, blocking=True)