I'm working through a problem (using python) that asks me to do the following:
Starting from (0,0) and facing North in a \mathbb{Z} x \mathbb{Z} grid, and given a sequence of 'moves' (R for right, L for left, and F for forward by 1), what will be the final position of a particle assuming we can only move by 1's in the horizontal and vertical directions. For example, moves = 'RFRL' will put us at (1,0)
The difficulty I am having on getting started with this problem is that I don't know how to represent a "turn". An 'F' in the 'moves' will mean adding +-1 to the y coordinate depending if the particle is facing North or South, and +-1 to the x coordinate depending if the particle is facing East or West.
You just need to split the task into subtasks. You need to implement an operation of turning, and operation of going forward, with respect to where you're currently facing. For example, you can do like this.
def turn_right(current_direction):
next_direction_map = {'N':'E', 'E':'S', 'S':'W', 'W':'N'}
return next_direction_map[current_direction]
def turn_left(current_direction):
next_direction_map = {'N':'W', 'W':'S', 'S':'E', 'E':'N'}
return next_direction_map[current_direction]
def forward(current_position, current_direction):
x, y = current_position
if current_direction == 'N':
return (x, y+1)
elif current_direction == 'S':
return (x, y-1)
elif current_direction == 'E':
return (x+1, y)
elif current_direction == 'W':
return (x-1, y)
facing_direction = 'N'
current_position = (0, 0)
facing_direction = turn_right(facing_direction)
current_position = forward(current_position, facing_direction)
facing_direction = turn_right(facing_direction)
facing_direction = turn_left(facing_direction)
print(current_position, facing_direction)
Notice that using a dictionary I can tell with just 1 line where I'll be turning. A similar dictionary approach could be used in forward function too, but I'm afraid it would look scary (with lambdas stored inside the dictionary).
Now you're only left with reading the path string (RFRL), iterating over it with a loop, and calling an appropriate method on the current facing direction and current position. This I left for you (for educational purposes)
I'm attempting to learn programming and one concept I'm really struggling to understand is recursion.
Edit: Below is a link to an image of the actual question which explains the instructions a lot better. I think my explanation wasn't the best.
I'm trying to write a program using recursion on python that takes a 2 dimensional binary array of A[0,...,n-1][0,...,n-1] and returns the minimum number of "1's" that must be passed through to reach the end point. The start point is A[0][0] and the end point is A[n-1][n-1]. You can only move one cell at a time, by either moving one cell to the right or one cell down. The array contains only 0's and 1's. It is similar to a maze where one must pass through the 0's, and the 1's act as a wall but here one can and will likely need to travel through a few 1's. The output will be the minimum number of 1's required to pass through to reach the end point.
I'm not sure if this is the right approach. I think I may be better off with the 1 function. I also can't seem to figure out how to count the number of dangerous zones that must be passed through. I think you may notice that I am new to this and I would be grateful if someone could lead me in the right direction.
def minCellsTravel(grid):
gridWidth = len(grid[0])
gridHeight = len(grid)
def helperFn(row, col):
# if we already reached the rightmost end
if row == gridHeight-1 and col == gridWidth-1:
return grid[row][col]
start = grid[row][col]
downMove = None
if row < gridHeight - 1:
downMove = start + helperFn(row + 1, col)
rightMove = None
if col < gridWidth - 1:
rightMove = start + helperFn(row, col + 1)
if rightMove and downMove:
return min(rightMove, downMove)
elif rightMove:
return rightMove
return downMove
Something like this should do the trick
def solve(row, col, A):
if (row == A.shape[0] - 1) and (col == A.shape[1] - 1):
return A[row][col]
if (row >= A.shape[0]) or (col >= A.shape[1]):
return A.shape[0] + A.shape[1]
left = solve(row + 1, col, A)
right = solve(row, col + 1, A)
best_path = min(right, left)
return best_path + A[row][col]
The idea is that at each cell you can either go right or down, and the best solution starting on this cell is the best solution starting on the cell to your right or the best solution starting on the cell to your left. Take the best one plus the value of the current cell and you have the solution starting on the current cell.
Although is possible to solve this problem with recursion, dynamic programming is more efficient is this kind of problems, take a look at it if you're curious.
I am trying to write program that print maximal points of the input but it is not giving correct output.
Definition of maximal-
Given a set of points P = {p1,p2,...,pn} in 2-space, each represented by its x and y integer coordinates, output the set of the maximal points of P, that is, those points pi, such that pi is not dominated by any other point of P (not both coordinate are dominated)
Example input:
Example outut:
The idea of my program is to first sort the point according to x axis then compare the y coordinate.
#sort according to x axis
mylist.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
#compare y coordinate of i to all element right to i
for i in reversed(range(len(a)):
while (j<len(a)):
That's really not how you'd do that in Python. Use language elements that help you express what's going on, that way the code gets more understandable and, as a bonus, more concise. You want to find all elements of a for which no other element of a is greater in both coordinates:
for point in a:
if not any(map(lambda p: p[0] > point[0] and p[1] > point[1], a)):
You could also use a list comprehension instead of map, which might be a bit more efficient:
for point in a:
if not any([p[0] > point[0] and p[1] > point[1] for p in a]):
Problem: We have a square grid of 5 rows and 4 columns. We need to use these numbers to fill the grid; 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,18,20,21,24,27,30,35,36,40. We need to fill the grid in such a way that every horizontal and vertical neighbors should divide other without remainder. For example, 12 and 3 can be neighbors because 12 % 3 == 0, but 5 and 12 can't. Grid 2x2 is given to be 10.
I tried to solve problem using a list of sets. Each set represent possible values for each grid. When every set has only one element, problem is solved. Here are the functions I use to try to solve this problem (I added whole thing just in case, but I think my problem is in solve function.);
class CannotSolveError(Exception):
def suitable_neighbor(a,b):
"return True if a and b can be neighbors."
return (a > b) and (a % b == 0) or (b % a == 0)
def equalize_tables(table1, table2):
"Make two tables equal, by changing first one in-place"
for i in range(len(table1)):
table1[i] = table2[i]
def remove_possibility(table, row, column, value):
"""Remove possibilities that can't be neighbors with value in rowxcolumn grid."""
index = ((row - 1) * num_cols) + column - 1
if len(table[index]) == 1:
return # This is a solved grid, do nothing.
remaining_possibilities = set(
filter(lambda x: suitable_neighbor(x, value), table[index])
if not remaining_possibilities:
raise ValueError("Invalid move")
if len(remaining_possibilities) == 1:
"Only one possibility remains, try to put it!"
copy_table = table[:]
"Try it on copy"
put(copy_table, row, column, remaining_possibilities.pop())
except ValueError:
"Cannot put, re-raise and do nothing.."
"Putting is successfull, update original table"
equalize_tables(table, copy_table)
table[index] = remaining_possibilities
def put(table, row, column, value):
"""Put a value on a grid, modifies given table. use with care!"""
index = ((row - 1) * num_cols) + column - 1
"Is this move possible?"
if value not in table[index]:
raise ValueError("Cannot put %d on %dx%d" % (value, row, column))
"Remove possibilities from left neighbor"
if column > 1:
remove_possibility(table, row, column - 1, value)
"Remove possibilities from right neighbor"
if column < num_cols:
remove_possibility(table, row, column + 1, value)
"Remove possibilities from upper neighbor"
if row > 1:
remove_possibility(table, row - 1, column, value)
"Remove possibilities from lower neighbor"
if row < num_rows:
remove_possibility(table, row + 1, column, value)
"Remove this value from every other set."
for i in range(num_rows * num_cols):
if i == index:
"Put one-item set in place. Have to do this last."
table[index] = set([value])
def solve(table):
"Try to solve the table by trying possible values on grids."
to_try = [(i,len(table[i])) for i in range(num_rows * num_cols) if len(table[i]) > 1]
"Grid with least remaining possibilities will be tried first."
to_try.sort(key = lambda x: x[1])
for index, _ in to_try:
for value in table[index]:
row = index / num_cols + 1
column = index % num_cols + 1
copy_table = table[:]
put(copy_table, row, column, value)
equalize_tables(table, copy_table)
except CannotSolveError:
except ValueError:
raise CannotSolveError
I think this algorithm should solve the problem. But I am exceding maximum recursion depth. Any ideas how to work around this, or how should I solve this problem better in Python?
This is not a homework question. I am working on this by myself.
To avoid blowing up your stack, a more robust approach is to devise an encoding for your partial solutions (partially filled in board), and implement the backtracking yourself. That will require a lot less memory than relying on python's stack.
Google's Peter Norvig has written an illuminating article describing how he used such techniques to build an efficient backtracking sudoku solver. It uses a technique he calls "constraint propagation" to limit the space of options, so that the solution can be quickly found via brute force backtracking search (that is, without checking every possible grid of numbers, but only pursuing partial grids that might still lead to a solution). I think you will find it extremely applicable, not only for the general ideas but also for the specifics: Your problem, as you have approached it, is extremely close to a sudoku solver.
There's a way to set custom value for Python recursion limit (which is 1000 by default):
import sys
You can add those lines before recursive call and if the problem remains, you have to review your implementation for other possible bugs.
it's a rainy day here, so i wrote a solution. i can post if you want, but perhaps you would rather find it yourself?
here are some hints:
your code doesn't seem to start with 10 at (2,2)
when trying a new value, you could add it to any empty space. the best space to try is one that has lots of neighbours, because that lets you test and reject bad values quickly.
assumed above, or a different way of saying the same thing - my search was over values. so i chose a location for "next move" and tried each value there. the opposite would be to search over locations (chose a "next value" and search with that value at each location), but that is not as efficient (see above).
when backtracking and re-trying, always follow the same pattern of locations. for example, (2,2) is 10 then (2,3) might be 40, then you might find nothing fits (2,4). so you backtrack and remove 40 and try a different number at (2,3). but the second number you try (after 10 and something at (2,2)) is always at (2,3). if you aren't careful in this way you can end up testing many duplicate combinations. sorry not sure this is very clear. basically - choose a "path" that you fill and stick to it when searching and backtracking. since this path is chosen to maximise the number of neighbours (point above) i constructed it as i went on, but kept a cache of the path locations that i used when backtracking. this is easier to explain by showing the code...
for the table i used an array of arrays. when copying i re-used columns that were not changed. this should reduce memory use (i don't know if it is important).
the search only needs to recurse 40 times (once for each value) so the stack is plenty big enough.
a simple search, in python, that tries each value in turn, backtracking on failure, runs ~4 minutes on my laptop (assuming you use the hints above) (without the printing a slightly modified version takes just 8 seconds).
i found it was useful to have a python function that, given a grid and a position, returns a list (well, a generator, with yield) of the coordinates of neighbours. that made writing other functions, like the one that tests whether a move is ok, simpler.
anyway, if you want the code or the solution (i changed my code to print all and there was just one) just ask and i will post. of course, it may have a bug too :o)
i tweaked this some, and it now prints out the (2,2)=10 solution and then searches for all solutions (which is still running for me):
nx, ny = 4, 5
values = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,18,20,21,24,27,30,35,36,40]
# grid[x][y] so it is a list of columns (prints misleadingly!)
grid = [[0 for _ in range(ny)] for _ in range(nx)]
# cache these to avoid re-calculating
xy_moves = {}
debug = False
def neighbours(grid, x, y):
'coordinates of vertical/horizontal neighbours'
for (xx, yy) in [(x-1,y),(x+1,y),(x,y-1),(x,y+1)]:
if xx > -1 and xx < nx and yy > -1 and yy < ny:
yield xx, yy
def filled_neighbours(grid, x, y):
'filter "neighbours" to give only filled cells'
return filter(lambda xy: grid[xy[0]][xy[1]], neighbours(grid, x, y))
def count_neighbours(grid, x, y):
'use this to find most-constrained location'
return sum(1 for _ in filled_neighbours(grid, x, y))
def next_xy(grid, depth):
'''given a certain depth in the search, where should we move next?
choose a place with lots of neighbours so that we have good
constraints (and so can reject bad moves)'''
if depth not in xy_moves:
best, x, y = 0, nx // 2, ny // 2 # default to centre
for xx in range(nx):
for yy in range(ny):
if not grid[xx][yy]:
count = count_neighbours(grid, xx, yy)
if count > best:
best, x, y = count, xx, yy
xy_moves[depth] = (x, y)
if debug: print('next move for %d is %d,%d' % (depth, x, y))
return xy_moves[depth]
def drop_value(value, values):
'remove value from the values'
return [v for v in values if v != value]
def copy_grid(grid, x, y, value):
'copy grid, replacing the value at x,y'
return [[value if j == y else grid[i][j] for j in range(ny)]
if x == i else grid[i]
for i in range(nx)]
def move_ok(grid, x, y, value):
'are all neighbours multiples?'
for (xx, yy) in filled_neighbours(grid, x, y):
g = grid[xx][yy]
if (g > value and g % value) or (g < value and value % g):
if debug:
print('fail: %d at %d,%d in %s' % (value, x, y, grid))
return False
return True
def search(grid, values, depth=0):
'search over all values, backtracking on failure'
if values:
(x, y) = next_xy(grid, depth)
for value in values:
if move_ok(grid, x, y, value):
if debug: print('add %d to %d,%d' % (value, x, y))
for result in search(copy_grid(grid, x, y, value),
drop_value(value, values),
yield result
yield grid
# run the search, knowing that (2,2) (which is (1,1) for zero-indexing)
# has the value 10.
for result in search(copy_grid(grid, 1, 1, 10), drop_value(10, values)):
# how many solutions in total?
#xy_moves = {} # reset cache
#for (n, solution) in enumerate(search(grid, values)):
# print('%d: %s' % (n, solution))
it starts by choosing the square where it will add the next number using next_xy(). it chooses a place near as many existing numbers as possible so that it can test and reject numbers efficiently (the position is saved in xy_moves so that it doesn't need to be re-found if we backtrack). for each value it checks to see if putting the value at that position works using move_ok. if so, it calculates a new grid (with the value added) and a new list of values (with the used value removed) and recurses. recursion finishes when there are no values left to add.
and here is the result (each inner list is a column):
> time ./grid.py
[[4, 20, 5, 35, 7], [40, 10, 30, 1, 21], [8, 2, 6, 18, 3], [24, 12, 36, 9, 27]]
real 0m5.909s
[deleted incorrect comment about recursion and generators]
it finished the global search - if you don't fix (2,2) at the start there seem to be 12 solutions in total (3 distinct solutions if you ignore simple symmetries).
update 2
final code, including search for all solutions without symmetrical duplicates