I was taking the Machine Learning course by Andrew Ng and in one of the practice labs, they perform this operation for Linear Regression.
x = np.arange(0, 20, 1)
y = 1 + x**2
X = x.reshape(-1, 1)
I checked out the shape of the arrays after the op
>>> print(x.shape,X.shape)
(20,) (20, 1)
What is the difference between x and X, and why can't we simply just use x.T instead of changing it to X ?
X = x.reshape(-1, 1)
gives you array like this 2d dimensions, this because each perceptron takes array of number not single number so you need to pass [1] not 1
x=np.arange(0, 20, 1)
this can't be passed to ANN you need to reshape it to be (rows and column) as this is only 1 dimension
I have to write a python function where i need to compute the vector
For A is n by n and xn is n by 1
r_n = Axn - (xn^TAxn)xn
Im using numpy but .T doesn't work on vectors and when I just do
r_n = A#xn - (xn#A#xn)#xn but xn#A#xn gives me a scaler.
I've tried changing the A with the xn but nothing seems to work.
Making a 3x1 numpy array like this...
import numpy as np
a = np.array([1, 2, 3])
...and then attempting to take its transpose like this...
a_transpose = a.T
...will, confusingly, return this:
# [1 2 3]
If you want to define a (column) vector whose transpose you can meaningfully take, and get a row vector in return, you need to define it like this:
a = np.reshape(np.array([1, 2, 3]), (3, 1))
# [[1]
# [2]
# [3]]
a_transpose = a.T
# [[1 2 3]]
If you want to define a 1 x n array whose transpose you can take to get an n x 1 array, you can do it like this:
a = np.array([[1, 2, 3]])
and then get its transpose by calling a.T.
If A is (n,n) and xn is (n,1):
A#xn - (xn#A#xn)#xn
(n,n)#(n,1) - ((n,1)#(n,n)#(n,1)) # (n,1)
(n,1) error (1 does not match n)
If xn#A#xn gives scalar that's because xn is (n,) shape; as per np.matmul docs that's a 2d with two 1d arrays
(n,)#(n,n)#(n,) => (n,)#(n,) -> scalar
I think you want
(1,n) # (n,n) # (n,1) => (1,1)
Come to think of it that (1,1) array should be same single values as the scalar.
Sample calculation; 1st with the (n,) shape:
In [6]: A = np.arange(1,10).reshape(3,3); x = np.arange(1,4)
In [7]: A#x
Out[7]: array([14, 32, 50]) # (3,3)#(3,)=>(3,)
In [8]: x#A#x # scalar
Out[8]: 228
In [9]: (x#A#x)#x
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[9], line 1
----> 1 (x#A#x)#x
ValueError: matmul: Input operand 0 does not have enough dimensions (has 0, gufunc core with signature (n?,k),(k,m?)->(n?,m?) requires 1)
matmul does not like to work with scalars. But we can use np.dot instead, or simply multiply:
In [10]: (x#A#x)*x
Out[10]: array([228, 456, 684]) # (3,)
In [11]: A#x - (x#A#x)*x
Out[11]: array([-214, -424, -634])
Change the array to (3,1):
In [12]: xn = x[:,None]; xn.shape
Out[12]: (3, 1)
In [13]: A#xn - (xn.T#A#xn)*xn
[-634]]) # same numbers but in (3,1) shape
I have two numpy arrays (4x4 each). I would like to concatenate them to a tensor of (4x4x2) in which the first 'sheet' is the first array, second 'sheet' is the second array, etc. However, when I try np.stack the output of d[1] is not showing the correct values of the first matrix.
import numpy as np
x = array([[ 3.38286851e-02, -6.11905173e-05, -9.08147798e-03,
[-6.11905173e-05, 1.74237508e-03, -4.52140165e-04,
[-9.08147798e-03, -4.52140165e-04, 1.91939979e-01,
[-2.46860166e-02, -1.22904439e-03, -1.82406361e-01,
print(np.shape(x)) # 4 x 4
y = array([[ 6.76573701e-02, -1.22381035e-04, -1.81629560e-02,
[-1.22381035e-04, 3.48475015e-03, -9.04280330e-04,
[-1.81629560e-02, -9.04280330e-04, 3.83879959e-01,
[-4.93720331e-02, -2.45808879e-03, -3.64812722e-01,
print(np.shape(y)) # 4 x 4
d = np.dstack((x,y))
np.shape(d) # indeed it is 4,4,2... but if I do d[1] then it is not the first x matrix.
d[1] # should be y
If you do np.dstack((x, y)), which is the same as the more explicit np.stack((x, y), axis=-1), you are concatenating along the last, not the first axis (i.e., the one with size 2):
(x == d[..., 0]).all()
(y == d[..., 1]).all()
Ellipsis (...) is a python object that means ": as many times as necessary" when used in an index. For a 3D array, you can equivalently access the leaves as
d[:, :, 0]
d[:, :, 1]
If you want to access the leaves along the first axis, your array must be (2, 4, 4):
d = np.stack((x, y), axis=0)
(x == d[0]).all()
(y == d[1]).all()
Use np.stack instead of np.dstack:
>>> d = np.stack([y, x])
>>> np.all(d[0] == y)
>>> np.all(d[1] == x)
>>> d.shape
(2, 4, 4)
I am new on Python and I don't know exactly how to perform multiplication between arrays of different shape.
I have two different arrays w and b such that:
W.shape = [32, 5, 20]
b.shape = [5,]
and I want to multiply
W[:, i, :]*b[i]
for each i from 0 to 4.
How can I do that? Thanks in advance.
You could add a new axis to b so it is multiplied accross W's inner arrays' rows, i.e the second axis:
W * b[:,None]
What you want to do is called Broadcasting. In numpy, you can multiply this way, but only if the shapes match according to some restrictions:
Starting from the right, every component of each arrays' shape must be the equal, 1, or not exist
so right now you have:
W.shape = (32, 5, 20)
b.shape = (5,)
since 20 and 5 don't match, they cant' be broadcast.
If you were to have:
W.shape = (32, 5, 20)
b.shape = (5, 1 )
20 would match with 1 (1 is always ok) and the 5's would match, and you can then multiply them.
To get b's shape to (5, 1), you can either do .reshape(5, 1) (or, more robustly, .reshape(-1, 1)) or fancy index with [:, None]
Thus either of these work:
W * b[:,None] #yatu's answer
W * b.reshape(-1, 1)
I need to insert 3-dimensional matrices into a new variable.
I'm trying to do that by:
Creating a 4-dimensional matrix and by promoting the fourth dimension saving the three dimensions respectively.
Sample code:
from python_speech_features import mfcc
import numpy as np
X = np.zeros((0,0,0,0),float) #4-dimensional - (0, 0, 0, 0)
ii = 0
for ii in range 1000:
data, fs = sf.read(curfile[ii])
sig = mfcc(data, fs, winstep=winstep,winlen=winlen,nfft=1024) #size - (49, 13)
sig = sig[:, :, np.newaxis] #add third-dimensional - (49, 13, 1)
X[:,:,:,ii] = sig
IndexError: index 0 is out of bounds for axis 3 with size 0
Someone can help me with that problem?
You are not creating array in right way. You cannot insert value in axis which have zero length at least specify some length for axis
X = np.zeros((10, 10, 10,1000), float)
# (10, 10, 10, 1000)
Now you can set value in whatever axis you want by simply,
X[:, :, :, 2] = 1
# this will simply set value of 3rd axis's 3rd element to 1
Either use np.stack (i think it is the best way of doing it) or create the initial array in its final size:
np.zeros((49,13,1,1000), float)
In your case
I am trying to update the weights in a neural network with this line:
self.l1weights[0] = self.l1weights[0] + self.learning_rate * l1error
And this results in a value error:
ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (7,7) into shape (7)
Printing the learning_rate*error and the weights returns something like this:
[ 4.17022005e-01 7.20324493e-01 1.14374817e-04 3.02332573e-01
1.46755891e-01 9.23385948e-02 1.86260211e-01]
It is clear the weights are initialized as a vector of length 7 in this example and the error is initialized as a 7x1 matrix. I would expect addition to return a 7x1 matrix or a vector as well, but instead it generates a 7x7 matrix like this:
[[ 4.10446271e-01 7.13748760e-01 -6.46135890e-03 2.95756839e-01
1.40180157e-01 8.57628611e-02 1.79684478e-01]
[ 4.02714481e-01 7.06016970e-01 -1.41931487e-02 2.88025049e-01
1.32448367e-01 7.80310713e-02 1.71952688e-01]
[ 3.99627379e-01 7.02929868e-01 -1.72802505e-02 2.84937947e-01
1.29361266e-01 7.49439695e-02 1.68865586e-01]
[ 4.16640855e-01 7.19943343e-01 -2.66775370e-04 3.01951422e-01
1.46374741e-01 9.19574446e-02 1.85879061e-01]
[ 4.01388075e-01 7.04690564e-01 -1.55195551e-02 2.86698643e-01
1.31121961e-01 7.67046648e-02 1.70626281e-01]
[ 3.96412924e-01 6.99715412e-01 -2.04947062e-02 2.81723492e-01
1.26146810e-01 7.17295137e-02 1.65651130e-01]
[ 4.01429313e-01 7.04731801e-01 -1.54783174e-02 2.86739880e-01
1.31163199e-01 7.67459026e-02 1.70667519e-01]]
Numpy.sum also returns the same 7x7 matrix. Is there a way to solve this without explicit reshaping? Output size is variable and this is an issue specific to when the output size is one.
When adding (7,) array (named a) with (1, 7) array (named b), broadcasting happens and generates (7, 7) array. If your just want to do element-by-element addition, keep them in the same shape.
a + b.flatten() gives (7,). flatten makes all the dimensions collapse into one. This keeps the result as a row.
a.reshape(-1, 1) + b gives (1, 7). -1 in reshape requires numpy to decide how many elements are there given other dimensions. This keeps the result as a column.
a = np.arange(7) # row
b = a.reshape(-1, 1) # column
print((a + b).shape) # (7, 7)
print((a + b.flatten()).shape) # (7,)
print((a.reshape(-1, 1) + b).shape) # (7, 1)
In your case, a and b would be self.l1weights[0] and self.learning_rate * l1error respectively.