I have a project created with openapi-generator and a python-flask application is generated using the open api. I am using following command to generate my app.
openapi-generator generate -i OpenAPI/api.yaml -g python-flask --skip-validate-spec
But this command override my already implemented controller implementations to the default. Is there a way to,
Skip the controllers that was not updated in this iteration and create only the new ones.
If not skip generation of controller python files
I have already used .openapi-generator-ignore and ignored the controller repository.
But i am looking for something better?
I'm working on a project here which could helps you for generating openapi easily without have to execute or config anything just run your server. Here it is flask-toolkits
the implementation is via your view function and its really flexible. Its inspired by FastAPI's openapi setup
from typing import Optional
from flask import Flask
from flask_toolkits import AutoSwagger, APIRouter, Body, Header, Query
from flask_toolkits.responses import JSONResponse
app = Flask(__name__)
auto_swagger = AutoSwagger()
router = APIRouter("email", __name__, url_prefix="/email")
#router.post("/read", tags=["Email Router"])
def get_email(
token: int = Header(),
id: int = Body(),
name: Optional[str] = Body(None),
race: Optional[str] = Query(None)
return JSONResponse({"id":id, "name": name})
if __name__ == "__main__":
go to http://localhost:5000/docs
and here you go
I'm using fastapi-azure-auth to make call to my API impossible, if the user is not logged in (doesn't pass a valid token in the API call from the UI to be precise).
My question doesn't have anything to do with this particular library, it's about FastAPI in general.
I use a class (SingleTenantAzureAuthorizationCodeBearer) which is callable. It is used in two cases:
api.onevent("startup") - to connect to Azure
as a dependency in routes that user wants to have authentication in
To initialize it, it requires some things like Azure IDs etc. I provide those via a config file.
The problem is, this class is created when the modules get evaluated, so the values from the config file would have to be already present.
So, I have this:
azure_scheme = SingleTenantAzureAuthorizationCodeBearer(
f'api://{settings.APP_CLIENT_ID}/user_impersonation': 'user_impersonation',
from .dependencies import azure_scheme
api = FastAPI(
def init_api() -> FastAPI:
# I want to read configuration here
api.swagger_ui.init_oauth = {"clientID": config.CLIENT_ID}
return api
async def load_config() -> None:
Load OpenID config on startup.
await azure_scheme.openid_config.load_config()
#api.get("/", dependencies=[Depends(azure_scheme)])
def test():
return {"hello": "world"}
Then I'd run the app with gunicorn -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker foo:init_api().
So, for example, the Depends part will get evaluated before init_api, before reading the config. I would have to read the config file before that happens. And I don't want to do that, I'd like to control when the config reading happens (that's why I have init_api function where I initialize the logging and other stuff).
My question would be: is there a way to first read the config then initialize a dependency like SingleTenantAzureAuthorizationCodeBearer so I can use the values from config for this initialization?
from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, Response
from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
from .config import get_config
from .dependencies import get_azure_scheme
api = FastAPI(
def init_api() -> FastAPI:
api.swagger_ui_init_oauth = {
"usePkceWithAuthorizationCodeGrant": True,
"clientId": get_config().client_id,
return api
#api.get("/test", dependencies=[Depends(get_azure_scheme)])
def test():
return Response(status_code=200)
import os
from functools import lru_cache
import toml
from pydantic import BaseSettings
class Settings(BaseSettings):
client_id: str
tenant_id: str
def get_config():
with open(os.getenv("CONFIG_PATH", ""), mode="r") as config_file:
config_data = toml.load(config_file)
return Settings(
client_id=config_data["azure"]["CLIENT_ID"], tenant_id=config_data["azure"]["TENANT_ID"]
from fastapi import Depends
from fastapi_azure_auth import SingleTenantAzureAuthorizationCodeBearer
from .config import Settings, get_config
def get_azure_scheme(config: Settings = Depends(get_config)):
return SingleTenantAzureAuthorizationCodeBearer(
f"api://{config.client_id}/user": "user",
The Jinja documentation states the following regarding line statements:
If line statements are enabled by the application, it’s possible to mark a line as a statement.
In this video, line statements are enabled/configured like this:
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
app.jinja_env.line_statement_prefix = '%'
However, in Flask 1.0.4 my application object does not have this attribute.
How can I enable and configure line statements?
So according to the source, app.jinja_env is a locked_cached_property which is created the first time it is accessed. So we can't set options directly on app.jinja_env.
What we can do is set app.jinja_options when we are creating our app so that when jinja goes to load the environment it looks at the default app.jinja_options in Flask already which are
jinja_options = {"extensions": ["jinja2.ext.autoescape", "jinja2.ext.with_"]}
So with that, I believe the following should do what we need
from flask import Flask
Flask.jinja_options = {'extensions': ['jinja2.ext.autoescape', 'jinja2.ext.with_'], 'line_statement_prefix': '%'}
app = Flask(__name__)
Flask breaks up the options object, passes that to the Environment which is a subclass of Jinja Environment which then assigns the line_statement_prefix.
Based on the Configuration Handling Documents for Flask the section of Configuring from Files mentions a possibility to configure the App using files however it provides no example or mention of files that are not Python Files.
Is it possible to configure apps via files like config.yml or config.toml?
My Current flask app has configurations for two distinct databases and since I am using flask-restplus there are additional configurations for Swagger documentations.
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def configure_app(flask_app):
# MongoDB Setting
flask_app.config['MONGO_URI'] = 'mongodb://user:password#mongo_db_endpoint:37018/myDB?authSource=admin'
flask_app.config['MONGO_DBNAME'] = 'myDB'
# InfluxDB Setting
flask_app.config['INFLUXDB_HOST'] = 'my_influxdb_endpoint'
flask_app.config['INFLUXDB_PORT'] = 8086
flask_app.config['INFLUXDB_USER'] = 'influx_user'
flask_app.config['INFLUXDB_PASSWORD'] = 'influx_password'
flask_app.config['INFLUXDB_SSL'] = True
flask_app.config['INFLUXDB_VERIFY_SSL'] = False
flask_app.config['INFLUXDB_DATABASE'] = 'IoTData'
# Flask-Restplus Swagger Configuration
flask_app.config['RESTPLUS_SWAGGER_UI_DOC_EXPANSION'] = 'list'
flask_app.config['RESTPLUS_VALIDATE'] = True
flask_app.config['RESTPLUS_MASK_SWAGGER'] = False
flask_app.config['ERROR_404_HELP'] = False
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":
I would like to avoid setting large number of Environment Variables and wish to configure them using a config.toml file?
How is this achieved in flask?
You can use the .cfg files and from_envvar to achieve this. Create config file with all your environment variables.
Then set the env var APP_ENVS=my_config.cfg. Now all you need to do is use from_envvars given by Flask.
def configure_app(flask_app):
# configure any other things
# register blue prints if you have any
Quoting from documentation:
Configuring from Data Files
It is also possible to load configuration from a file in a format of
your choice using from_file(). For example to load from a TOML file:
import toml
app.config.from_file("config.toml", load=toml.load)
Or from a JSON file:
import json
app.config.from_file("config.json", load=json.load)
EDIT: The above feature is new for v2.0.
Link to the documentation reference:
Class Flask.config, method from_file(filename, load, silent=False)
The aim of this program is just to return the values that are passed from a .cfg configuration file called 'defaults.cfg'.
I totally understand what should be getting passed here and to be honest the code for all intents and purposes is copied from an exercise, but it fails with a 'Keying error: (value)' (all values give the keying error, it's just whatever is first) and I don't know why. I've been unable to find a solution online and the code is the same in principle as a friend's more complicated program running a proper web application and his works just fine.
Apparently using capitals for the config keys is a thing and I've done that and I'm sure I have all the necessary libraries/binaries installed.
I'm doing this on Bash on Windows on Ubuntu.
Thanks in advance for any consideration.
DEBUG = True
PORT = 5000
import ConfigParser
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def root():
return "Sup! Hollerin' at ya from the configuration testing app"
def tellMeh():
return app.config['PORT']
def config():
str = []
return '\t'.join(str)
def init(app):
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
config_location = "etc/defaults.cfg"
app.config['DEBUG'] = config.get("config", "DEBUG")
app.config['IP'] = config.get("config", "IP_ADDRESS")
app.config['PORT'] = config.get("config", "PORT")
print "Succesfully read configs from: ", config_location
print "Couldn't read configs from: ", config_location
if __name__ == '__main__':
You'll get different behavior from that code depending on how you invoke it.
FLASK_APP=configuration.py flask run will skip the section at the bottom where init(app) is called
python configuration.py will run that section, calling init(app).
You might wish to move the call to init() to right below app = Flask(...).
I have a Sanic application, and want to retrieve app.config from a blueprint as it holds MONGO_URL, and I will pass it to a repository class from the blueprint.
However, I could not find how to get app.config in a blueprint. I have also checked Flask solutions, but they are not applicable to Sanic.
My app.py:
from sanic import Sanic
from routes.authentication import auth_route
from routes.user import user_route
app = Sanic(__name__)
app.blueprint(auth_route, url_prefix="/auth")
app.blueprint(user_route, url_prefix="/user")
app.run(host='', port=8000, debug=True)
My auth blueprint:
import jwt
from sanic import Blueprint
from sanic.response import json, redirect
from domain.user import User
from repository.user_repository import UserRepository
auth_route = Blueprint('authentication')
mongo_url = ?????
user_repository = UserRepository(mongo_url)
async def redirect_user(request):
The Sanic way...
Inside a view method, you can access the app instance from the request object. And, therefore access your configuration.
async def redirect_user(request):
configuration = request.app.config
2021-10-10 Update
There are two newer ways to get to the configuration values (or, perhaps more accuratlely getting the application instance from which you can get the configuration). The first version might be more on point to answering the question of how to get to the config from the blueprint. However, the second option is probably the preferred method since it is precisely intended for this kind of use.
Alternative #1
Blueprints have access to the Sanic applications they are attached to beginning with v21.3.
Therefore, if you have a blueprint object, you can trace that back to the application instance, and therefore also the config value.
app = Sanic("MyApp")
bp = Blueprint("MyBlueprint")
assert bp.apps[0] is app
The Blueprint.apps property is a set because it is possible to attach a single blueprint to multiple applications.
Alternative #2
Sanic has a built-in method for retrieving an application instance from the global scope beginning in v20.12. This means that once an application has been instantiated, you can retrieve it using: Sanic.get_app().
app = Sanic("MyApp")
assert Sanic.get_app() is app
This method will only work if there is a single Sanic instance available. If you have multiple application instances, you will need to use the optional name argument:
app1 = Sanic("MyApp")
app2 = Sanic("MyOtherApp")
assert Sanic.get_app("MyApp") is app1
I would suggest a slightly different approach, based on the 12 Factor App (very interesting read which, among others, provides a nice guideline on how to protect and isolate your sensitive info).
The general idea is to place your sensitive and configuration variables in a file that is going to be gitignored and therefore will only be available locally.
I will try to present the method I tend to use in order to be as close as possible to the 12 Factor guidelines:
Create a .env file with your project variables in it:
(Important) Add .env and .env.* on your .gitignore file, thus protecting your sensitive info from been uploaded to GitHub.
Create an env.example (be careful not to name it with a . in the beginning, because it will get ignored).
In that file, you can put an example of the expected configuration in order to be reproducible by simply copy, paste, rename to .env.
In a file named settings.py, use decouple.config to read your config file into variables:
from decouple import config
CONFIG_OPTION_1 = config('CONFIG_OPTION_1', default='')
DEBUG = config('DEBUG', cast=bool, default=True)
Now you can use these variables wherever is necessary for your implementation:
import settings
auth_route = Blueprint('authentication')
mongo_url = settings.MONGO_URL
user_repository = UserRepository(mongo_url)
As a finisher, I would like to point out that this method is framework (and even language) agnostic so you can use it on Sanic as well as Flask and everywhere you need it!
I think you can create a config.py to save your configuration, just like
config = {
and use it in app.py
from config import config
mongo_url = config['MONGO_URL']
There is a variable named current_app in Flask. You can use current_app.config["MONGO_URL"].
But I am not familiar with Sanic.