Modify celery loggers level - python

It's first time I'm trying to dive into celery this deep.
I'm running celery worker generated many INFO logs in this form:
INFO:celery.worker.job:Task XXXX succeeded in XXX: None
INFO:celery.worker.strategy:Received task:
I want to change it to DEBUG instead.
I've found some related information HERE, HERE and HERE
and tried playing with the logger inside but didn't find a way to modify this log level from my file. also tried some environment vars that I thought to be related but it didn't help as well.
any help would be appreciated.

It should be as easy as passing -l DEBUG to your Celery worker.
For more details run something like celery -A <celeryapp> worker --help (change <celeryapp> to be the same as what you used to run your Celery worker) and you will get something like:
Logging level.


How to set up celery persistent state database

Celery task revocation is stored in the memory, so it will not persist when worker is restarted.
In Celery documentation it can be persisted using command celery -A proj worker -l info --statedb=/var/run/celery/worker.state
but when I run the command, I got error file not found, so I created the file, I ran the command again but then it tells me db type could not be determined.
I try to lookup how to set the persistent database to use in celery but got no results. Any help will be apreciated
So it turns out, I have to create the directory first and celery worker should be permitted creating a file in that directory.
My solution was to create celery directory in the project then run command:
celery -A proj worker -l info --statedb=celery/working.state
and it works

Celery task not received by worker when two projects

My colleague has written celery tasks, necessary configuration in settings file, also supervisors config file. Everything is working perfectly fine. The projects is handed over to me and I seeing some issues that I have to fix.
There are two projects running on a single machine, both projects are almost same, lets call them projA and projB.
supervisord.conf file is as:
;for projA
command=celery -A project worker -l info
command=celery -A project beat -l info
; For projB
command=celery -A project worker -l info
command=celery -A project beat -l info
The issue is, I am creating tasks through a loop and only one task is received from celeryd of projA, and remaining task are not in received (or could be received by celeryd of projB).
But when I stop celery programs for projB everything works well. Please note, the actual name of django-app is project hence celery -A project worker/beat -l info.
Please bare, I am new to celery, any help is appreciated. TIA.
As the Celery docs says,
Celery is an asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing.
When multiple tasks are created through a loop, tasks are evenly distributed to two different workers ie worker of projA and worker of projB since your workers are same.
If projects are similar or as you mentioned almost same, you can use Celery Queue but of course your queues across projects should be different.
Celery Docs for the same is provided here.
in your file.
And your supervisor.conf file needs queue name in the commands line for all the programs.
For Ex: command=celery -A project beat -l info -Q <queue_name>
And that should work, based on my experience.

Celery, what is the recommended way to deamonise as a worker and a scheduler?

I have Django and Celery set up. I am only using one node for the worker.
I want to use use it as an asynchronous queue and as a scheduler.
I can launch the task as follows, with the -B option and it will do both.
celery worker start --app=myapp.tasks -B
However it is unclear how to do this on production when I want to daemonise the process. Do I need to set up both the init scripts?
I have tried adding the -B option to the init.d script, but it doesn't seem to have any effect. The documentation is not very clear.
Personally I use Supervisord, which has some nice options and configurability. There are example supervisord config files here
A couple of ways to achieve this:
1. Celery distribution comes with a generic init scripts located in path-to-celery/celery-3.1.10/extra/generic-init.d/celeryd
this can be placed in /etc/init.d/celeryd-name and configured using a configuration file also present in the distribution which would look like the following
# Names of nodes to start (space-separated)
# Where to chdir at start. This could be the root of a virtualenv.
# How to call celeryd-multi
# Extra arguments
#CELERYD_OPTS=" --time-limit=300 --concurrency=8 --loglevel=DEBUG"
# Create log/pid dirs, if they don't already exist
# %n will be replaced with the nodename
# Workers run as an unprivileged user
You can add the following celerybeat elements for celery beat configuration to the file
# Where to chdir at start.
# Extra arguments to celerybeat
This config should be then saved in (atleast for centos) /etc/default/celeryd-config-name
Look at the init file for the exact location.
now you can run celery as a daemon by running commands
/etc/init.d/celeryd star/restart/stop
Using supervisord.
As mentioned in the other answer.
The superviosord configuration files are also in the distribution path-to-dist/celery-version/extra/supervisord
Configure using the files and use superviosrctl to run the service as a daemon

Celery-Django as Daemon: Settings not found

By following this tutorial, I have now a Celery-Django app that is working fine if I launch the worker with this command:
celery -A myapp worker -n worker1.%h
in my Django, I set all parameters for Celery (IP of the messages broker, etc...). Everything is working well.
My next step now, is to run this app as a Daemon. So I have followed this second tutorial and everything is simple, except now, my Celery parameters included in are not loaded. By example, messages broker IP is set to but in my, I set it at an other IP address.
In the tutorial, they say:
make sure that the module that defines your Celery app instance also sets a default value for DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE as shown in the example Django project in First steps with Django.
So I made it sure. I had in /etc/default/celeryd this:
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="myapp.settings"
Still not working... So I also, had this line in /etc/init.d/celeryd, again not working.
I don't know what to do anymore. Is someone has a clue?
Here is my
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
from django.conf import settings
from celery import Celery
# set the default Django settings module for the 'celery' program.
os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'myapp.settings')
app = Celery('myapp')
# Using a string here means the worker will not have to
# pickle the object when using Windows.
app.autodiscover_tasks(lambda: settings.INSTALLED_APPS)
def debug_task(self):
print('Request: {0!r}'.format(self.request))
EDIT #2:
Here is my /etc/default/celeryd:
# Names of nodes to start
# most will only start one node:
# Absolute or relative path to the 'celery' command:
# App instance to use
# comment out this line if you don't use an app
# Where to chdir at start.
# Extra command-line arguments to the worker
# %N will be replaced with the first part of the nodename.
# Workers should run as an unprivileged user.
# You need to create this user manually (or you can choose
# a user/group combination that already exists, e.g. nobody).
# If enabled pid and log directories will be created if missing,
# and owned by the userid/group configured.
# Name of the projects settings module.
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=myapp.settings
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/home/ubuntu/myapp-folder
All answers here could be a part of the solution but at the end, it was still not working.
But I finally succeeded to make it work.
First of all, in /etc/init.d/celeryd, I have changed this line:
The first one was tagged as deprecated, could be the problem.
Moreover, I put this as option:
And don't forget to export some environments variables:
# Name of the projects settings module.
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="myapp.settings"
export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:/home/ubuntu/myapp-folder"
With all of this, it's now working on my side.
The problem is most likely that celeryd can't find your Django settings file because myapp.settings isn't in the the $PYTHONPATH then the application runs.
From what I recall, Python will look in the $PYTHONPATH as well as the local folder when importing files. When celeryd runs, it likely checks the path for a module app, doesn't find it, then looks in the current folder for a folder app with an (i.e. a python module).
I think that all you should need to do is add this to your /etc/default/celeryd file:
export $PYTHONPATH:path/to/your/app
Below method does not helps to run celeryd, rather helps to run celery worker as a service which will be started at boot time.
commands like this sudo service celery status also works.
# This file sits in /etc/init
description "Celery for example"
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [!2345]
#Send KILL after 10 seconds
kill timeout 10
#project(working_ecm) and Vitrualenv(working_ecm/env) settings
chdir /home/hemanth/working_ecm
exec /home/hemanth/working_ecm/env/bin/python celery worker -B -c 2 -f /var/log/celery-ecm.log --loglevel=info >> /tmp/upstart-celery-job.log 2>&1
end script
In your second tutorial they set the django_settings variable to:
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="settings"
This could be a reason why your settings is not found in case it changes to directory
Then you defined your app with "myapp" and then you say settings is in "myapp.settings"
This could lead to the fact that it searchs the settings file in
So my suggestion is to remove the "myapp." in the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE variable and dont forget quotation marks
I'd like to add an answer for anyone stumbling on this more recently.
I followed the getting started First Steps guide to a tee with Celery 4.4.7, as well as the Daemonization tutorial without luck.
My initial issue:
celery -A app_name worker -l info works without issue (actual celery configuration is OK).
I could start celeryd as daemon and status command would show OK, but couldn't receive tasks. Checking logs, I saw the following:
[2020-11-01 09:33:15,620: ERROR/MainProcess] consumer: Cannot connect to amqp://guest:**# [Errno 111] Connection refused.
This was an indication that celeryd was not connecting to my broker (redis). Given CELERY_BROKER_URL was already set in my configuration, this meant my celery app settings were not being pulled in for the daemon process.
I tried sudo C_FAKEFORK=1 sh -x -l -E /etc/init.d/celeryd start to see if any of my celery settings were pulled in, and i noticed that app was set to default default (not the app name specified as CELERY_APP in /etc/default/celeryd
Since celery -A app_name worker -l info worked, fixed the issue by exporting CELERY_APP in /etc/default/celeryd/, instead of just setting the variable per documentation.
If celery -A app_name worker -l info works (replace app_name with what you've defined in the Celery first steps guide), and sudo C_FAKEFORK=1 sh -x -l -E /etc/init.d/celeryd start does not show your celery app settings being pulled in, add the following to the end of your /etc/default/celeryd:
export CELERY_APP="app_name"

Celery Tasks Not Being Processed

I'm trying to process some tasks using celery, and I'm not having too much luck. I'm running celeryd and celerybeat as daemons. I have a file that look like this with a simple app and task defined:
from celery import Celery
app = Celery('tasks', broker='amqp://user:pass#hostname:5672/vhostname')
def process_file(f):
# do some stuff
# and log results
And this file is referenced from another file I use to monitor for file changes that looks like:
from tasks import process_file
file_name = '/file/to/process'
result = process_file.delay(file_name)
And with that little code, celery is unable to see tasks and process them. I can execute similar code in the python interpreter and celery processes them:
py >>> from tasks import process_file
py >>> process_file.delay('/file/to/process')
<AsyncResult: 8af23a4e-3f26-469c-8eee-e646b9d28c7b>
When I run the tasks from the interpreter however, beat.log and worker1.log don't show any indication that the tasks were received, but using logging I can confirm the task code was executed. There are also no obvious errors in the .log files. Any ideas what could be causing this problem?
My /etc/default/celerybeat looks like:
And /etc/default/celeryd:
CELERYD_OPTS="--time-limit=300 --concurrency=8"
So I figured out my issue here by running celery from the cli instead of as a daemon, enabling me to see more detailed output of errors that happened. I did this by running:
user#hostname /opt/dirwithpyfiles $ su celery
celery#hostname /opt/dirwithpyfiles $ celery -A tasks worker --loglevel=info
There I could see that a permissions issue was happening as the celery user that did not happen when I ran the commands from the python interpreter as my normal user. I fixed this by changing the permissions of /file/to/process so that both users could read from it.
