I am working on converting the encryption function of AES/GCM-256 in C# to Python.
i found the following code in Python and i am using it, but the problem is that my data in the Python function is the same as the C# data.
The output string (encoded) produced by my Python function is not the same as the output of the C# function, although my inputs (key, iv and data) are the same in both functions.
I would be grateful if someone could help me
My keyis: b'4fda3c622e966e0839441401bbd3b8f191d4267bf5f19b40812a34b212fd3ed9'
My iv is: b'4fda3c622e966e0839441401bbd3b8f191d4267bf5f19b40812a34b212fd3ed9'
C# function
public static string AesEncrypt(byte[] payload, byte[] key, byte[] iv)
var cipher = new GcmBlockCipher(new AesEngine());
byte[] baPayload = new byte[0];
cipher.Init(true, new AeadParameters(new KeyParameter(key), 128, iv, baPayload));
var cipherBytes = new byte[cipher.GetOutputSize(payload.Length)];
int len = cipher.ProcessBytes(payload, 0, payload.Length, cipherBytes, 0);
cipher.DoFinal(cipherBytes, len);
return Convert.ToBase64String(cipherBytes);
It can be converted to bytes using the following function PASSPHRASE in C#:
public static byte[] StringToByteArray(string hex)
return Enumerable.Range(0, hex.Length)
.Where(x => x % 2 == 0)
.Select(x => Convert.ToByte(hex.Substring(x, 2), 16))
PASSPHRASE= b'a4b42ed2702cb1b00a14f39a88c719cb04e5e8b29e2479634c990258e327483'
def AES_encrypt(data,iv):
data_json_64 = data
key = binascii.unhexlify(PASSPHRASE)
cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_GCM, iv)
x = cipher.encrypt(data)
return x
Because all my data is the same, I expect my output to be the same, but it is not
My input test string to both C# and Python is::
"In publishing and graphic design, Lorem ipsum is a"
My iv to both C# and Python is:
The encoded output in C# is:
The encoded output in Python is:
After implementing suggested changes from your comments and some minor tweaks to your code, it is possible to reproduce your C# result. The main problem was the handle of a ciphertext and a tag. As #Topaco has stated in the comments, C# implicitly concatenates ciphertext and tag as ciphertext|tag, which will mean you need to do the same in your code. If you follow the GCM documentation you will see that you need to use encrypt_and_digest() function in order to obtain the ciphertext and the tag. Here is what you need to change:
cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_GCM, iv) → cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_GCM, binascii.unhexlify(iv))
x = cipher.encrypt(data) → x, key = cipher.encrypt_and_digest(data)
return x → return x + key
These changes should help you fix your code. I also have some other suggestions. I wouldn't use global variables in your code. For starters, this will mean that your function should be AES_encrypt(data, key, iv) and not AES_encrypt(data, iv). Why are global variables a bad idea? In this particular case it makes no sense you use a global variable for password as you shouldn't use the same password for encryption of everything. Additionally, when talking about encryption, you will see that every algorithm is using a key which is not the same as a password. Here you are implementing the password based encryption. However, you are not doing it correctly, as you are using a password (passphrase) as a cryptographic key. The idea behind a password based encryption is to use a good digest/key stretching technique to create a key from your password. Finally, you should take a look at the NIST Special Publication 800-38D to learn more about the GCM and NIST's suggested parameters when it comes to implementing a safe encryption.
I am rewriting the codes written in C# with Python. In a part of the C# program, a string is signed with the RSA algorithm and sent to an API.
I have rewritten all parts of the C# program in Python, including the string signature section
The output in the signature of the C# program is the same as the signature of the Python program
But the APi in question does not confirm the signature generated by Python, even though the signature string in C# and Python is exactly the same.
I would be grateful if someone could help me
And whether the output of the RSA algorithm for signature is the same or changes for the same string at each time of encryption (signature)?
In Python, I use the following
from Cryptodome. Signature import pkcs1_15
from Cryptodome. Hash import SHA256
from Cryptodome.PublicKey import RSA
import base64
I rewrote the signature of a string that is in C# programming language in Python language (with RSA algorithm and key length of 2048) and it showed me the output of the same string from both programs (C# and Python).
When I send this signature string to an API, it does not receive an error and accepts the signature generated with C#, but it receives an error with the signature generated in Python and does not accept the signature.
What I expected was that since the signature output from both programming languages is the same (the same strings), the desired API should not have any problem with it.
Is my view wrong?
public static string SignData(String stringToBeSigned, string privateKey)
var pem = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n" + privateKey + "\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----";
PemReader pr = new PemReader(new StringReader(pem));
AsymmetricKeyParameter privateKeyParams = (AsymmetricKeyParameter)pr.ReadObject();
RSAParameters rsaParams = DotNetUtilities.ToRSAParameters((RsaPrivateCrtKeyParameters)privateKeyParams);
RSACryptoServiceProvider csp = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
var dataBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(stringToBeSigned);
return Convert.ToBase64String(csp.SignData(dataBytes, HashAlgorithmName.SHA256, RSASignaturePadding.Pkcs1));
python :
key = RSA.import_key(open('rsa.private').read())
h = SHA256.new(normalize.encode('utf-8'))
signature = pkcs1_15.new(key).sign(h)
base64_bytes = base64.b64encode(signature)
base64_signature = base64_bytes.decode('ascii')
I have a python code that generates a PBKDF2 sha1 hash of a password using the hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac method. Then I use that password digest in a dotnet framework 4.5 program to verify it against the same password. The C# program returns false which suggests that the hash produced from the python program is incorrect.
The key is in this format: #iterations|salt|key.
Then, I take that key and I try to verify it using a dotnet framework app using via method:
public static bool IsValid(string testPassword, string originalDelimitedHash)
//extract original values from delimited hash text
var originalHashParts = originalDelimitedHash.Split('|');
var origIterations = Int32.Parse(originalHashParts[0]);
var origSalt = Convert.FromBase64String(originalHashParts[1]);
var originalHash = originalHashParts[2];
//generate hash from test password and original salt and iterations
var pbkdf2 = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(testPassword, origSalt, origIterations, HashAlgorithmName.SHA1);
byte[] testHash = pbkdf2.GetBytes(20);
var hashStr = Convert.ToBase64String(testHash);
if (hashStr == originalHash)
return true;
return false;
my python program:
from hashlib import pbkdf2_hmac
from base64 import b64encode
from os import urandom
def generate_password_hash(password:string):
encodedPass = password.encode('utf8')
random_bytes = urandom(20)
salt = b64encode(random_bytes)
iterations = 5000
key = pbkdf2_hmac('sha1', encodedPass, salt, iterations, dklen=20)
result = f'{iterations}|{salt.decode("utf-8")}|{binascii.hexlify(key).decode("utf-8")}'
return result
So if my password is hDHzJnMg0O the resulting digest from the above python method would be something like 5000|J5avBy0q5p9R/6cgxUpu6+6sW7o=|2445594504c9ffb54d1f11bbd0b385e3e37a5aca
So if I take that and supply it to my C# IsValid method (see below) it returns false which means the passwords do not match
static void Main(string[] args)
var pass = "hDHzJnMg0O";
var hash = "5000|J5avBy0q5p9R/6cgxUpu6+6sW7o=|2445594504c9ffb54d1f11bbd0b385e3e37a5aca";
var isValid = IsValid(pass, hash); // returns False
The Python code:
uses b64encode(random_bytes) as salt for the PBKDF2 call. This is rather unusual (but not a bug). Typically the raw data, i.e. random_bytes, is applied as salt and passed to the PBKDF2 call. With the Base64 encoding only the string would be created.
hex encodes the key (i.e. the return value of the PBKDF2 call).
The C# code is different in these points and:
uses the raw data (i.e. random_bytes from the Python side) for the PBKDF2 call, i.e. the salt from the Python side is Base64 decoded.
Base64 encodes the key (i.e. the return value of the PBKDF2 call)
Changes in the C# code for compatibility with the Python code (of course the changes could also be made in the Python code, but the Python code seems to be the reference):
var origSalt = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(originalHashParts[1]); // Convert.FromBase64String(originalHashParts[1]);
var hashStr = Convert.ToHexString(testHash); // Convert.ToBase64String(testHash);
For the latter, Convert.ToHexString() was used, which is available since .NET 5. For other .NET versions see e.g. here.
Furthermore, since the hex encoded values are compared and the different implementations are not standardized regarding lower (e.g. binascii.hexlify(key)) and upper case letters (e.g. Convert.ToHexString(testHash)), it is more robust to convert both strings uniformly, e.g.:
if (hashStr.ToUpper() == originalHash.ToUpper())
return true;
With these changes, validation with the C# code works.
Edit (with regard to the change in the Python code addressed in the comment):
If in the Python code random_bytes is used as salt and the salt is Base64 encoded for concatenation, then in the C# code the Base64 encoded salt must be Base64 decoded again (as in the original C# code).
I wrote an application in Nodejs that encrypts user passwords using AES-256-CTR :
const crypto = require('crypto')
const masterkey = 'azertyuiopazertyuiopazertyuiopaz'
const cipher = crypto.createCipher('aes-256-ctr', masterkey)
console.log(cipher.update('antoine', 'utf8', 'hex') + cipher.final('hex')) //=> 6415bc70ad76c6
It then gets persisted into a database and now I'm trying to decipher it from a Python script using PyCrypto like this :
masterkey = 'azertyuiopazertyuiopazertyuiopaz'
password = '6415bc70ad76c6'
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
import os
import binascii
counter = os.urandom(16)
# counter = bytes(16) # does not work
# counter = masterkey[0:16].encode() # does not work
cipher = AES.new(masterkey, AES.MODE_CTR, counter=lambda: counter)
But it gives me completely wrong results here.
Do you know what I am missing ?
Thanks to zaph, it appears that the way my Javascript code encrypts data is insecure. I still have to figure out what IV is being used internally by Node. I've tried many without success
Update based on new information in the question: The best bet is that Nodejs is using a default counter value.
The same counter value must be used for both encryption and decryption. But no counter value is provided on encryption and a random value is used on decryption so it can never work.
Use: crypto.createCipheriv(algorithm, key, iv) where iv is the random counter initial value.
It is necessary to create a random counter value on encryption and save it so that the same initial counter value can be used on decryption. One option is to prefix the encrypted data with the counter value, it does not need to be secret. Then on decryption it can be split from the encrypted data and used.
Also when using CTR mode the same initial counter value must never be use again with the same key.
See CTR mode
PyCrypto documentation CTR mode:
Cipher-Block Chaining (CBC). Each of the ciphertext blocks depends on the current and all previous plaintext blocks. An Initialization Vector (IV) is required.
The IV is a data block to be transmitted to the receiver. The IV can be made public, but it must be authenticated by the receiver and it should be picked randomly.)
The IV is the initial counter value.
[Nodejs dociumewnrtation: Class: Cipher:
crypto.createCipheriv(algorithm, key, iv)
algorithm <string>
key <string> | <Buffer> | <TypedArray> | <DataView>
iv <string> | <Buffer> | <TypedArray> | <DataView>
Creates and returns a Cipher object, with the given algorithm, key and initialization vector (iv).
Okay, so basically I am having issues decrypting with Python.
I've managed to encrypt/decrypt data with Node.js - using "aes-128-ctr", the same goes for PyCrypto, but when I try to encrypt with Node.js and decrypt with Python I get invalid deciphered text.
Node.js code:
var key = "1234567890123456";
var cipher = crypto.createCipher("aes-128-ctr",key)
var ctext = cipher.update('asasasa','utf8','hex') + cipher.final('hex')
console.log(ctext) // outputs: "f2cf6ecd8f"
Python code:
counter = Counter.new(128)
cipher = AES.new("1234567890123456", AES.MODE_CTR, counter=counter)
cipher.decrypt("f2cf6ecd8f") // outputs: weird encoding characters
By the way, I don't care about the level of security of this encryption, I care about performance more.
crypto.createCipher takes a password and EVP_BytesToKey to derive a key and IV from that, but pycrypto directly expects a key and IV. You need to use exactly the same procedure.
crypto.createCipher must never be used with CTR-mode, because the key and IV generation are not randomized. Since the CTR-mode is a streaming mode, it will always produce the same key stream which might enable an attacker who only observes multiple ciphertexts that are encrypted with the same password to deduce the plaintext. This is possible because of the resulting many-time pad issue.
If you must use CTR-mode, then you have to use crypto.createCipheriv. If you use the same key, you have to use a different IV every time. This is why this is actually called a nonce for CTR-mode. For AES-CTR, a nonce of 96 bit is a good compromise between security and size of possibly encryptable plaintexts.
var key = "1234567890123456"
var iv = Buffer.concat([crypto.randomBytes(12), Buffer.alloc(4, 0)])
var cipher = crypto.createCipheriv("aes-128-ctr", key, iv)
var ctext = iv.toString('hex') + cipher.update('asasasa','utf8','hex') + cipher.final('hex')
Example output:
The IV is not secret and you have to use the exact same IV during decryption. Usually, it is sent along with the ciphertext by being prefixed to it. It is then sliced off before decryption:
ct = codecs.decode('5b88aeb265712b6c8bfa8dbd0000000063012d1e52eb42', 'hex') # I'm using Python 3
counter = Counter.new(32, prefix=ct[:12], initial_value=0)
cipher = AES.new("1234567890123456", AES.MODE_CTR, counter=counter)
Keep in mind that a key needs to be randomly chosen. You can generate a random key and keep it in an encoded form in the source code (i.e. as Hex). If you do that, you must not give the source code or the bytecode to anyone that you wouldn't trust the key with.
EDIT: The issue can be simplified to this:
The following Node.js code give an "Invalid IV length" Error. Why? What should the IV be?
const crypto = require('crypto')
const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv('aes-128-gcm', crypto.randomBytes(16), crypto.randomBytes(16))
I'm using AES in GCM mode to encrypt some data, but I'm using two different languages and libraries for encryption and decryption and they seem to have different vocabularies about what I need.
I'm encrypting with a Python library (Crypto). The encrypt_and_digest method takes a 128 bit key and a message and returns a 128 bit nonce, 128 bit tag, and a ciphertext.
(Encryption code taken from this example)
I'm decrypting with the default Node.js crypto library. That library expects a session key, a tag, and an IV. When I pass the nonce from the Python library as the IV, it gives me an “invalid iv size” error. Examples of the Node library seem to use a 12-character string as an IV.
My decryption code looks like this (taken from here):
var decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(algorithm, password, nonce)
var dec = decipher.update(encrypted.content, 'hex', 'utf8')
What is the difference between IV and nonce for this scheme? How should I resolve this? Thanks!
It turns out the nonce for GCM should be 12 bytes long. I'm not sure why the python library defaults to auto-generating a 16-byte nonce, but you can generate your own and specify it manually in the AES constructor, so thats what I did. The whole system works perfectly now