Python Streaming data websocket asyncio - python

Can i get some help please i have this code below everything works fine but after a while i receive this error i am using Anaconda Spyder IDE i am not sure what the issue is the script will run but then error out after a few minutes
from polygon import RESTClient
import asyncio
import nest_asyncio
#client = RESTClient(api_key="")
from polygon import WebSocketClient
from polygon.websocket.models import WebSocketMessage
from typing import List
import json
global QuoteList
global TradeList
QuoteList = []
TradeList = []
ws = WebSocketClient(api_key="", feed='', market='options',subscriptions=[
"T.O:SPY230210C00408000", "Q.O:SPY230210C00408000",
"T.O:SPY230210P00407000", "Q.O:SPY230210P00407000"])
def handle_msg(msgs: List[WebSocketMessage]):
out_file1 = open("PolygonQuote1.json", "w")
out_file2 = open("PolygonTrade1.json", "w")
#for m in msgs:
m = msgs[len(msgs)-1]
if m.event_type == 'Q':
QuoteList.append({'TimeStamp': m.timestamp,
'BidPrice' : m.bid_price,
'BidSize' : m.bid_size,
'AskPrice' : m.ask_price,
'AskSize' : m.ask_size,
'Symbol' : m.symbol})
elif m.event_type == 'T':
TradeList.append({'TimeStamp': m.timestamp,
'Price' : m.price,
'Size' : m.size,
'Symbol' : m.symbol})
json.dump(QuoteList, out_file1, indent=4)
json.dump(TradeList, out_file2, indent=4)

I believe you might be encountering a bug with Spyder IDE based on the similarity of your error message and the one found here:
Have you tried using newer versions of the IDE ?


I am creating a reddit video maker bot and I am getting this error no moduled name

I am also using flask and I am trying to run the code from github.
Error :
(env) PS E:\VIDEOBOT> & e:/VIDEOBOT/env/Scripts/python.exe e:/VIDEOBOT/reddit/
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "e:\VIDEOBOT\reddit\", line 1, in
from utils.console import print_markdown, print_step, print_substep
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'utils'
Below is the code.
from utils.console import print_markdown, print_step, print_substep
import praw
import random
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import os
def get_subreddit_threads():
Returns a list of threads from the AskReddit subreddit.
print_step("Getting AskReddit threads...")
if os.getenv("REDDIT_2FA").lower() == "yes":
print("\nEnter your two-factor authentication code from your authenticator app.\n")
code = input("> ")
pw = os.getenv("REDDIT_PASSWORD")
passkey = f"{pw}:{code}"
passkey = os.getenv("REDDIT_PASSWORD")
content = {}
reddit = praw.Reddit(
user_agent="Accessing AskReddit threads",
if os.getenv("SUBREDDIT"):
subreddit = reddit.subreddit(os.getenv("SUBREDDIT"))
# ! Prompt the user to enter a subreddit
subreddit = reddit.subreddit(
input("What subreddit would you like to pull from? ")
except ValueError:
subreddit = reddit.subreddit("askreddit")
print_substep("Subreddit not defined. Using AskReddit.")
threads =
submission = list(threads)[random.randrange(0, 25)]
print_substep(f"Video will be: {submission.title} :thumbsup:")
content["thread_url"] = submission.url
content["thread_title"] = submission.title
content["comments"] = []
for top_level_comment in submission.comments:
"comment_body": top_level_comment.body,
"comment_url": top_level_comment.permalink,
except AttributeError as e:
print_substep("Received AskReddit threads successfully.", style="bold green")
return content
from rich.console import Console
from rich.markdown import Markdown
from rich.padding import Padding
from rich.panel import Panel
from rich.text import Text
console = Console()
def print_markdown(text):
"""Prints a rich info message. Support Markdown syntax."""
md = Padding(Markdown(text), 2)
def print_step(text):
"""Prints a rich info message."""
panel = Panel(Text(text, justify="left"))
def print_substep(text, style=""):
"""Prints a rich info message without the panelling."""
console.print(text, style=style)
I have got this code from redditbot version--1.0.0

Linux NoHup fails for Streaming API IG Markets where file is python

This is quite a specific question regarding nohup in linux, which runs a python file.
Back-story, I am trying to save down streaming data (from IG markets broadcast signal). And, as I am trying to run it via a remote-server (so I don't have to keep my own local desktop up 24/7),
somehow, the nohup will not engage when it 'listen's to a broadcast signal.
Below, is the example python code
#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
IG Markets Stream API sample with Python
user_ = 'xxx'
password_ = 'xxx'
api_key_ = 'xxx' # this is the 1st api key
account_ = 'xxx'
acc_type_ = 'xxx'
fileLoc = 'marketdata_IG_spx_5min.csv'
fields_ = ["UTM", "LTV", "TTV", "BID_OPEN", "BID_HIGH", \
import time
import sys
import traceback
import logging
import warnings
from trading_ig import (IGService, IGStreamService)
from trading_ig.lightstreamer import Subscription
cols_ = ['timestamp', 'data']
# A simple function acting as a Subscription listener
def on_prices_update(item_update):
# print("price: %s " % item_update)
# A simple function acting as a Subscription listener
def on_charts_update(item_update):
# print("price: %s " % item_update)
stock_name=item_update["name"], **item_update["values"]
res_ = [xxxxx"\
stock_name=item_update["name"], **item_update["values"]
).split(' '))]
# display(pd.DataFrame(res_))
data_ = pd.read_csv(fileLoc)[cols_]
data_ = data_.append(pd.DataFrame(res_, columns = cols_))
print('there is data and we are reading it')
# display(data_)
pd.DataFrame(res_, columns = cols_).to_csv(fileLoc)
print('there is no data and we are saving first time')
time.sleep(60) # sleep for 1 min
def main():
# logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
ig_service = IGService(
user_, password_, api_key_, acc_type_
ig_stream_service = IGStreamService(ig_service)
ig_session = ig_stream_service.create_session()
accountId = account_
################ my code to set sleep function to sleep/read at only certain time intervals
s_time = time.time()
# Making a new Subscription in MERGE mode
subscription_prices = Subscription(
# make sure to put L1 in front of the instrument name
items= list_,
fields= fields_
# adapter="QUOTE_ADAPTER")
# Adding the "on_price_update" function to Subscription
# Registering the Subscription
sub_key_prices = ig_stream_service.ls_client.subscribe(subscription_prices)
print('this is the line here')
input("{0:-^80}\n".format("HIT CR TO UNSUBSCRIBE AND DISCONNECT FROM \
# Disconnecting
if __name__ == '__main__':
Then, I try to run it on linux using this command : nohup python
where is basically the python code above.
Somehow, the nohup will not engage....... Any experts/guru who might see what I am missing in my code?

How to see the error frames of a CAN network with Python-CAN

I wrote the program below,
can = CAN("can0", bitrate=50000, listen_only=True, error_reporting=True)
while True:
msg = can.recv()
print "Msg: ", msg
But it only displays the standard S or Extended X flags even though when I run the command in Terminal to check the network activity, I can see that the error counter is increasing.
import can
import CAN
import time
import logging
print("Initializing Listener")
can1 = CAN('can0', bitrate=500000, listen_only=True, err_reporting=True)
#print "Bus is : ", can1.bus.get_can_bus()
can1.bus.set_filters(can_filters=[{"can_mask":0x7FF, "can_id":0x00000000, "extended":False}])
CAN_ERR_FLAG = 0x20000000
while 1:
msg = can1.recv()
if (msg.arbitration_id & CAN_ERR_FLAG) == CAN_ERR_FLAG:
print "Can Error Caught"
elif msg.is_error_frame:
print "Finally Error Frame"
How can I read the error-frames of the CAN-bus ?
Things work fine when I use commnad candump -e any,0:0,#FFFFFFFF
Use Python - 3
import binascii
channel_name = "vcan0"
socketID = socket.socket(socket.AF_CAN, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.CAN_RAW)
# socketID.setsockopt(socket.SOL_CAN_RAW, socket.CAN_RAW_ERR_FILTER, 0x1FFFFFFF)
error = socketID.bind((channel_name,))

python win32 api document.getElementById Error

import win32com
import win32com.client
import win32gui
import win32con
import pythoncom
def getIEServer(hwnd, ieServer):
if win32gui.GetClassName(hwnd) == 'Internet Explorer_Server':
if __name__ == '__main__':
#pythoncom.CoInitializeEx(0) # not use this for multithreading
mainHwnd = win32gui.FindWindow('windowclass', 'windowtitle')
if mainHwnd:
ieServers = []
win32gui.EnumChildWindows(mainHwnd, getIEServer, ieServers)
if len(ieServers) > 0:
ieServer = ieServers[0]
msg = win32gui.RegisterWindowMessage('WM_HTML_GETOBJECT')
ret, result = win32gui.SendMessageTimeout(ieServer, msg, 0, 0, win32con.SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, 1000)
ob = pythoncom.ObjectFromLresult(result, pythoncom.IID_IDispatch, 0)
doc = win32com.client.dynamic.Dispatch(ob)
print doc.url
# doc.all['id'].click()
You can get doc (document object) with the above code
If you try doc.getElementById ("some-id")
I get an error like the one below.
TypeError: getElementById () takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given
It will appear in IE11
Please Help Me T0T~
p.s The type of problem is different from the suggested answer.
I think I need to fix the error in pywin32.

Want to filter out failure Message from my robot framework output files

I want to filter failure messages from output files generated after executing my testcases in Robot Framework. I have tried modules like from robot.api import ExecutionResult but it gives me only only count of Passed and Failed Testcases.
I have also tried other Robot framework Libtraries like import robot.errors to filter out all error messages but didn't get any luck. Below is my code block:
from robot.api import ExecutionResult
import robot.errors
from robot.result.visitor import ResultVisitor
xmlpath = "<output.xml PATH>"
result = ExecutionResult(xmlpath)
result.configure(stat_config={'suite_stat_level': 2,
'tag_stat_combine': 'tagANDanother'})
stats = result.statistics
print +
class FailureCollector(ResultVisitor):
def __init__(self):
self.failures = []
def visit_test(self, test):
if not test.passed:
self.failures += [test]
failure_collector = FailureCollector()
print failure_collector.failures
#the above print gives me all failed testcases as a list Eg: ['test1:My example Testcase1','test2:My example Testcase2' ]`
Any example to get this work done will be very helpful.
I have tried a lot to get my expected output by using Robot Framework APIs but didn't get proper solution. Finally I got my solution by using import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET module. By using xml.etree.ElementTree module I am parsing my robot result.xml file and getting my work done.
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import re
tree = ET.parse('<output.xml file Path>')
root = tree.getroot()
testplans = <Testplans as a list>
i = 0
err_dict = {}
for testplan in testplans:
full_err_list = []
err_list = []
for suite_level_1 in root:
if suite_level_1.tag == "suite":
for suite_level_2 in suite_level_1:
if suite_level_2.tag == "suite" and suite_level_2.attrib['name'] == testplan:
for suite_level_3 in suite_level_2:
if suite_level_3.tag == "suite":
for test in suite_level_3:
if test.tag == "test":
for kw_level_5 in test:
if kw_level_5.tag == "kw" and kw_level_5.attrib['name'] == '<specific keyword under which you expect your result(error or Success message >':
for msg in kw_level_5:
if msg.tag == 'msg':
err_str = msg.text
#print err_str
mat = re.match(r'\$\{FinalResult\}\s=\s(.*)',err_str)
if mat and != 'Succeeded.':
#print, i
err =
if err not in err_list:
print "Errors found"
err_dict[testplan] = err_list
print "\n########## "+testplan+" ##########\n"
print "Total no of failures", len(full_err_list)
for err_name in err_list:
print err_name, "===>>", full_err_list.count(err_name)
##The above will print the error name and its count in specific testPlan`
