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collections.Iterable vs typing.Iterable in type annotation and checking for Iterable
(1 answer)
Closed 21 days ago.
This post was edited and submitted for review 21 days ago.
I was reading an article and about and typing class in the python standard library and discover both classes have the same features.
I tried both options using the code below and got the same results
from import Sequence
def average(sequence: Sequence):
return sum(sequence) / len(sequence)
print(average([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])) # result is 3.0
from typing import Sequence
def average(sequence: Sequence):
return sum(sequence) / len(sequence)
print(average([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])) # result is 3.0
Under what condition will become a better option to typing. Are there benefits of using one over the other?
Good on you for using type annotations! As the documentations says, if you are on Python 3.9+, you should most likely never use typing.Sequence due to its deprecation. Since the introduction of generic alias types in 3.9 the classes all support subscripting and should be recognized correctly by static type checkers of all flavors.
So the benefit of using over typing.T is mainly that the latter is deprecated and should not be used.
As mentioned by jsbueno in his answer, annotations will never have runtime implications either way, unless of course they are explicitly picked up by a piece of code. They are just an essential part of good coding style. But your function would still work, i.e. your script would execute without error, even if you annotated your function with something absurd like def average(sequence: 4%3): ....
Proper annotations are still extremely valuable. Thus, I would recommend you get used to some of the best practices as soon as possible. (A more-or-less strict static type checker like mypy is very helpful for that.) For one thing, when you are using generic types like Sequence, you should always provide the appropriate type arguments. Those may be type variables, if your function is also generic or they may be concrete types, but you should always include them.
In your case, assuming you expect the contents of your sequence to be something that can be added with the same type and divided by an integer, you might want to e.g. annotate it as Sequence[float]. (In the Python type system, float is considered a supertype of int, even though there is no nominal inheritance.)
Another recommendation is to try and be as broad as possible in the parameter types. (This echoes the Python paradigm of dynamic typing.) The idea is that you just specify that the object you expect must be able to "quack", but you don't say it must be a duck.
In your example, since you are reliant on the argument being compatible with sum as well as with len, you should consider what types those functions expect. The len function is simple, since it basically just calls the __len__ method of the object you pass to it. The sum function is more nuanced, but in your case the relevant part is that it expects an iterable of elements that can be added (e.g. float).
If you take a look at the collections ABCs, you'll notice that Sequence actually offers much more than you need, being that it is a reversible collection. A Collection is the broadest built-in type that fulfills your requirements because it has __iter__ (from Iterable) and __len__ (from Sized). So you could do this instead:
from import Collection
def average(numbers: Collection[float]) -> float:
return sum(numbers) / len(numbers)
(By the way, the parameter name should not reflect its type.)
Lastly, if you wanted to go all out and be as broad as possible, you could define your own protocol that is even broader than Collection (by getting rid of the Container inheritance):
from import Iterable, Sized
from typing import Protocol, TypeVar
T = TypeVar("T", covariant=True)
class SizedIterable(Sized, Iterable[T], Protocol[T]):
def average(numbers: SizedIterable[float]) -> float:
return sum(numbers) / len(numbers)
This has the advantage of supporting very broad structural subtyping, but is most likely overkill.
(For the basics of Python typing, PEP 483 and PEP 484 are a must-read.)
Actually, in your code you need neither of those:
Typing with annotations, which is what you are doing with your imported Sequences class is an optional feature, meant for (1) quick documentation; (2) checking of the code before it is run by static code analysers such as Mypy.
The fact is that some IDEs use the result of static checking by default in their recomented configurations, and they can make it look like code without annotations is "faulty": it is not - this is an optional feature.
As long as the object you pass into your function respect some of the Sequence interface it will need, it will work (it needs __len__ and __getitem__ as is)
Just run your code without annotations and see it work:
def average(myvariable):
return sum(myvariable) / len(myvariable)
That said, here is what is happening: list is "the sequence" by excellence in Python, and implements everything a sequence needs.
typing.Sequence is just an indicator for the static-checker tools that the data marked with it should respect the Sequence protocol, and does nothing at run time. You can't instantiate it. You can inherit from it (probably) but just to specialize other markers for typing, not for anything that will have any effect during actual program execution.
On the other hand predates the optional typing recomendations in PEP 484: it works as both a "virtual super class" which can indicate everything that works as a sequence in runtime (through the use of isinstance) (*). AND it can be used as a solid base class to implement fully functional cusotm Sequence classes of your own: just inherit from and implement functional __getitem__ and __len__ methods as indicated in the docs here: (that is for read only sequences - for mutable sequences, check, of course).
(*) for your custom sequence implementation to be recognized as a Sequence proper it has to be "registered" in runtime with a call to However, AFAIK, most tools for static type checking do not recognize this, and will error in their static analysis)
How do I check if an object is of a given type, or if it inherits from a given type?
How do I check if the object o is of type str?
Beginners often wrongly expect the string to already be "a number" - either expecting Python 3.x input to convert type, or expecting that a string like '1' is also simultaneously an integer. This is the wrong canonical for those questions. Please carefully read the question and then use How do I check if a string represents a number (float or int)?, How can I read inputs as numbers? and/or Asking the user for input until they give a valid response as appropriate.
Use isinstance to check if o is an instance of str or any subclass of str:
if isinstance(o, str):
To check if the type of o is exactly str, excluding subclasses of str:
if type(o) is str:
See Built-in Functions in the Python Library Reference for relevant information.
Checking for strings in Python 2
For Python 2, this is a better way to check if o is a string:
if isinstance(o, basestring):
because this will also catch Unicode strings. unicode is not a subclass of str; both str and unicode are subclasses of basestring. In Python 3, basestring no longer exists since there's a strict separation of strings (str) and binary data (bytes).
Alternatively, isinstance accepts a tuple of classes. This will return True if o is an instance of any subclass of any of (str, unicode):
if isinstance(o, (str, unicode)):
The most Pythonic way to check the type of an object is... not to check it.
Since Python encourages Duck Typing, you should just try...except to use the object's methods the way you want to use them. So if your function is looking for a writable file object, don't check that it's a subclass of file, just try to use its .write() method!
Of course, sometimes these nice abstractions break down and isinstance(obj, cls) is what you need. But use sparingly.
isinstance(o, str) will return True if o is an str or is of a type that inherits from str.
type(o) is str will return True if and only if o is a str. It will return False if o is of a type that inherits from str.
After the question was asked and answered, type hints were added to Python. Type hints in Python allow types to be checked but in a very different way from statically typed languages. Type hints in Python associate the expected types of arguments with functions as runtime accessible data associated with functions and this allows for types to be checked. Example of type hint syntax:
def foo(i: int):
return i
In this case we want an error to be triggered for foo('oops') since the annotated type of the argument is int. The added type hint does not cause an error to occur when the script is run normally. However, it adds attributes to the function describing the expected types that other programs can query and use to check for type errors.
One of these other programs that can be used to find the type error is mypy:
mypy error: Argument 1 to "foo" has incompatible type "str"; expected "int"
(You might need to install mypy from your package manager. I don't think it comes with CPython but seems to have some level of "officialness".)
Type checking this way is different from type checking in statically typed compiled languages. Because types are dynamic in Python, type checking must be done at runtime, which imposes a cost -- even on correct programs -- if we insist that it happen at every chance. Explicit type checks may also be more restrictive than needed and cause unnecessary errors (e.g. does the argument really need to be of exactly list type or is anything iterable sufficient?).
The upside of explicit type checking is that it can catch errors earlier and give clearer error messages than duck typing. The exact requirements of a duck type can only be expressed with external documentation (hopefully it's thorough and accurate) and errors from incompatible types can occur far from where they originate.
Python's type hints are meant to offer a compromise where types can be specified and checked but there is no additional cost during usual code execution.
The typing package offers type variables that can be used in type hints to express needed behaviors without requiring particular types. For example, it includes variables such as Iterable and Callable for hints to specify the need for any type with those behaviors.
While type hints are the most Pythonic way to check types, it's often even more Pythonic to not check types at all and rely on duck typing. Type hints are relatively new and the jury is still out on when they're the most Pythonic solution. A relatively uncontroversial but very general comparison: Type hints provide a form of documentation that can be enforced, allow code to generate earlier and easier to understand errors, can catch errors that duck typing can't, and can be checked statically (in an unusual sense but it's still outside of runtime). On the other hand, duck typing has been the Pythonic way for a long time, doesn't impose the cognitive overhead of static typing, is less verbose, and will accept all viable types and then some.
In Python 3.10, you can use | in isinstance:
>>> isinstance('1223', int | str)
>>> isinstance('abcd', int | str)
isinstance(o, str)
Link to docs
You can check for type of a variable using __name__ of a type.
>>> a = [1,2,3,4]
>>> b = 1
>>> type(a).__name__
>>> type(a).__name__ == 'list'
>>> type(b).__name__ == 'list'
>>> type(b).__name__
For more complex type validations I like typeguard's approach of validating based on python type hint annotations:
from typeguard import check_type
from typing import List
check_type('mylist', [1, 2], List[int])
except TypeError as e:
You can perform very complex validations in very clean and readable fashion.
check_type('foo', [1, 3.14], List[Union[int, float]])
# vs
isinstance(foo, list) and all(isinstance(a, (int, float)) for a in foo)
I think the cool thing about using a dynamic language like Python is you really shouldn't have to check something like that.
I would just call the required methods on your object and catch an AttributeError. Later on this will allow you to call your methods with other (seemingly unrelated) objects to accomplish different tasks, such as mocking an object for testing.
I've used this a lot when getting data off the web with urllib2.urlopen() which returns a file like object. This can in turn can be passed to almost any method that reads from a file, because it implements the same read() method as a real file.
But I'm sure there is a time and place for using isinstance(), otherwise it probably wouldn't be there :)
The accepted answer answers the question in that it provides the answers to the asked questions.
Q: What is the best way to check whether a given object is of a given type? How about checking whether the object inherits from a given type?
A: Use isinstance, issubclass, type to check based on types.
As other answers and comments are quick to point out however, there's a lot more to the idea of "type-checking" than that in python. Since the addition of Python 3 and type hints, much has changed as well. Below, I go over some of the difficulties with type checking, duck typing, and exception handling. For those that think type checking isn't what is needed (it usually isn't, but we're here), I also point out how type hints can be used instead.
Type Checking
Type checking is not always an appropriate thing to do in python. Consider the following example:
def sum(nums):
"""Expect an iterable of integers and return the sum."""
result = 0
for n in nums:
result += n
return result
To check if the input is an iterable of integers, we run into a major issue. The only way to check if every element is an integer would be to loop through to check each element. But if we loop through the entire iterator, then there will be nothing left for intended code. We have two options in this kind of situation.
Check as we loop.
Check beforehand but store everything as we check.
Option 1 has the downside of complicating our code, especially if we need to perform similar checks in many places. It forces us to move type checking from the top of the function to everywhere we use the iterable in our code.
Option 2 has the obvious downside that it destroys the entire purpose of iterators. The entire point is to not store the data because we shouldn't need to.
One might also think that checking if checking all of the elements is too much then perhaps we can just check if the input itself is of the type iterable, but there isn't actually any iterable base class. Any type implementing __iter__ is iterable.
Exception Handling and Duck Typing
An alternative approach would be to forgo type checking altogether and focus on exception handling and duck typing instead. That is to say, wrap your code in a try-except block and catch any errors that occur. Alternatively, don't do anything and let exceptions rise naturally from your code.
Here's one way to go about catching an exception.
def sum(nums):
"""Try to catch exceptions?"""
result = 0
for n in nums:
result += n
return result
except TypeError as e:
Compared to the options before, this is certainly better. We're checking as we run the code. If there's a TypeError anywhere, we'll know. We don't have to place a check everywhere that we loop through the input. And we don't have to store the input as we iterate over it.
Furthermore, this approach enables duck typing. Rather than checking for specific types, we have moved to checking for specific behaviors and look for when the input fails to behave as expected (in this case, looping through nums and being able to add n).
However, the exact reasons which make exception handling nice can also be their downfall.
A float isn't an int, but it satisfies the behavioral requirements to work.
It is also bad practice to wrap the entire code with a try-except block.
At first these may not seem like issues, but here's some reasons that may change your mind.
A user can no longer expect our function to return an int as intended. This may break code elsewhere.
Since exceptions can come from a wide variety of sources, using the try-except on the whole code block may end up catching exceptions you didn't intend to. We only wanted to check if nums was iterable and had integer elements.
Ideally we'd like to catch exceptions our code generators and raise, in their place, more informative exceptions. It's not fun when an exception is raised from someone else's code with no explanation other than a line you didn't write and that some TypeError occured.
In order to fix the exception handling in response to the above points, our code would then become this... abomination.
def sum(nums):
Try to catch all of our exceptions only.
Re-raise them with more specific details.
result = 0
except TypeError as e:
raise TypeError("nums must be iterable")
for n in nums:
result += int(n)
except TypeError as e:
raise TypeError("stopped mid iteration since a non-integer was found")
return result
You can kinda see where this is going. The more we try to "properly" check things, the worse our code is looking. Compared to the original code, this isn't readable at all.
We could argue perhaps this is a bit extreme. But on the other hand, this is only a very simple example. In practice, your code is probably much more complicated than this.
Type Hints
We've seen what happens when we try to modify our small example to "enable type checking". Rather than focusing on trying to force specific types, type hinting allows for a way to make types clear to users.
from typing import Iterable
def sum(nums: Iterable[int]) -> int:
result = 0
for n in nums:
result += n
return result
Here are some advantages to using type-hints.
The code actually looks good now!
Static type analysis may be performed by your editor if you use type hints!
They are stored on the function/class, making them dynamically usable e.g. typeguard and dataclasses.
They show up for functions when using help(...).
No need to sanity check if your input type is right based on a description or worse lack thereof.
You can "type" hint based on structure e.g. "does it have this attribute?" without requiring subclassing by the user.
The downside to type hinting?
Type hints are nothing more than syntax and special text on their own. It isn't the same as type checking.
In other words, it doesn't actually answer the question because it doesn't provide type checking. Regardless, however, if you are here for type checking, then you should be type hinting as well. Of course, if you've come to the conclusion that type checking isn't actually necessary but you want some semblance of typing, then type hints are for you.
To Hugo:
You probably mean list rather than array, but that points to the whole problem with type checking - you don't want to know if the object in question is a list, you want to know if it's some kind of sequence or if it's a single object. So try to use it like a sequence.
Say you want to add the object to an existing sequence, or if it's a sequence of objects, add them all
except TypeError:
One trick with this is if you are working with strings and/or sequences of strings - that's tricky, as a string is often thought of as a single object, but it's also a sequence of characters. Worse than that, as it's really a sequence of single-length strings.
I usually choose to design my API so that it only accepts either a single value or a sequence - it makes things easier. It's not hard to put a [ ] around your single value when you pass it in if need be.
(Though this can cause errors with strings, as they do look like (are) sequences.)
If you have to check for the type of str or int please use instanceof. As already mentioned by others the explanation is to also include sub classes. One important example for sub classes from my perspective are Enums with data type like IntEnum or StrEnum. Which are a pretty nice way to define related constants. However, it is kind of annoying if libraries do not accept those as such types.
import enum
class MyEnum(str, enum.Enum):
A = "a"
B = "b"
print(f"is string: {isinstance(MyEnum.A, str)}") # True
print(f"is string: {type(MyEnum.A) == str}") # False!!!
print(f"is string: {type(MyEnum.A.value) == str}") # True
In Python, you can use the built-in isinstance() function to check if an object is of a given type, or if it inherits from a given type.
To check if the object o is of type str, you would use the following code:
if isinstance(o, str):
# o is of type str
You can also use type() function to check the object type.
if type(o) == str:
# o is of type str
You can also check if the object is a sub class of a particular class using issubclass() function.
if issubclass(type(o),str):
# o is sub class of str
A simple way to check type is to compare it with something whose type you know.
>>> a = 1
>>> type(a) == type(1)
>>> b = 'abc'
>>> type(b) == type('')
I think the best way is to typing well your variables. You can do this by using the "typing" library.
from typing import NewType
UserId = NewType ('UserId', int)
some_id = UserId (524313`)
Python's new type hinting feature allows us to type hint that a function returns None...
def some_func() -> None:
... or to leave the return type unspecified, which the PEP dictates should cause static analysers to assume that any return type is possible:
Any function without annotations should be treated as having the most general type possible
However, how should I type hint that a function will never return? For instance, what is the correct way to type hint the return value of these two functions?
def loop_forever():
while True:
print('This function never returns because it loops forever')
def always_explode():
raise Exception('This function never returns because it always raises')
Neither specifying -> None nor leaving the return type unspecified seems correct in these cases.
Even though “PEP 484 — Type Hints” standard mentioned both in question and in the answer yet nobody quotes its section: The NoReturn type that covers your question.
The typing module provides a special type NoReturn to annotate functions that never return normally. For example, a function that unconditionally raises an exception:
from typing import NoReturn
def stop() -> NoReturn:
raise RuntimeError('no way')
The section also provides examples of the wrong usages. Though it doesn’t cover functions with an endless loop, in type theory they both equally satisfy never returns meaning expressed by that special type.
In july 2016, there was no answer to this question yet (now there is NoReturn; see the new accepted answer). These were some of the reasons:
When a function doesn't return, there is no return value (not even None) that a type could be assigned to. So you are not actually trying to annotate a type; you are trying to annotate the absence of a type.
The type hinting PEP has only just been adopted in the standard, as of Python version 3.5. In addition, the PEP only advises on what type annotations should look like, while being intentionally vague on how to use them. So there is no standard telling us how to do anything in particular, beyond the examples.
The PEP has a section Acceptable type hints stating the following:
Annotations must be valid expressions that evaluate without raising exceptions at the time the function is defined (but see below for forward references).
Annotations should be kept simple or static analysis tools may not be able to interpret the values. For example, dynamically computed types are unlikely to be understood. (This is an intentionally somewhat vague requirement, specific inclusions and exclusions may be added to future versions of this PEP as warranted by the discussion.)
So it tries to discourage you from doing overly creative things, like throwing an exception inside a return type hint in order to signal that a function never returns.
Regarding exceptions, the PEP states the following:
No syntax for listing explicitly raised exceptions is proposed. Currently the only known use case for this feature is documentational, in which case the recommendation is to put this information in a docstring.
There is a recommendation on type comments, in which you have more freedom, but even that section doesn't discuss how to document the absence of a type.
There is one thing you could try in a slightly different situation, when you want to hint that a parameter or a return value of some "normal" function should be a callable that never returns. The syntax is Callable[[ArgTypes...] ReturnType], so you could just omit the return type, as in Callable[[ArgTypes...]]. However, this doesn't conform to the recommended syntax, so strictly speaking it isn't an acceptable type hint. Type checkers will likely choke on it.
Conclusion: you are ahead of your time. This may be disappointing, but there is an advantage for you, too: you can still influence how non-returning functions should be annotated. Maybe this will be an excuse for you to get involved in the standardisation process. :-)
I have two suggestions.
Allow omitting the return type in a Callable hint and allow the type of anything to be forward hinted. This would result in the following syntax:
always_explode: Callable[[]]
def always_explode():
raise Exception('This function never returns because it always raises')
Introduce a bottom type like in Haskell:
def always_explode() -> ⊥:
raise Exception('This function never returns because it always raises')
These two suggestions could be combined.
From Python 3.11, the new bottom type typing.Never should be used to type functions that don't return, as
from typing import Never
def always_explode() -> Never:
This replaces typing.NoReturn
... to make the intended meaning more explicit.
I'm guessing at some point they'll deprecate NoReturn in that context, since both are valid in 3.11.
Is there a Python static analysis tool which can detect when function parameters are mutated, therefore causing a side-effect?
that is
def foo(x):
x.append("x at the end")
will change the calling scope x when x is a list.
Can this reliably be detected? I'm asking because such a tool would make it easier to comply with pure functional approaches.
I suppose a decorator could be used to warn about it (for development) but this wouldn't be as reliable as static analysis.
Your foo function will mutate its argument if it's called with a list—but if it's called with something different, it might raise an exception, or do something that doesn't mutate it.
Similarly, you can write a type that mutates itself every time you call len on it, and then a function that just printing the length of its argument would be mutating its arguments.
It's even worse if you use an operator like +=, which will call the (generally-mutating) __iadd__ method on types that have it, like list, but will call the (non-mutating) __add__ method on types that don't, like tuple. So, what are you going to do in those cases?
For that matter, even a for loop over an argument is mutating if you pass in an iterator, but (usually) not if you pass in a sequence.
If you just want to make a list of frequently-mutating method names and operators and search for those, that wouldn't be too hard to write as an AST visitor. But that's going to give you a lot of both false negatives and false positives.
This is exactly the kind of problem that static typing was designed to solve. Python doesn't have static typing built it, but it's possible to build on top of Python.
First, if you're using Python 3.x, you can use annotations to store the types of the parameters. For example:
def foo(x: MutableSequence) -> NoneType:
x.append("x at the end")
Now you know, from the fact that it takes a MutableSequence (or a list) rather than a Sequence, that it intends to mutate its parameter. And, even if it doesn't do so now, some future version might well do so, so you should trust its annotations anyway.
And now you can solve your problem the same way you would in Haskell or ML: your pure functional code takes a Sequence and it calls functions with that Sequence, and you just need to ensure that none of those functions is defined to take a MutableSequence, right?
That last part is the hard part. Python doesn't stop me from writing this:
def foo(x: Sequence) -> NoneType:
x.append("x at the end")
For that, you need a static type checker. Guido has been pushing to standardize annotations to allow the mypy static checker to become a semi-official part of Python. It's not completely finished yet, and it's not as powerful a type system as typical typed functional languages, but it will handle most Python code well enough for what you're looking for. But mypy isn't the only static type checker available; there are others if you search.
Anyway, with a type checker, that foo function would fail with an error explaining that Sequence has no such method append. And if, on the other hand, foo were properly defined as taking a MutableSequence, your functional code that calls it with a Sequence would fail with an error explaining that Sequence is not a subtype of MutableSequence.
This question seems mind-boggling simple, yet I can't figure it out. I know you can check datatypes in python, but how can you set a conditional based on the datatype? For instance, if I have to write a code that sorts through a dictionary/list and adds up all the integers, how do I isolate the search to look for only integers?
I guess a quick example would look something like this:
y = []
for x in somelist:
if type(x) == <type 'int'>: ### <--- psuedo-code line
print sum(int(z) for z in y)
So for line 3, how would I set such a conditional?
How about,
if isinstance(x, int):
but a cleaner way would simply be
sum(z for z in y if isinstance(z, int))
Use if isinstance(x, int): unless you have a reason not to.
Use if type(x) is int: if you need exact type equality and nothing else.
Use try: ix = int(x) if you are fine with converting to the target type.
There is a really big "it depends" to type-checking in Python. There are many ways to deal with types, and all have their pros and cons. With Python3, several more have emerged.
Explicit type equality
Types are first-class objects, and you can treat them like any other value.
So if you want the type of something to be equal to int, just test for it:
if type(x) is int:
This is the most restrictive type of testing: it requires exact type equality. Often, this is not what you want:
It rules out substitute types: a float would not be valid, even though it behaves like an int for many purposes.
It rules out subclasses and abstract types: a pretty-printing int subclass or enum would be rejected, even though they are logically Integers.
This severely limits portability: Python2 Strings can be either str or unicode, and Integers can be either int or long.
Note that explicit type equality has its uses for low-level operations:
Some types cannot be subclassed, such as slice. An explicit check is, well, more explicit here.
Some low-level operations, such as serialisation or C-APIs, require specific types.
A comparison can also be performed against the __class__ attribute:
if x.__class__ is int:
Note if a class defines a __class__ property, this is not the same as type(x).
When there are several classes to check for, using a dict to dispatch actions is more extensible and can be faster (≥5-10 types) than explicit checks.
This is especially useful for conversions and serialisation:
dispatch_dict = {float: round, str: int, int: lambda x: x}
def convert(x):
converter = self.dispatch_dict[type(x)] # lookup callable based on type
return converter(x)
Instance check on explicit types
The idiomatic type test uses the isinstance builtin:
if isinstance(x, int):
This check is both exact and performant. This is most often what people want for checking types:
It handles subtypes properly. A pretty-printing int subclass would still pass this test.
It allows checking multiple types at once. In Python2, doing isinstance(x, (int, long)) gets you all builtin integers.
Most importantly, the downsides are negligible most of the time:
It still accepts funky subclasses that behave in weird ways. Since anything can be made to behave in weird ways, this is futile to guard against.
It can easily be too restrictive: many people check for isinstance(x, list) when any sequence (e.g. tuple) or even iterable (e.g. a generator) would do as well. This is more of a concern for general purpose libraries than scripts or applications.
If you already have a type, issubclass behaves the same:
if issubclass(x_type, int):
Instance check on abstract type
Python has a concept of abstract base classes. Loosely speaking, these express the meaning of types, not their hierarchy:
if isinstance(x, numbers.Real): # accept anything you can sum up like a number
In other words, type(x) does not necessarily inherit from numbers.Real but must behave like it.
Still, this is a very complex and difficult concept:
It is often overkill if you are looking for basic types. An Integer is simply an int most of the time.
People coming from other languages often confuse its concepts.
Distinguishing it from e.g. C++, the emphasis is abstract base class as opposed to abstract base class.
ABCs can be used like Java interfaces, but may still have concrete functionality.
However, it is incredibly useful for generic libraries and abstractions.
Many functions/algorithms do not need explicit types, just their behaviour.
If you just need to look up things by key, dict restricts you to a specific in-memory type. By contrast, also includes database wrappers, large disk-backed dictionaries, lazy containers, ... - and dict.
It allows expressing partial type constraints.
There is no strict base type implementing iteration. But if you check objects against, they all work in a for loop.
It allows creating separate, optimised implementations that appear as the same abstract type.
While it is usually not needed for throwaway scripts, I would highly recommend using this for anything that lives beyond a few python releases.
Tentative conversion
The idiomatic way of handling types is not to test them, but to assume they are compatible. If you already expect some wrong types in your input, simply skip everything that is not compatible:
ix = int(x)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
continue # not compatible with int, try the next one
This is not actually a type check, but usually serves the same intention.
It guarantees you have the expected type in your output.
It has some limited leeway in converting wrong types, e.g. specialising float to int.
It works without you knowing which types conform to int.
The major downside is that it is an explicit transformation.
You can silently accept "wrong" values, e.g. converting a str containing a literal.
It needlessly converts even types that would be good enough, e.g. float to int when you just need numbers.
Conversion is an effective tool for some specific use cases. It works best if you know roughly what your input is, and must make guarantees about your output.
Function dispatch
Sometimes the goal of type checking is just to select an appropriate function. In this case, function dispatch such as functools.singledispatch allows specialising function implementations for specific types:
def append_int(value, sequence):
def _(value: int, sequence):
This is a combination of isinstance and dict dispatch. It is most useful for larger applications:
It keeps the site of usage small, regardless of the number of dispatched types.
It allows registering specialisations for additional types later, even in other modules.
Still, it doesn't come without its downsides:
Originating in functional and strongly typed languages, many Python programmers are not familiar with single- or even multiple-dispatch.
Dispatches require separate functions, and are therefore not suitable to be defined at the site of usage.
Creating the functions and "warming up" the dispatch cache takes notable runtime overhead. Dispatch functions should be defined once and re-used often.
Even a warmed up dispatch table is slower than a hand-written if/else or dict lookup.
Controlling the input
The best course of action is to ensure you never have to check for type in the first place. This is a bit of a meta-topic, as it depends strongly on the use case.
Here, the source of somelist should never have put non-numbers into it.
You can simply use type and equal operator like this
if (type(x) == int):
let me declare variable x of type int
x = 2
if type(x) == type(1) or isinstance(x, int):
# do something
Both works fine.
Easy - use types.
import types
k = 5
print "int"
Here's a quick dir(types):
['BooleanType', 'BufferType', 'BuiltinFunctionType', 'BuiltinMethodType', 'ClassType', 'CodeType', 'ComplexType', 'DictProxyType', 'DictType', 'DictionaryType', 'EllipsisType', 'FileType', 'FloatType', 'FrameType', 'FunctionType', 'GeneratorType', 'GetSetDescriptorType', 'InstanceType', 'IntType', 'LambdaType', 'ListType', 'LongType', 'MemberDescriptorType', 'MethodType', 'ModuleType', 'NoneType', 'NotImplementedType', 'ObjectType', 'SliceType', 'StringType', 'StringTypes', 'TracebackType', 'TupleType', 'TypeType', 'UnboundMethodType', 'UnicodeType', 'XRangeType', '__builtins__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', '__package__']
You can use the type function on both sides of the operator. Like this:
if type(x) == type(1):
I have a class that wants to be initialized from a few possible inputs. However a combination of no function overloading and my relative inexperience with the language makes me unsure of how to proceed. Any advice?
Check out this question asked earlier.
In short, the recommendation is that you use classmethods or isinstance(), with classmethods being heavily favored.
With Python, you should use duck typing. Wikipedia has a good section on its use in Python at
Contrary to what others have answered, it's not rare to check for types in __init__. For example the array.array class in the Python Standard library accepts an optional initializer argument, which may be a list, string, or iterable. The documentation explicitly states different actions take place based on the type. For another example of the same treatment by argument type see decimal.Decimal. Or see zipfile.Zipfile, which accepts a file argument "where file can be either a path to a file (a string) or a file-like object." (Here we see both explicit type checking (a string) and duck typing (a file-like object) all in one!)
If you find explicit type checking in __init__ is getting messy, try a different approach. Use factory functions instead. For example, let's say you have a triangle module with a Triangle class. There are many ways to construct a triangle. Rather than having __init__ handle all these ways, you could add factory methods to your module:
triangle.from_sas(side1, angle, side2)
triangle.from_asa(angle1, side, angle2)
triangle.from_sss(side1, side2, side3)
triangle.from_aas(angle1, angle2, side)
These factory methods could also be rolled into the Triangle class, using the #classmethod decorator. For an excellent example of this technique see Thomas Wouter's fine answer to stackoverflow question overloading init in python.
No, don't check for types explicitly. Python is a duck typed language. If the wrong type is passed, a TypeError will be raised. That's it. You need not bother about the type, that is the responsibility of the programmer.