Uploading with PyMongo in a While True loop using Multiprocessing - python

I have a script that reads data via the serial port from a development board. I want to have this script upload the data to a MongoDB collection at the end of each loop, but I don't want the loop to block because of the upload. When I try to use the multiprocessing library to do so, the loop only uploads a blank document.
client = MongoClient()
db = client['CompostMonitor-1']
def upload_to_database(data):
# Connect to the collection where the data will be stored
collection = db.RedBoard
# Insert the data into the collection
port = '/dev/ttyUSB0'
filename = '~/TestData'
containernumber = 1
baud_rate = 9600
RBSerial = serial.Serial(port, baud_rate, timeout=1)
directoryBase = "{}/{}/Bucket {}/RB".format(filename, time.strftime("%m-%d-%Y"), containernumber)
pathlib.Path(directoryBase).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
logFileRB = '{}/RB_Bucket_{}_{}_{}_log.bin'.format(directoryBase, containernumber, time.strftime("%m-%d-%Y"),
csvRB = '{}/RB_Bucket_{}_{}_{}.csv'.format(directoryBase, containernumber, time.strftime("%m-%d-%Y"),
startup = True
count = 0
bytearray = []
RB_DataList = []
RB_DataDict = {}
header = ['Date/Time',
'SGP TVOC (ppb)',
'BME Humidity (%)',
'BME Pressure (Pa)',
'BME Temp (Deg C)']
startTime = time.time()
p = multiprocessing.Process(target=upload_to_database, args=(RB_DataDict,))
while 1:
RB_DataDict = {'_id': ''}
RB_inbyte = RBSerial.read(size=1)
with open(logFileRB, 'ab') as l:
if RB_inbyte == b'\n':
with open(csvRB, 'a', newline = '') as table:
writer = csv.writer(table)
if count == 0:
RB_DataSplit = ''.join(str(bytearray)).replace(" ", "").replace('b', '').replace("'", '').replace(",", '').\
replace('[', '').replace(']', '').split(';')
RB_DataList.append(time.strftime("%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S"))
for i in range(len(RB_DataSplit)):
RB_DataDict = {'Date_Time': RB_DataList[0], 'TVOC Con': RB_DataList[1], 'BME Humidity': RB_DataList[2],
'BME Pressure': RB_DataList[3], 'BME Temp': RB_DataList[4]}
RB_DataList = []
# upload_to_database(RB_DataDict)
if startup:
startup = False
bytearray = []
However, if I just call upload_to_database(RB_DataDict) as in the commented line, it works as intended. I thought that starting the process would have it continually upload RB_DataDict to my Mongo database, but it appears that it just runs one time and then stops.
I haven't found any examples of code attempting to use multiprocessing in an infinite loop, so it's hard to compare my code to something that works. How can I change this code so that it uploads RB_DataDict with the multiprocessing object each time the dictionary is populated?

I found a solution to my problem. I don't really understand why this works so well, but it does:
if __name__ == '__main__':
if startup:
startup = False
print('Startup == False')
# Close the process instance and start a new one!
p = multiprocessing.Process(target= upload_to_database, args = (RB_DataDict,))
print('should have uploaded something here')
Just closing the original process on the second loop and starting a new one fixes the issue. I'm not sure if, in my particular case, the if __name__ == '__main__' is necessary, as this script isn't intended to be imported for anything else, but I just followed the lead of the multiprocessing documentation.


How can I terminate running jobs without closing connection to the core? (currently using execnet)

I have a cluster of computers which uses a master node to communicate with the slave nodes in the cluster.
The main problem I'm facing is using execnet is being able to kill certain jobs that are running and then having new jobs requeue on the same core that the other job just got terminated on (as I want to utilize all cores of the slave nodes at any given time).
As of now there is no way to terminate running jobs using execnet, so I figured if I could just kill the jobs manually through a bash script, say sudo kill 12345 where 12345 is the PID of the job (obtaining the PID of each job is another thing not supported by execnet, but that's another topic), then it would terminate the job and then requeue another on the same core that was just terminated on. It does kill the job correctly, however it closes the connection to that channel (the core; the master node communicates to each core individually) and then does not utilize that core anymore, until all jobs are done. Is there a way to terminate a running job, without killing the connection to the core?
Here is the script to submit jobs
import execnet, os, sys
import re
import socket
import numpy as np
import pickle, cPickle
from copy import deepcopy
import time
import job
def main():
print 'execnet source files are located at:\n {}/\n'.format(
# Generate a group of gateways.
work_dir = '/home/mpiuser/pn2/'
f = 'cluster_core_info.txt'
n_start, n_end = 250000, 250008
ci = get_cluster_info(f)
group, g_labels = make_gateway_group(ci, work_dir)
mch = group.remote_exec(job)
args = range(n_start, n_end+1) # List of parameters to compute factorial.
manage_jobs(group, mch, queue, g_labels, args)
# Close the group of gateways.
def get_cluster_info(f):
nodes, ncores = [], []
with open(f, 'r') as fid:
while True:
line = fid.readline()
if not line:
line = line.strip('\n').split()
return dict( zip(nodes, ncores) )
def make_gateway_group(cluster_info, work_dir):
''' Generate gateways on all cores in remote nodes. '''
print 'Gateways generated:\n'
group = execnet.Group()
g_labels = []
nodes = list(cluster_info.keys())
for node in nodes:
for i in range(cluster_info[node]):
node, i, work_dir
sys.stdout.write(' ')
print list(group)[-1]
# Generate a string 'node-id_core-id'.
g_labels.append('{}_{}'.format(re.findall(r'\d+',node)[0], i))
print ''
return group, g_labels
def get_mch_id(g_labels, string):
ids = [x for x in re.findall(r'\d+', string)]
ids = '{}_{}'.format(*ids)
return g_labels.index(ids)
def manage_jobs(group, mch, queue, g_labels, args):
args_ref = deepcopy(args)
terminated_channels = 0
active_jobs, active_args = [], []
while True:
channel, item = queue.get()
if item == 'terminate_channel':
terminated_channels += 1
print " Gateway closed: {}".format(channel.gateway.id)
if terminated_channels == len(mch):
print "\nAll jobs done.\n"
if item != "ready":
mch_id_completed = get_mch_id(g_labels, channel.gateway.id)
depopulate_list(active_jobs, mch_id_completed, active_args)
print " Gateway {} channel id {} returned:".format(
channel.gateway.id, mch_id_completed)
print " {}".format(item)
if not args:
print "\nNo more jobs to submit, sending termination request...\n"
args = 'terminate_channel'
if args and \
args != 'terminate_channel':
arg = args.pop(0)
idx = args_ref.index(arg)
channel.send(arg) # arg is copied by value to the remote side of
# channel to be executed. Maybe blocked if the
# sender queue is full.
# Get the id of current channel used to submit a job,
# this id can be used to refer mch[id] to terminate a job later.
mch_id_active = get_mch_id(g_labels, channel.gateway.id)
print "Job {}: {}! submitted to gateway {}, channel id {}".format(
idx, arg, channel.gateway.id, mch_id_active)
populate_list(active_jobs, mch_id_active,
active_args, arg)
def populate_list(jobs, job_active, args, arg_active):
def depopulate_list(jobs, job_completed, args):
i = jobs.index(job_completed)
if __name__ == '__main__':
and here is my job.py script:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, sys
import socket
import time
import numpy as np
import pickle, cPickle
import random
import job
def hostname():
return socket.gethostname()
def working_dir():
return os.getcwd()
def listdir(path):
return os.listdir(path)
def fac(arg):
return np.math.factorial(arg)
def dump(arg):
path = working_dir() + '/out'
if not os.path.exists(path):
f_path = path + '/fac_{}.txt'.format(arg)
t_0 = time.time()
num = fac(arg) # Main operation
t_1 = time.time()
cPickle.dump(num, open(f_path, "w"), protocol=2) # Main operation
t_2 = time.time()
duration_0 = "{:.4f}".format(t_1 - t_0)
duration_1 = "{:.4f}".format(t_2 - t_1)
#num2 = cPickle.load(open(f_path, "rb"))
return '--Calculation: {} s, dumping: {} s'.format(
duration_0, duration_1)
if __name__ == '__channelexec__':
for arg in channel:
if arg is None:
elif str(arg).isdigit():
print 'Warnning! arg sent should be number | None'
Yes, you are on the right track. Use psutil library to manage the processes, find their pids etc.
And kill them. No need for involveing bash anywhere. Python covers it all.
Or, even better, program your script to terminate when master say so.
It is usually done that way.
You can even make it start another script before terminating itself if you want/need.
Or, if it is the same that you would be doing in another process, just stop the current work and start a new one in the script without terminating it at all.
And, if I may make a suggestion. Don't read your file line by line, read a whole file and then use *.splitlines(). For small files reading them in chunks just tortures the IO. You wouldn't be needing *.strip() as well. And you should remove unused imports too.

Multiple Python threads writing to single JSON file

I am adapting the Python script in this project (expanded below) to a point where it updates a JSON file's elements, instead of the InitialState streamer. However, with the multiple threads that are opened by the script, it is impossible to succinctly write the data from each thread back to the file as it would be read, changed, and written back to the file in all threads at the same time. As there can only be one file, no version will ever be accurate as the last thread would override all others.
Question: How can I update the states in the JSON based in each thread (simultaneously) without it affecting the other thread's writing operation or locking up the file?
JSON file contains the occupant's status that I would like to manipulate with the python script:
"janeHome": "false",
"johnHome": "false",
"jennyHome": "false",
"jamesHome": "false"
This is the python script:
import subprocess
import json
from time import sleep
from threading import Thread
# Edit these for how many people/devices you want to track
occupant = ["Jane","John","Jenny","James"]
# MAC addresses for our phones
address = ["11:22:33:44:55:66","77:88:99:00:11:22","33:44:55:66:77:88","99:00:11:22:33:44"]
# Sleep once right when this script is called to give the Pi enough time
# to connect to the network
# Some arrays to help minimize streaming and account for devices
# disappearing from the network when asleep
firstRun = [1] * len(occupant)
presentSent = [0] * len(occupant)
notPresentSent = [0] * len(occupant)
counter = [0] * len(occupant)
# Function that checks for device presence
def whosHere(i):
# 30 second pause to allow main thread to finish arp-scan and populate output
# Loop through checking for devices and counting if they're not present
while True:
# Exits thread if Keyboard Interrupt occurs
if stop == True:
print ("Exiting Thread")
# If a listed device address is present print
if address[i] in output:
print(occupant[i] + "'s device is connected")
if presentSent[i] == 0:
# Reset counters so another stream isn't sent if the device
# is still present
firstRun[i] = 0
presentSent[i] = 1
notPresentSent[i] = 0
counter[i] = 0
# If a stream's already been sent, just wait for 15 minutes
counter[i] = 0
# If a listed device address is not present, print and stream
print(occupant[i] + "'s device is not connected")
# Only consider a device offline if it's counter has reached 30
# This is the same as 15 minutes passing
if counter[i] == 30 or firstRun[i] == 1:
firstRun[i] = 0
if notPresentSent[i] == 0:
# Reset counters so another stream isn't sent if the device
# is still present
notPresentSent[i] = 1
presentSent[i] = 0
counter[i] = 0
# If a stream's already been sent, wait 30 seconds
counter[i] = 0
# Count how many 30 second intervals have happened since the device
# disappeared from the network
counter[i] = counter[i] + 1
print(occupant[i] + "'s counter at " + str(counter[i]))
# Main thread
# Initialize a variable to trigger threads to exit when True
global stop
stop = False
# Start the thread(s)
# It will start as many threads as there are values in the occupant array
for i in range(len(occupant)):
t = Thread(target=whosHere, args=(i,))
while True:
# Make output global so the threads can see it
global output
# Reads existing JSON file into buffer
with open("data.json", "r") as jsonFile:
data = json.load(jsonFile)
# Assign list of devices on the network to "output"
output = subprocess.check_output("arp-scan -interface en1 --localnet -l", shell=True)
temp = data["janeHome"]
data["janeHome"] = # RETURNED STATE
data["johnHome"] = # RETURNED STATE
data["jennyHome"] = # RETURNED STATE
data["jamesHome"] = # RETURNED STATE
with open("data.json", "w") as jsonFile:
json.dump(data, jsonFile)
# Wait 30 seconds between scans
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# On a keyboard interrupt signal threads to exit
stop = True
I think we can all agree that the best idea would be to return the data from each thread to the main and write it to the file in one location but here is where it gets confusing, with each thread checking for a different person, how can the state be passed back to main for writing?

Python Multiprocessing Exception Handling Data Chunking

I'm trying to speed up some data processing using the multiprocessing module, the idea being I can send a chunk of data to each process I start up to utilize all the cores on my machine instead of just one at a time.
So I built an iterator for the data using the pandas read_fwf() function, with chunksize=50000 lines at a time. My problem is that eventually the iterator should raise StopIteration, and I'm trying to catch this in an except block in the child process and pass it along to the parent thread using a Queue to let the parent know it can stop spawning child processes. I have no idea what's wrong though, but what's happening is it gets to the end of the data and then keeps spawning processes which essentially do nothing.
def MyFunction(data_iterator, results_queue, Placeholder, message_queue):
current_data = data_iterator.next()
#does other stuff here
#that isn't important
placeholder_result = "Eggs and Spam"
return None
except StopIteration:
message_queue.put("Out Of Data")
return None
results_queue = Queue() #for passing results from each child process
message_queue = Queue() #for passing the stop iteration message
cpu_count = cpu_count() #num of cores on the machine
Data_Remaining = True #loop control
output_values = [] #list to put results in
print_num_records = 0 #used to print how many lines have been processed
my_data_file = "some_data.dat"
data_iterator = BuildDataIterator(my_data_file)
while Data_Remaining:
processes = []
for process_num in range(cpu_count):
if __name__ == "__main__":
p = Process(target=MyFunction, args=(data_iterator,results_queue,Placeholder, message_queue))
print "Process " + str(process_num) + " Started" #print some stuff to
print_num_records = print_num_records + 50000 #show how far along
print "Processing records through: ", print_num_records #my data file I am
for i,p in enumerate(processes):
print "Joining Process " + str(i)
if not message_queue.empty():
message = message_queue.get()
message = ""
if message == "Out Of Data":
Data_Remaining = False
I discovered a problem with the data iterator. There are approximately 8 million rows in my data set, and after it processes the 8 million it never actually returns a StopIteration, it keeps returning the same 14 rows of data over and over. Here is the code that builds my data iterator:
def BuildDataIterator(my_data_file):
#data_columns is a list of 2-tuples
#headers is a list of strings
#num_lines is 50000
data_reader = read_fwf(my_data_file, colspecs=data_columns, header=None, names=headers, chunksize=num_lines)
data_iterator = data_reader.__iter__()
return data_iterator

Python Multi Threads

I need to extract all the urls from an ip list,
i wrote this python script, but i have issue extracting the same ip multiple times (more threads are created with the same ip).
Could anyone Improve on my solution using multithreading ?
Sorry for my english
Thanks all
import urllib2, os, re, sys, os, time, httplib, thread, argparse, random
ListaIP = open(sys.argv[1], "r").readlines()
print "Error: Check your IP list path\n"
def getIP():
if len(ListaIP) != 0:
value = random.sample(ListaIP, 1)
return value
print "\nListaIPs sa terminat\n"
def extractURL(ip):
print ip + '\n'
page = urllib2.urlopen('http://sameip.org/ip/' + ip)
html = page.read()
links = re.findall(r'href=[\'"]?([^\'" >]+)', html)
outfile = open('2.log', 'a')
def start():
while True:
if len(ListaIP) != 0:
test = getIP()
IP = ''.join(test).replace('\n', '')
for x in range(0, 10):
thread.start_new_thread( start, () )
while 1:
use a threading.Lock. The lock should be global, and create at the beginning when you create the IP list.
lock.acquire at the start of getIP()
and release it before you leave the method.
What you are seeing is, thread 1 executes value=random.sample, and then thread 2 also executes value=random.sample before thread 1 gets to the remove. So the item is still in the list at the time thread 2 gets there.
Therefore both threads have a chance of getting the same IP.

Multiprocessing, writing to file, and deadlock on large loops

I have a very weird problem with the code below. when numrows = 10 the Process loops completes itself and proceeds to finish. If the growing list becomes larger it goes into a deadlock. Why is this and how can I solve this?
import multiprocessing, time, sys
# ----------------- Calculation Engine -------------------
def feed(queue, parlist):
for par in parlist:
def calc(queueIn, queueOut):
while True:
par = queueIn.get(block = False)
print "Project ID: %s started. " % par
res = doCalculation(par)
def write(queue, fname):
print 'Started to write to file'
fhandle = open(fname, "w")
while True:
res = queue.get(block = False)
for m in res:
print >>fhandle, m
print 'Complete writing to the file'
def doCalculation(project_ID):
numrows = 100
toFileRowList = []
for i in range(numrows):
print "%s %s" % (multiprocessing.current_process().name, i)
return toFileRowList
def main():
parlist = [276, 266]
nthreads = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
workerQueue = multiprocessing.Queue()
writerQueue = multiprocessing.Queue()
feedProc = multiprocessing.Process(target = feed , args = (workerQueue, parlist))
calcProc = [multiprocessing.Process(target = calc , args = (workerQueue, writerQueue)) for i in range(nthreads)]
writProc = multiprocessing.Process(target = write, args = (writerQueue, 'somefile.csv'))
feedProc.join ()
for p in calcProc:
for p in calcProc:
if __name__=='__main__':
I think the problem is the Queue buffer getting filled, so you need to read from the queue before you can put additional stuff in it.
For example, in your feed thread you have:
If you keep putting much stuff without reading this will cause it to block untill the buffer is freed, but the problem is that you only free the buffer in your calc thread, which in turn doesn't get started before you join your blocking feed thread.
So, in order for your feed thread to finish, the buffer should be freed, but the buffer won't be freed before the thread finishes :)
Try organizing your queues access more.
The feedProc and the writeProc are not actually running in parallel with the rest of your program. When you have
proc.join ()
you start the process and then, on the join() you immediatly wait for it to finish. In this case there's no gain in multiprocessing, only overhead. Try to start ALL processes at once before you join them. This will also have the effect that your queues get emptied regularyl and you won't deadlock.
