Pass data from the pipeline to views in Django Python Social Auth - python

I was reading the documentation of Python Social Auth and got curious about the section of Interrupting the Pipeline (and communicating with views).
In there, we see the following pipeline code
In our pipeline code, we would have:
from django.shortcuts import redirect
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from social_core.pipeline.partial import partial
# partial says "we may interrupt, but we will come back here again"
def collect_password(strategy, backend, request, details, *args, **kwargs):
# session 'local_password' is set by the pipeline infrastructure
# because it exists in FIELDS_STORED_IN_SESSION
local_password = strategy.session_get('local_password', None)
if not local_password:
# if we return something besides a dict or None, then that is
# returned to the user -- in this case we will redirect to a
# view that can be used to get a password
return redirect("myapp.views.collect_password")
# grab the user object from the database (remember that they may
# not be logged in yet) and set their password. (Assumes that the
# email address was captured in an earlier step.)
user = User.objects.get(email=kwargs['email'])
# continue the pipeline
and the following view
def get_user_password(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
form = PasswordForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
# because of FIELDS_STORED_IN_SESSION, this will get copied
# to the request dictionary when the pipeline is resumed
request.session['local_password'] = form.cleaned_data['secret_word']
# once we have the password stashed in the session, we can
# tell the pipeline to resume by using the "complete" endpoint
return redirect(reverse('social:complete', args=("backend_name,")))
form = PasswordForm()
return render(request, "password_form.html")
Specially interested in the line
return redirect(reverse('social:complete', args=("backend_name,")))
which is used to redirect the user back to the pipeline using an already stablished backend.
We can see earlier in that page a condition that's used to check which backend is being used.
def my_custom_step(strategy, backend, request, details, *args, **kwargs):
if != 'my_custom_backend':
# otherwise, do the special steps for your custom backend
The question is, instead of manually adding it in the args=("backend_name,"), how can the pipeline communicate the correct backend to the view?

One can simply add in the pipeline
request.session['backend'] =
and then the view becomes
backend_name = request.session['backend']
return redirect(reverse('social:complete', args=(backend_name)))


python-social-auth: Unable to keep logged in newly registered user after setting password

I am certain the problem derives from this statement: user.set_password(local_password) because when I omit it the pipeline ends with the user logged in as expected.
Now, as others have pointed out, after using the set_password method django automatically finishes the session so to avoid that we may use update_session_auth_hash (request, user). The problem is that this does not work in the pipeline. I've also tried adding instead:
user = authenticate(username=user, password=local_password)
login(request, user)
This also does not work.
I also checked via print statements whether the user is authenticated, it happens to be in all 3 steps that I checked.
Lastly, I also tried creating a new pipeline method and calling it afterwards. This one also did not work.
def login_users(strategy, request, user, *args, **kwargs):
user = authenticate(username=user, password=strategy.session_get('local_password', None))
request = strategy.request
login(request, user)
messages.success(request, "Welcome, you have successfully signed up")
In summary, and to avoid overflowing with data here, everything works as expected, but as soon as I save the password via user.set_password(local_password), the user is logged out and needs to click again on Linkedin to sign in. Otherwise, the behavior would be as expected, i.e. the data collected is saved and the home page is shown at the end of the pipeline.
Please see below for my pipeline.
def collect_password(strategy, request, details, is_new=False, *args, **kwargs):
# session 'local_password' is set by the pipeline infrastructure
# because it exists in FIELDS_STORED_IN_SESSION
local_password = strategy.session_get('local_password', None)
local_country = strategy.session_get('local_country', None)
if is_new:
if not local_password:
# if we return something besides a dict or None, then that is
# returned to the user -- in this case we will redirect to a
# view that can be used to get a password
return redirect('social_signup')
# grab the user object from the database (remember that they may
# not be logged in yet) and set their password. (Assumes that the
# email address was captured in an earlier step.)
user = User.objects.get(email=details['email']) = local_country
update_session_auth_hash (request, user)
user = authenticate(username=user, password=local_password)
login(request, user)
I owe you a coffee if you happen to know this one :D.
Thanks so much in advance.
The partial pipeline is a stop along the auth process. This password setting code might be better with extending the backend and overriding the get_user_details method.
That said, the partial pipeline is for doing some work before the actual auth occurs. Calling authenticate and return are not needed, social-auth will do this after the partial code completes.
Also, the current user instance can be accessed as a parameter.
def collect_password(strategy, backend, request, details, user=None, is_new=False, *args, **kwargs):
# session 'local_password' is set by the pipeline infrastructure
# because it exists in FIELDS_STORED_IN_SESSION
local_password = strategy.session_get('local_password', None)
local_country = strategy.session_get('local_country', None)
if is_new:
if not local_password:
return strategy.redirect('social_signup') # changed redirect to use p-s-a methods
if user: # user is a parameter to the pipeline methods = local_country

Relogin after N minutes with django and JWT

Scenario: I want a user to re-login when passing to a security sensible area after N minutes, e.g. when user is about to pay an order, however he logged in 1 hour ago, I would like to be sure it's him. This by using rest_framework_jwt.
Long description:
I've been recently testing django for modern web development (so, backend with rest-api). However, I encountered a problem which I have not yet found a solution.
In rest_framework_jwt you set the authentication class as follows.
This will do a great work for the general purpose. However, I want the user to reidentify (re-login) when entering an area with sensible information 10 minutes after login, e.g. sensible information can be a payment area. Thus, I would like to send a parameter to the Authentication class telling that the user is in a sensible area.
What I think as a possible solution but I don't know how to do it yet, is: The rest_framework_jwt creates the variable orig_iat when using the option JWT_ALLOW_REFRESH. I could send a flag to authentication class to tell that current view is a sensitive area or not, if so and the user logged in more than 10 minutes ago, I can send a message to say that the user needs to re-login to continue.
I don't mind forking the rest_framework_jwt project and adapting it for my purposes, however I would like to know how to send the parameter from the view to the authentication class (in this case: rest_framework_jwt.authentication.JSONWebTokenAuthentication).
Also, If there is already something done with rest_framework_jwt for this scenario, I would like to avoid re-inventing the wheel.
Well... So far, what I've done it's to create a decorator for a function view. The code for the decorator is as follows:
from functools import wraps
from rest_framework_jwt.settings import api_settings
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from calendar import timegm
import datetime
jwt_decode_handler = api_settings.JWT_DECODE_HANDLER
def recently_authenticated():
def decorator(func):
def inner(request, *args, **kwargs):
jwt_payload = jwt_decode_handler(request._auth)
rencent_auth_limit = api_settings.JWT_RECENT_AUTHENTICATION_DELTA
if isinstance(rencent_auth_limit, datetime.timedelta):
rencent_auth_limit = (rencent_auth_limit.days * 24 * 3600 +
rencent_auth_limit.seconds) + jwt_payload["orig_iat"]
timenow = timegm(datetime.datetime.utcnow().utctimetuple())
if timenow>rencent_auth_limit:
return Response({"detail":_("you have to reidentify to enter this area")},
return func(request, *args, **kwargs)
return inner
return decorator
The response format is given in the same format as rest_framework_jwt.authentication.JSONWebTokenAuthentication. The constant JWT_RECENT_AUTHENTICATION_DELTA is an ad-hoc parameter inserted in the of the rest_framework_jwt package (a fork).
Finally, in order to use it, one can add the decorator to any view. For example:
def index_view(request):
data = User.objects.filter()
return Response(UserSerializer(data, many=True).data)
And when the user has been authenticated a while ago, it will send the message {"detail":"you have to reidentify to enter this area"} with the code 401. This can be evaluated and parsed by the frontend and redirect the user to the login.
Note: The decorator only evaluates the time and the time passed. The verification telling whether or not it's a correct user and a correct token is still performed by rest_framework_jwt.authentication.JSONWebTokenAuthentication.
According to the manual:
Disallowing refresh token should do the job. The thing is that you will get only 1 token and you won't be able to refresh it after 1 hour.
'JWT_REFRESH_EXPIRATION_DELTA': timedelta(hours=1),
Other problems should be solved on the frontend side. You should check whether user is trying to get to "sensitive" view. If yes, then check if token is valid. If invalid - redirect to login page. If view is "insensitive" - your choice.
The recommended way to handle this is to separate token freshness from token validation. Most views require a valid token, secure views require a fresh token, one that is not only valid but also has been issued at login and has not been refreshed since.
You can do this by setting a flag on the token to mark it as 'fresh' on login, but unset the flag when refreshing. The flow then becomes:
Client accesses the site without a token -> Deny access
Client authenticates with obtain-token endpoint -> Issue token with fresh=True
Client (or server) refreshes valid token -> Issue token with fresh=False
Client accesses non-secure endpoint with valid token -> Accept token
Client accesses secure endpoint -> Accept token only if fresh=True is set on token.
The only way to obtain a fresh token is to log in again, no refresh allowed.
So you need to be able to:
distinguish between obtaining a new token and refreshing when generating the JWT payload.
inspect the fresh key in the current JWT token in order to create a custom permission.
The first requirement means you'll have to do some view subclassing, as the jwt_payload_handler callback is not given any information to determine what called it.
The easiest way to handle the first requirement is to just subclass the serializers used to produce a fresh or refreshed token, decode the token they produce, inject the applicable fresh key value, then re-encode. Then use the subclassed serializers to create a new set of API views:
from rest_framework_jwt.settings import api_settings
from rest_framework_jwt.serializers import JSONWebTokenSerializer, RefreshJSONWebTokenSerializer
from rest_framework_jwt.views import JSONWebTokenAPIView
jwt_encode_handler = api_settings.JWT_ENCODE_HANDLER
jwt_decode_handler = api_settings.JWT_DECODE_HANDLER
class FreshJSONWebTokenSerializer(JSONWebTokenSerializer):
"""Add a 'fresh=True' flag to the JWT token when issuing"""
def validate(self, *args, **kwargs):
result = super().validate(*args, **kwargs)
payload = jwt_decode_handler(result['token'])
return {
'token': jwt_encode_handler({**payload, fresh=True})
class NonFreshRefreshJSONWebTokenSerializer(RefreshJSONWebTokenSerializer):
"""Set the 'fresh' flag False on refresh"""
def validate(self, *args, **kwargs):
result = super().validate(*args, **kwargs)
payload = jwt_decode_handler(result['token'])
return {
'token': jwt_encode_handler({**payload, fresh=False})
class ObtainFreshJSONWebToken(JSONWebTokenAPIView):
serializer_class = JSONWebTokenSerializer
class NonFreshRefreshJSONWebToken(JSONWebTokenAPIView):
serializer_class = NonFreshRefreshJSONWebTokenSerializer
obtain_jwt_token = ObtainFreshJSONWebToken.as_view()
refresh_jwt_token = NonFreshRefreshJSONWebToken.as_view()
Then register these two views as API endpoints instead of those provided by the Django REST Framework JWT project, for the obtain and refresh paths.
Next up is the permission; because the JSONWebTokenAuthentication class returns the decoded payload when authenticating the request.auth attribute is set to the payload dictionary, letting us inspect it directly in a custom permission:
class HashFreshTokenPermission(permissions.BasePermission):
message = 'This endpoint requires a fresh token, please obtain a new token.'
def has_permission(self, request, view):
return (
request.user and
request.user.is_authenticated and
request.auth and
isinstance(request.auth, dict) and
request.auth.get('fresh', False)
Register this permission with the REST framework:
# ...
and use this in views that are security sensitive:
class SampleSecureView(APIView):
permission_classes = (
# ...

What are common technique, to ensure code logic in TemplateView's get_context_data being executed once?

Currently, I have the following payment button.
When user click on the link, here's what happens behind the scene.
Get token input from user.
Payment gateway processes the received token, and return success/fail result.
Display success/fail result to user.
What I wish is, when user click on refresh button in browser, step 1 & step 2 will be skipped.
We don't want user makes duplicated payment.
But, only displayed previous gateway success/fail result.
Here's the TemplateView code.
class SubscribeView(TemplateView):
template_name = 'subscribe.html'
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
# Call the base implementation first to get a context
context = super(SubscribeView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
# Step 1: Get token input from user
payload_nonce = self.request.GET.get('payload_nonce')
# Step 2: Payment gateway processes the
# received token, and return success/fail result.
# Submit it to payment gateway
# Step 3: Display success/fail result to user.
context['is_success'] = result.is_success
context['message'] = result.message
return context
May I know, what are common technique, to ensure code logic in TemplateView's get_context_data being executed once?
The real problem here is that you are updating state in an operation that should be idempotent.
The proper solution is to use a dedicated view only accepting POST requests (which mean you need an HTML form instead of a link) that will handle steps 1 & 2 and then redirect to your template view. You will of course have to store the result (and the associated token) somewhere so you can 1. avoid resending a payment twice for the same token and 2. retrieve the results associated with the token in the template view's get_context_data method.
NB : you can also, of course, handle both the GET and POST requests in the same view, but then a TemplateView might not be the best choice (actually class-based-views are seldom the best choice unless you need inheritance - function based views are usually way much simpler).
Thanks to bruno desthuilliers. This is how to code being refactor.
from django.views.generic import TemplateView
from django.views.generic import View
class SubscribeView(View):
def post(self, request):
# Step 1: Get token input from user
payload_nonce = self.request.POST.get("payload_nonce")
# Step 2: Payment gateway processes the
# received token, and return success/fail result.
# Submit it to payment gateway
# Redirect to SubscribeDoneView, for page rendering purpose.
return redirect(reverse('subscribe_done') + query_string)
class SubscribeDoneView(TemplateView):
template_name = 'subscribe_done.html'
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
# Call the base implementation first to get a context
context = super(SubscribeDoneView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
# Step 3: Display success/fail result to user.
is_success = (self.request.GET.get('is_success') == 'True')
message = self.request.GET.get('message')
context['is_success'] = is_success
if is_success is False and message is not None:
context['message'] = message
return context

How should I continue a Python Social Auth Partial Pipeline

The application I am working has an overwritten endpoint for the Python Social Auth /complete/<backend>/ endpoint.
within our
urlspatterns = [
# Override of social_auth
from social_django.views import complete
def social_auth_complete(request, backend, *args, **kwargs):
"""Overwritten social_auth_complete."""
# some custom logic getting variables from session (Unrelated).
response = complete(request, backend, *args, **kwargs)
# Some custom logic adding args to the redirect (Unrelated).
We are attempting to implement a partial pipeline method. The first time the endpoint is called everything works as expected.
def required_info(strategy, details, user=None, is_new=False, *args, **kwargs):
"""Verify the user has all the required information before proceeding."""
if not is_new:
for field in settings.SOCIAL_USER_REQUIRED_DATA:
if not details.get(field):
data = strategy.request_data().get(field)
if not data:
current_partial = kwargs.get('current_partial')
social_provider = kwargs.get('backend')
return strategy.redirect(f'.../?partial_token={partial_token}&provider={social_provider}'
details[field] = data
This redirects the user to the front end in which they fill out a form which calls a POST request to orginal API api/v1/auth/oauth/complete/(?P<backend>[^/]+)/ with the following in the data:
'required_fieldX': 'data',
'partial_token': '',
Key Issues
Two things go wrong; When I pdb into required_info there is never any data within strategy.request_data(). There is still data within the kwargs['request'].body and I can take the data out there.
But I am afraid that the second time around we never get into this block of code from social-core:
partial = partial_pipeline_data(backend, user, *args, **kwargs)
if partial:
user = backend.continue_pipeline(partial)
# clean partial data after usage
user = backend.complete(user=user, *args, **kwargs)
I know this to be true because when I interrogate the database the original Partial object still exists as if backend.strategy.clean_partial_pipeline(partial.token) was never called.
Final Questions
Why is the social_django.views.complete not processing the POST request as expected and as it appears to be in all the example applications. Is there an issue from our overwriting it? Should I just create a separate endpoint to handle the POST request and if so how do mimic all that goes on within #psa such that I can call backend.continue_pipeline(partial)?
I think there's only one issue here, and that's that the Django strategy doesn't look into request.body when loading the request data, you can see the method in charge here. There you can see that it looks for request.GET and/or request.POST, but not body.
You can easily overcome this by defining your custom strategy that extends from the built-in one, and override the request_data method to look for the values in request.body. Then define the SOCIAL_AUTH_STRATEGY to point to your class.

auditlog with Django and DRF

I need to implement auditlog feature in one of my project which is using Django 1.8 and Django-Rest-Framework 3.2.2. I have extended BaseUserManager class to create user model since I had to use email as a username in my application ( if this information matters ).
Below is my db design which will hold logs :
**fields type desc**
id pk ( auto_increment)
cust_id FK customer
customer_name FK customer
user_id FK user
user_name FK user
module Varchar(100) sales,order,billing,etc
action Varchar(10) Create/Update/Delete
previous_value varchar(500)
current_value varchar(500)
Datetime Datetime timestamp of change
I have tried but it has 2 issues as per my requirement-
It does not capture data as per my requirement which I understand is my issue and so I modified it's code and added my fields into it's model.
It is not capturing module information. Behaviour is random.
I am seeking advice to proceed with this feature. Which package would be best suitable for my task.
P.S I have also tried Django-reversion and I have no requirement of data versioning.
I achieved what I needed by modifying auditlog code -
Added required field in LogEntry model of auditlog.
Modified log_create,log_update,log_delete functions of to save information in newly added fields.
Using this I am halfway done. Now only issue I am facing is that since model instance of 1 table contains information of other tables as well due to FKs used in the table.
To solve this I could come up with a solution which works well but I am not satisfied with it.
I added a function like include_in_model() in each model and modified auditlog's register() function to get those fields and only use that to save information in LogEntry model.
This approach will require me to create this include_in_model() function in each of my model class and pass required fields for particular model. This way I am avoiding FK related information.
Django Simple History is an excellent app that I've used in production projects in the past, it will give you per model Audits against your users.
Furthermore, you should create your own Authentication Class which will be responsible for logging requests. Let's assume that a User uses a Token to authenticate with your API. It gets sent in the header of each HTTP Request to your API like so: Authorization: Bearer <My Token>. We should then log the User associated with the request, the time, the user's IP and the body.
This is pretty easy:
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from ipware.ip import get_real_ip
from rest_framework import authentication
from rest_framework import exceptions
from accounts.models import Token, AuditLog
class MyTokenAuthenticationClass(authentication.BaseAuthentication):
def authenticate(self, request):
# Grab the Athorization Header from the HTTP Request
auth = authentication.get_authorization_header(request).split()
if not auth or auth[0].lower() != b'bearer':
return None
# Check that Token header is properly formatted and present, raise errors if not
if len(auth) == 1:
msg = _('Invalid token header. No credentials provided.')
raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
elif len(auth) > 2:
msg = _('Invalid token header. Credentials string should not contain spaces.')
raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed(msg)
token = Token.objects.get(token=auth[1])
# Using the `ipware.ip` module to get the real IP (if hosted on ElasticBeanstalk or Heroku)
token.last_ip = get_real_ip(request)
token.last_login =
# Add the saved token instance to the request context
request.token = token
except Token.DoesNotExist:
raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed('Invalid token.')
# At this point, insert the Log into your AuditLog table:
# Additional fields
# Return the Authenticated User associated with the Token
return (token.user, token)
Another solution would be to use django auditlog and use a custom middleware which does not capture the 'request.user' directly but at the moment when it is needed, by this time DRF will have set the correct 'request.user' so that it is no longer missing the username in the audit logs.
Create a file named (for example) and include it in the MIDDLEWARE in your instead of the default auditlog middleware.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import threading
import time
from django.conf import settings
from django.db.models.signals import pre_save
from django.utils.functional import curry
from django.apps import apps
from auditlog.models import LogEntry
from auditlog.compat import is_authenticated
# Use MiddlewareMixin when present (Django >= 1.10)
from django.utils.deprecation import MiddlewareMixin
except ImportError:
MiddlewareMixin = object
threadlocal = threading.local()
class AuditlogMiddleware(MiddlewareMixin):
Middleware to couple the request's user to log items. This is accomplished by currying the signal receiver with the
user from the request (or None if the user is not authenticated).
def process_request(self, request):
Gets the current user from the request and prepares and connects a signal receiver with the user already
attached to it.
# Initialize thread local storage
threadlocal.auditlog = {
'signal_duid': (self.__class__, time.time()),
'remote_addr': request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR'),
# In case of proxy, set 'original' address
if request.META.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'):
threadlocal.auditlog['remote_addr'] = request.META.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR').split(',')[0]
# Connect signal for automatic logging
set_actor = curry(self.set_actor, request=request, signal_duid=threadlocal.auditlog['signal_duid'])
pre_save.connect(set_actor, sender=LogEntry, dispatch_uid=threadlocal.auditlog['signal_duid'], weak=False)
def process_response(self, request, response):
Disconnects the signal receiver to prevent it from staying active.
if hasattr(threadlocal, 'auditlog'):
pre_save.disconnect(sender=LogEntry, dispatch_uid=threadlocal.auditlog['signal_duid'])
return response
def process_exception(self, request, exception):
Disconnects the signal receiver to prevent it from staying active in case of an exception.
if hasattr(threadlocal, 'auditlog'):
pre_save.disconnect(sender=LogEntry, dispatch_uid=threadlocal.auditlog['signal_duid'])
return None
def set_actor(request, sender, instance, signal_duid, **kwargs):
Signal receiver with an extra, required 'user' kwarg. This method becomes a real (valid) signal receiver when
it is curried with the actor.
if hasattr(threadlocal, 'auditlog'):
if not hasattr(request, 'user') or not is_authenticated(request.user):
if signal_duid != threadlocal.auditlog['signal_duid']:
app_label, model_name = settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL.split('.')
auth_user_model = apps.get_model(app_label, model_name)
except ValueError:
auth_user_model = apps.get_model('auth', 'user')
if sender == LogEntry and isinstance(request.user, auth_user_model) and is None: = request.user
instance.remote_addr = threadlocal.auditlog['remote_addr']
I know that this answer is coming very late, but here it goes
Because DRF authenticates on the View level NOT on the Middleware level, the user is not yet attached to the request when AuditlogMiddleware runs, resulting in AnonymousUser
You can attach the logic from AuditlogMiddleware after your authentication
This logic connects some signals
This solution befits:
You don't have to decorate every View with it
it doesn't assume anything about AuditlogMiddleware or audit_log implementation in general. so if the code changes, this should still work
It doesn't force or duplicate DRF authentication.
from auditlog.middleware import AuditlogMiddleware
from rest_framework.authentication import TokenAuthentication
class TokenAuthenticationWrapper(TokenAuthentication):
def authenticate(self, request):
user, token = super().authenticate(request)
request.user = user # necessary for preventing recursion
return user, token
inherit from your favorite Authentication service e.g. BasicAuthentication SessionAuthentication, TokenAuthentication, etc...
and in
First of all you can user package:, to solve Email as Username field.
Then you can try to focus development with:
The answer by #hassaan-alansary would have been ideal, but unfortunately the Auditlog devs made significant changes since he posted his answer, and I couldn't figure out how to reconcile their changes with Hassaan's answer.
The solution I ended up finding is based on what was shared here. Instead of writing a new DRF authentication method which invokes the middleware to do the logging, it creates a mixin which needs to be added to each of the DRF views you want added to the audit log. The solution below is the modified version of the one I ended up using from the link above.
import threading
import time
from functools import partial
from django.db.models.signals import pre_save
from auditlog.models import LogEntry
threadlocal = threading.local()
class DRFDjangoAuditModelMixin:
Mixin to integrate django-auditlog with Django Rest Framework.
This is needed because DRF does not perform the authentication at middleware layer
instead it performs the authentication at View layer.
This mixin adds behavior to connect/disconnect the signals needed by django-auditlog to auto
log changes on models.
It assumes that AuditlogMiddleware is activated in settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES
def _set_actor(user, sender, instance, signal_duid, **kwargs):
# This is a reimplementation of auditlog.context._set_actor.
# Unfortunately the original logic cannot be used, because
# there is a type mismatch between user and auth_user_model.
if signal_duid != threadlocal.auditlog["signal_duid"]:
if (
sender == LogEntry
#and isinstance(user, auth_user_model)
and is None
): = user
instance.remote_addr = threadlocal.auditlog["remote_addr"]
def initial(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
"""Overwritten to use django-auditlog if needed."""
super().initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
remote_addr = AuditlogMiddleware._get_remote_addr(request)
actor = request.user
set_actor = partial(
def finalize_response(self, request, response, *args, **kwargs):
"""Overwritten to cleanup django-auditlog if needed."""
response = super().finalize_response(request, response, *args, **kwargs)
if hasattr(threadlocal, 'auditlog'):
pre_save.disconnect(sender=LogEntry, dispatch_uid=threadlocal.auditlog['signal_duid'])
del threadlocal.auditlog
return response
You then need to add this mixin to each of your views:
class CustomerViewSet(DRFDjangoAuditModelMixin, ModelViewSet):
queryset = Client.objects.all()
serializer = ClientSerializer
The down side of this implementation is that it isn't DRY on a couple of levels. Not only do you need to add the mixin to each DRF view, but it copies code from nearly all the logging behaviour of auditlog, particularly private methods. I therefore expect this solution to either need adjustment in the future, or for it to also become obsolete.
The solution above is based on this revision of auditlog.
