Managing AWS authentication in Python requests using boto3 - python

I'm using the following method in order to auto-refresh AWS Tokens using IAM role and boto3 (based on, these resources):
import boto3
from botocore.credentials import RefreshableCredentials
from botocore.session import get_session
def get_aws_credentials():
aws_role_arn = 'AWS_ROLE_ARN'
sts_client = boto3.client('sts')
assumed_role_object = sts_client.assume_role(
RoleArn = aws_role_arn,
RoleSessionName = "SessioName",
DurationSeconds = 900
return {
'access_key': assumed_role_object['Credentials']['AccessKeyId'],
'secret_key': assumed_role_object['Credentials']['SecretAccessKey'],
'token': assumed_role_object['Credentials']['SessionToken'],
'expiry_time': assumed_role_object['Credentials']['Expiration'].isoformat()
session_credentials = RefreshableCredentials.create_from_metadata(
metadata = get_aws_credentials(),
refresh_using = get_aws_credentials,
method = 'sts-assume-role'
session = get_session()
session._credentials = session_credentials
autorefresh_session = boto3.Session(botocore_session=session)
This is fine for managing AWS resources such as a S3 bucket, for which I'm using:
And RefreshableCredentials is managing the job of refreshing the credentials.
However, I have also the need to do some requests like this one:
import requests
r =
Where I would be using:
from aws_requests_auth.aws_auth import AWSRequestsAuth
generated_credentials = get_aws_credentials()
aws_auth = AWSRequestsAuth(
However, this approach seems to me not efficient, because I should call get_aws_credentials() each time I do a request, to be sure they are not expired (or check expiration before), while I would like to rely on RefreshableCredentials for this.
Is there a better approach?


Boto3 AWS lambda not triggering

I am using code similar to below to trigger an AWS Lambda function on my AWS educate account, when running this nothing triggers on the lambda (the lambda works with the same payload through the test configuration). My session and permissions are also correct as I am able to use boto3 to access S3 resources with the same credentials. What can I try to attempt to fix/troubleshoot this issue?
Apologies if this is vague (I know it is) but I am very confused on why this is happening
import boto3
import json
REGION = 'us-east-1'
payload = json.dumps({"function":"tweets","amount":10,"time":10})
client = boto3.client('lambda',
aws_session_token = session)
response = client.invoke(
Every lambda function has an handler function which is the entry for the code. By default it is lambda_handler. You can also change the default handler function under Runtime settings. The following code will solve your problem.
import boto3
import json
REGION = 'us-east-1'
def lambda_handler(event,context):
payload = json.dumps({"function":"tweets","amount":10,"time":10})
client = boto3.client('lambda',
aws_session_token = session)
response = client.invoke(

aws appsync graphql api with python

I want to access AWS AppSync API using Python code and confused with requests library.
Auth mode is Cognito user pool. My questions are:
How to get access tokens from Cognito user pool?
How to make queries, mutations, and handle subscriptions?
I tried to do it with auth mode API key. but I am getting the following error.
import requests
import json
URL = ""
headers = {"x-api-key":"da2-bwuyzqchhfgyxemcmdinjegb7e"}
data = json.dumps({
"query": '''
} ) {
id title duedate
} )
r = requests.request("POST", URL , data = data , headers = headers)
{ "errors" : [ {
"message" : "Unable to parse GraphQL query.",
"errorType" : "MalformedHttpRequestException" } ] }
I have seen this video
In this video, for authentication using cognito user pool, he says to make a call to cognito user pool and get the tokens and pass it to aws appsync in headers.
I am new to aws and python request module, trying to write python code for this video.
graphql-python/gql supports AWS AppSync since version 3.0.0rc0.
It supports queries, mutation and even subscriptions on the realtime endpoint.
It supports IAM, api key and JWT authentication methods.
The documentation is available here
Here is an example of a mutation using the API Key authentication:
import asyncio
import os
import sys
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from gql import Client, gql
from gql.transport.aiohttp import AIOHTTPTransport
from gql.transport.appsync_auth import AppSyncApiKeyAuthentication
# Uncomment the following lines to enable debug output
# import logging
# logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
async def main():
# Should look like:
url = os.environ.get("AWS_GRAPHQL_API_ENDPOINT")
api_key = os.environ.get("AWS_GRAPHQL_API_KEY")
if url is None or api_key is None:
print("Missing environment variables")
# Extract host from url
host = str(urlparse(url).netloc)
auth = AppSyncApiKeyAuthentication(host=host, api_key=api_key)
transport = AIOHTTPTransport(url=url, auth=auth)
async with Client(
transport=transport, fetch_schema_from_transport=False,
) as session:
query = gql(
mutation createMessage($message: String!) {
createMessage(input: {message: $message}) {
variable_values = {"message": "Hello world!"}
result = await session.execute(query, variable_values=variable_values)

How to create flavor in openstack using python code

Can anyone please tell me how to create flavor. I have a code format given below but I don't know how to create a openstack flavor using below python code?
def create_flavor(self,**attrs)
return self._create(_flavor.Flavor,**attrs)
You can use the nova client to create a flavor as in below code sample:
from keystoneauth1 import loading
from keystoneauth1 import session
from novaclient import client
USERNAME = 'admin'
PASSWORD = 'password'
PROJECT_NAME = 'admin'
loader = loading.get_plugin_loader('password')
auth = loader.load_from_options(auth_url=AUTH_URL, username=USERNAME, password=PASSWORD, project_name=PROJECT_NAME, user_domain_name=USER_DOMAIN_NAME, project_domain_name=PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME)
sess = session.Session(auth=auth)
nova = client.Client(NOVA_API_VERSION, session=sess)
def create_flavor(name, ram, vcpus, disk):
nova.flavors.create(name=name, ram=ram, vcpus=vcpus, disk=disk)
# Call the function to create flavor
create_flavor('test', 1024, 1, 10)
# Call help on flavor create function to know all the parameters the function accepts
You can use requests library to create a flavor as in below sample code.
You have to replace the endpoint IP, admin tenant id, token id , etc
import json
import requests
def create_flavor():
url = ''
token = 'gAAAAABZY1-p4Sb24NXsGGEAPG9Sg_cjDIGs2TUeBt5V256sU0sapnzAnLKkgLkY8cAVz1DfoKYKP7Yct6xcGqojm49ssWnPNoJTZ7AvZqECvXYXeS-xZB5Zjk22TIoo_WFnLXimMf3xmT04zkJVDZqSxc1jGzM21KQXKbAWXCi6NDbeKgqSgXw'
headers = {'X-Auth-Token': token, 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
flavor_details= {'flavor': {'name':'test','ram':1024,'vcpus':2,'disk':10}}
response =, data=json.dumps(flavor_details),headers=headers)
print response

How do I call an API Gateway with Cognito credentials in Python

I've managed to setup an API Gateway secured with Cognito. The unauthenticated user role has an access policy that should grant it access to the gateway. I've also managed to use boto3 to retrieve an identity ID from the pool and obtain the associated open ID token, as well as the associated secret and access keys.
How do I now make a call to the gateway using these credentials? Is there a way to use boto3 to handle signing a request to a particular method on the API?
My code is based largely on the questioner's own answer, but I've tried to make it clearer where all the values come from.
import boto3
import requests
from requests_aws4auth import AWS4Auth
# Use 'pip install boto3 requests requests-aws4auth' to get these
region_name = 'ap-southeast-2' # or 'us-west-1' or whatever
# 12 decimal digits from your AWS login page
account_id = '123456789012'
# I've only found this in the sample code for other languages, e.g. JavaScript
# Services→Cognito→Manage Federated Identities→(your-id-pool)→Sample code
identity_pool_id = 'ap-southeast-2:fedcba98-7654-3210-1234-56789abcdef0'
# Create a new identity
boto3.setup_default_session(region_name = region_name)
identity_client = boto3.client('cognito-identity', region_name=region_name)
identity_response = identity_client.get_id(AccountId=account_id,
# We normally wouldn't log this, but to illustrate:
identity_id = identity_response['IdentityId']
print ('identity_id:', identity_id) # good idea not to log this
# Get the identity's credentials
credentials_response = identity_client.get_credentials_for_identity(IdentityId=identity_id)
credentials = credentials_response['Credentials']
access_key_id = credentials['AccessKeyId']
secret_key = credentials['SecretKey']
service = 'execute-api'
session_token = credentials['SessionToken']
expiration = credentials['Expiration']
# Again, we normally wouldn't log this:
print ('access_key_id', access_key_id)
print ('secret_key', secret_key)
print ('session_token', session_token)
print ('expiration', expiration)
# The access_key_id will look something like 'AKIABC123DE456FG7890', similar to
# Services→IAM→Users→(AWS_USER_NAME)→Security credentials→Access key ID
# Get the authorisation object
auth = AWS4Auth(access_key_id, secret_key, region_name, service,
current_app['auth'] = auth
# Just an illustration again:
print ('auth: %(service)s(%(date)s) %(region)s:%(access_id)s' % auth.__dict__)
# We'll use that object to send a request to our app. This app doesn't
# exist in real life, though, so you'll need to edit the following quite
# heavily:
# Services→Cognito→Manage your User Pools→(your-user-pool)→Apps→App name
app_name = 'my-app-name'
api_path = 'dev/helloworld'
method = 'GET'
headers = {}
body = ''
url = '' % (app_name, service, region_name,
response = requests.request(method, url, auth=auth, data=body, headers=headers)
The following code (and the requests-aws4auth library) did the job:
import boto3
import datetime
import json
from requests_aws4auth import AWS4Auth
import requests
identity = boto3.client('cognito-identity', region_name='us-east-1')
response = identity.get_id(AccountId=account_id, IdentityPoolId=identity_pool_id)
identity_id = response['IdentityId']
print ("Identity ID: %s"%identity_id)
resp = identity.get_credentials_for_identity(IdentityId=identity_id)
secretKey = resp['Credentials']['SecretKey']
accessKey = resp['Credentials']['AccessKeyId']
sessionToken = resp['Credentials']['SessionToken']
expiration = resp['Credentials']['Expiration']
print ("\nSecret Key: %s"%(secretKey))
print ("\nAccess Key %s"%(accessKey))
print ("\nSession Token: %s"%(sessionToken))
print ("\nExpiration: %s"%(expiration))
method = 'GET'
headers = {}
body = ''
service = 'execute-api'
url = '' % api_prefix
region = 'us-east-1'
auth = AWS4Auth(accessKey, secretKey, region, service, session_token=sessionToken)
response = requests.request(method, url, auth=auth, data=body, headers=headers)
Next code is working really well.
Hope to help:
from pprint import pprint
import requests
from pycognito import Cognito
u = Cognito(USER_POOL_ID,CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET, username='cognito user name')
u.authenticate('cognito user password')
id_token = u.id_token
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + id_token}
api_url = ''
r = requests.get(api_url, headers=headers)
Here is an example from our public docs:
Cognito creds are no different than any other temporary creds, and the signing process is also the same. If you want to move back to Python the example above should be good, or I would guess that there are third-party libraries out there to do the signature for you.
identity_pool_id how to get
If you have not federated pool which could give you "identity_pool_id" ,
execution code below will give you identity_pool_id
import boto3
client = boto3.client('cognito-identity')
response = client.list_identity_pools(MaxResults=3,)
print("IdentityPoolId-- ", response)

How to generate url from boto3 in amazon web services

I have a Bucket in s3 and I am trying to pull the url of the image that is in there.
I am using boto3 and boto3 doesn't seem to have an implemented generate url method.
They have a core method, that generates url like this,
import botocore.session
session = botocore.session.get_session()
client = session.create_client('s3')
presigned_url = client.generate_presigned_url(
'get_object', Params={'Bucket': self.bucket_name, 'Key': self.key})
One thing I am forced to do is, I have to send the parameters along with each request using session object. And the above method does not allow me to set the session variables (ie .. aws credentials)
The closest I can get is this
session = Session(aws_access_key_id='342342342342', aws_secret_access_key='3434234322', region_name='us-east-1')
s3 = session.resource('s3')
object = s3.Object('my-dev-bucket', 'amazonKeyString')
print object.get()["Body"]
This gets me amazon s3 object which is an object called
botocore.response.StreamingBody object at 0x7ffaff8cef50
Can I get a url of the image this way?
Able to get results and did not face any issues in getting the signed URL.
I used the default session since my aws creds were stored locally in "~/.aws/credentials" file and my default region is set as needed ~/.aws/config
import boto3
s3Client = boto3.client('s3')
s3Client.generate_presigned_url('get_object', Params = {'Bucket': '', 'Key': 'hello.txt'}, ExpiresIn = 100)
If you need to pass params for Session, import boto3.session and create custom session
import boto3.session
session = boto3.session.Session(region_name='eu-central-1')
s3Client = session.client('s3')
If you don't want to use aws configure command, you can pass the credentials directly like this and generate the public URL.
def generate_public_url(bucket_name, file_name, aws_region, aws_key_id, aws_secret, timeout=300):
#if not object_exists(bucket_name, file_name):
# raise Exception(f"0 or many items found in bucket '{bucket_name}' with key '{file_name}')")
s3_client = boto3.client('s3', config=Config(signature_version='s3v4'),
region_name=aws_region, aws_access_key_id=aws_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=aws_secret)
url = s3_client.generate_presigned_url(
'Bucket': bucket_name,
'Key': file_name
ExpiresIn=timeout # seconds
return url
