Can I do prompt-learning on HuggingFace Transformers? - python

I'm trying to solve a Prompt Learning task, but I'm not finding information on how to do it with HuggingFace Transformers. However, I've been thinking about it, and doing prompt-learning is basically fine-tuning a masked language model, but only over a set of possible values for those masks, instead of using the masks provided by the tokenizer straight out of the box. Is there a way of doing that, e.g., to fine-tune a masked language model that only calculates the logits for a set of predefined words?
I've tried OpenPrompt, but I didn't quite like it, that's why I'm trying to use Huggingface.


Should I use the embedding layer or tf.feature_columns.embedding_columns to get a feature space embedding?

I've been using the embedding layer usually to create embeddings for categorical features.
Now I've come across tf.feature_column.embedding_column today.
Is it better practice to use these and create a full embedding with DenseFeatures?
The reason why I'm thinking it might be is because it seems like that the feature_column module is made specifically for that.
What are the benefits?
Use case is that I would like to visualize the embeddings on a dataset with mainly categorical data.
Thanks so much for any tips and suggestions.

spacy how to add patterns to existing Entity ruler?

My spacy version is 2.3.7. I have an existing trained custom NER model with NER and Entity Ruler pipes.
I want to update and retrain this existing pipeline.
The code to create the entity ruler pipe was as follows-
ruler = EntityRuler(nlp)
for i in patt_dict:
nlp.add_pipe(ruler, name = "entity_ruler")
Where patt_dict is the original patterns dictionary I had made.
Now, after finishing the training, now I have more input data and want to train the model more with the new input data.
How can I modify the above code to add more of patterns dictionary to the entity ruler when I load the spacy model later and want to retrain it with more input data?
It is generally better to retrain from scratch. If you train only on new data you are likely to run into "catastrophic forgetting", where the model forgets anything not in the new data.
This is covered in detail in this spaCy blog post. As of v3 the approach outlined there is available in spaCy, but it's still experimental and needs some work. In any case, it's still kind of a workaround, and the best thing is to train from scratch with all data.
I'd also recommend polm23's suggestion to retrain fully in this situation.
Here is why: we are asking the model to produce inferences based on weights derived from matching input data to labels/classes/whatever over and over. These weights are toggled via backprop to reduce the error gradient vis a vis the labels/classes/whatever. When the weights, given whatever data, produce errors as close to 0 as possible eventually the loss reaches an equilibrium or you just call it via hyper parameters (epochs).
However, by only using the new data, you will only optimize for that specific data. The model will generalize poorly, but really only because it is learning exactly what you asked it to learn and nothing else. When you add in that retraining fully is usually not the end of the world, it just kinda makes sense as a best practice.
(This is my imperfect understanding of the catastrophic forgetting issue, happy to learn more if other's have deeper knowledge).

Using tensorflow classification for feature extraction

I am currently working on a system that extracts certain features out of 3D-objects (Voxelgrids to be precise), and i would like to compare those features to automatically made features when it comes to performance (classification) in a tensorflow cNN with some other data, but that is not the point here, just for background.
My idea now was, to take a dataset (modelnet10), train a tensorflow cNN to classify them, and then use what it learned there on my dataset - not to classify, but to extract features.
So i want to throw away everything the cnn does,except for what it takes from the objects.
Is there anyway to get these features? and how do i do that? i certainly have no idea.
Yes, it is possible to train models exclusively for feature extraction. This is called transfer learning where you can either train your own model and then extract the features or you can extract features from pre-trained models and then use it in your task if your task is similar in nature to that of what the pre-trained model was trained for. You can of course find a lot of material online for these topics. However, I am providing some links below which give details on how you can go about it:

How to apply TensorFlow Text Classification on new dataset?

I am following this tutorial:
It only goes up to fitting the model but I couldn't find how to use the model on a new dataset to classify unlabeled data. I tried following other tutorials but I couldn't get them to work since they might not be text based.
I run into an issue where I try to set the layer to 2 for positive, negative but that doesn't work either.
I think you misunderstood the purpose of that tutorial. That tutorial is applying the use of what is known as "transfer learning". Transfer Learning is when you take an already trained model, and train it with other data. What you are doing is creating an entirely new model, which is not the purpose of that specific tutorial. Furthermore, for that model you need a labeled dataset, which is provided in the tutorial using the Tensorflow Datasets library. To accomplish what you are trying to do, you must look at a different tutorial explaining how to train an LSTM model for text classification from scratch.

How to find the most important features learned during Deep Learning using CNN?

I followed the tutorial given at this site, which detailed how to perform text classification on the movie dataset using CNN. It utilized the movie review dataset to find predict positive and negative reviews.
My question is, is there any way to find the most important learned features from the model? Does Tensorflow/Theano has any support for this?
Thanks !
A word of warning: if you can trace the classification back to specific input features, it's quite possible that CNN is the wrong ML paradigm for your application. Most text processing uses RNN, bag-of-words, bi-grams, and other simple linear combinations.
The structure of a CNN is generally antithetical to identifying the importance of individual features. Because of the various non-linear layers, it is rarely possible to pick out any one feature as important; rather, the combinations of inputs form small structures of inference, which then convolve to form more complex structures, until the final output is driven by a series of neighbor relationships, cut-offs, poolings, and other items.
This is why back-propagation is so important to running CNNs: the causation chain does not reverse cleanly. Otherwise, we'd reduce the process to a simple linear NN with one hidden layer.
If you want to analyze what's happening, try visualizing your intermediate layers. There are various modules to help with that; for instance, try a search for "+theano +visualize +CNN -news" (the last is to remove the high-traffic references to Cable News Network). There are plenty of examples in image processing; we won't know how much it might help your text processing, until you try it.
