Exponential curve fit in python--parameters do not make sense - python

I'm doing a curve fit in python using scipy.curve_fit, and the fit itself looks great, however the parameters that are generated don't make sense.
The equation is (ax)^b + cx, but with the params python finds a = -c and b = 1, so the whole equation just equals 0 for every value of x.
here is the plot and my code.
# experimental data
xdata = cfu_u
ydata = OD_u
# x-values to plot for curve fit
min_cfu = 0.1
max_cfu = 9.1
x_vec = pow(10,np.arange(min_cfu,max_cfu,0.1))
# exponential function
def func(x,a, b, c):
return (a*x)**b + c*x
# curve fit
popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, xdata, ydata)
# plot experimental data and fitted curve
plt.plot(x_vec, func(x_vec, *popt), label = 'curve fit',color='slateblue',linewidth = 2.2)
plt.plot(cfu_u,OD_u,'-',label = 'experimental data',marker='.',markersize=8,color='deepskyblue',linewidth = 1.4)
plt.legend(loc='upper left',fontsize=12)
plt.gcf().set_size_inches(7, 5)
[ 1.44930871e+03 1.00000000e+00 -1.44930871e+03]
How can I find the actual parameters?
edit: here is the actual experimental raw data I used: https://pastebin.com/CR2BCJji

The chosen function model is :
In order to understand the difficulty encountered one have first to compare the behaviour of the function to the data on the range of the lowest values of X.
We see that y(x)=0 is an acceptable fitting for the points on a large range (at least 6 decades ) considering the scatter. They are the majority of the experimental points (18 points among 27). The function y(x)=0 is obtained from the function model only if b=1 leading to y(x)=(a+c)x and with a+c=0. At first sight python seems to give : b=1 and c=-a. But we have to look more carefully.
Of course the fonction y(x)=0 is not convenient for the 9 points at larger X.
This draw to think that the fitting of the whole set of points is an extension of the above fitting with values of the parameters different from b=1 and a+c=0 but not far in order to continue to have a good fitting on the above 18 points.
Conclusion : The actual values of the parameters found by python are certainly very close to b=1 and a close to 1.44930871e+03 and b close to -1.44930871e+03
The calculus inside python is certainly carried out with 16 or 18 digits. But the display is with 9 digits only. This is not sufficient to see that b might be different from 1 and that c might be different from -a. This suggests that the clue might be only a matter of display with enough digits.
Yes, the fitting by python looks great. This is a fine performance on the mathematical viewpoint. But the physical signifiance is doubtful with so many digits essential to the fitting on the whole range.


How to fit multiple curves to a single scatter plot of data?

I have data from distinct curves, and want to fit each of them individually. However, the data is mixed into a single array, so first I believe I need a way to separate the data.
I know that each of the individual curves is under the family A/x+B. As of now I cut out each of the curves by hand and curve fit, but would like to automate this process, have the computer separate these curves a fit them. I attempted to use machine learning, but didn't know where to start, what packages to use. I am using python, but can also use C++, in fact I hope to transfer it to C++ by the end. Where do you think I should start, is it worth it to use unsupervised machine learning, or is there a better way to separate the data?
The expected curves:
An example of the data
Well, you sure do have an interesting problem.
I see that there are curves with Y-axis values that are considerably larger than the rest of them. I would simply take the first N-values with the largest Y-axis values and then fit them to an exponential decay curve (or that other curve you mention). You can then simply take the points that most fit that curve and then leave the other points alone.
This is a terrible way to extrapolate data. Doing this, you are cherry-picking the data you want. This is falsifying information and is very bad.
Your best bet is to create a single curve that all points fit too if you cannot isolate all of those points into separate curves with external information.
We do know some information: a valid function must have only 1 output given a single input.
If the X-Axis is discreet, this means you can create a lookup table of Outputs given the input. This allows you to count how many curves there are associated with the specific X-value (which could be a time unit). In other words, you have to have external information to separate points locally. You can then reorder the points in increasing Y-value, and now you have your separate curves defined in discrete points.
Basically, this is an unsolvable problem in the general sense, but in your specific application, there might be extra rules that further define the domain and range such that you can do data filtering.
One more thing...
I am making these statements with the assumption that the (X,Y) values are floats that cannot maintain accuracy after some mathematical operations.
If you are using things like unum numbers, you might be able to keep enough information in the decimal such that your fitting functions can differentiate between points without extra filtering.
This case is more of a hope than anything, as adopting a new number representation to get more accuracy to isolate sampled points is a stretch at best.
Just for completeness, there are some mathematical libraries that might help you.
Hopefully, I have given you enough information to allow you to solve your problem.
I extracted data from the plot for analysis. Here is example code that loads, separates, fits and plots the three data sets. It works when the separate data files are appended into a single text file.
import numpy, scipy, matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
# data load and separation section
datafilename = 'temp.dat'
textdata = open(datafilename, 'rt').read()
xLists = [[], [], []]
yLists = [[], [], []]
previousY = 0.0 # initialize
whichList = -1 # initialize
datalines = textdata.split('\n')
for line in datalines:
if not line: # allow for blank lines in data file
spl = line.split()
x = float(spl[0])
y = float(spl[1])
if y > previousY + 50.0: # this separator must be greater than max noise
whichList += 1
previousY = y
# curve fitting section
def func(x, a, b):
return a / x + b
parameterLists = []
for curveIndex in range(len(xLists)):
# these are the same as the scipy defaults
initialParameters = numpy.array([1.0, 1.0])
xData = numpy.array(xLists[curveIndex], dtype=float)
yData = numpy.array(yLists[curveIndex], dtype=float)
# curve fit the test data
fittedParameters, pcov = curve_fit(func, xData, yData, initialParameters)
# graphics output section
def ModelAndScatterPlot(graphWidth, graphHeight):
f = plt.figure(figsize=(graphWidth/100.0, graphHeight/100.0), dpi=100)
axes = f.add_subplot(111)
for curveIndex in range(len(xLists)):
# first the raw data as a scatter plot
axes.plot(xLists[curveIndex], yLists[curveIndex], 'D')
# create data for each fitted equation plot
xModel = numpy.linspace(min(xLists[curveIndex]), max(xLists[curveIndex]))
yModel = func(xModel, *parameterLists[curveIndex])
# now the model as a line plot
axes.plot(xModel, yModel)
axes.set_xlabel('X Data') # X axis data label
axes.set_ylabel('Y Data') # Y axis data label
plt.close('all') # clean up after using pyplot
graphWidth = 800
graphHeight = 600
ModelAndScatterPlot(graphWidth, graphHeight)
The idea:
create N naive, easy to calculate, sufficiently precise(for clustering), approximations. Then "classify" each data-point to the closest such approximation.
This is done like this:
The approximations are analytical approximations using these two equations I derived:
where (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) are coordinates of two points on the curve.
To get these two points I assumed that (1) the first points(according to the x-axis) are distributed equally between the different real curves. And (2) the 2 first points of each real curve, are smaller or bigger than the 2 first points of each other real curve. Thus sorting them and dividing into N groups will successfully cluster the first *2*N* points. If these assumptions are false you can still manually classify the 2 first points of each real curve and the rest will be classified automatically (this is actually the first approach I implemented).
Then cluster rest of the points to each point's closest approximation. Closest meaning with the smallest error.
Edit: A stronger approach for the initial approximation could be by calculating A and B for a couple of pairs of points and using their mean A and B as the approximation. And maybe even possibly doing K-means on these points/approximations.
The Code:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# You should probably edit this variable
# <data> should be a 1-D array containing the Y values of the series
# <x_of_data> should be a 1-D array containing the corresponding X values of the series
data, x_of_data = np.loadtxt('...')
# clustering of first 2*num_of_curves points
# I started at NUM_OF_CURVES instead of 0 because my xs started at 0.
# The range (0:NUM_OF_CURVES*2) will probably be better for you.
raw_data = data[NUM_OF_CURVES:NUM_OF_CURVES*3]
raw_xs = x_of_data[NUM_OF_CURVES:NUM_OF_CURVES*3]
sort_ind = np.argsort(raw_data)
Y = raw_data[sort_ind].reshape(NUM_OF_CURVES,-1).T
X = raw_xs[sort_ind].reshape(NUM_OF_CURVES,-1).T
# approximation of A and B for each curve
A = ((Y[0]*Y[1])*(X[0]-X[1]))/(Y[1]-Y[0])
B = (A / Y[0]) - X[0]
# creating approximating curves
f = []
for i in range(NUM_OF_CURVES):
curves = np.vstack(f)
# clustering the points to the approximating curves
raw_clusters = [[] for _ in range(NUM_OF_CURVES)]
for i in range(len(data)):
# changing the clusters to np.arrays of the shape (2,-1)
# where row 0 contains the X coordinates and row 1 the Y coordinates
clusters = []
for i in range(len(raw_clusters)):
raw series:
separated series:

Python fitting model to curve

I am experimenting with Python to fit curves to a series of data-points, summary below:
From the below, it would seem that polynomials of order greater than 2 are the best fit, followed by linear and finally exponential which has the overall worst outcome.
While I appreciate this might not be exponential growth, I just wanted to know whether you would expect the exponential function perform so badly (basically the coefficient of x,b, has been set to 0 and an arbitrary point has been picked on the curve to intersect) or if I have somehow done something wrong in my code to fit.
The code I'm using to fit is as follows:
# Fitting
def exponenial_func(x,a,b,c):
return a*np.exp(-b*x)+c
def linear(x,m,c):
return m*x+c
def quadratic(x,a,b,c):
return a*x**2 + b*x+c
def cubic(x,a,b,c,d):
return a*x**3 + b*x**2 + c*x + d
x = np.array(x)
yZero = np.array(cancerSizeMean['levelZero'].values)[start:]
print len(x)
print len(yZero)
popt, pcov = curve_fit(exponenial_func,x, yZero, p0=(1,1,1))
expZeroFit = exponenial_func(x, *popt)
plt.plot(x, expZeroFit, label='Control, Exponential Fit')
popt, pcov = curve_fit(linear, x, yZero, p0=(1,1))
linearZeroFit = linear(x, *popt)
plt.plot(x, linearZeroFit, label = 'Control, Linear')
popt, pcov = curve_fit(quadratic, x, yZero, p0=(1,1,1))
quadraticZeroFit = quadratic(x, *popt)
plt.plot(x, quadraticZeroFit, label = 'Control, Quadratic')
popt, pcov = curve_fit(cubic, x, yZero, p0=(1,1,1,1))
cubicZeroFit = cubic(x, *popt)
plt.plot(x, cubicZeroFit, label = 'Control, Cubic')
*Edit: curve_fit is imported from the scipy.optimize package
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
curve_fit tends to perform poorly if you give it a poor initial guess with functions like the exponential that could end up with very large numbers. You could try altering the maxfev input so that it runs more iterations. otherwise, I would suggest trying with with something like:
-.01, since it ~doubles from 300 to 500 and you have -b in your eqn, 100 0 since it is ~3000 at 300 (1.5 doublings from 0). See how that turns out
As for why the initial exponential doesn't work at all, your initial guess is b=1, and x is in range of (300,1000) or range. This means python is calculating exp(-300) which either throws an exception or is set to 0. At this point, whether b is increased or decreased, the exponential is going to still be set to 0 for any value in the general vicinity of the initial estimate.
Basically, python uses a numerical method with limited precision, and the exponential estimate went outside of the range of values it can handle
I'm not sure how you're fitting the curves -- are you using polynomial least squares? In that case, you'd expect the fit to improve with each additional degree of flexibility, and you choose the power based on diminishing marginal improvement / outside theory.
The improving fit should look something like this.
I actually wrote some code to do Polynomial Least Squares in python for a class a while back, which you can find here on Github. It's a bit hacky though and loosely commented since I was just using it to solve exercises. Hope it's helpful.

How can I check if a network is scale free?

Given an undirected NetworkX Graph graph, I want to check if it is scale free.
To do this, as I understand, I need to find the degree k of each node, and the frequency of that degree P(k) within the entire network. This should represent a power law curve due to the relationship between the frequency of degrees and the degrees themselves.
Plotting my calculations for P(k) and k displays a power curve as expected, but when I double log it, a straight line is not plotted.
The following plots were obtained with a 1000 nodes.
Code as follows:
k = []
Pk = []
for node in list(graph.nodes()):
degree = graph.degree(nbunch=node)
pos = k.index(degree)
except ValueError as e:
Pk[pos] += 1
# get a double log representation
for i in range(len(k)):
order = np.argsort(logk)
logk_array = np.array(logk)[order]
logPk_array = np.array(logPk)[order]
plt.plot(logk_array, logPk_array, ".")
m, c = np.polyfit(logk_array, logPk_array, 1)
plt.plot(logk_array, m*logk_array + c, "-")
The m is supposed to represent the scaling coefficient, and if it's between 2 and 3 then the network ought to be scale free.
The graphs are obtained by calling the NetworkX's scale_free_graph method, and then using that as input for the Graph constructor.
As per request from #Joel, below are the plots for 10000 nodes.
Additionally, the exact code that generates the graph is as follows:
graph = networkx.Graph(networkx.scale_free_graph(num_of_nodes))
As we can see, a significant amount of the values do seem to form a straight-line, but the network seems to have a strange tail in its double log form.
Have you tried powerlaw module in python?
It's pretty straightforward.
First, create a degree distribution variable from your network:
degree_sequence = sorted([d for n, d in G.degree()], reverse=True) # used for degree distribution and powerlaw test
Then fit the data to powerlaw and other distributions:
import powerlaw # Power laws are probability distributions with the form:p(x)∝x−α
fit = powerlaw.Fit(degree_sequence)
Take into account that powerlaw automatically find the optimal alpha value of xmin by creating a power law fit starting from each unique value in the dataset, then selecting the one that results in the minimal Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance,D, between the data and the fit. If you want to include all your data, you can define xmin value as follow:
fit = powerlaw.Fit(degree_sequence, xmin=1)
Then you can plot:
fig2 = fit.plot_pdf(color='b', linewidth=2)
fit.power_law.plot_pdf(color='g', linestyle='--', ax=fig2)
which will produce an output like this:
powerlaw fit
On the other hand, it may not be a powerlaw distribution but any other distribution like loglinear, etc, you can also check powerlaw.distribution_compare:
R, p = fit.distribution_compare('power_law', 'exponential', normalized_ratio=True)
print (R, p)
where R is the likelihood ratio between the two candidate distributions. This number will be positive if the data is more likely in the first distribution, but you should also check p < 0.05
Finally, once you have chosen a xmin for your distribution you can plot a comparisson between some usual degree distributions for social networks:
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
fit.distribution_compare('power_law', 'lognormal')
fig4 = fit.plot_ccdf(linewidth=3, color='black')
fit.power_law.plot_ccdf(ax=fig4, color='r', linestyle='--') #powerlaw
fit.lognormal.plot_ccdf(ax=fig4, color='g', linestyle='--') #lognormal
fit.stretched_exponential.plot_ccdf(ax=fig4, color='b', linestyle='--') #stretched_exponential
lognornal vs powerlaw vs stretched exponential
Finally, take into account that powerlaw distributions in networks are being under discussion now, strongly scale-free networks seem to be empirically rare
Part of your problem is that you aren't including the missing degrees in fitting your line. There are a small number of large degree nodes, which you're including in your line, but you're ignoring the fact that many of the large degrees don't exist. Your largest degrees are somewhere in the 1000-2000 range, but there are only 2 observations. So really, for such large values, I'm expecting that the probability a random node has such a large degree 2/(1000*N) (or really, it's probably even less than that). But in your fit, you're treating them as if the probability of those two specific degrees is 2/N, and you're ignoring the other degrees.
The simple fix is to only use the smaller degrees in your fit.
The more robust way is to fit the complementary cumulative distribution. Instead of plotting P(K=k), plot P(K>=k) and try to fit that (noting that if the probability that P(K=k) is a powerlaw, then the probability that P(K>=k) is also, but with a different exponent - check it).
Trying to fit a line to these points is wrong, as the points are not linearly distributed over the x-axis. The fitting function of line will give more importance to the portion of the domain that contain more points.
You should redistribute the observations over the x-axis using function np.interp, like this.
logk_interp = np.linspace(np.min(logk_array),np.max(logk_array),1000)
logPk_interp = np.interp(logk_interp, logk_array, logPk_array)
plt.plot(logk_array, logPk_array,".")
m, c = np.polyfit(logk_interp, logPk_interp, 1)
plt.plot(logk_interp, m*logk_interp + c, "-")

Reducing difference between two graphs by optimizing more than one variable in MATLAB/Python?

Suppose 'h' is a function of x,y,z and t and it gives us a graph line (t,h) (simulated). At the same time we also have observed graph (observed values of h against t). How can I reduce the difference between observed (t,h) and simulated (t,h) graph by optimizing values of x,y and z? I want to change the simulated graph so that it imitates closer and closer to the observed graph in MATLAB/Python. In literature I have read that people have done same thing by Lavenberg-marquardt algorithm but don't know how to do it?
You are actually trying to fit the parameters x,y,z of the parametrized function h(x,y,z;t).
You're right that in MATLAB you should either use lsqcurvefit of the Optimization toolbox, or fit of the Curve Fitting Toolbox (I prefer the latter).
Looking at the documentation of lsqcurvefit:
x = lsqcurvefit(fun,x0,xdata,ydata);
It says in the documentation that you have a model F(x,xdata) with coefficients x and sample points xdata, and a set of measured values ydata. The function returns the least-squares parameter set x, with which your function is closest to the measured values.
Fitting algorithms usually need starting points, some implementations can choose randomly, in case of lsqcurvefit this is what x0 is for. If you have
h = #(x,y,z,t) ... %// actual function here
t_meas = ... %// actual measured times here
h_meas = ... %// actual measured data here
then in the conventions of lsqcurvefit,
fun <--> #(params,t) h(params(1),params(2),params(3),t)
x0 <--> starting guess for [x,y,z]: [x0,y0,z0]
xdata <--> t_meas
ydata <--> h_meas
Your function h(x,y,z,t) should be vectorized in t, such that for vector input in t the return value is the same size as t. Then the call to lsqcurvefit will give you the optimal set of parameters:
x = lsqcurvefit(#(params,t) h(params(1),params(2),params(3),t),[x0,y0,z0],t_meas,h_meas);
h_fit = h(x(1),x(2),x(3),t_meas); %// best guess from curve fitting
In python, you'd have to use the scipy.optimize module, and something like scipy.optimize.curve_fit in particular. With the above conventions you need something along the lines of this:
import scipy.optimize as opt
popt,pcov = opt.curve_fit(lambda t,x,y,z: h(x,y,z,t), t_meas, y_meas, p0=[x0,y0,z0])
Note that the p0 starting array is optional, but all parameters will be set to 1 if it's missing. The result you need is the popt array, containing the optimal values for [x,y,z]:
x,y,z = popt
h_fit = h(x,y,z,t_meas)

Fitting a log-log data using scipy.optmize.curve_fit

I have two variables x and y which I am trying to fit using curve_fit from scipy.optimize.
The equation that fits the data is a simple power law of the form y=a(x^b). The fit seems to be well for the data when I set the x and y axis to log scale, i.e ax.set_xscale('log') and ax.set_yscale('log').
Here is the code:
def fitfunc(x,p1,p2):
y = p1*(x**p2)
return y
popt_1,pcov_1 = curve_fit(fitfunc,x,y,p0=(1.0,1.0))
p1_1 = popt_1[0]
p1_2 = popt_1[1]
residuals1 = (ngal_mstar_1) - fitfunc(x,p1_1,p1_2)
xi_sq_1 = sum(residuals1**2) #The chi-square value
curve_y_1 = fitfunc(x,p1_1,p1_2) #This is the fit line seen in the graph
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,12))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax1.set_xscale('log') #Scale is set to log
ax1.set_yscale('log') #SCale is set to log
When I use true log-log values for x and y, the power law fit becomes y=10^(a+b*log(x)),i.e raising the power of the right side to 10 as it is logbase 10. Now both by x and y values are log(x) and log(y).
The fit for the above does not seem to be good. Here is the code I have used.
def fitfunc(x,p1,p2):
y = 10**(p1+(p2*x))
return y
popt_1,pcov_1 = curve_fit(fitfunc,np.log10(x),np.log10(y),p0=(1.0,1.0))
p1_1 = popt_1[0]
p1_2 = popt_1[1]
residuals1 = (y) - fitfunc((x),p1_1,p1_2)
xi_sq_1 = sum(residuals1**2)
curve_y_1 = fitfunc(np.log10(x),p1_1,p1_2) #The fit line uses log(x) here itself
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,12))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
THE ONLY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO PLOTS IS THE FITTING EQUATIONS, AND FOR THE SECOND PLOT THE VALUES HAVE BEEN LOGGED INDEPENDENTLY. Am I doing something wrong here, because I want a log(x) vs log(y) plot and the corresponding fit parameters (slope and intercept)
Your transformation of the power-law model to log-log is wrong, i.e. your second fit actually fits a different model. Take your original model y=a*(x^b) and apply the logarithm on both sides, you will get log(y) = log(a) + b*log(x). Thus, your model in log-scale should simply read y' = a' + b*x', where the primes indicate variables in log-scale. The model is now a linear function, a well known result that all power-laws become linear functions in log-log.
That said, you can still expect some small differences in the two versions of your fit, since curve_fit will optimise the least-squares problem. Therefore, in log scale, the fit will minimise the relative error between the fit and the data, while in linear scale, the fit will minimise the absolute error. Thus, in order to decide which way is actually the better domain for your fit, you will have to estimate the error in your data. The data you show certainly does not have a constant uncertainty in log-scale, so on linear scale your fit might be more faithful. If details about the error in each data-point are known, then you could consider using the sigma parameter. If that one is used properly, there should not be much difference in the two approaches. In that case, I would prefer the log-scale fitting, as the model is simpler and therefore likely to be more numerically stable.
