How can i make an exception on "caused by SendMultiMediaRequest"? - python

How can i make an exception on "A wait of 61 seconds is required (caused by SendMultiMediaRequest)" ? I can't find anything in the official documentation.
The fact is that when sending photos to some users, this error pops up.
Basically sends well, but sometimes there are users who simply do not send (throws an exception "Exception"), although they exist and, in principle, you can send a message to them. I need to trace this exception
from telethon import TelegramClient, errors
client = TelegramClient('session', api_id=API_ID, api_hash=API_HASH)
message = "Hello"
files = ['img/11.jpg', 'img/22.jpg', 'img/33.jpg', 'img/44.jpg', 'img/55.jpg']
async def main():
for user in db.get_users(name_table=table):
if db.check_invited(name_table=table, user_name=user) != "TRUE":
await client.send_message(entity=user, message=message, file=files)
except errors.BadRequestError as e:
except Exception as e:


Python script stops at error instead of carrying on

I am using Telethon for a telegram bot.
I've got a list of phone numbers. If the phone number is valid then to run a script, if it is invalid I want it to check another number.
This is the part of script which is causing me issues.
from telethon.sync import TelegramClient
from telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist import PhoneNumberBannedError
api_id = xxx # Your api_id
api_hash = 'xxx' # Your api_hash
c = TelegramClient('{number}', api_id, api_hash)
print('Login successful')
except ValueError:
print('invalid number')
If the number is invalud then I would expect the script to print 'invalid number' and then carry on. Except it is throwing error 'telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist.PhoneNumberInvalidError: The phone number is invalid (caused by SendCodeRequest)', then ending the script.
How can I carry on the script when this error is thrown?
The exception you're catching is ValueError, but the error being thrown is telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist.PhoneNumberInvalidError.
So you need to catch that exception instead:
from telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist import PhoneNumberInvalidError
# your code
except PhoneNumberInvalidError:
print('invalid number')
You can also combine error types if needed:
except (PhoneNumberInvalidError, ValueError):
# handle these types the same way
except TypeError:
# or add another 'except <type>' line to handle this error separately
This is especially useful when you're running a lot of code in your try and so a lot of different errors could occur.
Your last options is to catch every error using
# code
except Exception:
and while this might seem to be useful it will make debugging a lot harder as this will catch ANY error (which can easily hide unexpected errors) or it will handle them in the wrong way (you don't want to print 'invalid number' if it was actually a TypeError or KeyboardInterrupt for example).

How to change Prometheus error message if token is invalid?

I have a python file called and I am trying to make a Prometheus connection with a specific token. However, if the token is expired, instead of the error message printing out prometheus_api_client.exceptions.PrometheusApiClientException, how can I get the error message to print our like status_code: 500, reason: Invalid token using a try and except block.
#token="V0aksn-as9ckcnblqc6bi3ans9cj1nsk" #example, expired token
token ="c0ams7bnskd9dk1ndk7aKNYTVOVRBajs" #example, valid token
pc = PrometheusConnect(url = url, headers={"Authorization": "bearer {}".format(token)}, disable_ssl=True)
#Not entirely sure what to put here and the except block
I've tested out a couple code in the try and except blocks and could not get rid of the long error from Prometheus. Any suggestions?
How about putting your pc variable in try and PrometheusApiClientException for the exception. If that doesn't work, go to the source file and use whatever exception developers used while making authorization.
This is how you catch that exception in a try/except block
# Interact with prometheus here
except prometheus_api_client.exceptions.PrometheusApiClientException as e:
print('status_code: 500, reason: Invalid token')

How to log errors from the Telegram bot console

From time to time, errors appear in the telegram bot, and I would like to log them. In all "try:except" I set logging, but for some reason these errors pop up in the console and I cannot find a place to grab them
I need to find not the cause of the problem, but how to log it from the console
( MainThread) ERROR - TeleBot: "A request to the Telegram API was unsuccessful. The server returned HTTP 400 Bad Request. Response body:
[b'{"ok":false,"error_code":400,"description":"Bad Request: message can\'t be edited"}']"
At the end of the file I have such a construction, but for some reason it does not capture the error that I indicated above
while True:
bot.polling(none_stop=True, interval=1, timeout=20)
except Exception as E:
python-telegram-bot has his own Exception Handling;
from telegram.error import (TelegramError, Unauthorized, BadRequest,
TimedOut, ChatMigrated, NetworkError)
def error_callback(update, context):
raise context.error
except Unauthorized:
# remove update.message.chat_id from conversation list
except BadRequest:
# handle malformed requests - read more below!
except TimedOut:
# handle slow connection problems
except NetworkError:
# handle other connection problems
except ChatMigrated as e:
# the chat_id of a group has changed, use e.new_chat_id instead
except TelegramError:
# handle all other telegram related errors
Any other errors will be caught and logged by the Dispatcher. (As described in on there git page).
Small example of configuring the dispatcher;
format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s',

python threading, confirming responses before moving to next line

Recently I have been working to integrate google directory, calendar and classroom to work seamlessly with the existing services that we have.
I need to loop through 1500 objects and make requests in google to check something. Responses from google does take awhile hence I want to wait on that request to complete but at the same time run other checks.
def __get_students_of_course(self, course_id, index_in_course_list, page=None):
print("getting students from gclass ", course_id, "page ", page)
# self.__check_request_count(10)
response =,
# the response must come back before proceeding to the next checks
course_to_add_to = self.course_list_gsuite[index_in_course_list]
current_students = course_to_add_to["students"]
for student in response["students"]:
self.course_list_gsuite[index_in_course_list] = course_to_add_to
if "nextPageToken" in response:
course_id, index_in_course_list, page=response["nextPageToken"])
except Exception as e:
except Exception as e:
And I run that function from another function
def __check_course_state(self, course):
course_to_create = {...}
g_course = next(
(g_course for g_course in self.course_list_gsuite if g_course["name"] == course_to_create["name"]), None)
if g_course != None:
index_2 = None
for index_1, class_name in enumerate(self.course_list_gsuite):
if class_name["name"] == course_to_create["name"]:
index_2 = index_1
g_course["id"], index_2) # need to wait here
students_enrolled_in_g_class = self.course_list_gsuite[index_2]["students"]
request = # need to wait here
students_in_iras = request.json()
students_to_add_in_g_class = []
for student in students["data"]:
except Exception as e:
if len(students_to_add_in_g_class) != 0:
except Exception as e:
I need to these tasks for 1500 objects.
Although they are not related to each other. I want to move to the next object in the loop while it waits for the other results to come back and finish.
Here is how I tried this with threads:
def create_courses(self):
# pool = []
counter = 0
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as excecutor:
results =
The problem is when I run it like this I get multiple SSL errors and other errors and as far as I understand, as the threads themselves are running, the requests never wait to finish and move to the next line hence I have nothing in the request object so it throws me errors?
Any Ideas on how to approach this?
The ssl error occurs her because i was reusing the http instance from google api lib. self.class_service is being used to send a request while waiting on another request. The best way to handle this is to create instances of the service on every request.

urllib request fails when page takes too long to respond

I have a simple function (in python 3) to take a url and attempt to resolve it: printing an error code if there is one (e.g. 404) or resolve one of the shortened urls to its full url. My urls are in one column of a csv files and the output is saved in the next column. The problem arises where the program encounters a url where the server takes too long to respond- the program just crashes. Is there a simple way to force urllib to print an error code if the server is taking too long. I looked into Timeout on a function call but that looks a little too complicated as i am just starting out. Any suggestions?
i.e. (COL A) shorturl (COL B)
def urlparse(urlColumnElem):
conn = urllib.request.urlopen(urlColumnElem)
except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
return (e.code)
except urllib.error.URLError as e:
return ('URL_Error')
#check redirect
if(redirect == urlColumnElem):
#print ("same: ")
return (redirect)
#print("Not the same url ")
EDIT: if anyone gets the http.client.disconnected error (like me), see this question/answer http.client.RemoteDisconnected error while reading/parsing a list of URL's
Have a look at the docs:
urllib.request.urlopen(url, data=None[, timeout])
The optional timeout parameter specifies a timeout in seconds for blocking operations like the connection attempt (if not specified, the global default timeout setting will be used).
You can set a realistic timeout (in seconds) for your process:
conn = urllib.request.urlopen(urlColumnElem, timeout=realistic_timeout_in_seconds)
and in order for your code to stop crushing, move everything inside the try except block:
import socket
def urlparse(urlColumnElem):
conn = urllib.request.urlopen(
#check redirect
if(redirect == urlColumnElem):
#print ("same: ")
return (redirect)
#print("Not the same url ")
except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
return (e.code)
except urllib.error.URLError as e:
return ('URL_Error')
except socket.timeout as e:
return ('Connection timeout')
Now if a timeout occurs, you will catch the exception and the program will not crush.
Good luck :)
First, there is a timeout parameter than can be used to control the time allowed for urlopen. Next an timeout in urlopen should just throw an exception, more precisely a socket.timeout. If you do not want it to abort the program, you just have to catch it:
def urlparse(urlColumnElem, timeout=5): # allow 5 seconds by default
conn = urllib.request.urlopen(urlColumnElem, timeout = timeout)
except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
return (e.code)
except urllib.error.URLError as e:
return ('URL_Error')
except socket.timeout:
return ('Timeout')
