MATLAB to Python datestr - python

I have a MATLAB script that I would like to convert to Python. The MATLAB code is
c = fix(clock);
t = 26912214.000820093;
t_str=datestr(t/24/60/60 + datenum(c(1),1,1),'yyyy_mm_dd_HH_MM_SS')
which returns
t_str =
I would like to limit solutions to only utilize the Python datetime library and not pd, numpy, etc.

I found that the Python equivalent is,
import datetime
t = 26912214.000820093;
t_str = (datetime.datetime(, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=t)).strftime('%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S')
I would still greatly appreciate any suggestions or improvements.


Python Statespace Calculation from Transfer Function

I have a simple transfer function in Matlab, i.e.:
num = [1,2,3]
den = [300,5000,80000]
sys_tf = tf(num,den)
then, I transform sys_tf into statespace form as;
sys_ss = ss(sys_tf)
The resulting system consists of;
>> sys_ss.A = [-16.67, -16.67;16, 0]
>> sys_ss.B = [0.25;0]
>> sys_ss.C = [-0.1956, -0.2197]
>> sys_ss.D = [0.003333]
On the other hand, when I create the same transfer function in Python and transform it to statespace form using "ss" command that is available in Control Systems Library (Matlab Compatibility module), I obtain a different results than what I get from Matlab as;
from control.matlab import ss
sys_ss = ss(num,den)
>> sys_ss.A = [-16.67, -266.667;1,0]
>> sys_ss.B = [1;0]
>> sys_ss.C = [-0.0488, -0.8788]
>> sys_ss.D = [0.003333]
The result I get from Python is same as Matlab's "tf2ss" command. However, I would like to get the same results in Python as I use Matlab's (ss) function as shown above.
Can someone help me out? What important aspect am I missing here? How do I get the same results?

Print scientific variable on txt file using f.write()

Since a couple of hours, I am trying to print a simple time vector in a txt file using Python.
import numpy as np
Tp = 2000 * 10**(-9)
dt = Tp / (90000)
t = np.linspace(0,Tp,dt)
timing = open("time.txt","w")
for ii in range(len(t)) :
But I still get an empty file and I don't understand at all why.
Maybe I have to be more specific in the function with the precision I want.
Since I have a lot of small numbers (4e-10 ..) to process I would like to understand a general method to write variable (not the entire vector at once) on a txt file with a exponential notation (In Matlab it's kind of automatic I think).
You have an error using linspace. Please check
Try this:
import numpy as np
Tp = 2000 * 10**(-9)
# dt = Tp / 90000.0
dt = 90000
t = np.linspace(0,Tp,dt)
timing = open("time.txt","w")
for ii in range(len(t)) :

Cython Optimization of Numpy for Loop

I am new to cython and have the following code for a numpy for loop that I am trying to optimize. So far, this Cython code isn't much faster than the numpy for loop.
# cython: infer_types = True
import numpy as np
cimport numpy
DTYPE = np.double
def hdcfTransfomation(scanData):
cdef Py_ssize_t Position
scanLength = scanData.shape[0]
hdcfFunction_np = np.zeros(scanLength, dtype = DTYPE)
cdef double [::1] hdcfFunction = hdcfFunction_np
for position in range(scanLength - 1):
topShift = scanData[1 + position:]
bottomShift = scanData[:-(position + 1)]
arrayDiff = np.subtract(topShift, bottomShift)
arraySquared = np.square(arrayDiff)
arrayMean = np.mean(arraySquared, axis = 0)
hdcfFunction[position] = arrayMean
return hdcfFunction
I know that using C math library functions would be more ideal than calling back into the numpy language (subtract, square, mean), but I am not sure where I can find a list of functions that can be called in this manner.
I have been trying to figure out ways to optimize this code by using different types, ect. but nothing is providing the performance that I think is possible with a fully optimized implementation of Cython.
Here is a working example of the numpy for-loop:
def hdcfTransfomation(scanData):
scanLength = scanData.shape[0]
hdcfFunction = np.zeros(scanLength)
for position in range(scanLength - 1):
topShift = scanData[1 + position:]
bottomShift = scanData[:-(position + 1)]
arrayDiff = np.subtract(topShift, bottomShift)
arraySquared = np.square(arrayDiff)
arrayMean = np.mean(arraySquared, axis = 0)
hdcfFunction[position] = arrayMean
return hdcfFunction
scanDataArray = np.random.rand(80000, 1)
transformedScan = hdcfTransformed(scanDataArray)
Always provide as much informations as possible (some example data, Python/Cython Version, Compiler Version/Settings and CPU Model.
Without that it is quite hard to compare any timings. For example this problem benefits quite well from SIMD-vectorization. It will make quite a difference which compiler you use or if you want to redistribute a compiled version which should also run on low-end or quite old CPUS (eg. no AVX).
I am not very familiar with Cython, but I think your main problem is the missing declaration for scanData. Maybe the C-Compiler needs additional flags like march=native, but the real syntax is compiler dependend. I am am also not sure how Cython or the C-compiler optimizes this part:
arrayDiff = np.subtract(topShift, bottomShift)
arraySquared = np.square(arrayDiff)
arrayMean = np.mean(arraySquared, axis = 0)
If that loops (all vectorized commands are actually loops) are not joined, but intead there are temporary arryas like in pure Python created, this will slow down the code. It will be a good idea to create a 1D array first. (eg. scanData=scanData[::1]
As said I am not that familliar with Cython, I tried what is possible with Numba. At least it shows what should also be possible with a resonable good Cython implementation.
Maybe easier to otimize for the compiler
import numba as nb
import numpy as np
#scanData is a 1D-array here
def hdcfTransfomation(scanData):
scanLength = scanData.shape[0]
hdcfFunction = np.zeros(scanLength, dtype = scanData.dtype)
for position in nb.prange(scanLength - 1):
topShift = scanData[1 + position:]
bottomShift = scanData[:scanData.shape[0]-(position + 1)]
for i in range(scanLength-(position + 1)):
hdcfFunction[position] = sum/jj
return hdcfFunction
I also used parallelization here, because the problem is embarrassingly parallel. At least with a size of 80_000 and Numba it doesn't matter if you use a slightly modified version of your code (1D-array), or the code above.
#Quadcore Core i7-4th gen,Numba 0.4dev,Python 3.6
#The first call to the function isn't measured (compilation overhead),but the following calls.
Pure Python: 5900ms
Numba single-threaded: 947ms
Numba parallel: 260ms
Especially for larger arrays than np.random.rand(80_000) there may be better aproaches (loop tilling for better cache usage), but for this size that should be more or less OK (At least it fits in the L3-cache)
Naive GPU Implementation
from numba import cuda, float32
#cuda.jit('void(float32[:], float32[:])')
def hdcfTransfomation_gpu(scanData,out_data):
scanLength = scanData.shape[0]
position = cuda.grid(1)
if position < scanLength - 1:
sum= float32(0.)
offset=1 + position
for i in range(scanLength-offset):
out_data[position] = sum/(scanLength-offset)
This gives about 400ms on a GT640 (float32) and 970ms (float64). For a good implemenation shared arrays should be considered.
Putting cython aside, does this do the same thing as your current code but without a for loop? We can tighten it up and correct for inaccuracies, but the first port of call is to try apply operations in numpy to 2D arrays before turning to cython for for loops. It's too long to put in a comment.
import numpy as np
# Setup
arr = np.random.choice(np.arange(10), 100).reshape(10, 10)
top_shift = arr[:, :-1]
bottom_shift = arr[:, 1:]
arr_diff = top_shift - bottom_shift
arr_squared = np.square(arr_diff)
arr_mean = arr_squared.mean(axis=1)

Python 3.X: Why numexpr.evaluate() slower than eval()?

The purpose of using the numexpr.evaluate() is to speed up the compute. But im my case it wokrs even slower than numpy und eval(). I would like to know why?
code as example:
import datetime
import numpy as np
import numexpr as ne
expr = '11808000.0*1j*x**2*exp(2.5e-10*1j*x) + 1512000.0*1j*x**2*exp(5.0e-10*1j*x)'
# use eval
start_eval =
namespace = dict(x=np.array([m+3j for m in range(1, 1001)]), exp=np.exp)
result_eval = eval(expr, namespace)
end_eval =
# print(result)
print("time by using eval : %s" % (end_eval- start_eval))
# use numexpr
# ne.set_num_threads(8)
start_ne =
x = np.array([n+3j for n in range(1, 1001)])
result_ne = ne.evaluate(expr)
end_ne =
# print(result_ne)
print("time by using numexpr: %s" % (end_ne- start_ne))
time by using eval : 0:00:00.002998
time by using numexpr: __ 0:00:00.052969
Thank you all
I have get the answer from robbmcleod in Github
for NumExpr 2.6 you'll need arrays around 128 - 256 kElements to see a speed-up. NumPy always starts faster as it doesn't have to synchronize at a thread barrier and otherwise spin-up the virtual machine
Also, once you call numexpr.evaluate() the second time, it should be faster as it will have already compiled everything. Compilation takes around 0.5 ms for simple expressions, more for longer expressions. The expression is stored as a hash, so the next time that computational expense is gone.
related url:

How to use float ** in Python with Swig?

I am writing swig bindings for some c functions. One of these functions takes a float**. I am already using cpointer.i for the normal pointers and looked into carrays.i, but I did not find a way to declare a float**. What do you recommend?
interface file:
extern int read_data(const char
*file,int *n_,int *m_,float **data_,int **classes_);
This answer is a repost of one to a related question Framester posted about using ctypes instead of swig. I've included it here in case any web-searches turn up a link to his original question.
I've used ctypes for several projects
now and have been quite happy with the
results. I don't think I've personally
needed a pointer-to-pointer wrapper
yet but, in theory, you should be able
to do the following:
from ctypes import *
your_dll = cdll.LoadLibrary("your_dll.dll")
PFloat = POINTER(c_float)
PInt = POINTER(c_int)
p_data = PFloat()
p_classes = PInt()
buff = create_string_buffer(1024)
n1 = c_int( 0 )
n2 = c_int( 0 )
ret = your_dll.read_data( buff, byref(n1), byref(n2), byref(p_data), byref(p_classes) )
print('Data: ', p_data.contents)
print('Classes: ', p_classes.contents)
