I have this function in Django and I want that when ever the return JsonResponse(payload) is executed, Django should continue to execute the rest of the code but the rest of the code is rather not
def paytes(request):
payload ={
"USERID": code_id,
"MSISDN": serviceCode,
"MSGTYPE": type_msg,
"USERDATA": text,
"SESSIONID": session_id,
"MSG": response,
print('MSG: ',response)
# headers = {
# 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
# }
# response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(payload))
return JsonResponse(payload)
url = 'https://prod.theteller.net/v1.1/transaction/process'
transaction_id = random.randint(100000000000, 999999999999)
amounte = "000000000080"
amount = str(amounte)
data = {
"amount" :amount,
"processing_code" : "000200",
"transaction_id" : transaction_id,
"desc" : "Mobile Money Payment Test",
"merchant_id" : "TTM-00000727",
"subscriber_number" : "233244491909",
"r-switch" : "MTN",
encoded = base64.b64encode(b'rad5d4a81d6a3453:MTQwODBiMjU3Yzg1ODhhYmIwM2Q5ZmFmYWVlNjJkOWQ=') # change this as well
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': f'Basic {encoded.decode("utf-8")}',
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'
res = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers)
response_data = res.json()
status = response_data["status"]
return HttpResponse(res)
All the code after the first return statement is executed won't be executed, so if you want to return both of those variables then put them inside the same dictionary and return that:
return_val = {}
return_val['payload'] = payload
return_val['response'] = res
return JsonResponse(return_val)
I am trying to use pagination the way it is instructed in the Pinterest API Documentation, by passing 'bookmark' as a parameter to the next GET request in order to get the next batch of data.
However, the data returned is the EXACT same as the initial data I had received (without passing 'bookmark') and the value of 'bookmark' is also the same!
With this issue present, I keep receiving the same data over and over and can't get the entirety of the data. In my case I'm trying to list all campaigns.
Here is my python code:
url = f'https://api.pinterest.com/v5/ad_accounts/{ad_account_id}/campaigns'
payload = f"page_size=25"
headers = {
"Accept": "text/plain",
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}"
response = requests.request("GET", url, data=payload, headers=headers)
feed = response.json()
if 'bookmark' in feed:
bookmark = feed['bookmark']
while(bookmark != '' and bookmark != None and bookmark != 'null'):
url = f'https://api.pinterest.com/v5/ad_accounts/{ad_account_id}/{level}s'
payload = f"page_size=25&bookmark={bookmark}"
headers = {
"Accept": "text/plain",
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}"
response = requests.request("GET", url, data=payload, headers=headers)
feed = response.json()
bookmark = feed['bookmark']
I think your condition in while is wrong, therefore you end up in the same loop. I'm currently also working with Pinterest API and below is my modified implementation how to get a list of ad accounts.
Basically you're testing if the bookmark is None. If yes, then you can return the result, otherwise you append the bookmark into query parameters and call the endpoint again.
from app.api.http_client import HttpClient
class PinterestAccountsClient():
def get_accounts(self, credentials) -> list[dict]:
headers = {
'Authorization': f"Bearer {credentials('access_token')}"
params = {
'page_size': 25
accounts = []
found_last_page = False
while not found_last_page:
response = HttpClient.get(self.listing_url, headers=headers, params=params)
items = response.get('items', [])
bookmark = response.get('bookmark')
if bookmark is None:
found_last_page = True
params['bookmark'] = bookmark
'id': account['id'],
'name': account['name']
} for account in items])
return accounts
Looks like I'm doing just about everything correct but I keep receiving this error....
Response text error:
response .text {"name":"INVALID_TRACKING_NUMBER","message":"The requested resource ID was not found","debug_id":"12345","details":[{"field":"tracker_id","value":"1234-567890","location":"path","issue":"INVALID_TRACKING_INFO"}],"links":[]}
Response status: <Response [404]>
I'm using a real transaction and a real tracking number.
I'm doing this through python and this is my code:
def paypal_oauth():
url = 'https://api-m.paypal.com/v1/oauth2/token'
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept-Language": "en_US",
auth = "1234-1234","0987"
data = {"grant_type":"client_credentials"}
response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=data, auth=(auth))
return response
def paypal_tracking(paypal_transaction_token, tracking_number, status, carrier):
_paypal_oauth = paypal_oauth()
_paypal_oauth_response = _paypal_oauth.json()
except Exception as e:
access_token = _paypal_oauth_response['access_token']
url = 'https://api-m.paypal.com/v1/shipping/trackers/%s-%s/' % (paypal_transaction_token, tracking_number)
# https://api-m.paypal.com/v1/shipping/trackers/1234-567890/
carrier = carrier_code(carrier)
# This grabs carrier from a method and gets back: 'DHL'
headers = {
'Content-Type' : 'application/json',
'Authorization' : 'Bearer %s' % access_token,
# {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer 1234'}
data = {
"transaction_id":"%s" % paypal_transaction_token,
"tracking_number":"%s" % tracking_number,
"status": "%s" % status,
"carrier": "%s" % carrier
# {'transaction_id': '1234', 'tracking_number': '567890', 'status': 'SHIPPED', 'carrier': 'DHL'}
response = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))
return HttpResponse(status=200)
Anyone with experience in paypal or using API's see my issue?
To add a tracking number (not update), use an HTTP POST request, as documented.
The URL to POST to is https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/shipping/trackers-batch , with no additional URL parameters.
The body format is
"trackers": [
"transaction_id": "8MC585209K746392H",
"tracking_number": "443844607820",
"status": "SHIPPED",
"carrier": "FEDEX"
"transaction_id": "53Y56775AE587553X",
"tracking_number": "443844607821",
"status": "SHIPPED",
"carrier": "FEDEX"
Note that trackers is an array of JSON object(s).
I am sending the post request to the TAP PAYMENT GATEWAY in order to save the card, the url is expecting two parameters like one is the source (the recently generated token) and inside the url the {customer_id}, I am trying the string concatenation, but it is showing the error like Invalid JSON request.
ifCustomerExits = CustomerIds.objects.filter(email=email)
totalData = ifCustomerExits.count()
if totalData > 1:
for data in ifCustomerExits:
customerId = data.customer_id
print("CUSTOMER_ID CREATED ONE:", customerId)
tokenId = request.session.get('generatedTokenId')
payload = {
"source": tokenId
headers = {
'authorization': "Bearer sk_test_**********************",
'content-type': "application/json"
url = "https://api.tap.company/v2/card/%7B"+customerId+"%7D"
response = requests.request("POST", url, data=payload, headers=headers)
json_data3 = json.loads(response.text)
card_id = json_data3["id"]
return sponsorParticularPerson(request, sponsorProjectId)
Their expected url = https://api.tap.company/v2/card/{customer_id}
Their documentation link: https://tappayments.api-docs.io/2.0/cards/create-a-card
Try this..
First convert dict. into JSON and send post request with request.post:
import json
customerId = str(data.customer_id)
print("CUSTOMER_ID CREATED ONE:", customerId)
tokenId = request.session.get('generatedTokenId')
payload = {
'source': tokenId
headers = {
'authorization': "Bearer sk_test_**************************",
'content-type': "application/json"
pd = json.dumps(payload)
url = "https://api.tap.company/v2/card/%7B"+customerId+"%7D"
response = requests.post(url, data=pd, headers=headers)
json_data3 = json.loads(response.text)
card_id = json_data3["id"]
return sponsorParticularPerson(request, card_id)
Please tell me this works or not...
I am currently trying to update a Sharepoint 2013 list.
This is the module that I am using using to accomplish that task. However, when I run the post task I receive the following error:
"b'{"error":{"code":"-1, Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.InvalidClientQueryException","message":{"lang":"en-US","value":"Invalid JSON. A token was not recognized in the JSON content."}}}'"
Any idea of what I am doing wrong?
def update_item(sharepoint_user, sharepoint_password, ad_domain, site_url, sharepoint_listname):
login_user = ad_domain + '\\' + sharepoint_user
auth = HttpNtlmAuth(login_user, sharepoint_password)
sharepoint_url = site_url + '/_api/web/'
sharepoint_contextinfo_url = site_url + '/_api/contextinfo'
headers = {
'accept': 'application/json;odata=verbose',
'content-type': 'application/json;odata=verbose',
'odata': 'verbose',
'X-RequestForceAuthentication': 'true'
r = requests.post(sharepoint_contextinfo_url, auth=auth, headers=headers, verify=False)
form_digest_value = r.json()['d']['GetContextWebInformation']['FormDigestValue']
item_id = 4991 # This id is one of the Ids returned by the code above
api_page = sharepoint_url + "lists/GetByTitle('%s')/items(%d)" % (sharepoint_listname, item_id)
update_headers = {
"Accept": "application/json; odata=verbose",
"Content-Type": "application/json; odata=verbose",
"odata": "verbose",
"X-RequestForceAuthentication": "true",
"X-RequestDigest": form_digest_value,
"IF-MATCH": "*",
"X-HTTP-Method": "MERGE"
r = requests.post(api_page, {'__metadata': {'type': 'SP.Data.TestListItem'}, 'Title': 'TestUpdated'}, auth=auth, headers=update_headers, verify=False)
if r.status_code == 204:
I used your code for my scenario and fixed the problem.
I also faced the same problem. I think the way that data passed for update is not correct
Pass like below:
json_data = {
"__metadata": { "type": "SP.Data.TasksListItem" },
"Title": "updated title from Python"
and pass json_data to requests like below:
r= requests.post(api_page, json.dumps(json_data), auth=auth, headers=update_headers, verify=False).text
Note: I used SP.Data.TasksListItem as it is my type. Use http://SharePointurl/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('name')/ListItemEntityTypeFullName to find the type
I am trying to retrieve events from the Outlook Calendar using the API. I only want to retrieve events after today. I'm using the following code (which is basically a cut and paste from Microsoft's tutorial):
def make_api_call(method, url, token, user_email, payload = None, parameters = None):
# Send these headers with all API calls
headers = { 'User-Agent' : 'python_tutorial/1.0',
'Authorization' : 'Bearer {0}'.format(token),
'Accept' : 'application/json',
'X-AnchorMailbox' : user_email }
# Use these headers to instrument calls. Makes it easier
# to correlate requests and responses in case of problems
# and is a recommended best practice.
request_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
instrumentation = { 'client-request-id' : request_id,
'return-client-request-id' : 'true' }
response = None
if (method.upper() == 'GET'):
response = requests.get(url, headers = headers, params = parameters)
print response.url
elif (method.upper() == 'DELETE'):
response = requests.delete(url, headers = headers, params = parameters)
elif (method.upper() == 'PATCH'):
headers.update({ 'Content-Type' : 'application/json' })
response = requests.patch(url, headers = headers, data = json.dumps(payload), params = parameters)
elif (method.upper() == 'POST'):
headers.update({ 'Content-Type' : 'application/json' })
response = requests.post(url, headers = headers, data = json.dumps(payload), params = parameters)
return response
This function gets called from the following:
get_events_url = outlook_api_endpoint.format('/Me/Events')
query_parameters = {'$select': 'Subject,Start,End',
'$orderby': 'Start/DateTime ASC',
'startDateTime' : datetime.datetime.now().isoformat(),}
r = make_api_call('GET', get_events_url, access_token, user_email, parameters = query_parameters)
It simply returns the first 10 entries in the calendar rather than entries from today onwards. How do I get back entries for specific dates?
I've found a solution that works for me. First I've changed events to calendarview, I've capitalised StartDateTime and added EndDateTime so it looks like this:
get_events_url = outlook_api_endpoint.format('/Me/calendarview')
query_parameters = {'$select': 'Subject,Start,End',
'$orderby': 'Start/DateTime ASC',
'StartDateTime' : datetime.datetime.now().isoformat(),
'EndDateTime' : datetime.datetime(2100,12,31),}
r = make_api_call('GET', get_events_url, access_token, user_email, parameters = query_parameters)
It works so I'm happy