This question already has answers here:
Why are slice and range upper-bound exclusive?
(6 answers)
Closed last month.
>>> range(1,11)
gives you
Why not 1-11?
Did they just decide to do it like that at random or does it have some value I am not seeing?
Because it's more common to call range(0, 10) which returns [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] which contains 10 elements which equals len(range(0, 10)). Remember that programmers prefer 0-based indexing.
Also, consider the following common code snippet:
for i in range(len(li)):
Could you see that if range() went up to exactly len(li) that this would be problematic? The programmer would need to explicitly subtract 1. This also follows the common trend of programmers preferring for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) over for(int i = 0; i <= 9; i++).
If you are calling range with a start of 1 frequently, you might want to define your own function:
>>> def range1(start, end):
... return range(start, end+1)
>>> range1(1, 10)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
Although there are some useful algorithmic explanations here, I think it may help to add some simple 'real life' reasoning as to why it works this way, which I have found useful when introducing the subject to young newcomers:
With something like 'range(1,10)' confusion can arise from thinking that pair of parameters represents the "start and end".
It is actually start and "stop".
Now, if it were the "end" value then, yes, you might expect that number would be included as the final entry in the sequence. But it is not the "end".
Others mistakenly call that parameter "count" because if you only ever use 'range(n)' then it does, of course, iterate 'n' times. This logic breaks down when you add the start parameter.
So the key point is to remember its name: "stop".
That means it is the point at which, when reached, iteration will stop immediately. Not after that point.
So, while "start" does indeed represent the first value to be included, on reaching the "stop" value it 'breaks' rather than continuing to process 'that one as well' before stopping.
One analogy that I have used in explaining this to kids is that, ironically, it is better behaved than kids! It doesn't stop after it supposed to - it stops immediately without finishing what it was doing. (They get this ;) )
Another analogy - when you drive a car you don't pass a stop/yield/'give way' sign and end up with it sitting somewhere next to, or behind, your car. Technically you still haven't reached it when you do stop. It is not included in the 'things you passed on your journey'.
I hope some of that helps in explaining to Pythonitos/Pythonitas!
Exclusive ranges do have some benefits:
For one thing each item in range(0,n) is a valid index for lists of length n.
Also range(0,n) has a length of n, not n+1 which an inclusive range would.
It works well in combination with zero-based indexing and len(). For example, if you have 10 items in a list x, they are numbered 0-9. range(len(x)) gives you 0-9.
Of course, people will tell you it's more Pythonic to do for item in x or for index, item in enumerate(x) rather than for i in range(len(x)).
Slicing works that way too: foo[1:4] is items 1-3 of foo (keeping in mind that item 1 is actually the second item due to the zero-based indexing). For consistency, they should both work the same way.
I think of it as: "the first number you want, followed by the first number you don't want." If you want 1-10, the first number you don't want is 11, so it's range(1, 11).
If it becomes cumbersome in a particular application, it's easy enough to write a little helper function that adds 1 to the ending index and calls range().
It's also useful for splitting ranges; range(a,b) can be split into range(a, x) and range(x, b), whereas with inclusive range you would write either x-1 or x+1. While you rarely need to split ranges, you do tend to split lists quite often, which is one of the reasons slicing a list l[a:b] includes the a-th element but not the b-th. Then range having the same property makes it nicely consistent.
The length of the range is the top value minus the bottom value.
It's very similar to something like:
for (var i = 1; i < 11; i++) {
//i goes from 1 to 10 in here
in a C-style language.
Also like Ruby's range:
1...11 #this is a range from 1 to 10
However, Ruby recognises that many times you'll want to include the terminal value and offers the alternative syntax:
1..10 #this is also a range from 1 to 10
Consider the code
for i in range(10):
print "You'll see this 10 times", i
The idea is that you get a list of length y-x, which you can (as you see above) iterate over.
Read up on the python docs for range - they consider for-loop iteration the primary usecase.
Basically in python range(n) iterates n times, which is of exclusive nature that is why it does not give last value when it is being printed, we can create a function which gives
inclusive value it means it will also print last value mentioned in range.
def main():
for i in inclusive_range(25):
print(i, sep=" ")
def inclusive_range(*args):
numargs = len(args)
if numargs == 0:
raise TypeError("you need to write at least a value")
elif numargs == 1:
stop = args[0]
start = 0
step = 1
elif numargs == 2:
(start, stop) = args
step = 1
elif numargs == 3:
(start, stop, step) = args
raise TypeError("Inclusive range was expected at most 3 arguments,got {}".format(numargs))
i = start
while i <= stop:
yield i
i += step
if __name__ == "__main__":
The range(n) in python returns from 0 to n-1. Respectively, the range(1,n) from 1 to n-1.
So, if you want to omit the first value and get also the last value (n) you can do it very simply using the following code.
for i in range(1, n + 1):
print(i) #prints from 1 to n
It's just more convenient to reason about in many cases.
Basically, we could think of a range as an interval between start and end. If start <= end, the length of the interval between them is end - start. If len was actually defined as the length, you'd have:
len(range(start, end)) == start - end
However, we count the integers included in the range instead of measuring the length of the interval. To keep the above property true, we should include one of the endpoints and exclude the other.
Adding the step parameter is like introducing a unit of length. In that case, you'd expect
len(range(start, end, step)) == (start - end) / step
for length. To get the count, you just use integer division.
Two major uses of ranges in python. All things tend to fall in one or the other
integer. Use built-in: range(start, stop, step). To have stop included would mean that the end step would be assymetric for the general case. Consider range(0,5,3). If default behaviour would output 5 at the end, it would be broken.
floating pont. This is for numerical uses (where sometimes it happens to be integers too). Then use numpy.linspace.
Here's my python code
def search(myList, number):
for i in myList:
if i[0] == number:
return i[1]
return None
myList = [(5107261, 'Ernst'), (6524256, 'Arvo')]
number = 5107261
print(search(myList, number))
Now I want to write it using recursion but I'm not sure how to do it. I need some pointers to help me get started.
When writing recursive code, you want to define a base case, and you want to define a method for making your problem smaller on every step. In this example, we are working with lists, so a good base case would be an empty list, []. If the list is empty, it makes sense to return None. In your recursive case, you want to do some work to make the problem smaller. In this case we can check one element, and if that element is not what we are searching for, we can call the function again on a smaller version of the list.
Our result is a function like this:
def searchR(myList, number):
if length(myList) == 0: return None
elif myList[0][0] == number: return myList[0][1]
else: return searchR(myList[1:], number)
There are 3 cases. Case 1 is our base case, where the length of the list is 0. Case 2 is our success case, where we found the the target of the search. Case 3 is where we make our recursive call. Notice how the first element is removed from the new list! If the first element isn't removed, the function will loop forever.
I am trying to create a program that will create 10 random numbers and test if they are even or odd.
I have a list called rand_list created by
rand_list = []
for int in range(10):
intermediary = rand_list.append(random.randint(1,1000))
remainder2 = intermediary % 2 #this statement produces an error
print("the \i number is even \n", rand_list[int])
print("the \i number is odd \n", rand_list[int])
I do not understand why if remainder == 0: does not work. it gives me {TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for %: 'NoneType' and 'int'} Am i comparing two different types of objects?
remainder2 = intermediary %2 produces an error because list.append() returns None, as the error states. You're also appending 2 random ints to the list every time. What you probably want is intermediary = rand_list[-1] which will return the last element in the list.
In addition, please provide working/well-formatted code in your questions. The indentation is a little confusing and you're missing a line of code as well.
the append() function does not return anything. It modifies the list in place. What you would want to do is something like this
intermediary = rand_list[-1]
remander2= intermediary % 2
or perhaps cleaner:
intermediary = random.randint(1,1000)
remainder2 = intermdiary % 2
What about as your if statement, you use
if number%2 == 0
# is even
# is odd
You are receiving the TyperError because you are assigning a method call to a veritable - this does nothing at all (hence the NoneType in your error message). You then try and perform an operation on this NoneType as if it were an Int. This wont work.
There are few mistakes in your code.
1) list.append() modyfies list in place, adding new element on the end.
It does not return anything, or to be more precise, it returns None.
So your intermediary == None and you cannot use % operator
with None...
You can assign your random number to variable:
x = random.randint(1,1000)
rand_list.append(x) # append it to your list
remainder = x % 2 # take remainder using
Because you only care if it is zero or not, you can later use fact,
that zero is equal to False in boolean context, and all other number
are treated as True
So you can write instead:
is_odd = x % 2
or more readable:
is_odd = bool(x % 2)
2) The other problem is, that you missed if in your code.
In fact, you didn't even use your remainder2 variable!
The correct code would be:
if (remainder2 == 0):
print("the \i number is even \n", rand_list[int])
print("the \i number is odd \n", rand_list[int])
or using my advice above:
if is_odd:
print("the \i number is odd \n", x)
print("the \i number is even \n", x)
3) The last thing is, that as #Padraic Cunningham pointed out,
you should not use int as variable name. It does not produce error,
as you shadow name of type int and builtin int().
To sum up, your code could look like this:
rand_list = []
for i in range(10):
x = random.randint(1,1000)
if (x % 2):
print(i, '-', x, "- the number is odd.")
print(i, '-', x, "- the number is even.")
This question already has answers here:
Why are slice and range upper-bound exclusive?
(6 answers)
Closed last month.
>>> range(1,11)
gives you
Why not 1-11?
Did they just decide to do it like that at random or does it have some value I am not seeing?
Because it's more common to call range(0, 10) which returns [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] which contains 10 elements which equals len(range(0, 10)). Remember that programmers prefer 0-based indexing.
Also, consider the following common code snippet:
for i in range(len(li)):
Could you see that if range() went up to exactly len(li) that this would be problematic? The programmer would need to explicitly subtract 1. This also follows the common trend of programmers preferring for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) over for(int i = 0; i <= 9; i++).
If you are calling range with a start of 1 frequently, you might want to define your own function:
>>> def range1(start, end):
... return range(start, end+1)
>>> range1(1, 10)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
Although there are some useful algorithmic explanations here, I think it may help to add some simple 'real life' reasoning as to why it works this way, which I have found useful when introducing the subject to young newcomers:
With something like 'range(1,10)' confusion can arise from thinking that pair of parameters represents the "start and end".
It is actually start and "stop".
Now, if it were the "end" value then, yes, you might expect that number would be included as the final entry in the sequence. But it is not the "end".
Others mistakenly call that parameter "count" because if you only ever use 'range(n)' then it does, of course, iterate 'n' times. This logic breaks down when you add the start parameter.
So the key point is to remember its name: "stop".
That means it is the point at which, when reached, iteration will stop immediately. Not after that point.
So, while "start" does indeed represent the first value to be included, on reaching the "stop" value it 'breaks' rather than continuing to process 'that one as well' before stopping.
One analogy that I have used in explaining this to kids is that, ironically, it is better behaved than kids! It doesn't stop after it supposed to - it stops immediately without finishing what it was doing. (They get this ;) )
Another analogy - when you drive a car you don't pass a stop/yield/'give way' sign and end up with it sitting somewhere next to, or behind, your car. Technically you still haven't reached it when you do stop. It is not included in the 'things you passed on your journey'.
I hope some of that helps in explaining to Pythonitos/Pythonitas!
Exclusive ranges do have some benefits:
For one thing each item in range(0,n) is a valid index for lists of length n.
Also range(0,n) has a length of n, not n+1 which an inclusive range would.
It works well in combination with zero-based indexing and len(). For example, if you have 10 items in a list x, they are numbered 0-9. range(len(x)) gives you 0-9.
Of course, people will tell you it's more Pythonic to do for item in x or for index, item in enumerate(x) rather than for i in range(len(x)).
Slicing works that way too: foo[1:4] is items 1-3 of foo (keeping in mind that item 1 is actually the second item due to the zero-based indexing). For consistency, they should both work the same way.
I think of it as: "the first number you want, followed by the first number you don't want." If you want 1-10, the first number you don't want is 11, so it's range(1, 11).
If it becomes cumbersome in a particular application, it's easy enough to write a little helper function that adds 1 to the ending index and calls range().
It's also useful for splitting ranges; range(a,b) can be split into range(a, x) and range(x, b), whereas with inclusive range you would write either x-1 or x+1. While you rarely need to split ranges, you do tend to split lists quite often, which is one of the reasons slicing a list l[a:b] includes the a-th element but not the b-th. Then range having the same property makes it nicely consistent.
The length of the range is the top value minus the bottom value.
It's very similar to something like:
for (var i = 1; i < 11; i++) {
//i goes from 1 to 10 in here
in a C-style language.
Also like Ruby's range:
1...11 #this is a range from 1 to 10
However, Ruby recognises that many times you'll want to include the terminal value and offers the alternative syntax:
1..10 #this is also a range from 1 to 10
Consider the code
for i in range(10):
print "You'll see this 10 times", i
The idea is that you get a list of length y-x, which you can (as you see above) iterate over.
Read up on the python docs for range - they consider for-loop iteration the primary usecase.
Basically in python range(n) iterates n times, which is of exclusive nature that is why it does not give last value when it is being printed, we can create a function which gives
inclusive value it means it will also print last value mentioned in range.
def main():
for i in inclusive_range(25):
print(i, sep=" ")
def inclusive_range(*args):
numargs = len(args)
if numargs == 0:
raise TypeError("you need to write at least a value")
elif numargs == 1:
stop = args[0]
start = 0
step = 1
elif numargs == 2:
(start, stop) = args
step = 1
elif numargs == 3:
(start, stop, step) = args
raise TypeError("Inclusive range was expected at most 3 arguments,got {}".format(numargs))
i = start
while i <= stop:
yield i
i += step
if __name__ == "__main__":
The range(n) in python returns from 0 to n-1. Respectively, the range(1,n) from 1 to n-1.
So, if you want to omit the first value and get also the last value (n) you can do it very simply using the following code.
for i in range(1, n + 1):
print(i) #prints from 1 to n
It's just more convenient to reason about in many cases.
Basically, we could think of a range as an interval between start and end. If start <= end, the length of the interval between them is end - start. If len was actually defined as the length, you'd have:
len(range(start, end)) == start - end
However, we count the integers included in the range instead of measuring the length of the interval. To keep the above property true, we should include one of the endpoints and exclude the other.
Adding the step parameter is like introducing a unit of length. In that case, you'd expect
len(range(start, end, step)) == (start - end) / step
for length. To get the count, you just use integer division.
Two major uses of ranges in python. All things tend to fall in one or the other
integer. Use built-in: range(start, stop, step). To have stop included would mean that the end step would be assymetric for the general case. Consider range(0,5,3). If default behaviour would output 5 at the end, it would be broken.
floating pont. This is for numerical uses (where sometimes it happens to be integers too). Then use numpy.linspace.
I have written a simple python program
for i in range(0,len(l)):
if l[i]==0:
This gives me error 'list index out of range' on line if l[i]==0:
After debugging I could figure out that i is getting incremented and list is getting reduced.
However, I have loop termination condition i < len(l). Then why I am getting such error?
You are reducing the length of your list l as you iterate over it, so as you approach the end of your indices in the range statement, some of those indices are no longer valid.
It looks like what you want to do is:
l = [x for x in l if x != 0]
which will return a copy of l without any of the elements that were zero (that operation is called a list comprehension, by the way). You could even shorten that last part to just if x, since non-zero numbers evaluate to True.
There is no such thing as a loop termination condition of i < len(l), in the way you've written the code, because len(l) is precalculated before the loop, not re-evaluated on each iteration. You could write it in such a way, however:
i = 0
while i < len(l):
if l[i] == 0:
i += 1
The expression len(l) is evaluated only one time, at the moment the range() builtin is evaluated. The range object constructed at that time does not change; it can't possibly know anything about the object l.
P.S. l is a lousy name for a value! It looks like the numeral 1, or the capital letter I.
You're changing the size of the list while iterating over it, which is probably not what you want and is the cause of your error.
Edit: As others have answered and commented, list comprehensions are better as a first choice and especially so in response to this question. I offered this as an alternative for that reason, and while not the best answer, it still solves the problem.
So on that note, you could also use filter, which allows you to call a function to evaluate the items in the list you don't want.
>>> l = [1,2,3,0,0,1]
>>> filter(lambda x: x > 0, l)
[1, 2, 3]
Live and learn. Simple is better, except when you need things to be complex.
What Mark Rushakoff said is true, but if you iterate in the opposite direction, it is possible to remove elements from the list in the for-loop as well. E.g.,
x = [1,2,3,0,0,1]
for i in range(len(x)-1, -1, -1):
if x[i] == 0:
It's like a tall building that falls from top to bottom: even if it is in the middle of collapse, you still can "enter" into it and visit yet-to-be-collapsed floors.
I think the best way to solve this problem is:
l = [1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 1]
while 0 in l:
Instead of iterating over list I remove 0 until there aren't any 0 in list
List comprehension will lead you to a solution.
But the right way to copy a object in python is using python module copy - Shallow and deep copy operations.
for i in range(0,len(l)):
if l[i]==0:
If instead of this,
import copy
duplicate_l = copy.copy(l)
for i in range(0,len(l)):
if l[i]==0:
l = m
Then, your own code would have worked.
But for optimization, list comprehension is a good solution.
The problem was that you attempted to modify the list you were referencing within the loop that used the list len(). When you remove the item from the list, then the new len() is calculated on the next loop.
For example, after the first run, when you removed (i) using l.pop(i), that happened successfully but on the next loop the length of the list has changed so all index numbers have been shifted. To a certain point the loop attempts to run over a shorted list throwing the error.
Doing this outside the loop works, however it would be better to build and new list by first declaring and empty list before the loop, and later within the loop append everything you want to keep to the new list.
For those of you who may have come to the same problem.
I am using python 3.3.5. The above solution of using while loop did not work for me. Even if i put print (i) after len(l) it gave me an error. I ran the same code in command line (shell)[ window that pops up when we run a function] it runs without error. What i did was calculated len(l) outside the function in main program and passed the length as a parameter. It worked. Python is weird sometimes.
I think most solutions talk here about List Comprehension, but if you'd like to perform in place deletion and keep the space complexity to O(1); The solution is:
i = 0
for j in range(len(arr)):
if (arr[j] != 0):
arr[i] = arr[j]
i +=1
arr = arr[:i]
x = [int(i) for i in input().split()]
i = 0
while i < len(x):
del x[i]
i += 1
while True:
n += 1
key = DATA[n-1]['message']['text']
Console :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 82, in <module>
key =DATA[n-1]['message']['text']
IndexError: list index out of range
I recently had a similar problem and I found that I need to decrease the list index by one.
So instead of:
if l[i]==0:
You can try:
if l[i-1]==0:
Because the list indices start at 0 and your range will go just one above that.