Is there another way to convert ee.Number to float except getInfo()? - python

Hello friends!
I got a ee.FeatureCollection containing around 8500 ee.Point-objects. I would like to calculate the distance of these points to a given coordinate, lets say (0.0, 0.0).
For this i use the function geopy.distance.distance() (ref: As input the the function takes 2 coordinates in the form of 2 tuples containing 2 floats.
Problem: When i am trying to convert the coordinates in form of an ee.List to float, i always use the getinfo() function. I know this is a callback and it is very time intensive but i don't know another way to extract them. Long story short: To extract the data as ee.Number it takes less than a second, if i want them as float it takes more than an hour. Is there any trick to fix this?
fc_containing_points = ee.FeatureCollection('projects/ee-philadamhiwi/assets/Flensburg_100') #ee.FeatureCollection
list_containing_points = fc_containing_points.toList(fc_containing_points.size()) #ee.List
fc_containing_points_length = fc_containing_points.size() #ee.Number
for index in range(fc_containing_points_length.getInfo()): #i need to convert ee.Number to int
point_tmp = list_containing_points.get(i) #ee.ComputedObject
point = ee.Feature(point_tmp) #transform ee.ComputedObject to ee.Feature
coords = point.geometry().coordinates() #ee.List containing 2 ee.Numbers
#when i run the loop with this function without the next part
#i got all the data i want as ee.Number in under 1 sec
coords_as_tuple_of_ints = (coords.getInfo()[1],coords.getInfo()[0]) #tuple containing 2 floats
#when i add this part to the function it takes hours
PS: This is my first question, pls be patient with me.

I would use .map instead of your looping. This stays server side until you export the table (or possibly do a .getInfo on the whole thing)
fc_containing_points = ee.FeatureCollection('projects/eephiladamhiwi/assets/Flensburg_100') feature: feature.set("distance_to_point", feature.distance(ee.Feature(ee.Geometry.Point([0.0,0.0])))
# Then export using ee.batch.Export.Table.toXXX or call getInfo
(An alternative might be to useee.Image.paint to convert the target point to an image then, use ee.Image.distance to calculate the distance to the point (as an image), then use reduceRegions over the feature collection with all points but 1) you can only calculate distance to a certain distance and 2) I don't think it would be any faster.)
To comment on your code, you are probably aware loops (especially client side loops) are frowned upon in GEE (primarily for the performance reasons you've run into) but also note that any time you call .getInfo on a server side object it incurs a performance cost. So this line
coords_as_tuple_of_ints = (coords.getInfo()[1],coords.getInfo()[0])
Would take roughly double the time as this
coords_client = coords.getInfo()
coords_as_tuple_of_ints = (coords_client[1],coords_client[0])
Finally, you could always just export your entire feature collection to a shapefile (using ee.batch.Export.Table.... as above) and do all the operations using geopy locally.


Why does manipulating xarrays takes up so much memory permanently?

I'm new at using Xarray (using it inside jupyter notebooks), and up to now everything has worked like a charm, except when I started to look at how much RAM is used by my functions (e.g. htop), which is confusing me (I didn't find anything on stackexchange).
I am combining monthly data to yearly means, taking into account month lengths, masking nan values and also using specific months only, which requires the use of groupby and resample.
As I can see from using the memory profiler these operations temporarily take up ~15gm RAM, which as such is not a problem because I have 64gb RAM at hand.
Nonetheless it seems like some memory is blocked permanently, even though I call these methods inside a function. For the function below it blocks ~4gb of memory although the resulting xarray only has a size of ~440mb (55*10**6 float 64entries), with more complex operations it blocks more memory.
Explicitly using del , gc.collect() or Dataarray.close() inside the function did not change anything.
A basic function to compute a weighted yearly mean from monthly data looks like this:
import xarray as xr
def weighted_temporal_mean(ds):
Taken from
Compute yearly average from monthly data taking into account month length and
masking nan values
# Determine the month length
month_length = ds.time.dt.days_in_month
# Calculate the weights
wgts = month_length.groupby("time.year") / month_length.groupby("time.year").sum()
# Setup our masking for nan values
cond = ds.isnull()
ones = xr.where(cond, 0.0, 1.0)
# Calculate the numerator
obs_sum = (ds * wgts).resample(time="AS").sum(dim="time")
# Calculate the denominator
ones_out = (ones * wgts).resample(time="AS").sum(dim="time")
# Return the weighted average
return obs_sum / ones_out
print("nbytes in MB:", wm.nbytes / (1024*1024))
Any idea how to ensure that the memory is freed up, or am I overlooking something and this behavior is actually expected?
Thank you!
The only hypothesis I have for this behavior is that some of the operations involving the passed in ds modify it in place, increasing its size, as, apart of the returned objects, this the the only object that should survive after the function execution.
That can be easily verified by using del on the ds structure used as input after the function is run. (If you need the data afterwards, re-read it, or make a deepcopy before calling the function).
If that does not resolve the problem, then this is an issue with the xarray project, and I'd advise you to open an issue in their project.

Using a function in a for loop python

I wrote a function to write a file based on different inputs. The function works fine when I used it for individual part. However, when I used a for loop to do it, it does not work, I do not know why.
Below is my code
import controDictRead as CD
import numpy as np
Relaxationzone=1000 # Relaxation zone width
for i in range(len(x_input)):
if i==0:
if x_input[i]>=Totallength-Relaxationzone:
All I tried to do is to write a file called controlDict, It has a list of locations that has a format like the one below
type uniform;
axis y;
start (1000 -300 0.05 );
end (1000 9 0.05 );
nPoints 3000;
All my controlDictRead function does is to find the location name (e.g. location1) I am interested in, and then replace the values (e.g. start, end, nPoints) to the one I inputted. This function works fine when I input these values one by one, for example
However, when I did it using a loop like the one shown at the beginning, it does not work, the loop stuck at the first location and kept writing values onto the first location throughout the loop, I am not sure why. Any suggestions?
It would be helpful to also see the source of the controDictRead module, but I have a suspicion what might be wrong:
Your code seems to be passing an entire array to controlDictWriter, but your example code appears to be passing a single integer. Is that intentional?

Generate a large number of HEX

I am trying to generate all 16^16,
but there are a few problems. Mainly memory.
I tried to generate them in python like this:
for y in range (0, 16**16):
print '0x%0*X' % (16,y)
This gives me:
OverflowError: range() result has too many items
If I use sys.maxint I get a MemoryError.
To be more precise, I want to generate all combinations of HEX in length of 16, i.e:
Also, how do I calculate the approximate time it will take me to generate them?
I am open to the use of any programming language as long as I can save them to an output file.
Well... 16^16 = 1.8446744e+19, so lets say you could calculate 10 values per nanosecond (that's a 10GHz rate btw). Then it would take you 16^16 / 10 nanoseconds to compute them all, or 58.4 years. Also, if you could somehow compress each value into 1-bit (which is impossible), it would require 2 exabytes of memory to contain those values (16^16/8/2^60).
This seems like a very artificial exercise. Is it homework, or is there a reason for generating this list? It will be very long (see other answers)!
Having said that, you should ask yourself: why is this happening? The answer is that in Python 2.x, range produces an actual list. If you want to avoid that, you can:
Use Python 3.x, in which range does not actually make a list, but a special generator-like object.
Use xrange, which also doesn't actually make a list, but again produces an object.
As for timing, all of the time will be in writing to the file or screen. You can get an estimate by making a somewhat smaller list and then doing some math, but you have to be careful that it's big enough that the time is dominated by writing the lines, and not opening and closing the file.
But you should also ask yourself how big the resultant file will be... You may not like what you find. Perhaps you mean 2^16?

influxdb: Write multiple points vs single point multiple times

I'm using influxdb in my project and I'm facing an issue with query when multiple points are written at once
I'm using influxdb-python to write 1000 unique points to influxdb.
In the influxdb-python there is a function called influxclient.write_points()
I have two options now:
Write each point once every time (1000 times) or
Consolidate 1000 points and write all the points once.
The first option code looks like this(pseudo code only) and it works:
thousand_points = [0...9999
while i < 1000:
point = [{thousand_points[i]}] # A point must be converted to dictionary object first
influxclient.write_points(point, time_precision="ms")
i += 1
After writing all the points, when I write a query like this:
SELECT * FROM "mydb"
I get all the 1000 points.
To avoid the overhead added by every write in every iteration, I felt like exploring writing multiple points at once. Which is supported by the write_points function.
write_points(points, time_precision=None, database=None,
retention_policy=None, tags=None, batch_size=None)
Write to multiple time series names.
Parameters: points (list of dictionaries, each dictionary represents
a point) – the list of points to be written in the database
So, what I did was:
thousand_points = [0...999]
points = []
while i < 1000:
points.append({thousand_points[i]}) # A point must be converted to dictionary object first
i += 1
influxclient.write_points(points, time_precision="ms")
With this change, when I query:
SELECT * FROM "mydb"
I only get 1 point as the result. I don't understand why.
Any help will be much appreciated.
You might have a good case for a SeriesHelper
In essence, you set up a SeriesHelper class in advance, and every time you discover a data point to add, you make a call. The SeriesHelper will batch up the writes for you, up to bulk_size points per write
I know this has been asked well over a year ago, however, in order to publish multiple data points in bulk to influxdb each datapoint needs to have a unique timestamp it seems, otherwise it will just be continously overwritten.
I'd import a datetime and add the following to each datapoint within the for loop:
So each datapoint should look something like...
{'fields': data, 'measurement': measurement, 'time': datetime....}
Hope this is helpful for anybody else who runs into this!
Edit: Reading the docs show that another unique identifier is a tag, so you could instead include {'tag' : i} (supposedly each iteration value is unique) if you wish to specify time. (However this I haven't tried)

summing entries in a variable based on another variable(make unique) in python lists

i have a question as to how i can perform this task in python:-
i have an array of entries like:
[IPAddress, connections, policystatus, activity flag, longitude, latitude] (all as strings)
till about 110000 entries with about 4000 different combinations of longitude-latitude
i want to count the average connections, average policy status,average of activity flag for each location
something like this:
so on
and i have about 195 files with ~110,000 entries each (sort of a big data problem)
my files are in .csv but im using it as .txt to easily work with it in python(not sure if this is the best idea)
im still new to python so im not really sure whats the best approach to use but i sincerely appreciate any help or guidance for this problem
thanks in advance!
No, if you have the files as .csv, threating them as text does not make sense, since python ships with the excellent csv module.
You could read the csv rows into a dict to group them, but I'd suggest writing the data in a proper database, and use SQL's AVG() and GROUP BY. Python ships with bindings for most databaases. If you have none installed, consider using the sqlite module.
I'll only give you the algorithm, you would learn more by writing the actual code yourself.
Use a Dictionary, with the key as a pair of the form (longitude, latitude) and value as a list of the for [ConnectionSum,policystatusSum,ActivityFlagSum]
loop over the entries once (do count the total number of entries, N)
a. for each entry, if the location exists - add the conn, policystat and Activity value to the existing sum.
b. if the entry does not exist, then assign [0,0,0] as the value
Do 1 and 2 for all files.
After all the entries have been scanned. Loop over the dictionary and divide each element of the list [ConnectionSum,policystatusSum,ActivityFlagSum] by N to get the average values of each.
As long as your locations are restricted to being in the same files (or even close to each other in a file), all you need to do is the stream-processing paradigm. For example if you know that duplicate locations only appear in a file, read each file, calculate the averages, then close the file. As long as you let the old data float out of scope, the garbage collector will get rid of it for you. Basically do this:
def processFile(pathToFile):
totalResults = ...
for path in filePaths:
partialResults = processFile(path)
totalResults = combine...partialResults...with...totalResults
An even more elegant solution would be to use the O(1) method of calculating averages "on-line". If for example you are averaging 5,6,7, you would do 5/1=5.0, (5.0*1+6)/2=5.5, (5.5*2+7)/3=6. At each step, you only keep track of the current average and the number of elements. This solution will yield the minimal amount of memory used (no more than the size of your final result!), and doesn't care about which order you visit elements in. It would go something like this. See for what functions you'll need in the CSV module.
import csv
def allTheRecords():
for path in filePaths:
for row in csv.somehow_get_rows(path):
yield SomeStructure(row)
averages = {} # dict: keys are tuples (lat,long), values are an arbitrary
# datastructure, e.g. dict, representing {avgConn,avgPoli,avgActi,num}
for record in allTheRecords():
position = (, record.long)
currentAverage = averages.get(position, default={'avgConn':0, 'avgPoli':0, 'avgActi':0, num:0})
newAverage = {apply the math I mentioned above}
averages[position] = newAverage
(Do note that the notion of an "average at a location" is not well-defined. Well, it is well-defined, but not very useful: If you knew the exactly location of every IP event to infinite precision, the average of everything would be itself. The only reason you can compress your dataset is because your latitude and longitude have finite precision. If you run into this issue if you acquire more precise data, you can choose to round to the appropriate precision. It may be reasonable to round to within 10 meters or something; see latitude and longitude. This requires just a little bit of math/geometry.)
