While the provided code I created works, it is non-scalable and slow. I need a way to determine if a token (t) is the same as any element in several arrays. However, it cannot match more than one array, as one list might supersede the other. Is there any way to succinctly and quickly program this in python other than using tons of individual functions?
def keyword(t):
for n in keywords:
if t == n:
return True
return False
def separator(t):
for n in separators:
if t == n:
return True
return False
def operator(t):
for n in operators:
if t == n:
return True
return False
def identifier(t):
if keyword(t) is False and operator(t) is False and separator(t) is False:
return True
return False
The keyword function is just n in keywords - a test of containment. This is generally faster using a set. So, combine call of your categories and test from there.
identifiers = {(*keywords, *separators, *operators)}
def identifier(t):
return t in identifiers
the way I find that you could do what you ask is simply using a function that requires 2 parameters and creating an array that contains all the arrays you need to compare, making a function that cycles through each of the arrays trying to find a match.
I do it this way:
keywords = ["Hi", "World"]
separators = ["Hola", "Mundo"]
operators = ["My", "name"]
lists = [keywords, separators, operators]
t = "F"
def comparator(token, arrays):
for array in arrays:
for item in array:
if token == item:
return False
return True
print(comparator(token=t, arrays=lists))
How to write python code that let the computer know if the list is a right sequence and the position doesn't matter, it will return true, otherwise it return false.
below are some of my example, I really don't know how to start
b=[1,2,3,4,5] #return true
b=[1,2,2,1,3] # return false
b=[2,3,1,5,4] #return true
b=[2,4,6,4,3] # return false
sort function is O(nlogn), we can use for loop which is O(n):
def check_seq(in_list):
now_ele = set()
min_ele = max_ele = in_list[0]
for i in in_list:
if i in now_ele:
return False
min_ele = min(i, min_ele)
max_ele = max(i, max_ele)
if max_ele-min_ele+1 == len(in_list):
return True
return False
Create a set and one to compare with -- based on minimum and maximum:
isRightSequence = set(range(min(b), max(b)+1)) == set(b)
This question is quite simple and can be solved a few ways.
The conditional approach - if there is a number that is bigger than the length of the list, it automatically cannot be a sequence because there can only be numbers from 1-n where n is the size of the list. Also, you have to check if there are any duplicates in the list as this cannot be possible either. If none of these conditions occur, it should return true
Using dictionary - go through the entire list and add it as a key to a dictionary. Afterwards, simply loop through numbers 1-n where n is the length of the list and check if they are keys in the dictionary, if one of them isn't, return false. If all of them are, return true.
Both of these are quite simply approaches and you should be able to implement them yourselves. However, this is one implementation for both.
def solve(list1):
seen = {}
for i in list1:
if i > len(list1):
return False
if i in seen:
return False
seen[i] = True
return False
def solve(list1):
seen = {}
for i in list1:
seen[i] = True
for i in range (1, len(list1)+1):
if i not in seen:
return False
return True
This solution needs O(n) runtime and O(n) space
def is_consecutive(l: list[int]):
if not l:
return False
low = min(l)
high = max(l)
# Bounds Check
if high - low != len(l) - 1:
return False
# Test all indices exist
test_vec = [False] * len(l) # O(n)
for i in range(len(l)):
test_vec[l[i] - low] = True
return all(test_vec)
assert is_consecutive(range(10))
assert is_consecutive([-1, 1,0])
assert not is_consecutive([1,1])
assert not is_consecutive([1,2,4,6,5])
I have the following code, when going through the python, the options aaabaaaa, zzzazzazz gave me the false test.Here is the code, I am not too sure on how to fix it.
def checkPalindrome(inputString):
#if string is one letter
if n==1:
return True
#if string has more than one letter
for i in range (0, math.floor(n/2)) :
if inputString[i]!=inputString[n-1-i]:
return False
return True
You have a few issues. The main issue here is that your else clause has a return True inside the loop. What you'd want to do is finish iterating over the string before returning True. If you are familiar with boolean logic, this is the equivalent of short circuiting with AND.
The other issue (not really an issue, more a nitpick) is that you can just use integer division //, instead of having to import math's floor function.
def isPalindrome(string):
for i in range(0, len(string) // 2):
if string[i] != string[-(i + 1)]:
return False
return True
Another way of handling this would be using all:
def isPalindrome(string):
return all(x == y for x, y in zip(string, reversed(string)))
Or, taking advantage of python's convenient slice notation for the most concise solution possible, we have:
def isPalindrome(string):
return string == string[::-1]
Try this which uses array slicing (reversing an array of chars)
def checkPalindrome(inputString):
#if string is one letter
if n==1:
return True
#if string has more than one letter
return inputString==inputString[::-1]
Another approach could be using slicing. Strings can be accessed by index like arrays/lists and also be inverted like this.
def isPalindrom(string)
return string == string[::-1]
the [::-1] slicing returns the reversed string, the comparision with the original string is True if it's the same otherwise false.
I have written the following code to check if some input to the function contains balanced brackets:
def balanced_brackets(text):
brackets = [ ('(',')'), ('[',']'), ('{','}'),('<','>')]
s = 0
e = 1
st = Stack()
for i in text:
for pair in brackets:
if i == pair[s]:
elif i == pair[e] and not st.isEmpty() and st.pop() != pair[s]:
return False
if st.isEmpty():
return True
return False
This code is working for input such as '()(())()' but it failed when I tried it for 'zn()((b)())q())()l()d(r)'. Can anyone help me identify what the problem is? Thanks.
Your problem is with the and not st.isEmpty()==0. When it gets to the unbalanced ')', all the previous ones have balanced out, so st is empty.
If you have a i == pair[e], and your stack is empty, you want to return False.
You also want to return False if you pop and it isn't pair[e]. But you don't want to pop if the stack is empty.
What you have now, in condition 1, just keeps going. You need to change around the condition there so that it accounts for both, or have two elifs. The former can be achieved with some nesting ands and ors.
By the way; unless you want to do something fancy with it, there's no real need to implement a stack. You can just use a list instead, with l.pop, len(l), and l.append.
This works.It needs a stack module to import. It will keep track of matched pairs.
def multi_bracket_validation(input):
""" test for matching brackets and return bool """
if type(input) is str:
open_b = '({]'
closed_b = ')}]'
compare = Stack()
for brac in input:
if brac in open_b:
elif brac in closed_b:
if compare.top is None:
return False
if closed_b.index(brac) != open_b.index(compare.pop().val):
return False
return compare.top is None
return False
This is a function in a greater a program that solves a sudoku puzzle. At this point, I would like the function to return false if there is more then 1 occurrence of a number unless the number is zero. What do am I missing to achieve this?
L is a list of numbers
l =[1,0,0,2,3,0,0,8,0]
def alldifferent1D(l):
for i in range(len(l)):
if l.count(l[i])>1 and l[i] != 0: #does this do it?
return False
return True
Assuming the list is length 9, you can ignore the inefficiency of using count here (Using a helper datastructure - Counter etc probably takes longer than running .count() a few times). You can write the expression to say they are all different more naturally as:
def alldifferent1D(L):
return all(L.count(x) <= 1 for x in L if x != 0)
This also saves calling count() for all the 0's
>>> from collections import counter
>>> def all_different(xs):
... return len(set(Counter(filter(None, xs)).values()) - set([1])) == 0
>>> all_different([])
>>> all_different([0,0,0])
>>> all_different([0,0,1,2,3])
>>> all_different([1])
>>> all_different([1,2])
>>> all_different([0,2,0,1,2,3])
>>> all_different([2,2])
>>> all_different([1,2,3,2,2,3])
So we can break this down into two problems:
Getting rid of the zeros, since we don't care about them.
Checking if there are any duplicate numbers.
Striping the zeros is easy enough:
filter(lambda a: a != 0, x)
And we can check for differences in a set (which has only one of each element) and a list
if len(x) == len(set(x)):
return True
return False
Making these into functions we have:
def remove_zeros(x):
return filter(lambda a: a != 0, x)
def duplicates(x):
if len(x) == len(set(x)):
return True
return False
def alldifferent1D(x):
return duplicates(remove_zeros(x))
One way to avoid searching for every entry in every position is to:
flags = (len(l)+1)*[False];
for cell in l:
if cell>0:
if flags[cell]:
return False
flags[cell] = True
return True
The flags list has a True at index k if the value k has been seen before in the list.
I'm sure you could speed this up with list comprehension and an all() or any() test, but this worked well enough for me.
PS: The first intro didn't survive my edit, but this is from a Sudoku solver I wrote years ago. (Python 2.4 or 2.5 iirc)
In python, I am trying to check if a given list of values is currently sorted in increasing order and if there are adjacent duplicates in the list. If there are, the code should return True. I am not sure why this code does not work. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!!
def main():
values = [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
print("Return true if list is currently sorted in increasing order: ", increasingorder(values))
print("Return true if list contains two adjacent duplicate elements: ", twoadjacentduplicates(values))
def increasingorder(values):
hlist = values
a = hlist.sort()
if a == hlist:
return True
return False
def twoadjacentduplicates(values):
ilist = values
true = 0
for i in range(1, len(ilist)-1):
if ilist[i] == ilist[i - 1] or ilist[i] == ilist[i + 1] :
true = true + 1
if true == 0:
return False
if true > 0:
return True
Your increasingorder function will almost certainly not work, because Python uses references, and the sort function modifies a list in-place and returns None. That means that after your call a = hlist.sort(), both hlist will be sorted and a will be None. so they will not compare equal.
You probably meant to do the following, which will return a sorted list instead.
a = sorted(hlist)
This function works:
def increasingorder(values):
hlist = values
a = sorted(hlist)
if a == hlist:
return True
return False
You can of course simplify this down to a single line.
def increasingorder(values):
return sorted(values) == values
Your second function looks logically correct, but can be simplified down to the following.
def twoadjacentduplicates(values):
for i in range(0, len(values)-1):
if values[i] == values[i + 1] :
return True
return False
Try creating a True False function for each value check operation you want done taking the list as a parameter. then call each function like "if 1 and 2 print 3" format. That may make thinking through the flow a little easier.
Is this kind of what you were wanting?
def isincreasing(values):
if values==sorted(values):
return True
return False
def has2adjdup(values):
for x in range(len(values)-1):
if values[x]==values[x+1]:
return True
return False
if isincreasing(values) and has2adjdup(values):
print "True"