Problem converting matlab code to python (numpy) - python

I have a code from this paper and trying to convert it to python (numpy especially). But in this code, it has a declare that confuse me.
XF=[X fit'];
The X is getting from
for i=1:dimension
X(:,i) = lowerbound(i)+rand(SearchAgents,1).*(upperbound(i) - lowerbound(i));
and fit is getting from
for i =1:SearchAgents
My questions are
What it does mean?
How i convert it to python?
I only know that ' meaning transpose in matlab, but i don't know the rest. I can't run this code by myself because i don't have matlab license. Also the paper's writer didn't explain it made me more confused.
I trying to run that line directly in python. Of course it doesnt work. I also try to do little modify and trying to assuming maybe it is declaring array.
XF = array([X, transpose(fit)])
And still doesnt work because it cannot combine two array with different dimension.
Btw if you asked me, the final result of this code is the best candidate solution in last iteration.

It would have been better if you would have given the shapes of X and fit, but I guess it is something like:
import numpy as np
N, M = 10, 20
X = np.random.rand(N, M)
fit = np.random.rand(M)
XF = np.concatenate([X, fit[None, :]], axis=0)
print(XF.shape) # (11, 20)
You might also want to take a look at np.block:
Matlab’s “square bracket stacking”, [A, B, ...; p, q, ...], is equivalent to np.block([[A, B, ...], [p, q, ...]]).


How to build TF tensor with ones in specified locations - batch compatible

I apologize for the poor question title but I'm not sure quite how to phrase it. Here's the problem I'm trying to solve: I have two NNs working off of the same input dataset in my code. One of them is a traditional network while the other is used to limit the acceptable range of the first. This works by using a tf.where() statement which works fine in most cases, such as this toy example:
pcts= [0.04,0.06,0.06,0.06,0.06,0.06,0.06,0.04,0.04,0.04]
legal_actions = tf.where(pcts>=0.05, tf.ones_like(pcts), tf.zeros_like(pcts))
Which gives the correct result: legal_actions = [0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0]
I can then multiply this by the output of my first network to limit its Q values to only those of the legal actions. In a case like the above this works great.
However, it is also possible that my original vector looks something like this, with low values in the middle of the high values: pcts= [0.04,0.06,0.06,0.04,0.04,0.06,0.06,0.04,0.04,0.04]
Using the same code as above my legal_actions comes out as this: legal_actions = [0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,0]
Based on the code I have this is correct, however, I'd like to include any zeros in the middle as part of my legal_actions. In other words, I'd like this second example to be the same as the first. Working in basic TF this is easy to do in several different ways, such as in this reproducible example (it's also easy to do with sparse tensors):
import tensorflow as tf
pcts= tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(10,))
legal_actions = tf.where(pcts>=0.05, tf.ones_like(pcts), tf.zeros_like(pcts))
mask = tf.where(tf.greater(legal_actions,0))
legals = tf.cast(tf.range(tf.reduce_min(mask),tf.reduce_max(mask)+1),tf.int64)
oh = tf.one_hot(legals,10)
oh = tf.reduce_sum(oh,0)
with tf.Session() as sess:
The problem that I'm running into is when I try to apply this to my actual code which is reading in batches from a file. I can't figure out a way to fill in the "gaps" in my tensor without the range function and/or I can't figure out how to make the range function work with batches (it will only make one range at a time, not one per batch, as near as I can tell). Any suggestions on how to either make what I'm working on work or how to solve the problem a completely different way would be appreciated.
Try this code:
import tensorflow as tf
pcts = tf.random.uniform((2,3,4))
a = pcts>=0.5
shape = tf.shape(pcts)[-1]
a = tf.reshape(a, (-1, shape))
a = tf.cast(a, dtype=tf.float32)
def rng(t):
left = tf.scan(lambda a, x: max(a, x), t)
right = tf.scan(lambda a, x: max(a, x), t, reverse=True)
return tf.minimum(left, right)
a = tf.map_fn(lambda x: rng(x), a)
a = tf.reshape(a, (tf.shape(pcts)))

Matrix left division of stacked arrays using numpy

I'm working on a program to solve the Bloch (or more precise the Bloch McConnell) equations in python. So the equation to solve is:
where A is a NxN matrix, A+ its pseudoinverse and M0 and B are vectors of size N.
The special thing is that I wanna solve the equation for several offsets (and thus several matrices A) at the same time. The new dimensions are:
A: MxNxN
b: Nx1
M0: MxNx1
The conventional version of the program (using a loop over the 1st dimension of size M) works fine, but I'm stuck at one point in the 'parallel version'.
At the moment my code looks like this:
def bmcsim(A, b, M0, timestep):
ex = myexpm(A*timestep) # returns stacked array of size MxNxN
M = np.zeros_like(M0)
for n in range(ex.shape[0]):
A_tmp = A[n,:,:]
A_b = np.linalg.lstsq(A_tmp ,b, rcond=None)[0]
M[n,:,:] = np.abs(np.real([n,:,:], M0[n,:,:] + A_b) - A_b))
return M
and I would like to get rid of that for n in range(ex.shape[0]) loop. Unfortunately, np.linalg.lstsq doesn't work for stacked arrays, does it? In myexpm is used np.apply_along_axis for a another problem:
def myexpm(A):
vals,vects = np.linalg.eig(A)
tmp = np.einsum('ijk,ikl->ijl', vects, np.apply_along_axis(np.diag, -1, np.exp(vals)))
return np.einsum('ijk,ikl->ijl', tmp, np.linalg.inv(vects))
However, that just works for 1D input data. Is there something similar that I can use with np.linalg.lstsq? The in bmcsim will be replaced with np.einsum like in myexpm I guess, or are there better ways?
Thanks for your help!
I just realized that I can replace np.linalg.lstsq(A,b) with np.linalg.solve(, and managed to get rid of the loop this way:
def bmcsim2(A, b, M0, timestep):
ex = myexpm(A*timestep)
b_stack = np.repeat(b[np.newaxis, :, :], offsets.size, axis=0)
tmp_left = np.einsum('kji,ikl->ijl', np.transpose(A), A)
tmp_right = np.einsum('kji,ikl->ijl', np.transpose(A), b_stack)
A_b_stack = np.linalg.solve(tmp_left , tmp_right )
return np.abs(np.real(np.einsum('ijk,ikl->ijl',ex, M0+A_b_stack ) - A_b_stack ))
This is about 3 times faster, but still a bit complicated. I hope there is a better (shorter/easier) way, that's maybe even faster?!

python numpy data type error and extremely inefficient use of pyplot :(

[Using windows 10 and python 3.5 with newest modules]
I have two slightly different problems that belong together because one is the buggy solution of the other. The first function here is extremely slow with datapoints over 75000 and does not work with 150000. This on does exactly what I want though.
#I call the functions like this:
plt.plot(logtime[:recmax-(degree*2-1)] - (logtime[0]-degree), smoothListTriangle(cpm, degree), color="green", linewidth=2, label="Smoothed n="+degree)
plt.plot(logtime[:recmax] - logtime[0], smoothListGaussian2(str(cpm), degree), color="lime", linewidth=5, label="")
#And cpm is always:
cpm = cpm.astype(int) #Array of big number of values
def smoothListTriangle(cpm,degree): #Thank you Scott from!
for x in range(1,2*degree):
for i in range(len(smoothed)):
#Very, VERY slow...
return smoothed
The higher "degree" is the longer it takes. But with lesser degree it would not look good.
The second function here should be (way?) more efficient, but i cant resolve the data type error:
def smoothListGaussian2(myarray, degree):
myarray = np.pad(myarray, (degree-1,degree-1), mode='edge')
window = degree*2-1
weight = np.arange(-degree+1, degree)/window
weight = np.exp(-(16*weight**2))
weight /= sum(weight)
#weight = weight.astype(int) #Does throw the "invalid literal" error
smoothed = np.convolve(myarray, weight, mode='valid')
return smoothed
#TypeError: Cannot cast array data from dtype('float64') to dtype('<U32') according to the rule 'safe'
Im desperately trying to resolve this data type error here with numpy. Its killing me! IT seems to be the array "weight" thats the one who's float64, but converting it throws more errors like:
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '[31 31 33 ..., 48 49 51]'
So... Im new to python and use this to log data from my geiger counter. Do you have any idea how to either make the first function WAY more efficient or resolve the error in the second? Im at a loss here.
I found the scripts here: (I found Scotts other triangle-smooth-function on this site, but i couldnt get this to work either. Its more complicated)
Note that the number of data points are depending on the length in seconds of the measurement and this length can very well be several days. I guess one million data points and more are not unusual.
Thank you!
I just had a revelation of some sort. All i had to do is convert the "myarray" to float before convolving.
I had to do so many conversions to make the whole code work correctly, its ridiculous! I thought this is easy in Python, but no.. :(( Seems to me that c++ is better in that case.
def smoothListGaussian2(myarray, degree):
myarray = np.pad(myarray, (degree - 1, degree - 1), mode='edge')
window = degree * 2 - 1
weight = np.arange(-degree + 1, degree) / window
weight = np.exp(-(16 * weight ** 2))
weight /= sum(weight)
myarray = myarray.astype(float)
smoothed = np.convolve(myarray, weight, mode='valid')
return smoothed
Since this works now I coud test the speed and its pretty fast. I cant see a difference in speed between 40k and 150k data points anymore. cool

The right way to define a function in theano?

Usually I will define a theano function with input like 'x = fmatrix()', however, during modifying keras (a deep learning library based on theano) to make it work with CTC cost, I noticed a very weird problem: if one input of the cost function is declared as
x = tensor.zeros(shape=[M,N], dtype='float32')
instead of
x = fmatrix()
the training process will converge much faster.
A simplified problem:
The whole codes above are quite big. So I try to simplify the problem like the following: say a function for computing Levenshtein edit distance as
import theano
from theano import tensor
from theano.ifelse import ifelse
def editdist(s, t):
def update(x, previous_row, target):
current_row = previous_row + 1
current_row = tensor.set_subtensor(current_row[1:], tensor.minimum(current_row[1:], tensor.add(previous_row[:-1], tensor.neq(target,x))))
current_row = tensor.set_subtensor(current_row[1:], tensor.minimum(current_row[1:], current_row[0:-1] + 1))
return current_row
source, target = ifelse([0], t.shape[0]), (t, s), (s, t))
previous_row = tensor.arange(target.size + 1, dtype=theano.config.floatX)
result, updates = theano.scan(fn = update, sequences=source, outputs_info=previous_row, non_sequences=target, name='editdist')
return result[-1,-1]
then I define two functions f1 and f2 like:
x1 = tensor.fvector()
x2 = tensor.fvector()
r1 = editdist(x1,x2)
f1 = theano.function([x1,x2], r1)
x3 = tensor.zeros(3, dtype='float32')
x4 = tensor.zeros(3, dtype='float32')
r2 = editdist(x3,x4)
f2 = theano.function([x3,x4], r2)
When computing with f1 and f2, the results are different:
f1 gives the right result, but f2 doen't.
So my problem is: what is the right way to define a theano function? And, what actually went wrong about f2?
I'm using theano of version 0.8.0.dev0. I just tried theano 0.7.0, both f1 and f2 give correct result. Maybe this is a bug of theano?
Update_1st 1-27-2016:
According to the explanation of #lamblin on this issue (, this was actually a bug of theano, and has been fixed in the latest (1-26-2016) version. For convenience, lamblin's explanation is quoted here:
The first way is the most natural one, but in theory both should be equivalent.
x3 and x4 are created as the output of an "alloc" operation, the input of which would be the constant 3, rather than free inputs like x1 and x2, but that should not matter since you pass [x3, x4] as inputs to theano.function, which should cut the computation graph right there.
My guess is that scan is optimizing prematurely, believing that x3 or x4 is guaranteed to always be the constant 0, and does some simplifications that proved incorrect when values are provided for them. That would be an actual bug in scan."
Update_2nd 1-27-2016:
Unfortunately the bug is not totally fixed yet. In the background section I mentioned if one input of the cost function is declared as tensor.zeros() the convergence process will be much faster, I've found the reason: when input declared as tensor.zeros(), the cost function gave incorrect result, though mysteriously this helped the convergence.
I managed a simplified problem reproduction demo here (, run the and you can see the results.
theano.tensor.zeros(...) can't take any other value than 0.
Unless you add nodes to the graph of course and modify parts of the zeros tensor using theano.tensor.set_subtensor.
The input tensor theano.tensor.fmatrix can take any value you input.

Error from program using SymPy

I would like to use the SymPy packages to find the roots of a fourth-order polynomial equation. Subsequently I would like to plot these roots as a function of the parameters of the polynomial equations. I have written the piece of code below. It seems to calculate everything fine, but I cannot plot the results as I get the error "x and y are not of the same dimension". I think it has something to do with my usage of SymPy, because normally it always works like this.
from sympy import *
from math import *
from numpy import *
import pylab as lab
def RootFunc(root, m, c0, r, En):
A = 2*(m**2 - 0.25 - c0**2)/r**2 + 4
B = 8*En*c0/r
C = -4 - 4*En**2 + ((c0**2 + m**2 -.25)/r**2 + 2)**2
return root.subs([(a,A),(b,B),(c,C)])
# Define necessary symbols
x = symbols('x')
a, b, c = symbols('a b c')
En, r = symbols("En r")
# Fix constants
m = 0
c0 = -2
# Solve equation
eq = x**4 + a*x**2 + b*x + c
sol = solve(eq,x)
root1 = sol[0]
grid = linspace(1,10,10)
sol1 = [RootFunc(root1, m, c0, r, .5) for r in grid]
Are you sure that you a running the same script that you've given us here?
I say this because I can copy and paste your example verbatim and it works with absolutely no issue.
Once you've checked, could you post which version of Python, SymPy, NumPy and Matplotlib you're using please?
Edit: I think something got slightly lost in translation when you put up your first minimal working example (MWE). The solution in your MWE was real-valued so it didn't have the same issue as your actual program. However, onto the solution:
Your main issue here is this line
sol1 = [RootFunc(root1, m, c0, help, .5) for help in grid]
RootFunc in this case returns a sympy.core.add.Add which pylab has no concept of and therefore can't plot. In your MWE you recognised that this was the issue and tried calling N() and real() on the return value. Unfortunately this just wraps the sympy.core.add.Add object in a NumPy array. When Pylab tries to plot this array it finds a sympy.core.add.Add object which it has no concept of and therefore just throws an error.
Fortunately SymPy allows you to turn a sympy.core.add.Add object into a number using int(), float() or complex(). Since your roots are complex you should use complex() on the return value and then to get the real component use .real.
So to get it too work you should just change the above line to
sol1 = [complex(RootFunc(root1, m, c0, help, .5)).real for help in grid]
Edit2: Just a quick point about style. You're using a lot of wildcard imports in your code (e.g. from numpy import *), which is fine if you're the only person using the code, it does make it neater after all.
However, if you're going to be posting on a forum like this please could you try to use qualified imports (like you've done for pylab) so that we don't have to go trudging through the documentation for all the modules you've used to try and figure out what you're doing.
One other thing: when you encounter a problem like this it really helps to execute it line by line in the python shell and examine the types (with type()) and values (with print() or repr()) of your variables. For this purpose I would strongly urge you to learn how to use IPython as it can really help.
You might be breaking some things with your imports. Can you try this:
import sympy as sy
import numpy as np
import pylab as lab
def RootFunc(root, A, B):
return root.subs([(a,A),(b,B)])
# Define necessary symbols
x = sy.symbols('x')
a, b = sy.symbols('a b')
# Solve equation
eq = x**4 + a*x**2 + b*x
sol = sy.solve(eq,x)
root1 = sol[1] # first element is trivial solution, so take second one
grid = np.linspace(1,10,10)
sol1 = [np.real(sy.N(RootFunc(root1, 1, x))) for x in grid]
