Faster rendering by using blitting is not working in Matplotlib - python

Hello fellow developers,
I am working on a project where I have to plot real time data coming from the sensors. I have created a naive generator that gives data points to plot. I was referencing the code from the documentation but it doesn't draw anything, even though the program is reading all the data points from the file. I have include screenshots of the outputs.
The first value in the tuple is the x value and the second value is the list of y value. I am plotting only the 1 value from the y value's list.
The graph opens but the plot is not drawn.
What could be the possible issue with the code?
from getData import GetData
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
# matplotlib.use('MacOSX')
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
def getNextPoint(getDataObj):
dataPoint = getDataObj.__next__()
if dataPoint != None:
x,y = dataPoint
return x,y
return getNextPoint(getDataObj)
def run(niter=1000):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
getDataObj = GetData()
x, y = getNextPoint(getDataObj)
points = ax.plot(x, y[0], animated=True)[0]
background = fig.canvas.copy_from_bbox(fig.bbox)
for ii in range(niter):
# restore background
# update the xy data
x, y = getNextPoint(getDataObj)
points.set_data(x, y[0])
# redraw just the points
# fill in the axes rectangle
if __name__ == '__main__':


How to add a constant line at (0,0) and two variance/tolerance line to a scatter plot

I have a data similar to sample data below in Power BI
import numpy as np
x = np.arrange(0,100)
y = np.random.randint(0,100,100)
I want to create a scatter plot using the python visual in Power BI and then insert a constant line running from (0,0) and a variance/tolerance line on each axis as shown in the output below: How can I create this visual?
Also is there a way to create a tolerance button that I can use in making the two tolerance lines dynamic? That is if I change to "20" the lines will be drawn from 20 on Y axis and 20 on X axis instead of from 10.
usually that would require a very lengthy program, but since i already had something doing similar functionality, i am just putting it here for people to learn from.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.widgets import Slider
# define X and y
x = np.arange(0,100)
y = np.random.randint(0,100,100)
fig = plt.figure(dpi=100,figsize=(8,8))
ax = fig.subplots(1)
p0 = ax.scatter(x,y) # points
p1 = ax.plot([0,100],[0,100],'--',color="grey") # middle line
p2, = ax.plot([0,90],[10,100],'--',color="black") # upper line
p3, = ax.plot([10,100],[0,90],'--',color="black") # lower line
plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.25) # reserve the bottom 25% of plot for slider.
ax_slider = plt.axes([0.3,0.1,0.55,0.03]) # make axes for slider
# make slider
win_len = Slider(ax_slider,'Tolerance',valmin=10,valmax=20,valinit=10,valstep=2)
def update(val): # function called whenever slider is updated
current_v = int(win_len.val)
win_len.on_changed(update) # register slider update function # show the window
the result is close to what you are expecting.
see result here
for credit the code was originally adopted from this youtube video , but it is not related to this question.

Change point color in python plot animation

I have a list of points, lets say as (x,y) pairs. I am trying to animate a plot so that each frame of the animation, a new point show up on the plot in a different color. Specifically on the 0th frame, the 0th point appears, on the the 1st frame, the 1st point appears, and so on. I would also like to have these points appear in a new color, specifically like a linear progression through a color palette as the points progress, so that you can "follow" the points by their color. This is similar to, and how I got as far as I am now: How can i make points of a python plot appear over time?. The first animation in the link is spot on, except without the points changing colors.
I am using matplotlib, matplotlib.pyplot, and FuncAnimation from matplotlib.animation
What I have already:
def plot_points_over_time(list_of_points):
num_points = len(list_of_points)
fig = plt.figure()
x, y = zip(*list_of_points)
colors = [ for each in np.linspace(0,1,num_points)]
graph, = plt.plot([],[],'o')
def animate(i):
return graph
ani = FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames = num_points, repeat = False, interval = 60000/num_points)
I can change the color of all of the points together on each frame by including the line graph.set_color(colors[i]) in the animate function, but not each point individually.
Figured it out with some digging and trial and error:
def plot_points_over_time(list_of_points):
num_points = len(list_of_points)
fig = plt.figure()
x, y = zip(*list_of_points)
colors = [ for each in np.linspace(0,1,num_points)]
scat, = plt.plot([],[])
def animate(i):
scat.set_offsets(np.c_[x[:i+1], y[:i+1]])
return scat,
ani = FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames = num_points, repeat = False, interval = 60000/num_points)

Matplotlib: animate plot_surface using ArtistAnimation [duplicate]

I am looking to create an animation in a surface plot. The animation has fixed x and y data (1 to 64 in each dimension), and reads through an np array for the z information. An outline of the code is like so:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
def update_plot(frame_number, zarray, plot):
plot = ax.plot_surface(x, y, zarray[:,:,frame_number], color='0.75')
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
N = 64
x = np.arange(N+1)
y = np.arange(N+1)
x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
zarray = np.zeros((N+1, N+1, nmax+1))
for i in range(nmax):
#Generate the data in array z
#store data into zarray
#zarray[:,:,i] = np.copy(z)
plot = ax.plot_surface(x, y, zarray[:,:,0], color='0.75')
animate = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update_plot, 25, fargs=(zarray, plot))
So the code generates the z data and updates the plot in FuncAnimation. This is very slow however, I suspect it is due to the plot being redrawn every loop.
I tried the function
but it comes up with an error
AttributeError: 'Axes3DSubplot' object has no attribute 'set_3d_properties'
How can I update the data in only the z direction without redrawing the whole plot? (Or otherwise increase the framerate of the graphing procedure)
There is a lot going on under the surface when calling plot_surface. You would need to replicate all of it when trying to set new data to the Poly3DCollection.
This might actually be possible and there might also be a way to do that slightly more efficient than the matplotlib code does it. The idea would then be to calculate all the vertices from the gridpoints and directly supply them to Poly3DCollection._vec.
However, the speed of the animation is mainly determined by the time it takes to perform the 3D->2D projection and the time to draw the actual plot. Hence the above will not help much, when it comes to drawing speed.
At the end, you might simply stick to the current way of animating the surface, which is to remove the previous plot and plot a new one. Using less points on the surface will significantly increase speed though.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib.animation as animation
def update_plot(frame_number, zarray, plot):
plot[0] = ax.plot_surface(x, y, zarray[:,:,frame_number], cmap="magma")
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
N = 14
x = np.linspace(-4,4,N+1)
x, y = np.meshgrid(x, x)
zarray = np.zeros((N+1, N+1, nmax))
f = lambda x,y,sig : 1/np.sqrt(sig)*np.exp(-(x**2+y**2)/sig**2)
for i in range(nmax):
zarray[:,:,i] = f(x,y,1.5+np.sin(i*2*np.pi/nmax))
plot = [ax.plot_surface(x, y, zarray[:,:,0], color='0.75', rstride=1, cstride=1)]
animate = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update_plot, nmax, fargs=(zarray, plot))
Note that the speed of the animation itself is determined by the interval argument to FuncAnimation. In the above it is not specified and hence the default of 200 milliseconds. Depending on the data, you can still decrease this value before running into issues of lagging frames, e.g. try 40 milliseconds and adapt it depending on your needs.
animate = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update_plot, ..., interval=40, ...)
set_3d_properties() is a function of the Poly3DCollection class, not the Axes3DSubplot.
You should run
as you have it commented in your update function BTW, instead of
I don't know if that will solve your problem though, but I'm not sure since the function set_3d_properties has no documentation attached. I wonder if you'd be better off trying plot.set_verts() instead.

How to slice list from matplotlib ginput

I have a list of values in Python, which I'm plotting with matplotlib. I'm then trying to use ginput in matplotlib to click two points on the graph, from which the X coordinates will be taken, between which to slice my original list. However, I can't seem to find a way to do this.
I already have a list of numbers called MIList, and the following code isn't working for me:
startinput = plt.ginput(2)
print("clicked", startinput)
startinputxvalues = [x[0] for x in startinput]
x1 = startinputxvalues[0]
x2 = startinputxvalues[1]
slicedMIList = [MIList[int(x1):int(x2)]]
This gives me an array, but it doesn't plot these values on my graph - does anyone have any input as to what I'm doing wrong?
The main point is that you need to redraw the canvas, once changes have been made to it. So in order for the new plot to become visible you can call
Here is a complete working code:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
X = np.arange(10)
Y = np.sin(X)
plt.plot(X, Y)
startinput = plt.ginput(2)
x, y = zip(*startinput)
Ysliced = Y[int(x[0]):int(x[1])+1]
Xsliced = X[int(x[0]):int(x[1])+1]
plt.plot(Xsliced, Ysliced, color="C3", linewidth=3)
#draw the canvas, such that the new plot becomes visible

Matplotlib animate fill_between shape

I am trying to animate a fill_between shape inside matplotlib and I don't know how to update the data of the PolyCollection. Take this simple example: I have two lines and I am always filling between them. Of course, the lines change and are animated.
Here is a dummy example:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Init plot:
f_dummy = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(6, 6));
axes_dummy = f_dummy.add_subplot(111);
# Plotting:
line1, = axes_dummy.plot(X, line1_data, color = 'k', linestyle = '--', linewidth=2.0, animated=True);
line2, = axes_dummy.plot(X, line2_data, color = 'Grey', linestyle = '--', linewidth=2.0, animated=True);
fill_lines = axes_dummy.fill_between(X, line1_data, line2_data, color = '0.2', alpha = 0.5, animated=True);;
dummy_background = f_dummy.canvas.copy_from_bbox(axes_dummy.bbox);
# [...]
# Update plot data:
def update_data():
line1_data = # Do something with data
line2_data = # Do something with data
f_dummy.canvas.restore_region( dummy_background );
# Update fill data too
# Draw fill too
f_dummy.canvas.blit( axes_dummy.bbox );
The question is how to update the fill_between Poly data based on line1_data and line2_data each time update_data() is called and draw them before blit ("# Update fill data too" & "# Draw fill too"). I tried fill_lines.set_verts() without success and could not find an example.
Ok, as someone pointed out, we are dealing with a collection here, so we will have to delete and redraw. So somewhere in the update_data function, delete all collections associated with it:
and draw the new "fill_between" PolyCollection:
axes_dummy.fill_between(x, y-sigma, y+sigma, facecolor='yellow', alpha=0.5)
A similar trick is required to overlay an unfilled contour plot on top of a filled one, since an unfilled contour plot is a Collection as well (of lines I suppose?).
this is not my answer, but I found it most useful:
Hi Mauricio,
Patch objects are a bit more difficult to work with than line objects, because unlike line objects are a step removed from the input data supplied by the user. There is an example similar to what you want to do here:
Basically, you need to modify the vertices of the path at each frame. It might look something like this:
from matplotlib import animation
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
x = np.linspace(6000.,7000., 5)
y = np.ones_like(x)
collection = plt.fill_between(x, y)
def animate(i):
path = collection.get_paths()[0]
path.vertices[:, 1] *= 0.9
animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate,
frames=25, interval=30)
Take a look at path.vertices to see how they're laid out.
Hope that helps,
If you don't want to use anitmation, or to remove everything from your figure to update only filling, you could use this way :
call fill_lines.remove() and then call again axes_dummy.fill_between() to draw new ones. It worked in my case.
initialize pyplot interactive mode
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
use the optional label argument when plotting the fill:
plt.pause(0.001) # refresh the animation
later in our script we can select by label to delete that specific fill or a list of fills, thus animating on a object by object basis.
axis = plt.gca()
fills = ["cone", "sideways", "market"]
for collection in axis.collections:
if str(collection.get_label()) in fills:
del collection
you can use the same label for groups of objects you would like to delete; or otherwise encode the labels with tags as needed to suit needs
for example if we had fills labelled:
"cone1" "cone2" "sideways1"
if "cone" in str(collection.get_label()):
would sort to delete both those prefixed with "cone".
You can also animate lines in the same manner
for line in axis.lines:
another idiom which will work is too keep a list of your plotted objects; this method seems to work with any type of plotted object.
# plot interactive mode on
# create a dict to store "fills"
# perhaps some other subclass of plots
# "yellow lines" etc.
plots = {"fills":[]}
# begin the animation
while 1:
# cycle through previously plotted objects
# attempt to kill them; else remember they exist
fills = []
for fill in plots["fills"]:
# remove and destroy reference
del fill
# and if not try again next time
plots["fills"] = fills
# transformation of data for next frame
x, y1, y2 = your_function(x, y1, y2)
# fill between plot is appended to stored fills list
# frame rate
In contrast to what most answers here stated, it is not necessary to remove and redraw a PolyCollection returned by fill_between each time you want to update its data. Instead, you can modify the vertices and codes attribute of the underlying Path object. Let's assume you've created a PolyCollection via
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#dummy data
x = np.arange(10)
y0 = x-1
y1 = x+1
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot()
p = ax.fill_between(x,y0,y1)
and now you want to update p with new data xnew, y0new and y1new. Then what you could do is
v_x = np.hstack([xnew[0],xnew,xnew[-1],xnew[::-1],xnew[0]])
v_y = np.hstack([y1new[0],y0new,y0new[-1],y1new[::-1],y1new[0]])
vertices = np.vstack([v_x,v_y]).T
codes = np.array([1]+(2*len(xnew)+1)*[2]+[79]).astype('uint8')
path = p.get_paths()[0]
path.vertices = vertices = codes
Explanation: path.vertices contains the vertices of the patch drawn by fill_between including additional start and end positions, contains instructions on how to use them (1=MOVE POINTER TO, 2=DRAW LINE TO, 79=CLOSE POLY).
